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private A Night to remember


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Ivy cried "i'm sorry... we met...we met River to". She cried for ages "stop Doctor please they loved you" she cried out. The first time she got slammed she let out a small cry. She looked in to the doctor eyes "I tell no lies they all showed up to tell you..." she got cut off at the 2nd slam hit her back.


She cried again, by this time she was getting strangled. She didn't try and reason with him. The third slam knocked her out cold. The mix of lack of oxygen to the brain and the force was to much for her. She fell to the floor still breathing and only a few bumbs on her head.

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Only then did the Doctor realized what he had done.

He nearly killed her.

He nearly became what he was running from all those years.

He nearly became what had driven him to give up the Master to Death, at the cost of his sanity.

He became himself.

And what horrified him the most was that he didn't care.

At all.


He fell to the ground, crying.

"Oh, CELESTIA, I'm a monster!"

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"IVY!!!" Prince screamed as he ran over to her. He knew he couldn't stop either of them but seeing her get slammed like that just our him in pain as well as anger. " you're not a monster...." he said looking at the doctor with what looked like a tear in his eye. "With how many people loved you! You Nit A Monster!!" Prince yelled at him "Far from it" he looked down at the ground, waiting fur Ivy to get up and prove his worst fear wrong. "Please get up...." prince said in a soft low tone almost pleading.

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The Doctor felt many things at that moment.






But none of them resembled concern in the slightest.

He had truly became what he feared the worst.


He was The Doctor.

Not the one that ran.

Not the one that saved.

The one that could throw the universe in anarchy at a whim.

The one who would use others to achieve his goals.

The one who killed.


He now just layed there, shaking, having run out of tears.

He stated blankly into space with an expression of horror.

"The one who kills... The one who kills..." he whispered.

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Ivy awoke and looked at Prince and smiled. She looked at the doctor still not moving. "Doctor someone as old as you... is going to have a dark past" she paused. Her head was in pain a splinting head "You cared about Rose...River... even the master." She moved and slowly got to her hooves. Before stubbing into a sitting position. She paused "I don't care if you don't care for me... i got Prince to care for me" she looked at Prince loving.


She then looked over at the doctor again, "Listen, we need to get out of this nightmare" she winced as the headache felt like a drum inside her head.

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The Doctor didn't move.

He just layed on the floor, whispering the same sentence as before over and over, like a broken toy.

Before Ivy could approach him, he spoke up, still not moving.

"Do you... Do you know... How it feels... To give up everything?"

He sat up.

"To be such a coward that you sell your only friend to Death to escape your fate?"

"To have saved so many, simply because you have killed even more?"

He turned to her, and the expression in his eyes was one of pain.

One of sadness, one of a traveler who had lived too long, seen to much, one of a pony who could never really be attached to anypony, in fear of losing them.

It was the most heart breaking expression in the universe; the one that made you lose all hope.

The expression of when even the Doctor was broken.

"... I'm just do tired of running...."

He whispered, so that you almost couldn't hear him.

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At that moment, a recognisable, whispering sweet voice echoed in the air. "You don't have to run...so many love you, so many care, open your eyes and see whats been in front of you this whole time."

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Ivy listened and then she heard a sweet voice. She smiled "Listen to that doctor" said looked around. "Thats the pony we have to save... the friend i lost so long ago" She sighed.

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''Listen to me Doctor... Me, Ivy, and Prince Survived Space Ponies, Reapers, and Deadly creatures to see you again. You are a HERO. No matter what ponies tell you. You are The Doctor.'' Said Splinter as shaking The Doctor. He then heard the voice. ''Illusion?'' Said Splinter as hearing the voice.

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The voice cried, "Please don't be alarmed, its the good part of me. I'm communicating to you through my nightmares...SHE's trapped me here and unless you all find a way to escape...She'll use everyones fears against them to control Equestria!"

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''Oh! That's a relief... Don't worry Illusion, We have this under control..I hope.'' Said Splinter as Looking at the group. He cocked a eyebrow. ''Wait...Prince? Were you.. Never mind..'' Said Splinter as Looking puzzled.

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Suddenly, an explosion blasted the TARDIS doors off, and three Daleks came in the room.

The group tried to attack them, but it was no use. With a single blast of energy, they were down on their knees.

Then Davros entered, with what could be considered a smile if he wasn't emotionless.

"Doctor, Doctor, Doctor."

He said, full of hate.

"I finally found you. And now, I'll exterminate you."

The Daleks went in a frenzy.




He shouted.

"But you made us suffer so long... Now we shall make you suffer. We will give your allies every regeneration we ever stole from your putrid species, and kill them through each one."

At these words, the three Daleks pointed their laser appendages at Ivy.

"We'll start with the female, and make your friends watch. By the time we killed her, they'll hate you more than the whole Dalek race!"

The thing made a raspy laugh, while the Doctor's eyes darted from his desperate friends back to the Daleks, over and over, a look of desperation in his eyes.

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Ivy panicked and the calmed down. She looked at Prince with a tear in her eye, she looked over at the doctor. She got up and stubble on her feet, she didn't know whether it was the knock on the head that did. She sighed "I...i don't understand why would you give us more lives instead of killing us." She was swaying in the breeze "But i don't want to change not now in this nightmare, not ever" She looked into the daleks eye... thingy. "See this is all a dream of the doctors... your not really here"


She slowly walked up to them "I think the bump on my head might have sent me crazy" she muttered to them. She walked round them and smiled "but right now i don't care and that’s annoying you is it not?" She finely walked back to Prince and smiled. "One more thing as this is a nightmare... a dream... the doctor can bend it at his will" She fell over and looked at the doctor "So save me doctor..."

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The Doctor looked a the foolish Ivy.

"If your mind dies, all that's left of your body is a shell."

He told her, in one short breath.

He looked away from her expression of sudden realization.

She was going to die.

She had gone through so much to help him, and now she was going to die.

He had killed again.

And there was nothing he could do.


His eyes lit up, as something sparked in his mind.

There is something I can do.

To the Dalek's surprise, and to Ivy's joy, the Doctor got up on his hooves, his whole body glowing.

"You sorry, sorry creature."

He washed the energy over Davros, drowning him in light, and revealing him to be Illusion.

"You thought I wouldn't notice. In MY MIND."

Illusion tried to assume the shape of Rassilon, but the Doctor blasted her again.

"I must admit, it was very clever. Using my own guilt against me."

He walked up to her, as she assumed the form of the Cyber Queen, but was once again covered in light.

"But there's one thing you haven't considered."

At this point, the Doctor had his trademark I'm about to win smirk and a spark in his eyes.

"For every creature in the universe I've killed..."

He raised his voice, Illusion trying to take the form of another one of his enemies, but failed miserably.

"For every one I've condemned..."

He was now literally shouting, the light around him forming the shape of ponies by his side.

"...I've saved so many more."

The light flickered, and the figures revealed to be River, Rose and the Master.

"And no matter how much I have to sacrifice..."

The figures smiled at him, and a zap of light shot from them, incinerating the Daleks.

"... No matter what I lose..."

The light around him beginned to charge up.

"... I'll never stop saving them."

He whispered.

The light around him exploded in an array of fantastic light tricks, pulverizing the dream world around them, and increasing until they could not see anymore and could feel themselves being pulled out of the nightmare.


The Doctor decided to take one last trip before leaving.

He was trotting in the middle of the light, minding his own buisness.

"Doctor!" A voice called out. He smiled.

He turned to find all of his assistants behind him. Even Koschier.

He started tearing up, and his smile only grew wider when he saw K-9 hovering up to him, his cybernetic tail wagging wildly.

"Oh, you annoying little bugger..." He said, petting him between sobs.

He approached the group.

"Well, here we are..."

They stood in an akward silence, the Doctor looking around the landscape.

After a few seconds he couldn't keep himself anymore.

"Aw, who am I kidding? Com'ere!"

He said, and pulled them in a group hug.

He started sobbing, half in happiness half in nostalgia.

"I miss you all so much..."

"We know you do, Doc..."

Said a brown pony with a black mane.

"We miss you to."

This time, it was Romana who spoke.

"I'll never forget you... none of you..."

"We all love you too much to let you forget, Doctor."

He looked around to see Dodo smiling at him.

"Goodbye... I promise I'll see you again..."

"No. Don't."

He looked around confused.

The one to talk had been Susan Foreman, his very first assistant.

She had tears in her eyes.

"For your own good...."



The Doctor woke up.

He was still lying on the TARDIS floor.

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Ivy woke up with a fright, she looked around. She took a breath and got up "well that we won that" she smiled. She got up "We need to find her in this world now and fast!" She looked at Prince. She ran over to him and gave him to a massive hug and kissed him "I'm so glad your ok!"

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The Doctor looked at the scene, a heart warmed smile on his face.

He sighed. Although he was with friends, he knew he was still alone.

But it was worth it.

"Don't worry Sweetie, I'm here for you."

The Doctor chuckled in gratitude, and leaned into River Song's chest.



He said, jumping up on his hooves, startled.

She gave an amused chuckle.

"Didn't expect you to be that surprised, Sweetie."

"B-But... how did you...?"

She smiled slyly.

"I snuck in before you went to pick them up."

He frowned.

"But... How... You..."

She gave him a kiss, earning a blush on his part.

She giggled.

"Don't you worry, Sweetie."

She got up, the Doctor still paralyzed from the kiss, and pulled a sequence of levers and buttons.

"What year, Sweetie?"

The Doctor didn't respond.

She sighed, amused.

"Okay. What year, Ivy?"

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Ivy paused "when i was a filly" She smiled. "She was still her self then!" She looked at River and smiled "Good to see you alive again sugar" She joked and winked.

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River song pulled the lever, rewarded by the familiar wirring sound of the TARDIS.

"I still don't understand why you keep the breaks on, sweetie."

The wirring stopped, and she walked up to the Doctor.

She pulled on his tie, getting her face dangerously near to his.

"What would you say, sweetie? Allons-y..."

She let him go, and chuckled, as she exited through the door, the fresh air of the night hit her in the face and she sighed.

The Doctor shook his head, and gave a look at the chuckling Ivy and Prince, who then looked away.

He went through the door.

"So Ivy, where do we go now?"

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Ivy got out and smiled "This place... it smells just like it used it!" She said happly. She looked around "Oh... well i'm not sure..." she paused. She then looked around "I guess we could just wonder around..."

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