Cleverclover 1,526 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 I started warming up to Applejack around season 2, after she irritated me throughout the first half of season 1. The episode that really helped her to become my favorite pony was MMMystery on the Friendship Express. Applejack ends up being the only one of the mane six who is neither involved in the investigation, nor one of the culprits. However, when watching the episode for the first time, I was really scared that she would be one of the culprits, which would have utterly killed the notion I had that she was the most trustworthy of the mane six. I was relieved when that didn't happen. Applejack has since become my favorite pony by a country mile. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tilgoreth 1,915 December 14, 2016 Author Share December 14, 2016 A Friend In Deed for Pinkie Pie. It's what I expect from her as a whole, which may have something to do with me being more disappointed with her as of late.Was that the episode with Cranky?I actually really liked Fluttershy from the get go. She left a pretty good impression in the first episode. She was always my favorite, but I guess it was Keep Calm and Flutter On or Filli Vanilli that really made me appreciate her more.I was mixed on Fluttershy. I liked her at first. But then I sort of became disinterested in her.Ffuttershy was my absolute favorite, until Magical Mystery Cure. Twilight becoming a princess really made me think about her character more and it made me appreciate her a lot. It started from there and it was a snowball affect after that. Now she is my favorite of the mane 6. While I related more to Flutters before, I mostly related to her through my flaws. Twilight is a character I can connect with on a more positive level.The only character I felt a similar way was Spike. Unlike the other characters where it took me time to develop opinions about them I liked Spike almost instantly. I think it was the fourth episode of season one. Near the end Spike walks in and is like eating Pinkie Pie worm muffins. I don't know why but I instantly sympathized with him. And sort of had a bitter dislike for the other characters. It was one of those oh you silly little fool moments. I hate that. Spike is the comic relic character. Usually the type of character writers like to be mean to or do stupid things with only because they can. Even though most of the time they don't deserve it. I guess like Spike I've had moments where if screws up and felt horrible afterwards. He's probably the only character I can say where I enjoyed all of his episodes and every time he appeared.Fluttershy was my favorite when I first started watching.. but seeing Twilight and her personality and how i could connect to and relate to her so well, allowed her to surpass Flutters. I still adore Fluttershy though despite fancying Twilight more.Yeah the r both pretty great.Sure, he does have a humourous charm but he also has an attitude that many have detested.Well He was pretty abusive of his parents. I started warming up to Applejack around season 2, after she irritated me throughout the first half of season 1. The episode that really helped her to become my favorite pony was MMMystery on the Friendship Express. Applejack ends up being the only one of the mane six who is neither involved in the investigation, nor one of the culprits. However, when watching the episode for the first time, I was really scared that she would be one of the culprits, which would have utterly killed the notion I had that she was the most trustworthy of the mane six. I was relieved when that didn't happen. Applejack has since become my favorite pony by a country mile. I think the episode where I really started liking her was The Mane Attraction. 1 Signature made by Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blueberry Paint 17 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 Well, to be honest, I've always liked Rainbow Dash ever since the first episode I've ever watched (Rarity Takes Manehattan). So... yeah. Although, if you want to know which episode made me like Rainbow Dash even more, it would probably be Sonic Rainboom or Rainbow Falls. In Sonic Rainboom, I kinda felt bad for Rainbow because it showed that with Rarity stealing the spotlight, Rainbow was scared that she wouldn't be as good. In Rainbow Falls, it showed how Rainbow Dash had a chance to have everything- She was going to be a Wonderbolt, everypony would see how great she was, etc.- but instead she decided to be loyal to her team, even though Team Ponyville wasn't really that good (Sorry to any Fluttershy or Bulk Biceps fans). So, those are the episodes that made me like her even more. 1 This signature was made by Eazyfries: My request shop: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,385 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 Well He was pretty abusive of his parents. Don't forget how he annoyed both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash with his attitude, and the same can be applied to Rarity, Twilight, and Spike. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,785 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 (edited) Sonic Rainboom(cliched I know) was around the time I started liking Dash more, but the double whammy of Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolts Academy(AKA two of the best episodes in the entire show) solidified her position as my favorite. Of course, Newbie Dash and 28 Pranks Later really felt like the writers trying to undo all that, unfortunately for them I saw right through their bullshit Edited December 14, 2016 by Reinbow Dash 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tilgoreth 1,915 December 14, 2016 Author Share December 14, 2016 Well, to be honest, I've always liked Rainbow Dash ever since the first episode I've ever watched (Rarity Takes Manehattan). So... yeah. Although, if you want to know which episode made me like Rainbow Dash even more, it would probably be Sonic Rainboom or Rainbow Falls. In Sonic Rainboom, I kinda felt bad for Rainbow because it showed that with Rarity stealing the spotlight, Rainbow was scared that she wouldn't be as good. In Rainbow Falls, it showed how Rainbow Dash had a chance to have everything- She was going to be a Wonderbolt, everypony would see how great she was, etc.- but instead she decided to be loyal to her team, even though Team Ponyville wasn't really that good (Sorry to any Fluttershy or Bulk Biceps fans). So, those are the episodes that made me like her even more.Yeah one of the reasons I like Rainbow Dash is that she still has insecurities. Like in Testing Testing 1,2,3 she has learning difficulties which she just though made her stupid. But it was just that she learned differently than other people. That was actually probably my favorite Rainbow Dash episode.Don't forget how he annoyed both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash with his attitude, and the same can be applied to Rarity, Twilight, and Spike.Actually by the end I really liked him. And apart of the reason is because I can relate. I've had trouble starting things to and have avoided doing things because I was afraid I would fail. Sonic Rainboom(cliched I know) was around the time I started liking Dash more, but the double whammy of Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolts Academy(AKA two of the best episodes in the entire show) solidified her position as my favorite. Of course, Newbie Dash and 28 Pranks Later really felt like the writers trying to undo all that, unfortunately for them I saw right through their bullshit I think Newbie Dash made sense for Rainbow. But 28 pranks later just spat in all of the development she had up until that point. Especially when Griffon The Bursh Off did it so much better. Pinkie Pie in that episode said not to prank Fluttershy because she was sensitive. And Rainbow pranks Fluttershy in 28 pranks later. Rainbow Dash only escalated her pranks because Applejack and the rest egged her on. Oh yeah Applejack. Remember how she was the only one patient enough to deal with Fluttershy in that Dragon episode(sorry I forgot the name)? Apparently Fluttershy is to easy to prank now. It's not because she was sensitive to that stuff. Whoever wrote that episode is a complete bumbling idiot. And I stand by that. 2 Signature made by Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,385 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 Actually by the end I really liked him. And apart of the reason is because I can relate. I've had trouble starting things to and have avoided doing things because I was afraid I would fail. I have no problem with Zephyr finding his true calling and succeeding at something, but the journey to get there wasn't a good one since his attitude and behaviour rubbed me the wrong way. Granted, others are much more cruel towards him compared to me. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,785 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 (edited) I think Newbie Dash made sense for Rainbow. But 28 pranks later just spat in all of the development she had up until that point. Especially when Griffon The Bursh Off did it so much better. Pinkie Pie in that episode said not to prank Fluttershy because she was sensitive. And Rainbow pranks Fluttershy in 28 pranks later. Rainbow Dash only escalated her pranks because Applejack and the rest egged her on. Oh yeah Applejack. Remember how she was the only one patient enough to deal with Fluttershy in that Dragon episode(sorry I forgot the name)? Apparently Fluttershy is to easy to prank now. It's not because she was sensitive to that stuff. Whoever wrote that episode is a complete bumbling idiot. And I stand by that. Newbie Dash completely ignores everything Rainbow Dash has done up to that point just to make the fucking conflict work(and it doesn't) and spends the entire 22 minute run humiliating Dash on the episode that caps off her arc, I even remember the 3 biggest offenders Strike one - Her plan to "look cool for the Wonderbolt" includes an incredibly reckless stunt that would've her gotten her kicked out - Goes against everything she learned in Wonderbolts Academy. Strike 2 - Rainbow Dash suddenly doesn't know she's supposed to cross the road(because suddenly the writers decide now to make this a problem), and she isn't aware of her surroundings - Goes against everything we know about TT123. Strike 3 - Suddenly she doesn't know how to work with a team, has issues flying with the Bolts, suddenly cares more about herself than them - Goes against everything we know in Wonderbolts Academy and Rarity Investigates. There's also the fact that 28 Pranks Later when it was announced sounded scarily similar to The Mysterious Mare Do Well, but when it aired, instead of addressing that episodes problems, they managed to shit out something even worse. It like the writers were like: "Hey this sounds eerily similar to that episode everyone and their mothers hated, how can we fix that?" "LETZ AD ZOMBEEZ!!!1!" "GIVE THAT MAN A RAISE!" Both episodes were extreme cases where the writers flat out should have known better, but either they were too stupid or blatantly didn't give a fuck, and considering the circumstances surrounding these two episodes, I'm leaning to believing the latter Fuck just the existence of these episodes convinced me that she pissed someone off over there and the writers wanted to deliberately shit on her Edited December 14, 2016 by Reinbow Dash 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tilgoreth 1,915 December 14, 2016 Author Share December 14, 2016 I have no problem with Zephyr finding his true calling and succeeding at something, but the journey to get there wasn't a good one since his attitude and behaviour rubbed me the wrong way. Granted, others are much more cruel towards him compared to me.I just thought he was funny. And like I said I could relate to him. Newbie Dash completely ignores everything Rainbow Dash has done up to that point just to make the fucking conflict work(and it doesn't) and spends the entire 22 minute run humiliating Dash on the episode that caps off her arc, I even remember the 3 biggest offenders There's also the fact that 28 Pranks Later when it was announced sounded scarily similar to The Mysterious Mare Do Well, but when it aired, instead of addressing that episodes problems, they managed to shit out something even worse. It like the writers were like: "Hey this sounds eerily similar to that episode everyone and their mothers hated, how can we fix that?" "LETZ AD ZOMBEEZ!!!1!" "GIVE THAT MAN A RAISE!" Both episodes were extreme cases where the writers flat out should have known better, but either they were too stupid or blatantly didn't give a fuck, and considering the circumstances surrounding these two episodes, I'm leaning to believing the latter Fuck just the existence of these episodes convinced me that she pissed someone off over there and the writers wanted to deliberately shit on her In Newbie Dash Rainbow screwed up on the first day. Ignoring the first rule. So yeah of crseourse somebody was going to make fun of her. Also the conflict comes from Rainbow Dash herself. I forgot who gave her the nickname but nobody there knew that Rainbow was teased as a filly with that name. Also Rainbow Dash has been shown to be insecure and prideful before. In Test in Testing 1, 2, 3 the entire point of the episode was that Rainbow had a learning difficulty. Which just made her think she was stupid. The problem was that she learns differently than other people. So Rainbow trying to pretend to be her friends because she thinks the Wonderbolts don't like her makes sense. Also the conclusion was great. You never really said why you didn't like 28 Prnaks Later. I didn't like it because it was out of character for Rainbow Dash at that point. And like I said Griffon The Brush Off did it much better. Signature made by Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,785 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 I just thought he was funny. And like I said I could relate to him. In Newbie Dash Rainbow screwed up on the first day. Ignoring the first rule. So yeah of crseourse somebody was going to make fun of her. Also the conflict comes from Rainbow Dash herself. I forgot who gave her the nickname but nobody there knew that Rainbow was teased as a filly with that name. Also Rainbow Dash has been shown to be insecure and prideful before. In Test in Testing 1, 2, 3 the entire point of the episode was that Rainbow had a learning difficulty. Which just made her think she was stupid. The problem was that she learns differently than other people. So Rainbow trying to pretend to be her friends because she thinks the Wonderbolts don't like her makes sense. Also the conclusion was great. You never really said why you didn't like 28 Prnaks Later. I didn't like it because it was out of character for Rainbow Dash at that point. And like I said Griffon The Brush Off did it much better. I hate both episodes for completely ignoring everything the character has done in the past for the sake of their plots, which I brought up in my earlier post. Newbie Dash in particular were things she forgot over mistakes in ND that were completely asinine, I brought up the whole "look both ways" because suddenly she isn't aware of her surroundings, which was a key point to what eventually turned out to be a learning method in Testing Testing 123, As for being insecure/prideful, insecurity was brought up in Sonic Rainboom, yet it was never an issue working with the Wonderbolts, both in WBA and Rarity Investigates. And like I said with 28 Pranks Later, I hate it because it ignores everything she did up to that point because the writers wanted to do that fucking zombie crap 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 December 14, 2016 Share December 14, 2016 I would have to say bats and nightmare returns 1 for Flutterbat and Luna 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 Oh that's a toughy. I'll just say Pinkie for now and the episode that really won me over to her was actually "It's About Time." Now of course I had liked her up to before that but that episode really struck me with her character as being quite admirable on top of having the optimism I had always identified with her. While Spike indulges in his ice cream, not paying any attention to the consequences and Twilight is paralyzed at everything that only might happen, Pinkie is a foil to both of them by striking the balance. She acknowledges that the chips fall where they may, admitting her Pinkie sense doesn't make her a prophet, but she also takes precautions. Silly ones it would seem out of context, but she ends up proven right. "I keep X stashed all over Ponyville. In case of X emergencies." It made her seem like she had a very functional worldview that allowed her to relax in the moment and still have a handle on situations when and if they turned sour. It also spun a stereotype on its head, that optimists and idealists assume everything will be all right and flounder when things go wrong because they couldn't conceive of a random or bad universe/outcome. Pinkie's the eternal optimist precisely because she takes precautions to mitigate bad outcomes and uncontrolled systems, plus her natural cheery demeanor. All in all the episode painted a good picture of her. 1 My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tilgoreth 1,915 December 15, 2016 Author Share December 15, 2016 The season 5 finale for Starlight since I missed out on everything from season 5 all the way back to season 3. I watched everything with the villains in those seasons, and I was impressed. Yeah that was a very good episode.I hate both episodes for completely ignoring everything the character has done in the past for the sake of their plots, which I brought up in my earlier post. Newbie Dash in particular were things she forgot over mistakes in ND that were completely asinine, I brought up the whole "look both ways" because suddenly she isn't aware of her surroundings, which was a key point to what eventually turned out to be a learning method in Testing Testing 123, As for being insecure/prideful, insecurity was brought up in Sonic Rainboom, yet it was never an issue working with the Wonderbolts, both in WBA and Rarity Investigates. And like I said with 28 Pranks Later, I hate it because it ignores everything she did up to that point because the writers wanted to do that fucking zombie crapOk whatever I guess I just though Newbie Dash was funny. I don't care you win. I don't want to argue.I would have to say bats and nightmare returns 1 for Flutterbat and LunaYeah those where both good. Oh that's a toughy. I'll just say Pinkie for now and the episode that really won me over to her was actually "It's About Time." Now of course I had liked her up to before that but that episode really struck me with her character as being quite admirable on top of having the optimism I had always identified with her. While Spike indulges in his ice cream, not paying any attention to the consequences and Twilight is paralyzed at everything that only might happen, Pinkie is a foil to both of them by striking the balance. She acknowledges that the chips fall where they may, admitting her Pinkie sense doesn't make her a prophet, but she also takes precautions. Silly ones it would seem out of context, but she ends up proven right. "I keep X stashed all over Ponyville. In case of X emergencies." It made her seem like she had a very functional worldview that allowed her to relax in the moment and still have a handle on situations when and if they turned sour. It also spun a stereotype on its head, that optimists and idealists assume everything will be all right and flounder when things go wrong because they couldn't conceive of a random or bad universe/outcome. Pinkie's the eternal optimist precisely because she takes precautions to mitigate bad outcomes and uncontrolled systems, plus her natural cheery demeanor. All in all the episode painted a good picture of her. Yeah definitely a good Monet for Pinkie. 2 Signature made by Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 Well after Applejacks Day Off I'm sort of back to not liking Rarity. I don't hate her but it's hard for me to like her more based off of how she acted in that episode. She was just to selfish to be likable in that episode. She probably planned this spa outing a while in advance, and just wanted to enjoy spending some time with her friend. Then Applejack had to go and fix the pipes and such, wasting time. Can't blame her. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tilgoreth 1,915 December 15, 2016 Author Share December 15, 2016 She probably planned this spa outing a while in advance, and just wanted to enjoy spending some time with her friend. Then Applejack had to go and fix the pipes and such, wasting time. Can't blame her.Here's how I see it.Rarity: Applejack! WhY can't you stop working! Applejack:Sorry Rarity but this is my job. I'm a farmer. Rarity: Applejack! The spa! Applejack: Sorry but I have a lot of work. Rarity:The spa! Applejack the spa!, Applejack:Well I guess I can take an hour. I'm sorry Rarity not everyone gets the luxury of going to the spa on a whim. Also it was her job! The job she does to pay the bills! The job that only she and Big Mac can really do! I'm sorry Rarity that you think Applejack is selfish for doing the job that provides for her family! Not to mention that they made Applejack a complete idiot in that episode. The payoff wasn't even funny. The only amusing scene where the ones with Rainbow Dash. Signature made by Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 Here's how I see it. Rarity: Applejack! WhY can't you stop working! Applejack:Sorry Rarity but this is my job. I'm a farmer. Rarity: Applejack! The spa! Applejack: Sorry but I have a lot of work. Rarity:The spa! Applejack the spa!, Applejack:Well I guess I can take an hour. I'm sorry Rarity not everyone gets the luxury of going to the spa on a whim. Also it was her job! The job she does to pay the bills! The job that only she and Big Mac can really do! I'm sorry Rarity that you think Applejack is selfish for doing the job that provides for her family! Not to mention that they made Applejack a complete idiot in that episode. The payoff wasn't even funny. The only amusing scene where the ones with Rainbow Dash. Oh, that. Thought you were referring to when they were actually at the spa. I still don't necessarily think that Applejack was an "idiot" in that episode, although her stubborn insistence on fixing everything was irritating. The Rainbow Dash scenes were actually my least favourite, but that's not saying much, given how intolerably boring that episode was. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlighty 984 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 I think mine would when Pinkie has the pinkie sense and she keeps throwing Twilight into things (not purposely) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,785 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 (edited) Oh, that. Thought you were referring to when they were actually at the spa. I still don't necessarily think that Applejack was an "idiot" in that episode, although her stubborn insistence on fixing everything was irritating. The Rainbow Dash scenes were actually my least favourite, but that's not saying much, given how intolerably boring that episode was. Giving credit where it's due, at the very least I felt the Rainbow Dash scenes were the only thing giving that episode any life Edited December 15, 2016 by Reinbow Dash 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 Giving credit where it's due, at the very least I felt the Rainbow Dash scenes were the only thing giving that episode any life Yeah, they annoyed me, which was the only part of the episode which inspired any emotion in me once I realized it wasn't really going anywhere. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nerdy Luigi 2,065 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 (edited) Twilight has been my favorite probably since I first watched "Lesson Zero." I felt like I kind of related with Twilight when she was going absolutely nuts, though after the Pilot she already became my 2nd favorite. But I couldn't decide between her and Moon Dancer after Moon Dancer early on in "Amending Fences" was a lot like I am now. Ironically, Rainbow Dash was my favorite pony before I really got into MLP, probably because of memes. But now she's basically at the bottom of the mane six for me, because I feel like she lacks character compared to the other five. Though she's still hovering around 15th or so for Favorite Pony ("Stranger than Fanfiction" got me to move her higher up). I also really liked Derpy, of course until I started to enjoy her appearances less and less. Edited December 15, 2016 by TwillyFSniper 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidral Mundet 1,666 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 Rainbow Rocks made me love Sunset Shimmer, but Friendship Games cemented her as my favorite character in the franchise. First time I really notice Fluttershy was in Magic Duel (An episode I dislike but thank to more recent episodes is not that hated by me anymore) but Keep Calm and Flutter On made me see her potential and I'm glad the writers are moving more in this direction. Originally, Fluttershy was my favourite character because how I was as shy as she was. The episode that made me appreciate her was during season three, "Keep Calm and Flutter On". Sure, it may not be the best and it did start the reformation trend that the show is now known for, but I feel Fluttershy was able to connect with Discord in a way that no one else ever could. She has since become my second favourite with Sunset becoming my favourite. This has to do with Rainbow Rocks portraying Sunset as struggling to find a place in a world that was now rejecting her after the horrible things she did in the name of power. I can relate to her personal struggles because I've been in a similar situation many times in the past. Well I guess I don't need to post this then 2 Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tilgoreth 1,915 December 15, 2016 Author Share December 15, 2016 as itquote name="AlexanderThrond" post="4766261" timestamp="1481780876"]Oh, that. Thought you were referring to when they were actually at the spa. I still don't necessarily think that Applejack was an "idiot" in that episode, although her stubborn insistence on fixing everything was irritating. The Rainbow Dash scenes were actually my least favourite, but that's not saying much, given how intolerably boring that episode was. Maybe but why wouldn't Apple Bloom or Big Mac say something. If Apple Bloom saw Applejack doing the chicken dance I'm pretty sure she would have burst out laughing. Then Applejack would have realized She was being an idiot. Also I just though the Rainbow Dash scenes where cute. I guess it don't make sense because at that point Rainbow Dash probably wouldn't care if her friend knew she went to the spa. Though to be honest a lot f my dislike for episode comes from the Applejack and Rarity pairing. And that's mostly because the writers don't really know how to use it. The thing though is that they should pair well each other. But there interactions are either boring or infuriating. Both of them are hard workers with integrity. There not willing to sell a product that doesn't meet high standards. There both determined and stubborn. But are there for there friends and family when they need help. So the pairing should work. It doesn't though. The sad thing is that it's more the fault of the writing than of the characters themselves. What's funny is that they both have much more chemistry with the same character Pinkie Pie. The Applejack and Pinkie Pie episodes and the Rarity and Pinkie Pie episodes where great. Pinkie Pie pairs well with both of them. And those where some my favorite episodes for all three characters. Unfortunately we've only had two episodes with Pinkie Pie and Applejack/Rarity. Some of my favorite pairings are the ones that are used least often. But I guess the writers have to stick to there defaults. Hopefully they'll improve the Rarity and Applejack combination though. I think mine would when Pinkie has the pinkie sense and she keeps throwing Twilight into things (not purposely) Yeah that episode was pretty funny.Giving credit where it's due, at the very least I felt the Rainbow Dash scenes were the only thing giving that episode any lifeYeah I thought those were pretty funny.Yeah, they annoyed me, which was the only part of the episode which inspired any emotion in me once I realized it wasn't really going anywhere.Why didn't you like those scene? Twilight has been my favorite probably since I first watched "Lesson Zero." I felt like I kind of related with Twilight when she was going absolutely nuts, though after the Pilot she already became my 2nd favorite. But I couldn't decide between her and Moon Dancer after Moon Dancer early on in "Amending Fences" was a lot like I am now. Ironically, Rainbow Dash was my favorite pony before I really got into MLP, probably because of memes. But now she's basically at the bottom of the mane six for me, because I feel like she lacks character compared to the other five. Though she's still hovering around 15th or so for Favorite Pony ("Stranger than Fanfiction" got me to move her higher up). I also really liked Derpy, of course until I started to enjoy her appearances less and less. Twilight might be lower on my list. Mostly cause I like Spike, Starlight, and Discord more. Rainbow Rocks made me love Sunset Shimmer, but Friendship Games cemented her as my favorite character in the franchise. First time I really notice Fluttershy was in Magic Duel (An episode I dislike but thank to more recent episodes is not that hated by me anymore) but Keep Calm and Flutter On made me see her potential and I'm glad the writers are moving more in this direction. Well I guess I don't need to post this then Sunest Shimmer is the only character with any real development n the EQG series. Signature made by Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,385 December 15, 2016 Share December 15, 2016 Well I guess I don't need to post this then I didn't mean to steal your thunder. :-P 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 Maybe but why wouldn't Apple Bloom or Big Mac say something. If Apple Bloom saw Applejack doing the chicken dance I'm pretty sure she would have burst out laughing. Then Applejack would have realized She was being an idiot. Also I just though the Rainbow Dash scenes where cute. I guess it don't make sense because at that point Rainbow Dash probably wouldn't care if her friend knew she went to the spa. Though to be honest a lot f my dislike for episode comes from the Applejack and Rarity pairing. And that's mostly because the writers don't really know how to use it. The thing though is that they should pair well each other. But there interactions are either boring or infuriating. Both of them are hard workers with integrity. There not willing to sell a product that doesn't meet high standards. There both determined and stubborn. But are there for there friends and family when they need help. So the pairing should work. It doesn't though. The sad thing is that it's more the fault of the writing than of the characters themselves. What's funny is that they both have much more chemistry with the same character Pinkie Pie. The Applejack and Pinkie Pie episodes and the Rarity and Pinkie Pie episodes where great. Pinkie Pie pairs well with both of them. And those where some my favorite episodes for all three characters. Unfortunately we've only had two episodes with Pinkie Pie and Applejack/Rarity. Some of my favorite pairings are the ones that are used least often. But I guess the writers have to stick to there defaults. Hopefully they'll improve the Rarity and Applejack combination though. When Apple Bloom and Big Mac first saw it, they probably did laugh at it, but they also probably first saw it at a time when it was actually necessary. By the time Applejack was told to stop, they'd gotten so used to it that it just didn't register as weird anymore. I think that's a lot of the point; Applejack needed to make the spa more efficient because they had gotten too used to their techniques, and the same is true of the Apple family on the farm. Once you've seen it enough times, it just seems "normal." As for Applejack and Rarity: I think this is one of their better episodes if only because it actually tries to have them enjoy each other's presence, even if it sinks back to aggravatingly placing them at odds with each other. The thing is that they don't have a whole lot to bond over, and they clash with fairly essential parts of each other's personalities. The thing is, Rarity's episodes with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are great, so I don't see that as enough of an excuse. "Sisterhooves Social" works so well because it plays on the family dynamic, which is the #1 thing they have in common, and that idea about their integrity probably could make for a good episode between the two if they're given some villain to react to, which is what their map episode should have been about, but otherwise even that has an inherent conflict between Rarity's ambition and Applejack's complacency. It doesn't blend. As for that shared determination and stubbornness... I think that's a big thing which causes their clash in personalities. They have differing worldviews and struggle to accept the other one, and that's a big reason for the problems with their dynamic. Why didn't you like those scene? After having matured so much over the seasons, it seems absurd and regressive to me to have her deny going to the spa. This, to me, is the worst the season has treated her - why should she need to be so defensive of her image? I always saw maturing past that as a major part of her character arc, so shouldn't she be a bit less obsessed with being "cool" now? I swear that she hadn't cared so much about that in a long while before this. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 (edited) Suited for Success pretty much convinced me Rarity was the most unique and best character on the show and little has deterred me from that since then, she also works well with literally every other member of the cast, AJ and her are similar but different and when it's written well it's my favorite dynamic on the show, same with her and RD though we see it less, their similar but different in a different way than her and AJ are, also a great dynamic. Her and Pinkie are totally different... yet somehow they work, Rarity actually tends to come off as one of the characters who respects and is able to tolerate Pinkie in her weirder moments the most which I find interesting. She's a great supporting friend to Fluttershy like Rainbow is but in a softer and probably more healthy way and uhh... I guess I can't say much about her and Twilight since they've gotten so few scenes together. Sadly on the opposite end you have Rainbow Dash who was consistently great in S1..... and since then has terminally been the most inconsistent character on the show, both in terms of how she's written and her episodes, she's not my LEAST favorite, in fact she's tied for 4th but she's the one other than Twilight (reasons there are completely different though, less with her becoming inconsistent and more with becoming consistently boring) who's actually moved DOWN over the seasons. Really past S1 it's like typically she'll get one really good episode per season... and everything else she'll star in will be meh and feel weird. It's weird because I think in many ways Rarity and Rainbow are the most similar characters on the show, yet one is consistently written well and the other... well isn't.Also in Sonic Rainboom Rarity is literally the only character who notices how nervous Dash is and the only reason the rest of the Main 6 go up to cheer her on is cause she points it out, later yes her shared flawed of egotism gets to her when she's getting lots of attention and praise and she loses sight of why she went there in the first place but you have to realize that she was literally the ONLY ONE who was empathetic enough to realize Rainbow was troubled in the first place at all. Edited December 16, 2016 by M'gann M'orzz 2 RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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