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Lost Treasure of Griffonstone theory


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Yunno the Idol of Boreas? The very thing that keeps Griffonstone together? How did the king actually get that treasure from anyway? And why did a cyclops come to try to steal it but failed? Could he have been trying to, I dunno, steal it back? We dunno where that treasure came from, and knowing the griffon's greediness, it could've been stolen from the cyclopes in the first place. Hopefully we can have an episode that explains this.


What do you think about this theory? Where did the Idol of Boreas come from and why was there a cyclopes trying to get it?

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I think that's a pretty nice theory! I have my own, too.

I like to think that the idol was given to them by another, now long gone ruler/race that saw the selfish nature of the griffon majority and secretly led them to ruin. Basically, my theory is that when King Grover came to rule, he wanted the griffons to live a prosperous life that would allow them to feel better about themselves and have other races think fondly of them, but didn't know how to do that. He was then approached by said ruler/race in secret (i.e. no other griffon knew of this meeting), who offered the Idol of Boreas promising that it would give his people the kind of life King Grover wished for and, due to his about-to-awaken inner greed and his desire to give his people a better life, the griffon ruler immediately took the offer without giving a second thought and brought it back to the kingdom. While the idol did bring prosperity as the mysterious ruler/race told, little did the griffons know that it was a ploy to destroy them; it was in fact stolen from Arimaspi, a giant goat-like cyclops creature from a faraway land, and the giant went after the stolen idol. It took a long time for it to find the idol, but thanks to the griffon kings talking about the idol's "magnificence" in an attempt to make other races envious, Arimaspi eventually found Griffonstone and caused the events as described in the show (it took the idol and the griffons fought back but it fell into the abyss yadda yadda). The griffons were devastated by the loss of the idol and their society quickly fell apart because of that, becoming absolutely miserable and much more selfish than they were before the arrival of the idol. Not quite what their "ally" hoped for, but close enough. Worse yet, the griffons may never get to know that the "ally" only King Grover ever knew of is the one who did this to them

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