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Interesting Flash facts and Rants on Flash-Hate


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…presumably taught Sunset how to play guitar...

Got this confirmed? 

I am just asking because my headcanon is that Flash got interested in her because of her guitar playing skills (and also that Sunset was not a bully, when they started dating). ._.

Edited by Fluidty
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Got this confirmed? 

I am just asking because my headcanon is that Flash got interested in her because of her guitar playing skills. ._.

When Sunset showed off her excellent guitar playing skills at the end of Rainbow Rocks, the rest of the Rainbooms were surprised. Except for Twilight, who had that smile that says, "I bet I know where she learned that from, considering who her ex-boyfriend is." Not to mention the fact that Flash Sentry was just onstage a few moments and must have reacted with thoughts like, "Well what do you know! Even after our breakup, she's been practicing everything I taught her! So proud of her!"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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When Sunset showed off her excellent guitar playing skills at the end of Rainbow Rocks, the rest of the Rainbooms were surprised. Except for Twilight, who had that smile that says, "I bet I know where she learned that from, considering who her ex-boyfriend is." Not to mention the fact that Flash Sentry was just onstage a few moments and must have reacted with thoughts like, "Well what do you know! Even after our breakup, she's been practicing everything I taught her! So proud of her!"

That does not count as a conformation. 

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Flash Sentry factors directly into actual stories being told in this series. By the time Derpy had any impact on an episode, her fanon personality was already fairly established, because she was an easter egg which the fans ran with. That was something done for fun; by contrast, extrapolating the scarce traits of an interesting character in Flash, unless you're a fanfiction writer, basically comes down to trying to fix something the movies themselves got wrong. There's the possibility for some of these elements to become something interesting, especially the music thing! But whenever the movies don't make him the butt of a joke, he barely exhibits any personality traits beyond being generically nice. There's no quantity of throwaway details which can make him interesting. Compare to Timber Spruce, whose interactions with Twilight show much more character than Flash Sentry usually does simply by making a bunch of math and science jokes. It's a touch of flavour which I can only remember Flash showing maybe once, in that one short where he draws music imagery on the CHS banner. I'd enjoy seeing more of that, but I can't be bothered to extrapolate that myself in order to make me feel more than totally apathetic towards him as a character. I don't hate him, but I'm sorry, the movies don't make him interesting. 



If Flash had been introduced as a female, no one would've CARED, if anything they'd be singing a different tune and shipping them like everyone else because "OMG GIRL-ON-GIRL IS SO HAWT!!"

Well, that would have been something unexpected, so it would have made the character a little more interesting on that level alone, even if she would have wound up pretty boring anyway; it's not like I give female characters a pass, as Sunset Shimmer's total lack of personality in Legend of Everfree irritates me to no end. My issue with Flash just that he's a romantic interest, even if making him such wasn't the best idea, but that he's never made a three-dimensional character in his own right. He fulfills a narrative role and that's it. 

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Compare to Timber Spruce, whose interactions with Twilight show much more character than Flash Sentry usually does simply by making a bunch of math and science jokes.


Gonna have to slightly disagree with you on that part.


If Flash is a representation of too little development, then Timber is the representation of too much, especially when he barley had any big impact on the two driving conflicts of the entire movie or the movie as a whole.


Now before anyone has a heart attack or starts crying "hypocrisy", I don't HATE Timber Spruce, nor am opposed to him and Sci-Twi being together, I'm just sick and tired of people over-glorifying him and claiming he's somehow "better" than Flash.


First off, let's consider the following:


FlashLight was basically bumping into each other and being awkwardly adorable.


TimberTwi was basically him saying something corny (usually with an air of smug) and then her giggling.


How is this better?


And second of all, Timber gets a buttload of screentime together with Twilight yet he never actually "connects" with anything going on with her. He's mostly there to be Human Twilight's love interest and a red herring for Sunset, he doesn't play any part in in Twilight's issues with Midnight Sparkle and accomplishes little to nothing against Gaea Everfree.


At the very least Flash manged to contribute SOMETHING, even if it was minuscule at best.


In short. Timber isn’t much better than Flash. If Flash-haters are gonna while about how useless a character he is and then glorify another who’s basically the same, then they have no right to be judgmental in the first place.

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Gonna have to slightly disagree with you on that part.


If Flash is a representation of too little development, then Timber is the representation of too much, especially when he barley had any big impact on the two driving conflicts of the entire movie or the movie as a whole.


Now before anyone has a heart attack or starts crying "hypocrisy", I don't HATE Timber Spruce, nor am opposed to him and Sci-Twi being together, I'm just sick and tired of people over-glorifying him and claiming he's somehow "better" than Flash.


First off, let's consider the following:


FlashLight was basically bumping into each other and being awkwardly adorable.


TimberTwi was basically him saying something corny (usually with an air of smug) and then her giggling.


How is this better?


And second of all, Timber gets a buttload of screentime together with Twilight yet he never actually "connects" with anything going on with her. He's mostly there to be Human Twilight's love interest and a red herring for Sunset, he doesn't play any part in in Twilight's issues with Midnight Sparkle and accomplishes little to nothing against Gaea Everfree.


At the very least Flash manged to contribute SOMETHING, even if it was minuscule at best.


In short. Timber isn’t much better than Flash. If Flash-haters are gonna while about how useless a character he is and then glorify another who’s basically the same, then they have no right to be judgmental in the first place.

The only thing Timber has over Flash is that he demonstrates more personality and has (to me) better chemistry with Twilight than Flash. I agree that the romantic subplot barely amounted to much, but I personally prefer Timber existing on the sidelines to Flash existing solely as a plot device. I'm not bothered by them being useless, but I don't find Flash very interesting or entertaining.


If the movies actually push, say, Flash's interest in music forward, though, he might have more potential than Timber, but that's on the writers.

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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  • 2 months later...

So when Flash was first introduced into the fandom he was met with complete hatred and scorn, why? Because he ended up being Twi’s love interest, so everyone started treating him like the cancer of the fandom that needed to die a horrible death because he’s “bland”, “cliche”, a "waifu stealer" and “has no character”.


Well if one re-watches the movie, it can be argued that Flash DOES have several character traits that make for an interesting personality, and this topic is for bringing them to light!


Let’s begin shall we? Flash…


…presumably taught Sunset how to play guitar considering no one else getting close to her during her bully phase.


Flash has a sense of justice as he went to clear Twilight’s name when Sunset framed her. And considering that he used to be Sunset’s boyfriend, that means he memorized and knows exactly how she operates.


He also dumped Sunset despite everyone in the school being afraid of her so he clearly wasn’t afraid of a bully or at the very least knows how to spot a bad influence.


However he also tried to at least start over with her later as friends, showing that he doesn’t hold grudges.


Didn’t seem to care about peer pressure considering the way he danced with Twilight.


Was mature enough to moves on from his relationship with Twilight due to the complications of it.


He’s a gentleman, a bit of a music nerd and a clutz.


He has a few character flaws like him not being able to cook (if Friendship Games is any indication), and having a bit of an ego when it comes to his music (Banner Day is a good example of that) to the point of naming the band after himself (Flash Drive)… not unlike Rainbow Dash.


He’s apparently good friends with Sandlewood, Micro Chips, Lyra, and Bonbon, or at least on good enough terms to be partnered up with them.


Was considered smart/talented/athletic enough to be picked for the Friendship Games.


If he’s a Royal Guard in the pony world, that could be carried over to his human counterpart in the form of him wanting to be a police officer.


Does he just put on a serious front when on duty, or play music as a hobby while off-duty?


There also has been a colt named Popfly (or First Base, depending on who you ask)with a similar mane and coat color who’s been seen in a few episodes




Could he be Flash’s younger brother? We’ve given Derpy a daughter on the same bases so why not?


Keep in mind, a good chunk of those facts are taken from the movies themselves, the only ones that are in head-canon territory are the Police Officer & little brother ideas. It may not be much, but we’ve done a lot more with much less.


Granted, those last part are speculation at best but you get what I’m saying, these are several facts about his character that can be used to make him interesting, all simply because I explored ALL possibilities for his character, not just the ones I WANTED to.


Let me ask you Flash-haters this:


Why is it we can make a Derpy’s animation error and her saying "muffins" and make her a clutz who’s obsessed over the food…


…make Lyra a human-obsessed conspiracy theorist based on how she sits…


…take a DJ with a two-second cameo and make her a party animal who’s dating that one mare from the Gala episode…


…make Berry Punch an alcoholic based on her drinking directly from a punch bowl…


…make Scootaloo an orphan simply because we don’t see her parents and Rainbow Dash a lesbian with a cider addiction…


…and yet giving one character some interesting personality traits based on his scenes in the movies is somehow impossible? Even if the writers didn’t do much for him, that doesn’t make him a lost cause that no good can come out of.


As Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started, so to whine about Flash being bland is not only lazy, but also hypocritical. Heck we add aspects and traits to main characters like Rainbow Dash, Luna, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Everyone assumes that Scoots is an orphan, Sweetie Belle is Button Mash’s special somepony, Luna is a binge gamer, and Rainbow Dash is a lesbian with a cider addiction. If we can nitpick and speculate about various characters in the franchise and give them their own personality or add onto their character then Flash is no exception. Him being "bland" is just a petty excuse used by lazy hypocrites who are too stubborn to be imaginative when it comes to this character.


"Oh but he's a walking "nice guy" cliche that's not even interesting!"


Cliche does not define one's entire personality, heck the mane six are all walking cliches when you think about it. Discounting a personality trait or event just because it’s cliche is just another sign of laziness.


Oh, and one last thing that proves that Flash-haters are all just a bunch of hypocrites:


If Flash had been introduced as a female, no one would've CARED, if anything they'd be singing a different tune and shipping them like everyone else because "OMG GIRL-ON-GIRL IS SO HAWT!!"


Bottom-Line: Flash-hate is pointless, hypocritical, and just plain STUPID.


So, what are your thoughts? Any ideas, facts, or aspects that can be used to make him interesting?

Now this is an interesting argument to tackle and I'll try my best to give you the counter to it. First off let me say that while you do have a point that there is possibility in this character that can make him interesting, the fact that he's been the same since his introduction despite his multiple appearances in the show and movies causes that point to have no ground to stand on.


I stand by my point when I say that he is bland and unoriginal and looking back at the films he still is. Now you ask why it's okay for the fandom to put characteristics into background characters but not with Flash, but that's completely the reason why. These are background characters, characters that are meant to fill empty space. They aren't meant to be in the spotlight and have character and that's where the beauty of the community comes in. Fans GAVE character to them to give them personality, filling an empty hole that wasn't intended to be filled. With Flash however, that's when it is a problem. He's given character to FIX his personality, filling a hole that should've already been filled. A character like him who's given screen time and a "role" shouldn't have to rely on head canons to have a personality.


Speaking of head canons, all the points you gave involving the main and side characters are just that, ideas only real to those who believe them. These are extras that if taken away won't really matter in the end. If you take away all the head canons for Flash then you're taking away 90% of his character. Gamer Luna and lesbian Dash are just for fun and don't matter when it comes to their existing character. They actually have goals and history, things that Flash doesn't.


Your point on cliches would be valid if it weren't for the fact that cliches are what make Flash what he is. You have to really look when it comes to finding cliches in the main characters while Flash wears them on his sleeves.


You are right when it comes to the fans liking a female Flash more, hell they already do. Her name is Sunset Shimmer but with her she actually changed by the second movie.


That's all I have right now but I really would like to continue this discussion with you. Time constraints and tiredness did not allow me to say all that I wanted but if you're interested in continuing in a place like Skype jusy let me know.

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Flash Sentry is barely a character. There's no point in trying to speculate on him because he's so incredibly bland and useless to Equestria Girls.


And that's also where Spruce Timber lies; he's what Flash Sentry should have been if Hasbro absolutely needed a dopey love interest.


DISCLAIMER: responding to darknessrising24 below, not TheWittyToaster:



Bottom-Line: Flash-hate is pointless, hypocritical, and just plain STUPID.


Sorry to say this but while the extreme hate is going to far, heavy criticism is justified. Flash has zero personality to dicepher as a unique character.


First movie: Bumps into Twilight a few times, gets Twilight out of a dilema (within 2 minutes nonetheless) even though any other character could have done it, dances with Twilight to be nice.


Second movie: Asks once if Twilight is returning, gets annoyed she's "competing" against him in the battle of the bands, hugs her in the end.


Third movie: Is dissapointed human Twilight doesn't know him.


Fourth movie: Is dissapointed human Twilight doesn't know him, bumps into Sunset.


So basically he bumps into characters and has feelings for Twilight that are glazed over. Doesn't seem like a necesssary or likeable character. At all.


To quote Honest Trailers, "He's so edgy, he could have been cut out of the movie and it wouldn't be any different!"



If Flash had been introduced as a female, no one would've CARED, if anything they'd be singing a different tune and shipping them like everyone else because "OMG GIRL-ON-GIRL IS SO HAWT!!"


Actually we would have cared because not only has MLP done this before with the opposite gender (*cough Sunset Shimmer before reformation *cough) but other "little girl" franchises have done the same thing with flanderization to the max (Bratz, Monster High, Polly in my Pocket, G3 MLP).




Didn’t seem to care about peer pressure considering the way he danced with Twilight


Nobody did. Everyone liked her as soon as "Jump up, make a sound" exploded in the cafeteria.




As Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started, so to whine about Flash being bland is not only lazy, but also hypocritical. Heck we add aspects and traits to main characters like Rainbow Dash, Luna, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Everyone assumes that Scoots is an orphan, Sweetie Belle is Button Mash’s special somepony, Luna is a binge gamer, and Rainbow Dash is a lesbian with a cider addiction. If we can nitpick and speculate about various characters in the franchise and give them their own personality or add onto their character then Flash is no exception. Him being "bland" is just a petty excuse used by lazy hypocrites who are too stubborn to be imaginative when it comes to this character.





Cliche does not define one's entire personality, heck the mane six are all walking cliches when you think about it. Discounting a personality trait or event just because it’s cliche is just another sign of laziness


The major difference between the show's characters and Flash Sentry is that one, they all serve the purpose of the (mostly) character-driven show, two, they get adequate screen time to develop, and three, we actually see them act outside their advertised trait, maybe even most of the time. Flash is in no more than 3% of the entire Equestria Girls series and yet his scenes feel incredibly forced.


Please do not call those who point out obvious flaws "lazy hypocrites". We're just speaking our mind.  :)

Edited by Eddie123
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My personal favorite is in a cartman voice: "Go away, Flash. Nobody liked you."


THE main issue I saw was that Flash was thrust upon us way too fast. Partially because they had no idea they'd be going back to the well this many times with that universe. I can forgive that.


The other half is the perceived threat he presents to the fans who ship Twilight with others. Not to mention that there's a distinct issue with the fact his mlp is a newbie guard who we haven't seen since then even after we had a baby in the crystal empire xD


You read alot about luna or Celestia having consorts that are guards but nothing official. For good reason I'll concede. But the stigma of royalty and a common guard never turns out well, and usually involves alot of heartache



If they'd given time to introduce him and not have him come in and be a foil for a plot twist now and then we might be more receptive. But alas, he's just Flash now. :/


Superheroes & Equestria Girls? Sounds fun to me!

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My personal favorite is in a cartman voice: "Go away, Flash. Nobody liked you."


THE main issue I saw was that Flash was thrust upon us way too fast. Partially because they had no idea they'd be going back to the well this many times with that universe. I can forgive that.


The other half is the perceived threat he presents to the fans who ship Twilight with others. Not to mention that there's a distinct issue with the fact his mlp is a newbie guard who we haven't seen since then even after we had a baby in the crystal empire xD


You read alot about luna or Celestia having consorts that are guards but nothing official. For good reason I'll concede. But the stigma of royalty and a common guard never turns out well, and usually involves alot of heartache



If they'd given time to introduce him and not have him come in and be a foil for a plot twist now and then we might be more receptive. But alas, he's just Flash now. :/

Yeah, and the damage is done, and because of that, we'll never see Flash properly developed because the h8ers won't ever accept him  :(

Edited by Steve Piranha
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 07/03/2017 at 4:07 PM, TheWittyToaster said:

Now this is an interesting argument to tackle and I'll try my best to give you the counter to it. First off let me say that while you do have a point that there is possibility in this character that can make him interesting, the fact that he's been the same since his introduction despite his multiple appearances in the show and movies causes that point to have no ground to stand on.

Actually he does, aside from a few facts I put up in the first place, he does have certain unexplored aspects that can be properly utilized:

An ordinary guy, surrounded by extraordinary people, stuck in an impossible situation, and having to work his way up from the bottom.

Now THAT is something that me and a lot of people could get behind instead of what every other Flash-hater proposes, which is nothing but a mean spirited excuse to make fun of Flash and ridicule him, no matter the justifications they give.

On 07/03/2017 at 4:07 PM, TheWittyToaster said:

I stand by my point when I say that he is bland and unoriginal and looking back at the films he still is. Now you ask why it's okay for the fandom to put characteristics into background characters but not with Flash, but that's completely the reason why. These are background characters, characters that are meant to fill empty space. They aren't meant to be in the spotlight and have character and that's where the beauty of the community comes in. Fans GAVE character to them to give them personality, filling an empty hole that wasn't intended to be filled. With Flash however, that's when it is a problem. He's given character to FIX his personality, filling a hole that should've already been filled. A character like him who's given screen time and a "role" shouldn't have to rely on head canons to have a personality.

The 100th episode says otherwise. Not to mention appearances are deceiving. It's the inside that counts. Sure, he looks cool, acts nice and plays music. But what else? We've already seen some of that "perfect" layer peeled off and he's clearly not Mr Perfect. He has flaws and quirks that makes him likeable.

The problem is that some people don't want him to be made better, that complain that he's too bland because it's easier to do, they complain about the problem but won't offer any solutions outside to "remove him from the series forever". Why? Because making him interesting takes effort, effort that they don't want to put into Flash because it's much easier to hate him and treat him like dirt then to make him likable.

Flash-haters only care about problems.

Flash-Supporters try to provide solutions.

On 07/03/2017 at 4:07 PM, TheWittyToaster said:

Speaking of head canons, all the points you gave involving the main and side characters are just that, ideas only real to those who believe them. These are extras that if taken away won't really matter in the end. If you take away all the head canons for Flash then you're taking away 90% of his character. Gamer Luna and lesbian Dash are just for fun and don't matter when it comes to their existing character. They actually have goals and history, things that Flash doesn't.

Not all of them, pretty much each fact I brought up was taken directly from the movies themselves, the only ones that are in head-canon territory are the Sunset guitar, Police Officer & little brother ideas. It may not be much, but we’ve done a lot more with much less. The problem is that people like you can’t be bothered to acknowledge it because it’s easier just to hate him and use the same old "he’s bland" excuse.

On 07/03/2017 at 4:07 PM, TheWittyToaster said:

Your point on cliches would be valid if it weren't for the fact that cliches are what make Flash what he is. You have to really look when it comes to finding cliches in the main characters while Flash wears them on his sleeves.


In that case then it's a matter of adding to what we have. For example, the royal Guard/Police Officer idea I brought up. Going into depth on why human Flash might become a Police Officer is one of many good ways to start fleshing out the character properly.

However Flash-haters are so focused on him being "standard high school love interest" and hating him for that instead of regarding how one could salvage him, and won't even say "This is how to make Flash a better character". And the thing is? I know other writers that have done more with him in spite of what little we have, and they don't change his "nice guy" nature to do it, they run with it:











(I suggest you check more of Jay-the-Brony’s work. He does a good job with giving Flash more characterization even when he's not the main focus of one of the stories.)










On 07/03/2017 at 4:07 PM, TheWittyToaster said:

You are right when it comes to the fans liking a female Flash more, hell they already do. Her name is Sunset Shimmer but with her she actually changed by the second movie.

No, here's the perfect example of Female Flash:

Vinyl Scratch..

Has no character aside from being a mute DJ.

Has close connections with one of the mane cast.

Has a cool car that can also transform.

Pretty much almost the same aspects that Flash has, yet everyone love her.

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On 08/03/2017 at 6:21 AM, Eddie123 said:

Flash Sentry is barely a character. There's no point in trying to speculate on him because he's so incredibly bland and useless to Equestria Girls.

There's also no point in you commenting if you're just gonna parrot the exact same weak argument every Flash-hater has been whining about. That fact is that you simply accept the idea that being bland is all Flash is meant to be, even though he’s basically as much of a blank slate that can be given a personality like as any other BG/supporting character. Again, Bronies have been given taking something small and make something big from it. Unlike haters like you who keep complaining about the exact same thing over and over without trying to see it from a different point of view, at least those of us have the maturity to adapt and compromise instead of just taking everything at face value and complaining about how he shouldn’t exist and how he deserves to be treated like the fandoms cancer.

On 08/03/2017 at 6:21 AM, Eddie123 said:

Sorry to say this but while the extreme hate is going to far, heavy criticism is justified. Flash has zero personality to dicepher as a unique character.

First movie: Bumps into Twilight a few times, gets Twilight out of a dilema (within 2 minutes nonetheless) even though any other character could have done it, dances with Twilight to be nice.

Second movie: Asks once if Twilight is returning, gets annoyed she's "competing" against him in the battle of the bands, hugs her in the end.

Third movie: Is dissapointed human Twilight doesn't know him.

Fourth movie: Is dissapointed human Twilight doesn't know him, bumps into Sunset.

So basically he bumps into characters and has feelings for Twilight that are glazed over. Doesn't seem like a necessary or likeable character. At all.

To quote Honest Trailers, "He's so edgy, he could have been cut out of the movie and it wouldn't be any different!"

First of all: This forum is focused on making him more likable, genius.

Second of all: The same could be said for any other characters in the other movies:

Trixie's scenes could've been removed completely since the Dazzlings could've simply trapped the Rainbooms themselves.

The Shadowbolts barely had any interaction with their "counterparts" despite all the hype and could've been switched out with other humanized rival/enemeis from the show.

Filthy Rich's villany made no sense, he could've been replaced with Glademane, Svengallop,or even his wife Spoiled Rich and it would've made more sense.

Timber Spruce gets a buttload of screentime together with Twilight yet he never actually "connects" with anything going on with her. He's mostly there to be Human Twilight's love interest and a red herring for Sunset, he doesn't play any part in in Twilight's issues with Midnight Sparkle and accomplishes little to nothing against Gaea Everfree.

So don''t single Flash out for being "useless " when there are plenty of characters in the movies and the series that have that fault.

On 08/03/2017 at 6:21 AM, Eddie123 said:

The major difference between the show's characters and Flash Sentry is that one, they all serve the purpose of the (mostly) character-driven show, two, they get adequate screen time to develop, and three, we actually see them act outside their advertised trait, maybe even most of the time. Flash is in no more than 3% of the entire Equestria Girls series and yet his scenes feel incredibly forced.

Please do not call those who point out obvious flaws "lazy hypocrites". We're just speaking our mind.  :)

Flash DOES have personality that can be used, and he DOES have a few character traits and flaws, and those CAN be used to give hr more depth as a character, even if it’s only a little, the little can go a long way. And I’ll say it again, we give him trait by looking through ALL scenarios and possibilities, not just the ones we WANT to. BTW, if he’s "worthless" then why are you wasting your time why even waste your breath hating on the character when you could be hating on a character who actually deserves it? At least characters like Glademsne, Blueblood, Spoiled Rich, Garble, and Svengallop did something to WARRANT the fandom’s hatred.


Flash? He exists.


And I'm not calling people that hate Flash "lazy hypocrites", I'm calling their reasons for hating him are lazy and hypovritical

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On 15/03/2017 at 7:02 AM, Malcontent said:

If they'd given time to introduce him and not have him come in and be a foil for a plot twist now and then we might be more receptive. But alas, he's just Flash now. :/

That's why it's better to actually try to make him interesting instead of complaining about how bland he is.

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