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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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Yuki’s eyes widened slightly at Draco’s revelation. An aura was primarily used for defense, so to go against that and use it to kill the very beings they feared most would sound like insanity to most. It sounded like that to her, if she were to be honest, but this wasn’t some random stranger off the street. This was her team leader and someone who she respected, among other things. “Well, that’s something new. If something like that proves to be effective, then dust would be practically obsolete when it cane to military use.” A slight smile then spread across her lips, and if it were possible, stars would be twinkling in her eyes. “I think I’ll help you with your experiment.” 

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000 @Acnologia

"Yes Professor Glynda I have what I need. But that display those unknown folks caused a stir," Ghalan stated as he shook his head slightly. "Of course what I need to say can't be said out here," Ghalan stated as he looked around. "The walls have eyes and ears around," he stated as his tail was with a slow sway.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder

(I'll assume Ozpin is looking through a monitor at the front of Beacon tower, cause, only Leumentra is in his office)

Leumentra chuckled lightly and the star-shapes in her eyes spun before stopping, once they had stopped she spoke "We were contacted by our Young Lord, he was out on a mission recently. On that mission they were ambushed by Grimm, he reported hearing a roar similar to a humanoid Grimm." she paused as she glanced around the room and a displeased look appeared in her eyes "It was also reported that some people were harmed. I met those two outside, the female Faunus didn't fit in with the initial report our spies had. I wonder why?" she stated the question before continuing "According to my own deductions she has some sort of ice-related power. Quite strong ones, the potential on par with our Matriarch's physical body." she spoke quite smugly and added with an innocent sounding voice at the end "I don't know what you're talking about, we didn't make any such entrances."




Etherius saw the door open and saw Euca walk in, he heard him talk about a manhunt which he chuckled at. To answer the question he simply said "I had to undergo special training, no one on our team was strong enough to help me so I had outside help... No offense, you're plenty strong for your ages." he then coughed and asked "Have you all followed the training regime?"

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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19 hours ago, rolle said:

@Drago Ryder

(I'll assume Ozpin is looking through a monitor at the front of Beacon tower, cause, only Leumentra is in his office)

Leumentra chuckled lightly and the star-shapes in her eyes spun before stopping, once they had stopped she spoke "We were contacted by our Young Lord, he was out on a mission recently. On that mission they were ambushed by Grimm, he reported hearing a roar similar to a humanoid Grimm." she paused as she glanced around the room and a displeased look appeared in her eyes "It was also reported that some people were harmed. I met those two outside, the female Faunus didn't fit in with the initial report our spies had. I wonder why?" she stated the question before continuing "According to my own deductions she has some sort of ice-related power. Quite strong ones, the potential on par with our Matriarch's physical body." she spoke quite smugly and added with an innocent sounding voice at the end "I don't know what you're talking about, we didn't make any such entrances."




Etherius saw the door open and saw Euca walk in, he heard him talk about a manhunt which he chuckled at. To answer the question he simply said "I had to undergo special training, no one on our team was strong enough to help me so I had outside help... No offense, you're plenty strong for your ages." he then coughed and asked "Have you all followed the training regime?"

"Yep, but we have added more to it, ya know we should really work on team attacks, our solo training we can do on our own, but team attacks are necessary," Euca replied, watching his father had given him some great skill in negotiations and making business decisions.

"Anyways we are trying to get everyone together, some new people are showing up,"

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(Oh. For some reason I thought that Leumetra’s accompaniment had followed her.)

Ozpin narrowed his eyes, but gave no other hint of his emotions. The last thing he wanted was the truth about Yuki’s abilities spreading. “I figured that you would have agents nearby, considering who exactly Etherius is and his place within his family. As for Ms.Ryusaki, I was just as unaware as you were up until recently, and that was when she used them for the first time on the mission you mentioned.” He may have been unintentionally confirming Leumetra’s suspicions, but there was no point in hiding that aspect of Yuki any longer. The new winter maiden’s powers may be untrained, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t incapable of defending herself. Ozpin then took a sip out of his ever present coffee cup and paused for a few seconds, enjoying the taste of the light brown liquid held within. “Unfortunately, I don’t think her teammates would allow you to take her, no matter how strong you and those you brought might be.”

Glynda nodded. “I understand. Thankfully, there are a few places that aren’t as easy to observe.” With that the professor took Ghalan directly to her office. It might not be the best of locations, but it would provide a suitable degree of privacy from the rest of the student body.

Draco gave a light smile and would’ve hugged her if it wouldn’t have most likely caused an awkward situation for both of them. “Thanks. That means alot to me.” He said. In the distance, Draco could see a dust store that seemed to have been robbed. The police appeared to already be on the scene. so there was no need for either of the two to approach. He could also see a girl with green hair and red eyes next to a boy wearing a lot of grey among the crowd. He filedthat into his mind, before turning towards Yuki. “Anything you want to do in particular?”

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On 11/27/2017 at 2:08 PM, Drago Ryder said:

Thankfully, it didn’t take to long for Rei to find Shain. From what she could tell, he wasn’t exactly in a good emotional state. “This is probably a very stupid question, but are you ok?” At the very least, she could be there of he needed a shoulder to cry into. He had  told her his secret, after all.

Glynda raised a brow at Ghalan’s sudden apperance, and decided to intercept him before he could get on the elevator. “Professor Ozpin is in a meeting. If it’s any consoloation, you can talk to me.” She knew what he and  Professor Port had been working on, and the type of information they might’ve found was by no means meant to be distributed to the kind of people the headmaster was meeting with.

Draco figured that he’d have to tell his teammates about his theory, so he figured that it’d be better to do it in multiple sessions. Granted, he wasn’t really sure if Ghalan would be interested in the finer details of what he had in mind.  “Essentially, I want to be able to shape my aura into something that could potentially do damage to whatever it might hit. If we can make the very thing that all living beings have into a weapon against the grimm, that could be a factor that would tip the scales in our favor.”

Ozpin glanced at Leumetra, along with the accompanying members of her clan. “Yes, I am well aware of who you are. The question I have is why you felt to make such an... entrance.” It wasn’t that visitors weren’t welcome, but the quantity of the members in Leumetra’s party was somewhat concerning to anyone that knew who they were.

"I'm fine this is just a painful month for me," Shian said wiping what tears were left off of him, he had almost lost control and used his semblance but managed to stop himself.

"What's up," he asked.

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Yuki could tell that Draco was directing his attention elsewhere, but decided not to question him on that just yet. When he finally decided to talk to her, though, she did spend a few seconds in thought. “I figured we could just walk around for a bit. With everything that’s been happening, it’d probably be a good idea to just relax.” The faunus’s ears then perked up slightly at the sound of running feet. Normally this wouldn’t be a cause for alarm, but it was heading straight for the two. Of course, thing could prepare her for what happened next.

“Onēsan!” With that, a small mass barreled into Yuki, nearly knocking her down from the force of the impact. “I missed you.”

The fox faunus looked down to see a fox faunus around the age of six with silver hair that went down to her shoulders, a black tipped tail of the same color, and a pair of relatively small fox ears. “I know. You say that to me whenever I call, imōto.” She said, gently running a hand through the smaller girl’s hair. “You certainly have grown, though.”

The smaller girl looked up at her sister, expressive golden eyes glinting in the sunlight, and gave a cheeky grin. “Mama and Papa have been saying that a lot too. We’ve been staying in one of bigger buildings with a lot of other people.” 

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000 @Acnologia

Ghalan was quick to sit in the seat across from her as she closed the door behind her. He looked around for any bugs/listening devices. "Alright Professor Goodwitch. Tell me what do you know about the Rangers of the Blackgate?" Ghalan asked as he leaned back. He was still wearing his father's armor which held the rangers symbol on it as he placed his sword Urfael and dagger Acharn against the chair he was sitting in. But he looked out the window.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Rei shrugged and gave a light sigh. “To be hinest, I think something’s going on with the headmaster and some visitors to Beacon that quite literally landed in the courtyard about two minutes ago. Also, I think Draco and Yuki might be getting close to becoming an item, but that’s besides the point.” The snake was flustered to say the least, and the recent events already had her on edge.

“At least she isn’t here alone. That could cause all sorts of problems.” That thought at least helped Draco to relax somewhat. Heck, the  entire scene could be summed up in a single word: touching. The dragon faunus might not have had a permanent family, but that didn’t mean that he was blind to see the relationship between his teammate and the smaller fox. He would have to remember to never introduce the latter of the two to Ghalan, though he figured that the wolf faunus might restrain himself in the presence of a child. “Yuki, who is this.” His tone might be described as curious, if anything. 

Glynda sat at her desk and watched as Ghalan spoke. “I remember them keeping the grimm in the less populated areas in check and maintaining a barrier of their own creation to the east of Vale, near the mountains to be specific.” The professor was certain that Ozpin was fully aware of the importance of the rangers that were housed in the black gate, so she knew that this wasn’t exactly what Ghalan wanted to talk to him about. He had found information that was potentially unknown to Ozpin, let alone the public. 

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000 @Acnologia

"We have documented everything we could on the grimm. But in one fell swoop it was lost atleast the more superficial information," Ghalan stated as he pulled from his armor the book about the maidens and their unsung guardians. "The guardians of the Maidens have some of their power but it is their own skill that protects the maidens from the dark. In this book lays the ritual to bind a willing soul to the maiden as her protector," Ghalan stated with a chuckle. "Their blade in the dark. Never to be their beloved but always their friend. A sad existence but to protect the maidens it isa necessary sacrifice. And I would do the same for Lady Yuki," Ghalan stated as he looked at Goodwitch.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Yuki’s ears flicked upwards the sound of Draco’s voice, and she turned to look at him.”Right, I don’t think I told you about my family. This is my little sister, Amateratsu. Ama, this is Draco.” While the fox faunus was curious to see how sociable her team leader would be with said fox faunus, the last thing she wanted was for him to be uncomfortable. A thought then crossed her mind, before turning her attention back to her sister. “Speaking of which, do mom and dad know about you being here?”

At the mention of her name, the fox faunus looked between her sister and the new faunus, Draco. The latter seemed nice. “I could smell you, so they know where I am.” The tone in which she said it made her sound older than she actually was, but it didn’t exactly help ease Yuki’s worry.

With a slight sigh, the older faunus nodded and sniffed the air a few times, easily cathcing and recognizing the scent of both of the girls’ parents. They seemed to be visiting one of the clothing stores and it was easy to see how Amateratsu might’ve wandered off. The younger girl was always curious about the world around her, and while that may lead to doing well in school, it could cause her to get into the most unusual of places.

As Yuki located her parents, her sister approached Draco and extended her arms into the air, essentially askong for him to carry her on his back.  

Edited by Acnologia
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6 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:

Rei shrugged and gave a light sigh. “To be hinest, I think something’s going on with the headmaster and some visitors to Beacon that quite literally landed in the courtyard about two minutes ago. Also, I think Draco and Yuki might be getting close to becoming an item, but that’s besides the point.” The snake was flustered to say the least, and the recent events already had her on edge.

“At least she isn’t here alone. That could cause all sorts of problems.” That thought at least helped Draco to relax somewhat. Heck, the  entire scene could be summed up in a single word: touching. The dragon faunus might not have had a permanent family, but that didn’t mean that he was blind to see the relationship between his teammate and the smaller fox. He would have to remember to never introduce the latter of the two to Ghalan, though he figured that the wolf faunus might restrain himself in the presence of a child. “Yuki, who is this.” His tone might be described as curious, if anything. 

Glynda sat at her desk and watched as Ghalan spoke. “I remember them keeping the grimm in the less populated areas in check and maintaining a barrier of their own creation to the east of Vale, near the mountains to be specific.” The professor was certain that Ozpin was fully aware of the importance of the rangers that were housed in the black gate, so she knew that this wasn’t exactly what Ghalan wanted to talk to him about. He had found information that was potentially unknown to Ozpin, let alone the public. 

Shian raised an eyebrow,

"Sounds like one of those dramatic and violent cartoons," he said,

"Ummm...what do ya need," he asked wrapping his knuckles in gauze.

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On 11/30/2017 at 3:02 PM, silvermoon15000 said:

"Yep, but we have added more to it, ya know we should really work on team attacks, our solo training we can do on our own, but team attacks are necessary," Euca replied, watching his father had given him some great skill in negotiations and making business decisions.

"Anyways we are trying to get everyone together, some new people are showing up,"

Etherius got a face that looked like a headache was coming on "So you guys got serious about training after I left." he said a little sarcastically. He then narrowed his eyes as he was thinking about it "Well, from my own training back home. It is easier to improvise, learn each other's strengths, but, it would serve as a good way to learn our strengths." he then kind of scratched the back of his head and calmly recalled the bird that had been flying "Oh, don't worry about them. They're part of my family. The bird's probably one of my older cousins." he seemed to have a bad memory repressed about the person who was a bird "So, how have you been?" he said awkwardly while trying to not remember.


On 11/30/2017 at 3:04 PM, Drago Ryder said:

Ozpin narrowed his eyes, but gave no other hint of his emotions. The last thing he wanted was the truth about Yuki’s abilities spreading. “I figured that you would have agents nearby, considering who exactly Etherius is and his place within his family. As for Ms.Ryusaki, I was just as unaware as you were up until recently, and that was when she used them for the first time on the mission you mentioned.” He may have been unintentionally confirming Leumetra’s suspicions, but there was no point in hiding that aspect of Yuki any longer. The new winter maiden’s powers may be untrained, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t incapable of defending herself. Ozpin then took a sip out of his ever present coffee cup and paused for a few seconds, enjoying the taste of the light brown liquid held within. “Unfortunately, I don’t think her teammates would allow you to take her, no matter how strong you and those you brought might be.”


Leumentra's eyes seemed to distance themselves for a moment as if she was thinking, then they spun around again and she spoke "We've always had one or two spies in Beacon, Ozpin. Nothing major, just checking out potential troublemakers and overall strength of new huntsmen. Safety reasons. We haven't had them infiltrate any of your secret places." she added the last part with a straightforward tone to reassure Ozpin, she then nodded slightly as she said "I thank you for your cooperation." which didn't have much of a purpose until her next speech "While your proposition of trying to take her away... astounds me, we have no such thoughts. We do not plan to spill any blood for a person, neither will we be going back home until two months after the VYTL Festival, hopefully." she showed a bit of worry at the end.

Once again her eyes spun for a short while before she continued "Right... Right, our reason for being here. I and my escorts are planning to stay here in Vale for the time being. This is due to the report Etherius sent. I will not personally take part of the mission and request if I may work as an instructor at Beacon, my sister, the matriarch has been waiting for an opportunity to send me here to deepen our connections. She had hoped to introduce me herself, but, knowing my sister... I just couldn't have her here when it was about Etherius." she paused for a while before adding "She's a bit of an overprotective mother. It troubles both Etherius and people around him." she paused for a while until her eyes seemed to open fully "Oh, my, I forgot. Of course, my request also entails that I'll describe my semblance to you if you accept."

  • Brohoof 1

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Draco looked down at the smaller fox when she moved towards him and swore that he felt his heart skip a beat when she wanted to ride on him. Seeing that Yuki was a bit preoccupied, he happily obliged, placing his arms under her legs for support while she hung onto him by his shoulders. “They’re probably worried about her, so we should probably drop her off first.”

Glynda narrowed her eyes at the new information that had been presented. She didn’t know about the fact that Ozpin had created the maidens, but this stil seemed a bit sketchy at best. She was, however, fully aware of Yuki’s status as the winter maiden and that there would be people coming after her, if they weren’t already. Having said that, she already knew what her choice would be if she was given such a situation “As a professor,  I think it would be obvious that I would advise you to not go down this path. Yuki is in the safest possible place for someone of her status, and I don’t think either of your teammates would allow you to do this on your own.” She might’ve been repeating what Port had said, but that was beside the point. 

Rei blinked once, before she returned to her precious train of though. She didn’t even notice that light blush that had dusted her cheeks. “Sorry about that. Anyway, I think we’re gathering in our room. Euca is already looking for Etherius, so that’d probably be where they head first.” 

Ozpin gave a light nod as Leumetra spoke. Her proposition, while reasonable, did leave him in quite a predicament. They were already full in teams of staff, but the last thing he wanted was to seem rude anymore than he already did. “That is understandable, and I’m sure we could find a position for you. Either way, it would be best if I was aware of what your semblance was.” The headmaster and secret reincarnate then took another sip of his drink, before continuing. “I would also apologize for my unfounded assumptions. There was no reason for me to assume you would do such a thing.”

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000 @Acnologia

"And your opinion as a huntress?" Ghalan asked as he crossed his arms. He looked at her right in the eyes with his silver ones. "Because in my opinion no where is safe. There's always subterfuge in and around Beacon," Ghalan stated as he leaned back slightly. "Something big is coming and I want Beacon to be prepared for war," Ghalan stated as he looked at Glynda. "Tell me professor were you listening in on our conversation of why we became huntsman and huntresses?" Ghalan asked slightly.

"It is my choice. I choose my own path and destiny. That is my answer to Yuki and Draco," Ghalan stated with a finality to his voice.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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18 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:

Draco looked down at the smaller fox when she moved towards him and swore that he felt his heart skip a beat when she wanted to ride on him. Seeing that Yuki was a bit preoccupied, he happily obliged, placing his arms under her legs for support while she hung onto him by his shoulders. “They’re probably worried about her, so we should probably drop her off first.”

Glynda narrowed her eyes at the new information that had been presented. She didn’t know about the fact that Ozpin had created the maidens, but this stil seemed a bit sketchy at best. She was, however, fully aware of Yuki’s status as the winter maiden and that there would be people coming after her, if they weren’t already. Having said that, she already knew what her choice would be if she was given such a situation “As a professor,  I think it would be obvious that I would advise you to not go down this path. Yuki is in the safest possible place for someone of her status, and I don’t think either of your teammates would allow you to do this on your own.” She might’ve been repeating what Port had said, but that was beside the point. 

Rei blinked once, before she returned to her precious train of though. She didn’t even notice that light blush that had dusted her cheeks. “Sorry about that. Anyway, I think we’re gathering in our room. Euca is already looking for Etherius, so that’d probably be where they head first.” 

Ozpin gave a light nod as Leumetra spoke. Her proposition, while reasonable, did leave him in quite a predicament. They were already full in teams of staff, but the last thing he wanted was to seem rude anymore than he already did. “That is understandable, and I’m sure we could find a position for you. Either way, it would be best if I was aware of what your semblance was.” The headmaster and secret reincarnate then took another sip of his drink, before continuing. “I would also apologize for my unfounded assumptions. There was no reason for me to assume you would do such a thing.”

Shian sighed,

"Alright, then lets get going," he said standing up and walking past Rei to the entrance of the training room.

23 hours ago, rolle said:

Etherius got a face that looked like a headache was coming on "So you guys got serious about training after I left." he said a little sarcastically. He then narrowed his eyes as he was thinking about it "Well, from my own training back home. It is easier to improvise, learn each other's strengths, but, it would serve as a good way to learn our strengths." he then kind of scratched the back of his head and calmly recalled the bird that had been flying "Oh, don't worry about them. They're part of my family. The bird's probably one of my older cousins." he seemed to have a bad memory repressed about the person who was a bird "So, how have you been?" he said awkwardly while trying to not remember.


Leumentra's eyes seemed to distance themselves for a moment as if she was thinking, then they spun around again and she spoke "We've always had one or two spies in Beacon, Ozpin. Nothing major, just checking out potential troublemakers and overall strength of new huntsmen. Safety reasons. We haven't had them infiltrate any of your secret places." she added the last part with a straightforward tone to reassure Ozpin, she then nodded slightly as she said "I thank you for your cooperation." which didn't have much of a purpose until her next speech "While your proposition of trying to take her away... astounds me, we have no such thoughts. We do not plan to spill any blood for a person, neither will we be going back home until two months after the VYTL Festival, hopefully." she showed a bit of worry at the end.

Once again her eyes spun for a short while before she continued "Right... Right, our reason for being here. I and my escorts are planning to stay here in Vale for the time being. This is due to the report Etherius sent. I will not personally take part of the mission and request if I may work as an instructor at Beacon, my sister, the matriarch has been waiting for an opportunity to send me here to deepen our connections. She had hoped to introduce me herself, but, knowing my sister... I just couldn't have her here when it was about Etherius." she paused for a while before adding "She's a bit of an overprotective mother. It troubles both Etherius and people around him." she paused for a while until her eyes seemed to open fully "Oh, my, I forgot. Of course, my request also entails that I'll describe my semblance to you if you accept."

"Actually yeah, Shian is working his butt off and I have been trying some new techniques, Rei, I don't really know what she has been doing, but she seems to have improved,"

'Birds? Those are his family? Now I am confused' Euca thought to himself,

"We've all been ok, worried about you, but still we have been alright,"

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When Yuki noticed that Draco was carrying Amateratsu, she couldn’t help but smile slightly. “Someone likes you.” She teased, before heading to where she thought the scents of her parents were located. Something seemed a bit off, though. The fox faunus could’ve sworn that they would’ve contacted her as soon as they had arrived in port, especially if they had broughher sister along. ‘I guess they must have been busy.’ The thought helped to ease her mind somewhat, though she still seemed on edge.

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On 12/3/2017 at 8:21 PM, Drago Ryder said:

Ozpin gave a light nod as Leumetra spoke. Her proposition, while reasonable, did leave him in quite a predicament. They were already full in teams of staff, but the last thing he wanted was to seem rude anymore than he already did. “That is understandable, and I’m sure we could find a position for you. Either way, it would be best if I was aware of what your semblance was.” The headmaster and secret reincarnate then took another sip of his drink, before continuing. “I would also apologize for my unfounded assumptions. There was no reason for me to assume you would do such a thing.”


Leumentra chuckled once more as she took her hand to her mask and slowly pulled it off, revealing a face quite similar to Etherius' although she had a little bit of a rounder face, her hair was completely red to not miss that comparison. Her face revealed a soft smile as she said "It's my fault for bringing it up. Either way, to re-introduce. I am Leumentra Malvaleine, the third elder of the Malvaleine family. I was the headmaster of our own academy before the decision of sending me here was made." she bowed slightly and then a short moment afterward stood up straight again and spoke once more "My semblance is related to my eyes. I can see into people's potentials. I can vaguely feel and describe their abilities, I have to say... Yours are quite extraordinary Ozpin." she coughed and resumed "The other part of my semblance is to see improvements, the ability to guide so to speak. I can, by glancing at people offer them advice if so necessary. I can see the benefits of said advice and the harm, however, these are not absolutes. If for example, I cannot fathom or completely see through an ability... I cannot reliably give advice."

She looked at Ozpin and the stars in her eyes spun once more and a rather disappointed look appeared on her face "To be honest, I've been trying to see your potential... But, it feels... Doubled up, distorted. As if I was looking at two people, it must have to do with your abilities I'm certain, so I won't press for answers. Also, I would like to take a closer look at that Faunus someday. Something about her feels familiar, and at the same time doesn't." her mind seemed to trail off for a short moment "Ah, sorry. I've never had that happen to my semblance. And, as a quick note. I cannot measure one's current power, just their potential. It's up to the person how far they'll go, with or without help."

She put on her mask once again and her eyes analyzed the room once more before landing on Ozpin and the words that came out of her mouth were "You have quite the excellent students this year, you know? The Faunus with that fox has quite shocking potential... All jokes aside." she added the last part as she remembered the reports on Draco.


On 12/4/2017 at 3:22 PM, silvermoon15000 said:

"Actually yeah, Shian is working his butt off and I have been trying some new techniques, Rei, I don't really know what she has been doing, but she seems to have improved,"

'Birds? Those are his family? Now I am confused' Euca thought to himself,

"We've all been ok, worried about you, but still we have been alright,"


Etherius nodded "I'll review all of your improvements at our next training." he then scratched the back of his head as he said "Well, I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't have that much of a choice."

  • Brohoof 1

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Glynda merely gave a slight nod, and felt a pit from in her stomach. She knew that this might’ve been taking things a littl too far in order to ensure the saftey of the winter maiden, but maybe it was a necessary evil. “I’d like to keep all of the students that walk these halls as safe as possible, and I know Ozpin feels the same. Having said that, is there anything that I need to do to ensure that nothing interrupts what you have planned?”

Rei nodded and followed after her teammate. The last thing she wanted was to get left behind. “Hopefuly we don’t lose a teammate. Access to the Vytal tournament is nice, but we’d also be losing our team leader and somewhat of a friend.” The snake faunus didn't know what her boyfriend or Shian thought of him, but she considered Etherius to be a friend at the very least.

Ozpin gave a simple nod as he thought about what he might be able to use Leumetra for. Now that he had an idea of what her semblance was, the difficulty of such a task was relatively decreased. “I’m sure I could arrange such a meeting with Ms.Ryusaki. As for her team leader, I have noticed that as well. Despite all of his struggles in the past, he has grown and will continue to do so until he can protect those he cares for.”

The headmaster then stood and walked so that he was in front of his desk. “I will keep what you said in mind, Ms.Malevine. I’ll be sure to contact you once I have an idea of where you might be best suited, and a I thank you for this conversation.” With that, Ozpin extended his hand towards her, offering a cordial handshake.

Draco felt a light blush creep over his cheeks, but still felt a slight smile grace his lips. “You know, I never thought I’d be good with kids. At least I have that going for me.” Thoughts of tiny little dragon faunus running around him in the middle of a grass clearing formed in his mind, and that only caused the smile to broaden.

“Aww, isn’t this just touching. Unfortunately, we have to cut this moment short, and return to our regularly scheduled programming.” As the voice rang out, the city street around the two began to dissolve, leaving them in the middle of a dark alley between two buildings. In front of the faunus were two figures concealed by shadows, while a third had a glass dagger placed next to the throat of the students.

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22 minutes ago, rolle said:

Leumentra chuckled once more as she took her hand to her mask and slowly pulled it off, revealing a face quite similar to Etherius' although she had a little bit of a rounder face, her hair was completely red to not miss that comparison. Her face revealed a soft smile as she said "It's my fault for bringing it up. Either way, to re-introduce. I am Leumentra Malvaleine, the third elder of the Malvaleine family. I was the headmaster of our own academy before the decision of sending me here was made." she bowed slightly and then a short moment afterward stood up straight again and spoke once more "My semblance is related to my eyes. I can see into people's potentials. I can vaguely feel and describe their abilities, I have to say... Yours are quite extraordinary Ozpin." she coughed and resumed "The other part of my semblance is to see improvements, the ability to guide so to speak. I can, by glancing at people offer them advice if so necessary. I can see the benefits of said advice and the harm, however, these are not absolutes. If for example, I cannot fathom or completely see through an ability... I cannot reliably give advice."

She looked at Ozpin and the stars in her eyes spun once more and a rather disappointed look appeared on her face "To be honest, I've been trying to see your potential... But, it feels... Doubled up, distorted. As if I was looking at two people, it must have to do with your abilities I'm certain, so I won't press for answers. Also, I would like to take a closer look at that Faunus someday. Something about her feels familiar, and at the same time doesn't." her mind seemed to trail off for a short moment "Ah, sorry. I've never had that happen to my semblance. And, as a quick note. I cannot measure one's current power, just their potential. It's up to the person how far they'll go, with or without help."

She put on her mask once again and her eyes analyzed the room once more before landing on Ozpin and the words that came out of her mouth were "You have quite the excellent students this year, you know? The Faunus with that fox has quite shocking potential... All jokes aside." she added the last part as she remembered the reports on Draco.


Etherius nodded "I'll review all of your improvements at our next training." he then scratched the back of his head as he said "Well, I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't have that much of a choice."

"It's fine just don't do it again," Euca said as the door opened...

2 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:

Glynda merely gave a slight nod, and felt a pit from in her stomach. She knew that this might’ve been taking things a littl too far in order to ensure the saftey of the winter maiden, but maybe it was a necessary evil. “I’d like to keep all of the students that walk these halls as safe as possible, and I know Ozpin feels the same. Having said that, is there anything that I need to do to ensure that nothing interrupts what you have planned?”

Rei nodded and followed after her teammate. The last thing she wanted was to get left behind. “Hopefuly we don’t lose a teammate. Access to the Vytal tournament is nice, but we’d also be losing our team leader and somewhat of a friend.” The snake faunus didn't know what her boyfriend or Shian thought of him, but she considered Etherius to be a friend at the very least.

Ozpin gave a simple nod as he thought about what he might be able to use Leumetra for. Now that he had an idea of what her semblance was, the difficulty of such a task was relatively decreased. “I’m sure I could arrange such a meeting with Ms.Ryusaki. As for her team leader, I have noticed that as well. Despite all of his struggles in the past, he has grown and will continue to do so until he can protect those he cares for.”

The headmaster then stood and walked so that he was in front of his desk. “I will keep what you said in mind, Ms.Malevine. I’ll be sure to contact you once I have an idea of where you might be best suited, and a I thank you for this conversation.” With that, Ozpin extended his hand towards her, offering a cordial handshake.

Draco felt a light blush creep over his cheeks, but still felt a slight smile grace his lips. “You know, I never thought I’d be good with kids. At least I have that going for me.” Thoughts of tiny little dragon faunus running around him in the middle of a grass clearing formed in his mind, and that only caused the smile to broaden.

“Aww, isn’t this just touching. Unfortunately, we have to cut this moment short, and return to our regularly scheduled programming.” As the voice rang out, the city street around the two began to dissolve, leaving them in the middle of a dark alley between two buildings. In front of the faunus were two figures concealed by shadows, while a third had a glass dagger placed next to the throat of the students.

Shian opened the door hopefully Rei was behind him. Their 2 teammates were there and Shian was grateful.

"Good no man hunt," Shian said.

Euca smiled,


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Yuki felt her muscles tense as the world they saw collapse around them and her sister dissipate into nothing. Before she could make a move to respond, however, she quickly noticed the situation that both herself and her team leader were in. “Who are you people?” If it weren’t for the fact that she had gained some control over her maiden abilities, then there was a good chance that they might’ve acted on their own. Having said that, she would use them if needed.

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000 @Acnologia@Skylord Nexus

Ghalan hummed as he looked at Glynda and said "Nothing. I'll return to you and Ozpin when I have everything I need for now I have a bad feeling that Yuki and Draco are in danger such is our luck," Ghalan stated as he bowed to Glynda. He walked out of Glynda's office quickly He was quick to call them. to see if they answered.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Calbian had been walking down the hall reading a book on military tactics paying no attention to anyone around him, as he usually would, this time however was slightly different as this time there was someone in his way. In the ensuing seconds Calbian went right into the side of Ghalan sending himself onto the floor, his book landing next to him and his rapier sliding a few feet away as it unsheathed from it's scabbard.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000 @Acnologia@Skylord Nexus

"Ah pardon me," Ghalan stated as his ears twitched and his tail swayed. He reached down and grabed up the book. He then picked up the man's rapier looking it over. "A good heft to it," Ghalan stated but he shook his head slightly as he placed the blade between his armor and arm. With his hand free he offered it to the man. "Again sorry my mind was else where,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Calbian lifted himself from the floor dusting himself off and giving Ghalan a polite bow "No I should be apologising, if I had been paying attention this wouldn't have happened." Calbian then reached out and took the book, slotting it under his jacket and then taking his sword, swirling it in his hand before slotting it back into it's sheath. The late teen then took a second to see where Ghalan was standing, and in a slightly rude fashion remarked "While it's not my place to say so, standing infront of doors is rather annoying and inefficient if anyone wishes to use said door, i'd advise you move." 

Edited by Skylord Nexus

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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