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6 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:


you're going to help Star

((OOC: ? who's Star?))

Moon stayed silent a moment, thinking.

...If I do this, then I'll have less time. But...I can't do nothing.

"Alright. See you guys in a bit." She then left the link, and looked around. She picked up a pile of items and grabbed a couple things out of it with her magic. She then prepared a couple of spells, and checked the black room one last time.

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On 10/18/2017 at 8:08 AM, Maple Bat said:

@Star48955 @Techno Universal @WiiGuy2014

Woody was happy that both of them heard him, He'd not seen Moon for a while and he started to worry "Ok good, you're both here. Techno you said that you saw them heading this way? Well, then we'll need to face them before they get here... We don't want the civilians to get hurt by the fighting." Woody thought deeply for a while and snapped "Alright everyone I've got a plan. Moon, You've got incredibly powerful magic right? Well, you can attack them from the side with something strong while they're least expecting it. Will, first, might be worth noting I've severed your connection with the hive, you're welcome. you're going to help Star with this I feel as though you're more magical than physical. Techno Keep an eye on them for now and don't join the fight unless you have to we need you to watch over us and you can judge if someone needs to retreat or not. As for me and Maple. We'll fight head on with the others of our army."

Will in Changeling Form felt his missing connection with the Hive was gone. He was a little sad that an ability that came naturally to him was taken away, but still it was for the best; he might thought something that would be heard by his misguided race that could be used against the rebels and he wouldn't want that.

@Maple Bat

Will asked Woody. "I should heed my superior's orders, right?"

Edited by WiiGuy2014
Star confusion cleared up


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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2 hours ago, Maple Bat said:

@Star48955 @Techno Universal @WiiGuy2014

Woody was happy that both of them heard him, He'd not seen Moon for a while and he started to worry "Ok good, you're both here. Techno you said that you saw them heading this way? Well, then we'll need to face them before they get here... We don't want the civilians to get hurt by the fighting." Woody thought deeply for a while and snapped "Alright everyone I've got a plan. Moon, You've got incredibly powerful magic right? Well, you can attack them from the side with something strong while they're least expecting it. Will, first, might be worth noting I've severed your connection with the hive, you're welcome. you're going to help Moon with this I feel as though you're more magical than physical. Techno Keep an eye on them for now and don't join the fight unless you have to we need you to watch over us and you can judge if someone needs to retreat or not. As for me and Maple. We'll fight head on with the others of our army."

TU: Okay Woody my system will be doing a lot of the work as it will see when your too injured to continue fighting! Anyways just remember that our capes have magical abilities to!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Ravage led the troop of changling soldiers down the dirt road.  With fifty guards marching behind him, he allowed the slightest of smiles to cross his face.  They may have got the better of us last time, he thought, but now, with my Master controlling the bugs, things will be different.  He allowed the slightest glance to his side, where the blue pony marched beside him.  He seemed, distracted, eyes kept glancing behind him, as if looking for somepony.  Perhaps he felt like they were being watched?  

Ravage ignored it.  A force of fifty changlings marching in formation was going to attract attention, so he wasn't concerned about it.  They continued on there way down the road towards Ponyville....

Edited by nx9100





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@nx9100 (And  @Techno Universal @WiiGuy2014 @Star48955)

Maple was standing on the road, not by herself there was a small force behind her 20 or so ponies all battle ready but Maple was at the front. She stared down Ravage. "We meet again." She shouted to the pony staring straight at him, "Thought I told you to never come back..."

Woody was right behind Maple, wearing a long black cloak with a hood, They had not know of his existance... much, prior but they where in for a rude awakening if they underestimated him as he looked "Maple we best not. He might become suspicious."

Edited by Maple Bat


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Ravage stared right at Maple Bat.  "Your demands do not concern us," Ennex replied to her.  The Changlings seemed to quietly mumble his words as he said them.  "You will stand down, and escort us to Ponyville.  Resistance..." he grinned ..."is futile..."





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On 10/18/2017 at 8:19 AM, Star48955 said:

((OOC: ? who's Star?))

Moon stayed silent a moment, thinking.

...If I do this, then I'll have less time. But...I can't do nothing.

"Alright. See you guys in a bit." She then left the link, and looked around. She picked up a pile of items and grabbed a couple things out of it with her magic. She then prepared a couple of spells, and checked the black room one last time.


On 10/18/2017 at 8:26 AM, WiiGuy2014 said:

Will in Changeling Form felt his missing connection with the Hive was gone. He was a little sad that an ability that came naturally to him was taken away, but still it was for the best; he might thought something that would be heard by his misguided race that could be used against the rebels and he wouldn't want that.

@Maple Bat

Will asked Woody. "I should heed my superior's orders, right?"

@Maple Bat @Star48955

Will was a little worried when Woody left without answering his question. Not wanting to muck anything up, he stayed put until someone (hopefully Moon) would show up to give him an order!

(OOC: Seriously, Maple. Bad form to leave a guy hanging like that)


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@WiiGuy2014 @nx9100

(OOC: Sorry Will... And sorry again)

Maple looked at him curiously "Why ya going to ponyville?" She asked him a bit sarcasticly "I mean really there's nothing special there."

Woody had been getting bothered by something after realizing what it was, He started to  Will Did I give you orders?.. No I think... I did... Find moon and do as she says.

Edited by Maple Bat
Sorry again


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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35 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

@WiiGuy2014 @nx9100

(Maple looked at him curiously "Why ya going to ponyville?" She asked him a bit sarcasticly "I mean really there's nothing special there."

"Oh, I disagree," Ennex told her.  "I believe that we will find much more than a simple quiet village.  While Canterlot was once the home of the Princesses, Ponyville was the real center of Equestria.  For some reason, everything always leads back there.  Magic, unknown events," his eyes flashed, "rebellions...."






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Maple drew a spear slamming the butt end of the weapon into the ground "Well it's off limits. You've hurt these people more than enough Ennex. I've seen you go here enough times... Which is why I'm cutting you off here." She hesitated a bit "Though... I do see what you mean. I used to live here myself. But after Chrysalis and Sombra took over well... That's not important." She lifted the spear and pointed the weapon at Ennex "If you really want to get to ponyville the only way is through me!"

@Techno Universal

Woody changed who he was speaking within his telepathy " Techno. communicate with our soldiers, you're in charge."

(OOC: Yes, Techno, you can order them around none of them are my characters anyways. I don't mind)


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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2 hours ago, Maple Bat said:


Maple drew a spear slamming the butt end of the weapon into the ground "Well it's off limits. You've hurt these people more than enough Ennex. I've seen you go here enough times... Which is why I'm cutting you off here." She hesitated a bit "Though... I do see what you mean. I used to live here myself. But after Chrysalis and Sombra took over well... That's not important." She lifted the spear and pointed the weapon at Ennex "If you really want to get to ponyville the only way is through me!"

@Techno Universal

Woody changed who he was speaking within his telepathy " Techno. communicate with our soldiers, you're in charge."

(OOC: Yes, Techno, you can order them around none of them are my characters anyways. I don't mind)

TU: Yes I'll come up with a plan!


Techno then telepathy told the troops to hide in the bushes around them...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Moon was floating with her eyes closed. She opened up a link with Will, but  at the same time was listening as Maple confronted Ennex.

"Will. Where are you currently?" Eyes still closed, she raised a hoof and touched the golden necklace around her neck, the gem glowing brightly.

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7 minutes ago, Star48955 said:

Moon was floating with her eyes closed. She opened up a link with Will, but  at the same time was listening as Maple confronted Ennex.

"Will. Where are you currently?" Eyes still closed, she raised a hoof and touched the golden necklace around her neck, the gem glowing brightly.

Techno was also watching over everyone and he then turned his attention to Moon when he noticed what was going on with her necklace...


TU: Moon I believe your necklace is trying to unite it's powers with your cape as your cape is attached to your necklace and it does have it's own magical properties! Like this really is getting exciting for me!

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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((OOC: @Techno Universal  I still haven't revealed where Moon is yet, so he couldn't have seen it.Unless, he somehow found out through the link.))

Moon opened her eyes and glanced down at her necklace, noticing the glow. Her face clouded, and she blocked Techno from being able to see her through the link.

Of course it was this thing...stop.I need to focus.I can think about this later.

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6 minutes ago, Star48955 said:

((OOC: @Techno Universal  I still haven't revealed where Moon is yet, so he couldn't have seen it.Unless, he somehow found out through the link.))

Moon opened her eyes and glanced down at her necklace, noticing the glow. Her face clouded, and she blocked Techno from being able to see her through the link.

Of course it was this thing...stop.I need to focus.I can think about this later.

(Well Techno actually naturally senses magical activity through mental links like that so it basically grabbed his attention through his senses! :) )


Techno could still hear Moon through the link plus he could also sense the strong magical activity of the necklace...


TU: So do you need to focus deeply onto your necklace to see what exactly it's doing? Well really even though I can't exactly see you through the link right now the magical activity from your necklace is really getting picked up from my senses. So I can sense what it's doing from here even though you're trying to block me out.

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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22 minutes ago, Star48955 said:

Moon was floating with her eyes closed. She opened up a link with Will, but  at the same time was listening as Maple confronted Ennex.

"Will. Where are you currently?" Eyes still closed, she raised a hoof and touched the golden necklace around her neck, the gem glowing brightly.

"Moon, I think I'm still in the training room." Will mentally spoked to his superior. "I'm ready for some orders from anyone who can help me stop this madness and free my fellow Changelings from Chrysalis' control!"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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2 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said:


"Moon, I think I'm still in the training room." Will mentally spoked to his superior. "I'm ready for some orders from anyone who can help me stop this madness and free my fellow Changelings from Chrysalis' control!"

Techno tuned his attention to Will...


TU: Well about that I actually observed that Ennex gained complete power and control over Chrysalis. Apparently he killed Sombra and because of that he was able to put himself in the top for control and power.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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"Alright. Will, if you allow it, I'll teleport you close enough to the changelings that you can sneak in without being noticed. Then you can start casting some spells, and it'll cause some confusion. If you're up for it." Moon checked her magic again to make sure it was ready.

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@Techno Universal

"What? Someone worst overtook Chrysalis? That's awful. I know she's a terrible Queen, but being controlled like that with no free will of your own is the worst thing anyone, good or bad, could ever experienced. Remember that, Techno!"

1 minute ago, Star48955 said:

"Alright. Will, if you allow it, I'll teleport you close enough to the changelings that you can sneak in without being noticed. Then you can start casting some spells, and it'll cause some confusion. If you're up for it." Moon checked her magic again to make sure it was ready.

@Star48955 @Techno Universal

Will considered Moon's suggestion. "I could sneak in, but casting spells? How do I do that? I'd function better with further instructions" He wondered if Techno was listening.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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4 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

@Techno Universal

"What? Someone worst overtook Chrysalis? That's awful. I know she's a terrible Queen, but being controlled like that with no free will of your own is the worst thing anyone, good or bad, could ever experienced. Remember that, Techno!"

@Star48955 @Techno Universal

Will considered Moon's suggestion. "I could sneak in, but casting spells? How do I do that? I'd function better with further instructions" He wondered if Techno was listening.

TU: Yeah I want everyone to have complete free will but not too much so they have guidelines to run by so they don't feel lost and purposeless. Anyways you could try making yourself invisible to the timeline and that's a magical function I put into all of our capes just in case it's needed like now!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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12 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

Will considered Moon's suggestion. "I could sneak in, but casting spells? How do I do that? I'd function better with further instructions" He wondered if Techno was listening.

Moon thought for a moment. "Anything would work. You could change into something and distract them, or cast some kind of spell. As long as it will get their attention and allow us to catch them off guard."

  • Brohoof 1
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@Star48955 @Techno Universal

Will gave his cape a quick test drive, as he turned invisible and discovered the cape stayed with him even as he switched from his Unicorn cover to his real Changeling form.

Will hoped his mental link wouldn't be heard by enemy forces as he spoke to Techno. "How are limits of this cape's abilities? If you can get me behind the Changeling army lines, I could provide a distraction, allowing the others a chance to strike back"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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3 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

@Star48955 @Techno Universal

Will gave his cape a quick test drive, as he turned invisible and discovered the cape stayed with him even as he switched from his Unicorn cover to his real Changeling form.

Will hoped his mental link wouldn't be heard by enemy forces as he spoke to Techno. "How are limits of this cape's abilities? If you can get me behind the Changeling army lines, I could provide a distraction, allowing the others a chance to strike back"

TU: Well really knowing how the core mental operations of everyone works if the enemies see your cape flowing in the wind or with your magic it would really get them mesmerised on you! Plus the capes are like indestructible shields to so you could literally become indestructible by wrapping your cape around yourself! Anyways I can teleport you to behind the armies in a moment at your request! Plus as long as your cape is flowing in the wind or with your magic most of the troops should get fully mesmerised by it but it won't affect the ones who have extremely high self control that much but still not many of us actually have self control that's high enough to allow us to override that mesmerising effect from the capes!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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15 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Well really knowing how the core mental operations of everyone works if the enemies see your cape flowing in the wind or with your magic it would really get them mesmerised on you! Plus the capes are like indestructible shields to so you could literally become indestructible by wrapping your cape around yourself! Anyways I can teleport you to behind the armies in a moment at your request! Plus as long as your cape is flowing in the wind or with your magic most of the troops should get fully mesmerised by it but it won't affect the ones who have extremely high self control that much but still not many of us actually have self control that's high enough to allow us to override that mesmerising effect from the capes!

Will smiled. Although he was hoping he won't be a Leeroy Jenkins, he was ready for the plan. "Okay, Techno! When it's safe, beam me over there. I'll have them dazzled when their guard is done."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Just now, WiiGuy2014 said:

Will smiled. Although he was hoping he won't be a Leeroy Jenkins, he was ready for the plan. "Okay, Techno! When it's safe, beam me over there. I'll have them dazzled when their guard is done."

TU: Okay I'll just pop you right over there and it's quite windy over there right now and that's perfect for getting the troops mesmerised by your cape!


Techno then teleported Will behind the army of troops and his cape was flowing in the wind...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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