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private Snowed In (1x1 With Raven Rawne)


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The mare noticed that her guest was quiet the whole time and looked out into the room to see what he was doing. She had the impression that he was tired. "Sorry for not shutting up for a moment. I can make you supper or, if you want, you can just catch some Z's. I'll keep an eye on things."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods and climbs into the top bunk.He isn't hungry, he fluffs up the pillow and pulls the blankets over. He begins drifting off to sleep, regardless of any noises or anything in general. He has the Crystal Empire on his mind. He wants to go there as soon as possible and meet the Princess.

  • Brohoof 1



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Crystal observed as Aquarius climbed the top bunk to get some rest. She was a bit weirded out by him not saying anything. "Uhh, goodnight? I guess?" She frowned at lack of reply and hopped off her bed to grab something to eat and go through her evening routine. Half an hour later she was back by the bed, with her mane and tail wrapped in tight buns. She set an alarm to wake her in four hours to throw more coal to the fire and check if the door still open. Then she made herself comfortable and drifted off to sleep.


The night was peaceful.  She got up at even intervals to check the fire. The wind died out so she didn't have to go outside.  The mare got up for good when her alarm went off and it was bright outside.  A clock on the wall said it was nine AM. Since the changeling was still sleeping,  she made herself breakfast and proceeded with the morning routine - brushing the coat, styling mane and tail, brushing teeth, that kind if thing.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The Changeling has slept in by about 2 hours. He slowly climbs out of bed and then makes his bed. He looks outside the window. He isn't looking forward to going back the caves but eventually he will have no choice or he will be left alone in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere.  

  • Brohoof 1



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The crystal mare finished her grooming, washed her teeth and even cleaned their hoof boots, among other things that came to her mind, before Aquarius woke up.


"Well good morning there. How was the night? Weather is good so I'll try and look for more crystal rich sites. You can tag along if you want to. Oh and,  want some breakfast? Tea? Whatever? "

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@@Raven Rawne,


"It was fine. Well deserved rest. I'm not hungry, see as changelings we eat food for show and not for survival." He replies to Crystal Clear. He doesn't want to tag along and waste his energy on looking for Crystals since they probably aren't worth anything to him. What is worth something to him is getting to the Crystal Empire.

  • Brohoof 1



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She shrugged and went to check the fire. "Alright. You know where's the tap with water if you need something to drink. Bathing is a bit tricky since you need to warm up the water on the stove first, but still doable. Hmm, guess it's time to hit the trail. The fire will burn for several hours without any intervention, so don't worry.  Like I said, you can keep me company or stay put, it's your call."


Crystal starter dressing up. She already prepped her saddle bags.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nods. "I will stay put to conserve my energy. Plus its also cold out. I understand." He says to Crystal Clear. He might need to take a bath later. Anyways, he wants some alone time. He thinks Crystal Clear is good company though. He walks in the direction of the bathroom and peeks in.

  • Brohoof 1



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She stopped dressing up to think for a moment,  placing a hoof on her chin as she eyed the changeling. "Hmm yeah, that makes sense... I don't want to empty your love reserves. So,  you'll manage? Or you'd like some pointers on where to find stuff? Also, I know it can get boring in here so I don't mind if you start looking around.  Just don't try and mess around the big chest okay? You probably won't open it anyway."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "I know where to find stuff, I'll manage. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Alright." Aquarius says to Crystal Clear, looking back at her. He is thinking about the so called 'Big Chest'... and he is wondering what could be inside of it, probably just a bunch of Crystals or something. 

  • Brohoof 1



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She nodded slowly,  then got back to dressing up. "If you say so. I'm going back to the cave I found you in, anything you left behind maybe? Also, if everything goes well I'll be back before dinner. Earlier if the weather starts getting bad."


She was nearly ready to go.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius nods. "I left behind my bag. Its a bit further back into the cave but you will see it, it is white and it has many personal possessions in it. " He replies to Crystal Clear. He is ready to wave goodbye to Crystal Clear and do a full sweep over the cabin.

  • Brohoof 1



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She nodded.  "Alright, white bag. I'll look for it and do my best not to look inside. I don't like poking my nose in other ponies stuff. So, see ya when I see ya!"


The mare took a last glance at her cabin, as if hoping she'll find everything the same when she comes back, and went outside. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius waves goodbye to Crystal Clear as she leaves. He waits for her to get out of sight and begins looking around in the cabin. First he starts looking in the cupboards and closets. He doesn't know what is in them, he is sort of snooping around but he is trying his best not to change anything.  

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare had some doubts leaving her safe haven in hooves of a stranger, but she didn't have much choice really.  She couldn't keep an eye on him all the time and he was understandeably reluctant to go out. Reason or paranoia told her to take the key to the door. She headed back to the cave where she found him.


Crystal was out for several hours, like she said. It was nearly dinner time when Aquarius heard frantic banging to the door and the mare yelling for him to open. Seems she was in a hurry. Crystal Clear fidgeted with the key when he opened, and she pounced right in, kicking the doors shut and locking every lock there was. A few seconds later, a loud thud and a predatory howl was heard.


She sat, or more accurately, commapsed on her plot by the door, panting. "Friggin close one... Snow wolves caught wind of me on the way back. Nearly got me, as you can see. Oh, I have your bag too." She took the bag off her neck and handed it to the changeling. She didn't even glance at the cabin, so she couldn't notice whether anything was different or not. Another howl mde her hair stand on attention and she instinctively clutched to the changeling nearby like a scaresd filly. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Aquarius was shocked. He had done what he had been asked to. Nothing was different. He gently strokes her mane, as if attempting to calm her down. Out from the bag he pulls a sword, a sword with holes. How fitting for a changeling. "They won't get past this. Don't worry." He replies calmly to the Mare.



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 The mare was still spooked by the close one she had just a moment ago. Fortunately, the predators apparently left, or stayed put quietly by the door, since they couldn't hear any noises. Crystal Clear looked around and noticed she was clutching ho her guest, who was by some chance armed. She let go of him and proceeded to take off the winter gear with an awkward smile. "Um, sorry for that... I knew stuff lives here, but being chased by predators was not in the job description. I uhh... see you haven't turned the place upside down, cool."


Crystal Clear got free from her heavy and wet cloths and started pinning them to dry. She gave it much more attetion than necessary and avoided looking at Aquarius.

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@@Raven Rawne,


He glances at the mare. "Its fine." He sets the sword down on a table and begins pulling some stuff out of the bag. He takes out a painting of himself and Senvious at some sort of table with a few other changelings having a good time, he hangs it up on the wall. He takes out some other things, an orange crystal that glows, some sort of beaker with green liquid in it, which he opens up and gulps down a third of it. There is also what appears to be a map, one with a path leading to an area on it full of Question marks, most parts of the map have alot of question marks. 


He sets it on the table with the sword. If the mare would happen to look she would also notice what would appear to be a red line going to the cave he was in, she can follow it, it passes through several small towns and then leads beyond a 'wall' or a border, representing the known borders of Equestria. It keeps going for a bit and then stops at a square, marking a town of sorts labeled. "Town of Alicorns." and closeby the town is a sprawling mass of green lines, that is labeled "Transmutation Hive". 

  • Brohoof 1



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With every pinned item, Cystal cooled down a bit. When she was finished, she took out a long sigh and checked the fireplace. She saw in a corner oh her eye as he took out stuf from his bag and aproached the table. "Everything in order? I kinda ran for my life the last part, so I can't vouch nothing fell out. Sorry. Oh ad sory for... you know. Ahem, nice sword by the way, so very... changeling style."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He smiles. "Thanks. Everything is in order. I think you may find this map interesting. It shows where I come from..." he says to the Crystal mare, pulling out another crystal and a very ripped up jacket along with some Earmuffs, they look very worn and used.

  • Brohoof 1



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She frowned at the sight of his garments,  worn well beyond repair. Why would he even keep that stuff? The map proved more interesting though. "Quite a trek, if the red line is your route. And a lot of question marks all around too."


She eyes the crystals he laid on the table as she speaks. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He throws the garments into the trashcan. "That indeed is my route. I see your looking at my crystals there... I didn't find them in those caves though, they come from my lands. Good luck crystals is what I call them." He says to Crystal as she eyes his crystals. 

  • Brohoof 1



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She shrugs and smiles.  " Considering I'm a crystal pony who makes stuff from crystal and is stuck here to look for more crystals... yeah, I found them curious alright. Do they have any interesting properties? Professional curiosity, you see."


She gave him a warm smile,  hoping he'll tryst her enough to tell if there are any.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He smiles back. "They have some sort of energy inside of them, not really sure what it is, but maybe it helped me on my journey, without them I might have frozen to death.... I don't know how they work though." He does trust the Crystal Mare, she did help him a bunch.

  • Brohoof 1



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The mare nodded, thinking as she gazed on the crystals. "Hmm... That would explain this strange glow, I guess.  Are they widely used where you found them, or you could say they're special?  Funny how I thought I knew all there was about crystals, yet I have never seem any like these."

  • Brohoof 1

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