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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

"Don't make yourself out to be a martyr jackass," Ghalan stated simply as he looked at Cardin. He stated simply and coldly "spoiled little shit," he packed up his weapons as he pick pocketed the dragon boy's journal from ignis' bag. He was humming to himself as he walked away hiding the book from sight. He was hiding it in his coat pocket as he walked past his teammates and said "Well that was fun I'm hungry let's go grab a snack. I wonder if they serve steak," he stated with a hungry grin on his face.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince found himself disappointed in Cardin's inability to effectively hold his own against his Ignis. The combat capabilities Cardin had possessed were simply unable to measure up to the faunus he was faced up against. Missed strikes and dodging made up most of the fight, a boring fight to most onlookers who took an interest in the more intricate designs of martial arts and combat. Too his teammate's credit Ignis was particularly fast, an impressive amount of speed for an aspiring huntsman. Not entirely sure whether or not it was due to semblance or general physical capability Vince made certain to take note of what he could. Though unfortunately Vince wasn't able to do this for too long, his teammate deciding to end the match with a well timed and performed throw, tossing Cardin out of the ring in one fell swoop. Through the entire match Vince had noticed the expression on Ignis' face. One clearly of frustration and animosity, though it was obvious it wasn't due to the sparring match itself. Vince had assumed it was due to Ignis' dislike for Cardin's character and disposition. His suspicions would be confirmed when Ignis had loudly lectured to Cardin about the very topic Vince had thought about. "So that's what he had bottled up this entire time, passionate boy for certain." Vince had muttered as he listened intently to Ignis' words. The lecture was clearly unexpected as the other students had been silenced in shock. Understandable considering the severity of Ignis' words and tone, showing how serious he was about the topic and his beliefs. not soon after Glynda had declared the match over and dismissed the class. "Whole thing must be a pain for her to deal with, I might apologize to her later...maybe give her a gift on top of that." Vince had mumbled to himself as he rose from his seats and headed off to quickly change out of his armor. After quickly packing away his armor and weapon he headed out and caught up with Yuki and Ghalan, following their lead as he kept track of the time.

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Draco sighed as he folded most of his outfit and put it in his bag, leaving him in a grey shirt and black pants. The only reason he didn't know his journal was missing was the fact that he normally kept it in a seprate section. "I may have been a bit to hard on him." He thought to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. The dragon faunus then noticed that his team had already left. He had heard Ghalan say something about food, so at the very least he knew where they were headed. That being said, his lunch was still settling, so he decided to look around the area for a bit.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki nodded slightly as she followed Ghalan, "I could go for some sushi." She said, giving a light smile. The fox faunus had noticed Ghalan taking Draco's journal, but didn't really say anything about it. At the very least, they would learn a bit more about their leader by looking into it.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

'You know, I don't think steak is a snack man," Vince said with a light chuckle as he and his teammates made their way into the large room that was Beacon's cafeteria. Many other students had filled the room, eating lunch in groups or generally hanging around standing up. Vince hadn't known many people besides his group and found himself lucky to be put into a team, finding friends was always an awkward thing. Looking around Vince had noticed a few students taking a few glances at him and his teammates, Vince had assumed it was the general curiosity everyone had when there was something new. Though considering the relatively small number of faunus attending Beacon he wouldn't have been surprised if they had taken interest. Vince had taken a moment to enjoy the large ceiling above him before heading into a lunch line, which was surprisingly not as long as he had expected. The meals available were varied, well portioned, and fairly healthy-something considered important for the development of prime physical specimens. Taking his nice and heavy tray Vince found a table for his team and sat down, happy to finally replenish the energy he had used up on Yuki. "No sushi, but they did have a whole swordfish..." Vince muttered as he stuffed his face.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan opened up the journal to read it then turning it to his friends. "Here," he stated as he went to wolf down a 14oz porterhouse steak. "Well you guys going to read it?" Ghalan asked his his tail swayed slightly with a mischievous grin on his face. He sipped at his soda... a nice cherry sarsaparilla from Mistral. he took a bite out of Vince's food. He smirked at his buddy with a slightly smug look.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki's eyes widened a bit at the comment about the swordfish, before shaking her head and getting her own plate of sweet and sour chicken. "Yeah, I don't think I can eat that much." She said, giving a light blush. The fox faunus then glanced at Draco's journal and realized that reading it without him there would most likely destroy his trust in them. Granted, he would still be mad that they took it, but maybe not as much as he would be if they read it.

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As it turned out, there wasn't much to do on campus aside from academics. Granted, Draco should've expected that possibility, but that did not mean that he was happy with the prospect of going into the city of Vale every time he needed to get something to entertain himself and possibly his team. He and heavily populated areas of people he didn't know never mixed well. "I guess I could stock up on dust. I have some lien saved up, and it'd be good to have a stockpile ready in case shit hits the fan at some point, even if I don't use the stuff." He thought. It didn't take long for him to find what he needed and board the next air taxi heading for Vale.

(May post the first six entries depending on how Vince responds, considering Yuki is having second thoughts.)

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

"Read what?" Vince managed to word out before he noticed Ghalan's thievery of a portion of his meal. His mouth slanted in minor annoyance before the mentioned book took priority of his attention. With some thinking Vince had managed to recognize the book as Draco's personal journal. "Did Ghalan seriously just take the darn thing?" Vince thought as he took Ghalan's drink and waterfalled a fair amount of the drink. He winced as he noticed the unique flavor of cherry, which was a flavor Vince honestly thought was better naturally. "Why does cherry flavored anything have such a strong aftertaste? Just like damn grape, nothing grape flavored tasted like grape." Vince thought as he looked at Yuki's discomfort form on her face. Vince himself had wondered what could have possibly be gained to be worth taking it from a teammate, especially when said teammate obviously wanted privacy. He wasn't one to pry into someone's privacy, a byproduct of his father's influence and teachings when Vince was a child. But it was clear that Draco had some clear as day resentment and passion. Understandable ones for sure, but being vocal as Draco was Vince had assumed something had happened in his teammate's past to cause such things to take root. Curiosity took over, of course there was the additional potential to help out with Draco's issues, assuming Vince's sudden knowledge and urge to help Draco with his personal issues was received as an insulting invasion of his life. "Alright, lets take a look," Vince stated boldly as he took a bite from his meal. 

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@Ranger22@dragon4111@Drago Ryder

Vince's statement honestly helped ease Yuki's own worry a bit. "Guess there's no going back now." She thought, before moving the journal closer to herself and Vince. 

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While the journal had been opened, it did not show all of what Draco had written. There were other entries on the next few pages and they continued the story of the leader of Team DARC.

Entry one: I found this while I was outside today. I figured I'd make a good writer, so I might as well practice. Anyway, my name is Draco Ignis, or at least that's what I'm told. I wonder what that means. I bet it's something awesome. Either way, I'm a faunus, some type of reptile as far as I or anyone else can tell. As of now, I'm five years old and I don't really have a family. I guess that's a given, though. I live in an orphanage, and there aren't any faunus here, let alone any that look like me.

Entry two: Hey, it's me again. I figured I'd just make this a daily thing. It'd be a waste to not use a perfectly good journal. Anyway, I noticed a few strange looks from the other people here. It's not the first time this has happened, but I don't usually pay attention to those people.

Entry three: So much for this being a daily thing. Nothing much has happened anyway though, so I guess it's not my fault.

Entry four: I just saw a family walk by with their child. Maybe my parents are alive somewhere.

Entry five: I just asked the lady that runs the orphanage if she knew my parents. She said my mom died a few hours after I was born and my dad is a hunter on some mission. I also got a picture of them with two other people. So, yeah. I guess it'd be better to find out now rather than later, but it still hurts.

On the next page, parallel to the fifth entry, was a picture showing a dragon faunus that looked exactly like Draco, if only slightly older and with  blonde hair. The man held no weapon and wore a dark blue shirt with black pants.To his left was a girl wearing a light purple high colllar jacket over a black shirt and shorts. Her brown hair was tied into a ponytail and she had a light smile on her lips. To the dragon faunus' right was a man wearing red plated armor with a grey undeshirt. His spiked black hair covered around half of his face and was grown out. The last member of their team sat in front of the other three. Her red hair hung over her shoulders and she wore a cream colored kimono. Only a small portion of the area above her green eyes was shown, but it was enough to see smaller flashes of green within brown that seemed to curve inward. If it weren't for the small fangs poking out of her mouth as she smiled, it would be easy to assume that she was a human with some weird hair color pattern and not a faunus. The four were in what looked like their dorm room and seemed to be good friends.  There was no indicated team name, however.

Entry six: Ok, so my seventh birthday was on the tenth day of the tenth month, but I didn't do much. I found a few books on mythology and I honestly enjoy the ones normally told in Mistral. I heard around town that the local grimm population is increasing, and some group called the White Fang that is advocating for faunus rights all over Remnant. Maybe I'll join them at some point.

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@Ranger22@Drago Ryder@dragon4111

Yuki's eyes widened as she looked over the text displayed on the page and the picture that went along with the fifth entry. She could easily tell who his dad was, but there was some doubt when it came to his mother. "Ok, so our team leader might be an ex-member of the White Fang, one possibly having a higher rank than a grunt if his skill is anything to go by. At least he doesn't have the 'kill and/or enslave all humans' mentality." She thought, remembering what the dragon faunus had told Cardin during his spar. Of course, the fact that he was an orphan made her feel a bit sad for her team leader.

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Draco sighed as hewalked through the streets of Vale. He had already visited ten dust shops in the last hour thanks to his speed semblace, which only damaged his body more due to the relatively untrained use of his electricity, and the results of his current excursion were nonexistant. If the people running the store didn't threaten to call the police immediately, then they would tell him that they had no dust to sell. Either way, his last stop for the day was a quaint little storefront called From Dust Till Dawn, from what he could tell by looking throuh the front door window, was run by an elderly man and had a healthy stock of dust. "Now, let's just hope this goes well." He thought, before entering the store.

It didn't take long for the man to notice, and a slight smile spread across his withered lips. "Welcome. Please, feel free to look around." He said.

The dragon faunus nodded slightly. "Thanks. You wouldn't believe how much of a pain it is to find dust nowadays." He said, giving a slight shrug. Draco then went on a shopping spree, grabbing as much dust as he could and making sure that it was properly stored.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

The information revealed from the journal proved to be rather interesting to Vince, after all further insight on a person's past never managed to bore the young huntsman in training. Sadly, much to Vince's acceptance orphans were not particularly uncommon in the world of remnant, the wide variety of dangers across the land often made orphans out of many children. Too Vince's luck he wasn't one of them, especially considering the fact his parents were from a rather rural part of Mistral. Though it seemed Draco was one of said orphans, rather early on much to Vince's notice. The journal entry showed a younger Draco, a Draco with the mentality generally expected from a child without a parent. Curiosity, sadness, and inevitable acceptance of the circumstance the orphan finds himself in. Vince had predicted as much, though specific details were always better than just guessing. What stood out the most was the picture and the mentioning of the White fang. Vince had assumed that the individuals in the photo were related to Draco's parents in one way shape or form. Was Draco in anyway related to the White Fang? The obvious answer was yes, but it seemed to not be the extremist of today. Having done his homework Vince knew of the White Fang during the time of Draco's childhood, they were peaceful back then. "Assuming he was a part of the White Fang when he was younger, that was when they were a peaceful group unlike today. So that adds good boy points to Draco's portfolio, and it seems that he currently resents them so no worries there." Vince stated as he finished up what was left of his meal. Yuki's words had made Vince wonder, did the White Fang have high ranking officials as young as Draco. There had certainly been members just as young, but were any leader types? The thought had intrigued the young huntsman, despite the animosity it had made him feel. "Is there anymore to the journal, or do we all feel like growing a conscience and stop snooping?"

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan looks at Yuki and said "He was thinking about joining. That's the keyword 'thinking Yuki," Ghalan stated as he grabbed grape sunset sarsaparilla after giving Vince the cherry one. He looked smugly at Vince as he read on in the journal. It wasn't interesting to him. He set his knife and fork down as he chuckled. "I'm not and I'm pretty sure the curious fox faunus here want's to know more about her crush,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Yuki felt an intense blush develop on her cheeks, but she quickly cleared her thoughts. "We should probably read a few more pages. After that, we stop." She said. Of course, that didn't mean that she wasn't already feeling guilty for what they were doing.

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Entry seven: I decided to do a bit more research on what hunters are and have determined that my dad is most likely a hero considering what he does. I guess other people need him too, so I guess putting me here until he comes back would be the smart thing to do. I'm just a kid after all, and he probably doesn't have time to look after me. Of corse, he could be some mercenary for hire who's probably killed hundreds of people, but I like to keep a positive mind.

Entry eight: I just finished reading a few history books I got my hands on a few days ago. Apparently there was such a thing as dragon faunus and they were one of the strongest types due to their elemental control, whatever that means. The book said that the breed died out during the great war, so I guess that's one less possibility of what type of faunus I am.

Entry nine: I met a girl today while I was at the park. I was a bit shy at first, but we eventually became friends. Anyway, she said her name was Sachi, and she looked like she was from one of the more well off families. Granted, I'm just going off of apperance alone. She did say that she moved into town a few hours ago, after all The surprising thing was the fact that she's human.Maybe there are some nice ones.

Entry ten: Turns out, I was right about Sachi's family. Thank Oum that they were as nice as her, though. She's basically my only friend. Anyway, I spent some time at her house reading and we even went on a few walks through the nearby forest.

Entry eleven: I spent the night at Sachi's home and I'm starting to feel weird when I'm around her. It's like I'm lighter or something, not that I'm complaining. I mean, it actually feels like I have a family for the first time in my life.

Entry twelve: School is going well. Sure there's the occasional jerk, but I tend to just ignore them

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan chuckled slightly as he looked at Yuki and said teasingly to his partner "My oh my looks like you have competition," he was smiling with a mock smug look. he snickered slightly as his tail swayed slowly. he took a bite out of his mashed potatoes and they were good. He saw her blush as he grin began to get mischievous. his wolf ear were up and alert as his tail slowed it's wagging. Those were the signs he was about to do something naughty.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@dragon4111@Ranger22

Yuki simply shook her head. "I think it was more of a sibling relationship. At least, that's what I'm noticiing." She said. The fox faunus also noticed the change in Ghalan's body language, but didn't know what to think about it. She thenturned her attemtion back to the journal and felt like Draco's life was about to take a complete 180 in the next entry.

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Draco smiled as he looked over the haul of dust he had managed to fit into the shopping bag he had procured, which mainly consisted of crystals of the primary types. Granted, the only type he didn't see any point in buying was lightning dust, but that was only because he had what was essentially the same thing in spades. As for powdered dust, he didn't see the point in having something that could go off if one so much as touched the stuff. Fortunetly for him, this meathod would save him a fair bit of lien. "Ok. This should be enough for what I have in mind. Of course, I could just be wasting money on someting I won't even be able to use if this doesn't pan out. If it does, the others should be able to replicate it." The dragon faunus then gave a light smile as he thought about his team. When he looked back at how they all interacted as a group, he felt that he could trust them to some degree. Sure there would probably be some arguments, but that was something you had to understand when working with people you didn't know. "I might as well buy this, stash it in some place other than the dorm room, and find them before they get into to much trouble." Draco then grabbed the last of the crystals he wanted, before making his way to the front of the store.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Ghalan had stated what Vince had on his mind, how Draco was only a potential member of the White Fang. Though if he was being honest with himself Vince considered the notion irrelevant as of late. Responding to Ghalan's facial gesture with a rather ridiculous smirk, Vince continued to drink the cherry flavored drink he had practically stolen from his teammate. Was cherry always this bad? Vince had mentally asked himself as he saw Yuki suddenly flush red in response to Ghalan's teasing. Possibly correlating the two with the light red hue the drink and Yuki's blush had, rather strange to compare Vince eventually thought. The later entries were similarly another take on Draco's past. Hunter? How quaint...Vince thought as he took a moment to gather the information given by the entries. Sachi, the name hadn't struck Vince as familiar. Though judging by the name he could assume the family itself was from Mistral, a hot spot for many industries. Reading about his growing affection for Sachi had proved itself as endearing. With that, Vince's curiosity on the current whereabouts or fate of this Sachi character had taken root. However, what intrigued Vince the most was the rather short statement about dragon faunus. For the life of him Vince couldn't find any information on such a particular type of faunus. Faunus themselves took traits from existing animals in nature such as deer and even common lizards. But a dragon? Though he was repeating a question he had asked himself earlier the thought perplexed him. Draco's existence at least proved such a faunus type could exist, but it was a frustrating fact to deal with, at least in Vince's unique thought process. His thoughts were halted by overhearing his teammates quick exchange of dialogue, banter to be synonymous. "I wonder how this Sachi has fared, I find myself curiously compelled to read further," Vince stated as he took another sip from the cherry flavored drink. Curiously eyeing Ghalan as Vince noticed his change in bodily behavior, though his interest in the entries proved more tempting than his teammates possible action.

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(Time to kill the mood. Oh, and Draco is eight during the events of the thirteenth entry.)

Entry thirteen: I developed my semblance today, assuming that the speed isn't caused by the electricity my body started producing a few days ago. I doubt either is, because it hurts the more I use them. Either way, I got there just in time to watch their dead body fall to the ground, and I felt something in me break. The next thing I know, I'm waking up in a crater in the same clearing a few hours later. I don't think I killed that thing, though. I don't know how, but I can just tell. I swear, I will get stronger. Oh yeah, I'm also a dragon faunus. Go figure.

Entry fourteen: Everything's going down hill. The humans yell at me for the smallest of things and a few even tried to kill me. I haven't seen her parents since that day, but I know they probably hate me too. Why wouldn't they? I'm just some monster that jumped straight out of the mythology of three of the four kingdoms in this Oum forsaken world.

Entry fifteen: I got accepted into Signal by some stroke of luck, but things haven't changed at all since I left that place. Dad isn't coming back, the white fang is dead, and the nightmares haven't stopped. Would they be happy with how I live now? Probably not, but I try not to think about it.

Entry sixteen: I found a meteorite in the forest a few miles east of my camp that's nintey percent some weird black metal that seems to react with my aura and ten percent stone. I have to make a weapon by the end of the week, so maybe I can use this. I already have a few ideas and I can test out whatever I make on the grimm around Patch.

Entry seventeen: I decided to make a sword using some of the metal in the meteorite. It has a good length and is easy for me to use with my speed. A few students tried to take it after school, but I knocked them out. My sword, Hakumei, strengthens itself with my aura, so it doesn't break easily. It was expected considering the source of the metal, but it's still interesting. I wonder what else it can do. I have more of the metal back at camp, but I don't know what else to make. Either way, I'll be adding swordplay to my routine.

Entry eighteen: I graduated today and applied to Beacon. I leave in two months. 

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@dragon4111@Ranger22@Drago Ryder

Yuki's felt her ears flatten against her hair on instinct as she read what she assumed were the last of the journal entries before their leader's arrival to Beacon. The first two entries happened before Draco went to signal, which meant that he wasn't even a teenager at that point. "How does he keep going after all that at that age?" She thought to herself, trying to not feel anger towards the humans that attacked Draco and sadness for the faunus. There was also the fact that Draco didn't even know what his semblance was, but that was a different thing entirely.

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You know, Draco was expecting a lot of things to go wrong on his shopping trip. He was expecting the skies to open and flood the streets with rain, or perhaps not to find any dust at all. Heck, he wouldn't be surprised if he got a random message from Beacon saying his team got into some form of trouble. Thankfully, none of that happened. Of course, that didn't mean that things went according to plan. After the old man at the front of the store rang up the price for the amount of dust Draco had intended, which came out to around five hundred lien, a man wearing a white jacket and a bowler cap, along with about five other people dressed on black tuxedoes, all entered the store. From what Draco had read, the man in white was Roman Torchwick. The other men were probably just some hired help. At the moment, the dragon faunus had the barrel of a gun pointed in his face.

"Listen scales, it's been a long day. It would be really appreciated if you hand over all that dust." He said. 

Draco glanced back and saw that the old man was hiding behind the counter while the thugs stood behind ther boss. "You know, Ithe thought did cross my mind, candlestick. Unfortunately for you, this cost me a pretty penny, so I'm going to have to decline. You and the barbershop quintet from the mafia will have to get your own." With that, the fight began. The dragon faunus used his tail to push the gun/cane out of his face and kicked Roman in the chest, driving him out of the shop through a now broken door. When the hired help stepped in, he drew his sword, and the sound of metal against metal rang throughout the shop. Of course, fighting in a room holding highy explosive material wasn't exactly the safest thing to do, so Draco forced the fight to move out into the street. He could see Roman in the distance watching, but he didn't know what he was planning.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

The following entries had just like the rest, intrigued him to no end. His teammate's life had proven to be a spiraling barrel filled with unfortunate events, sadness, and strange oddities that sounded otherworldly, which comparing to the things in Remnant didn't sound too strange in general. Though interesting Vince found that the entries themselves proved sparse in dedicated information, understandable considering they were diary entries and not official reports. It made sense that Draco would write about what seemed important at the time, especially so-considering the amount of emotional and physical stress he had gone through when he was younger. "When a person's life has been filled with nothing but hardship it becomes something they just learn to accept. There is a lot more to our teammate than he lets on, can't blame him considering what he has been through." Vince had already accepted the notion of vicious racism spread out across remnant, but what Vince was curious about was the meteorite Draco had found. Vince hadn't heard of any such thing before. How did it channel dust when dust going beyond the atmosphere simply cancelled itself out in space? Those were questions for another time, what Vince wondered where Draco was at the moment.

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