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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan pulled out one of his ear buds and said "You'll probably not like it," he said with a chuckle as he jumped onto the balcony and watched inside. He figured it was time for his daily workout. So he walked to his locker and opened it. . He then took off shirt jacket and shirt. He revealed a toned body underneath the clothes. A six pack abs showed. He took off his pants and replaced them with short that fit just right. He then pulled out weights and placed them onto his legs arms and chest.  Ghalan looks at the others and said "You can watch if you desire,"he chuckled as he began to practice his unarmed fighting. He was putting his body through a rigorous workout. Each muscle strained as he flexed through the work out straining his body as he contorted his body. the weights were measure to his own body weight.


A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111@Drago Ryder@Ranger22

Yuki nodded slightly at what Draco said. "Yeah, it would get pretty cramped if that were the case." She said. The fox faunus then watched as Ghalan entered the room via balcony and began training, taking note of his movements. After a few seconds, she turned her attention back to the dragon faunus. "Well, we could get to know each other more. For instance, why do you want to be a hunter? I remember you asking us, but you never gave your own reason."

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Draco's eyes narrowed as he thought about Yuki's question, and glanced at his journal for a second before answering. "Let's see, I don't care for the money or fame this will probably bring me. Of course, that's assuming that people can actually look past the fact that I'm a dragon faunus, so those are both out. I can't exactly use the whole 'family tradition' line either because I don't really care for my only remaining blood relative, not that he was in my life to begin with. Heck, if my life hadn't gone the way it had, I might be back at Patch writing books or something like that." He said, his tone growing colder with each word. The dragon faunus then took note of his current emotional state and sighed, trying to calm himself before continuing. "Granted, I might not have met the three of you, so I guess something did go right for once after all these years. Anyway, after I developed my semblance, I never really saw myself doing anything else and started training. I developed my own fighting style, killed most of the weaker grimm, and even set up a camp in the forest. When I forged Hakume, I just added another weapon to my routine." Of course, there was more to the story than that, but he wasn't about to open that can of worms just yet.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince was just removing the last pieces of his armor as Ignis questioned what the team should do for the rest of the day. Though Vince thought it would be pretty fun to go out and do something, maybe eat at a restaurant. But considering what the team had been through recently Vince had thought that spending the day simply relaxing would be the best option for them. Maybe it was just Vince still feeling sore from fighting the grimm earlier, combat was no joke when it came to physical commitment. Aura was there to make it just a bit easier for huntsman at least. Vince was stuffing his armor in his locker before noticing Ghalan pop in from the balcony window. surprised would have been a fitting description for how Vince felt. "You'll probably not like it," was what Ghalan said in response to Ignis' question. With a sigh Vince closed his locker and stretched before tossing himself on his bed. Your body is sore because it's improving, don't complain. Vince had thought as he laid on the bed and did his best to ignore the soreness of his body and the large bruise on his side. 

"Then don't say anything if that's the case," Vince had said jokingly to Ghalan's statement. Vince was about to suggest simply relaxing as he thought before, but Yuki opened her mouth before Vince could. Vince was curious himself, why had Ignis wanted to become a huntsmen? Everyone gave their reasons, albeit generally not too in depth. But Ignis still had his to give. Thinking this Vince had caught Ghalan working out in the background, especially noticing the six pack the faunus had. Damn good genes. Vince thought in annoyance, on top of disapproving of Ghalan choosing to work out after the combat they had faced. Does that moron want to turn his muscles to mush? Wanting to instead focus on Draco's life choices instead of thinking about Ghalan's, Vince had listened in to the dragon faunus' life story. His explanation to Vince made sense, ignoring the obvious emotional strain of talking about his past. "From what I'm hearing I could assume you had it rough right? Things will keep getting rougher from now own, that's for sure. Though you got a lot more tools to assist you. We're strangers no doubt about it, but lets make it more than that...we have to. We're a team now and four years is a long time. Lets make sure we support each other, does that sound like a plan?

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan looked at Draco with a sigh as he finished up his work out. "My father's dead thanks to the white fang," Draco said casually with a shrug. "It's the same sad story for each faunus. Boohoo you had it rough. Life will spit in your eyes and throw dirt in them. Me personally I'd get right back in life's face and kick them in the balls or the taco," Ghalan stated as he rubbed his rather sore muscles. He pointed to his sword. "The last thing my father forged for me. My mother I don't know and personally I don't care. I live my life how I want to," he said simply as he walked to his locker an placed his weights into it. "If you want a battle I'll bring a war,"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@dragon4111@Ranger22

Yuki was a bit worried about Draco as she heard him speak. What could've happened that altered his life so much. Heck, developing a semblance didn't happen until you unlocked your aura. That wouldn't have worried her, aside from the fact that he developed it before he would've entered combat school. The fox faunus then glanced at the journal Draco had brought. Could that give the answers she wanted. Either way, she would wait and see what happened with the team's leader before digging any further. 

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Draco nodded slightly at what Vince said. "I can get behind that, and I'll do my best to make this the strongest team in Beacon, assuming that we aren't already." He said, giving a light smile. The dragon faunus then glanced at Ghalan and nodded. "Good to know I can count on you." Draco then grabbed a pen and his journal with his tail and began to write in it. "Anyway, teams, especially first years, typically have the same schedule. We have Port for Grimm studies in the morning at nine, Oobleck in History after that, lunch for about thirty minutes, and then Goodwitch for combat practice. Not really a lot of classes, but what do you expect from a specilized school. All in all, not a bad spread and we get out by two."

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@Drago Ryder@dragon4111@Ranger22

"So, we only have to worry about what the other students are like? That shouldn't be to troublesome." Yuki said as she laid on her bed and glanced at the ceiling. "I mean, there are going to be a few jerks regardless, so that isn't something we should worry about."

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince understood that type of personality, why let the world beat you down when you could fight back instead? It was a good way of adapting to an unfortunate situation like the faunus had. Besides that Vince was honestly surprised to hear Ghalan's father was killed by the White Fang, Vince knew it happened for sure...but hearing it from someone who experienced it personally felt entirely different. Naturally, Vince didn't exactly have a response to hearing about the murder of Ghalan's father, neither did he have one for his missing mother. There was nothing one could say that really helped, it always turned out super awkward and sometimes a little insensitive. Ignoring Ghalan's unfortunate family situation Vince still disagreed with Ghalan's view on payback. Though thinking so is ironic and insensitive, Ghalan's methods didn't sound too far off from the White Fang sadly enough. Sure it meant he wouldn't take any affront to him, but it also meant that he would have a significantly higher chance of getting into trouble. In the end Vince was over thinking it, probably making a lot of assumptions as well. Not wanting to bother thinking about the issue any longer Vince focused his attention back to Ignis, but not before noticing Yuki briefly glancing at something unknown to Vince before refocusing her attention on Draco.

What's she staring at? It's not at Ignis at all, is she planning something? Vince thought before hearing Draco state that he would attempt to make the team the best one in Beacon. Draco then brought out a journal, acknowledging Ghalan's statement before scribbling into the journal intently, explaining the classes they had and the teachers who thought them. Glad to know none of the classes included is advance mathematics and other crap like that. "A pretty good goal to be certain, but let's not get ahead of ourselves when there are fourth years to compete with, those guys are ridiculous." Vince had playfully said as he pulled out his scroll to update himself on some news. A significant increase in dust robberies huh? Yuki had mentioned worrying about the other students and interacting with them as Vince read the news report on his bed. "There are always people who are gonna get under your skin. But remember, your a huntsmen now. We're supposed to be the defenders of the people and an inspiration that people look up to. It would be a shame if we got into trouble over something like teasing or whatever. But, we are still kids...I wouldn't wholeheartedly blame someone for getting into a scuffle considering our age." Vince had stated to Yuki as he finished reading the news report, putting down his scroll as he enjoyed the sweet comfort a mattress and soft blankets offered. Then it hit him, school uniforms! "Hey...did you guys get your school uniforms yet? I could have sworn I saw a couple of people wearing them outside."

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Draco shrugged slightly, before thinking about what Vince had said. "I remember having to fill out my measurements on the application form, so they probably have them pre-made. Someone will-" Draco's head then shot up as he heard the faint sound of something being placed on the door handle of their shared room. The dragon faunus then moved out of his hammock and made his way to the door. When he opened it, he noticed four Beacon uniforms hanging there, three designed for males and one for females. "Nevermind." With that said, the dragon faunus laid each uniform on the back of the couch in the living area of the room and found his own among them. There was no way he was going to wear the tie and he would probably have to cut out a hole for his tail. As for the jacket, it would simply hang loosely off his shoulders.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki looked at got off her bed and went to get a better look at her uniform. "Huh, it doesn't look that bad." She thought to herself, after putting it on. That being said, she knew that it was possible for students to make slight alterations to the uniform so long as it was within reason.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan raised his eyebrow. He walked to the shower. He got nude once more and turned the hot water on. He let the water roll down his sore back. "Hmm that feels lovely," Ghalan chuckled to himself as he walked out afew minutes later with a towel around his waist. He smirked slightly to himself as he flaunted what he got. He looked at his teammates as he grabbed the uniform. "Enjoying yourself Yuki?" Ghalan said as he walked into the living room. He then put's on his uniform but also put's on his coat.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Yuki glanced at Ghalan, before giving a light nod. "I guess you could say that." She said. The fox faunus honestly hadn't made that many adjustments to her uniform. Her tail moved easily under the skirt of her clothes and the uniform itself was a bit loose.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince had also remembered having to fill out his clothing size when applying to Beacon as well, it was then Vince was reminded that he was still at a school no matter how deviant its curriculum was compared to the colleges and universities normal people/faunus attended instead. With the topic about uniforms currently happening it only made sense Vince was surprised with what Draco had found outside the team's door. Why do I even bother being surprised at this point? Vince had thought as the multiple instances of coincidences in one day was too much for the young huntsmen to handle. Seeing as Ignis had laid out the uniforms on the couch in the living area Vince had forced himself off his bed to check out the uniform prepared for him at least. With a grunt of annoyance and laziness Vince jumped up from the bed and walked over to the couch to see what the uniforms looked like in detail. Pretty snazzy, yet also simplistic at the same time. Briefly looking up Vince had noticed Yuki and a Ghalan freshly out of the shower taking interest in the uniforms as well.

The uniform consisted of a white shirt paired with a tie to be worn underneath the other articles of clothing included. Gold lined the black suit that was the outermost piece of apparel the uniform had, the buttons were gold as well...at least they looked gold. Besides the rather plain  black dress shoes and pants there was a blue vest that would be worn between the white shirt and suit. Overall, Vince had liked the uniform supplied, at least it was a different color than white and gray if there was anything to be said. To his surprise Yuki and Ghalan began changing into their uniforms. Guess these guys aren't shy. Vince thought as he pulled his uniform off the couch and headed into the bathroom to change. Stepping in Vince was suddenly met with a wave of moisture that filled the room due to Ghalan's recent shower. Trying to ignore it Vince undressed and began putting on the individual pieces of his uniform one by one. After a minute or so of fitting Vince was fully clad in his new uniform, an outfit he would have to wear just about everyday at least once. Man it's going to get hot in classrooms, Vince mentally complained as he tested his limb's mobility in the comparatively tight multi-layered outfit. With a sigh Vince got out and tossed his tie on his bed. "Man, classes with a lot of people is going to suck...you think they got air conditioning?" Vince had stated to the three as he began putting on his shoes on his bed.



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Draco shrugged as he put on his own uniform. His tail hung out over the top of the pants and wrapped around his waist, acting as a belt. The coat of his uniform hung loosely off his shoulders while the tie, belt, and blue vest all sat on the mattress. "I would assume the classes would be given their location. Thankfully, we can wear our normal outfits during fights in combat practice." The dragon faunus then swapped into the clothes he had worn before and put the rest of his uniform on the mattress, briefly revealing his own toned body. A few scars could be seen, along with more silver scales along his legs.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki nodded slightly as Draco spoke. "What do you think the teachers will be like? Professor Goodwitch seems a bit of a 'by the book' teacher, but there's still Professor Port and Oobleck." The fox faunus had also noticed the team leader's build and felt a light blush dust her cheeks.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan raised an eyebrow at the blush then looked at their leader. "So the foxy has a crush on the drake," he said with a chuckle. "Ah I'm not her type," he shrugged as he looked at the time.He shrugged to himself as he looked himself over. "Well I prefer my original clothes," Ghalan said as he dusted his shoulders off. He chuckled slightly to himself as he rubbed his neck.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

"No, I don't, I just never really had any brothers, so this is my first time being so close to boys." She said, her blush intensifying. The fox faunus's tail then twitched slightly as she realized what she had just said and felt a bit nervous.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

It honestly wouldn't make sense if we couldn't wear our normal outfits during combat training. Vince thought as he heard Draco mention a policy regarding the uniforms as he changed back into his normal outfit, showing off his skin a little too long for Vince's taste. Yuki then brought up the teachers of beacon and asked what they would be like, mentioning a couple of names Vince hadn't known. Vince was curious himself, how would the people tasked on raising the next generation of huntsman really be like? Would they be strict and by the book or eccentric and boisterous? It was something Vince knew he was going to find out, but there was no harm in wondering before hand. As he thought this Vince had also noticed Yuki blushing. Naturally, Vince wasn't going to point out something like that...but Ghalan had other plans. Of course it was just light teasing so there was no actual harm, at least Vince hoped Yuki didn't see it that way. Ignoring Ghalan's preference of his original outfit over his uniform Yuki's response had garnered Vince's notice. "I understand what you mean. I grew up an only child and gender segregation at my combat school made me rather unacquainted with the opposite gender. Your discomfort is understandable, best to grow accustomed or your gonna be fretting over it for the next four years." Vince said with a slight smile as he noticed Yuki grow redder by the second. But that brought Vince a question for himself, how much better would Vince be if he was put in the same situation. After all, he was in the bathroom when everyone changed.

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@Drago Ryder@dragon4111@Acnologia

Draco sighed as he listened to Ghalan tease Yuki and felt a bit awkward for some reason. The dragon faunus then sighed as he looked over a few of the earlier entries within his journal, before closing it and setting it on his bedside table. "All joking aside, they probably won't be that bad. When in doubt, just pay attention in class and they won't target you."

(The next day)

Had Draco known about Professor Port's knack for telling highly exaggerated stories that could drive most people into a comatose state from sheer boredom, then he probably would've kept his mouth shut. It didn't help that he had woken up from a nightmare at two in the morning and decided that spending the rest of the night going through possible uses of the remaining amount of metal he had stored in his suitcase was a better use of time. Either way, he and the rest of his team were sitting in a class room with only twenty other people, and it was taking all of his willpower not to go to sleep.

After his story, the professor decided to throw his class a curveball. "What I hope you students have learned is that a true Huntsman must be honorable! A true Huntsman must be dependable! A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise! Now, who among you think you can wield such traits?" Port asked, waiting for a student to take up his challenge. 

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan raised his hand. He said simply "I'll take that bet," he smirked slighty as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was actively listening through the highly exaggerated story. Stories to him were fascinating but there was something else to it. Hidden underneath. Maybe that was the ranger within him but what Port was saying weaknesses for each grimm he fought. Ghalan may have been abit nuts but still.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111@Drago Ryder@Ranger22

Honestly, even if Ghalan hadn't volunteered, Yuki still wouldn't have wanted to accept his challenge. She knew she wasn't strong enough to take a Grimm head on without the help of her team. Speaking of which, the current state of their leader also had her worried. "What happened last night to make him like this?" She thought to herself, before turning her attention back to how Port would react to Ghalan's proclamation.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince found himself sitting in a classroom filled with around twenty other students listening to the extravagant tales of his huntsman youth.Though he sat at around the farthest areas of the room Professor Port's booming voice helped compensate any form of distance they had. Many students were sound asleep, having been put to sleep in the face of the man's stories. Vince himself was rather fond of the storytelling Port had inclined himself to tell the class, it reminded him of the soldiers Vince had often overheard back home in Atlas. It also reminded him of the stories his father told him whenever he had time, which was partially why Vince set his sights on becoming a huntsman in the first place. Vince scanned the room, a few students were asleep, the rest were either goofing off, not paying attention, or intently listening. Though the students who were listening with interest were kinda in the minority. Can't blame them, many want to just be the huntsman in the story. Besides the other students, Vince found himself taking a glance at Draco from time to time, noticing his ragged and tired appearance just as Yuki had from what Vince could tell. Not wanting to do anything in the middle of class Vince just focused back on the Professor, especially noticing the most recent thing said by the boisterous teacher/huntsman. Traits that all huntsman should have? Whether or not I have them now it's best for me to learn and apply these traits as early as possible. Vince thought to himself, watching as Ghalan raised his hand...ready to take on whatever Port had in store to test or teach said traits. "Might try this test myself," Vince muttered under the assumption that such a trial existed. 

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If Port was smiling, then it was hidden under his rather large mustache. The teacher then nodded slightly as a cage was brought in. It's solid metal exterior hid whatever it was hiding, but it was far from soundproofed. The noise being released by whatever was inside gave off the prescence of a grimm. "Excellent. Now, come down and face your opponent. I'm sure you'll find this one to be quite troublesome."

Draco's fatigue remained, but at the very least he was now paying attention. "Huh, first day and we're already fighting grimm. Wonder which one it'll be." He muttered to himself.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan walked down to meet the grimm inside the box. He placed a hand onto his sword's hilt. No matter what people said gotta be prepared for anything. He took up an Iajutsu stance . He first needed to test this grimm to see what it is but he was ready. He nodded to professor Port to release the beast. His tail swayed slowly with sweet anticipation.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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