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searching Pony Emblem OOC

Maple Bat

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Before I begin explaining this rp let me Specify something

You do not have to have prior knowledge of Fire emblem to join.

Everything should be explained below


*Minor* spoilers for Fire emblem fates revelations ahead

Alright so I had an idea for a roleplay based off of the popular Japanese strategy game Fire emblem, FE Fates to be more precise

So In Fire Emblem units (AKA you guys) start off as a basic class such as archer or knight and can advance to like a sniper or paladin

(If you dont know what class you'll be I'll help get you assigned one) (Also some ponies may need special classes to fit their bio like mine are going to be a special class I'll get to how that works later)

However the RP will attempt to function off of the game play however that's very stat and luck based so I'll attempt to fix that up so we can use it, but I love the concept of classes and skills and stuff like that so that'll stay

In fire emblem Fates there are 2 countries at war Nohr and Hoshido or in the case of this role play The Lunar republic or the Solar empire

Characters such Luna and Celestia are leaders in thier respective country and the mane six are split between them (refered to as royals), each of these charters are going to have 2 "retainers" or servants who protect them during battle with their lives They start avanced classes, others are just troops in the battle and will need to use a master seal to rank up

Here's the cast so far. And in the spoiler a reference if you haven't played fire emblem so you can learn about all the skills and such


Solar Empire Specializes in Skill, Speed, and Magic

"Royals" and retainers

Celestia: Hoshido Noble (Special) (Played by :Myself (For story reasons))

Weapons: Tomes, Swords, and Staffs

Magic: Fireball, Seraphim

Staff: Recover, Physic 

Personality: Supportive

Skills: Nobility, Hosidan unity, Alicorn(Dragon) ward, Sol(No Hp Cost)


Celestia's Retainers

(retainer 1)

(retainer 2)


Twilight sparkle: Sorcerer

Weapons: Magic

Spells: Fireball, Lightning

Personality: Devoted partner (Only affects Celestia)

Skills: Heartseaker, Malefic aura, Ignis (Cost 5 Hp), Rally spectrum



Twilight's retainers

Trixie: Sorcerer

Weapon: Magic

Spells: Fireball, Excalibur

Personality: Fierce rival

Skills: Magic+2, Seal Magic, Tome Breaker, Rally Magic


Shady Deceit: Butler

Weapon: Flame Shuriken

Spells: Recover


Heartful Soul: Shady cannot initiate attacks, and can only counterattack, however, when attacked, takes 80% less damage for any attacks after the first. (So if he were being doubled, the second attack would do a ton less) 

Skills: Miracle, Gentillehomme and Live to Serve

Rarity: Songstress (Special)

Weapon: Spears

Personality: Singer (units can move again if she sings to them)

Skills: Luck+4, Inspiring song, Voice of peace, Foreign pony.

S-rank: None


Rarity's retainers

Spike: Dragon (Special))

Weapons: Breath attacks

Personality: Prodigy 

Skills: Profiteer, Grizzly wounded, Beast bane, Spendthrift

(retainer 2)


Pinkie Pie: Maid

Weapons: Knifes, Healing staffs

Staffs: Recover, Fortify

Personality: Sweet tooth

Skills: Live to serve, Future sight, Rend heaven, Dancing Blade



Pinkie's retainers

Cheese Sandwich: Spear master

Personality: Pride 

Weapon: Spears

Skills: Seal Defence, Spearfaire, Salvage Blow, Swap

(retainer 2)

Solar Empire army:

(Open slots)



Lunar Rebublic:  Specializes in Strength, Defense, Resistance

"Royals" and retainers

Luna: Nohr Noble (Special) (Played By: Star48955)

Weapons: Tomes, Swords, and Staffs

Spells: Fireball, Nosferatu(Drains Hp)

Personality: Supportive

Skills: Nobility, Nohrian Trust, Alicorn(Dragon) Hex, Luna(Cost 4 HP)

S-Rank: None

Luna's Retainers

Maple Bat: Vampire Archer (Special)(Played By: Myself)

Weapons: Fangs(Drains Hp), Bow

Personality: Optimistic Pessimist (see Below)

Skills: Lifetaker, Relief, Miracle, Galeforce


Healthlife: Sorcerer

Spells: Fireball, Lightning, Aura (Given by Staff)

Skills: Renewal, Amaterasu, Replicate(Halfs Hp and gives it to the replica.) and Countermagic

Personality: Healing Descant

Weapons: A light-purple crystal staff.


Fluttershy: Priestess (Played by: MoTusNua)

Weapons: Bows and Healing staffs

Staffs: Recover, Rescue, Fortify.

Personality: Peacebringer

Skills: Miracle, Bowfaire, Renewal, Rally Luck

S-Rank: Discord, Child: Maple Bat


Fluttershy's Retainers

Discord: Dark Falcon

Weapons: Spears, Tomes

Spells: Aura, Ragnarok

Personality: Playthings

Skills: Relief, Galeforce, Speed +2, Rally movement


Silga Singawald: Merchant

Weapons: Bows and spears

Personality: Fiery Blood

Skills: Aptitude, Underdog, Profiteer, and Spendthrift.


Rainbow Dash: Falcon knight

Weapons: Spears and Healing staffs

Personality: Competitive

Skills: Pass, Astra(Cost 10 Hp), Counter, Inspiration

S-rank: None


RD's retainers

(retainer 1)

(retainer 2)


Applejack: Berzerker

Weapon: Axe

Personality: In extremis

Skills: Skill+2,HP+2,Savage blow,Axefaire

S-rank: None


AJ's Retainers

BigMac: General

Weapon: Spears

Personality: Chivalry

Skills: Wary fighter, HP+5, Resist +2, Defense +2

(retainer 2)


Lunar Rebulic Army:

Silens Solis: Troubadour

Weapons: Staffs

Staffs:Recover, Physic.

Personality: Peacebringer

Skills: Resistance +2, Demoiselle


Ajax: Outlaw

Weapons: Bows

Personality: Fearsome Blow

Skills: Movement +1, Lunge


While the mane focus of this roleplay may seem like a Celestia vs Luna thing, however, I'm going to follow the Revelations mane quest line where there's a 3rd group which both Nohr and Hoshido work together to beat. So while which team isn't the most important thing still there are advantages in both and the differences will cause infighting during the quest

Story Beginning 

This third party seems almost not real to any pony who goes up against it. They can feel a presence and see the enemy in their mind but there is no physical appearance, however, seeing it in your mind basically means that it is visable but to only you. They have been attacking equestria for some time now, The Lunar Republic and the Solar Empire have stopped fighting to search for the sorce of these "Invaders" As they where called


Joining in

 Are you joining with one (or more) of your Amazing Ocs?

Things I'll need

Name of character:


Slot you want if any are available:

Character page link (or description on this OOC)

Preferred classes: 2 possible per OC, One you are and one you can become with a Heart seal

Help on classes


If your character needs to be a special class tell me and, If your not sure a class at all I'll gladly help out

And I'll need your 2 skills (4 for advanced characters)(Skill aren't class specific like in the game just make it fit you Oc) plus a personality skill (which you can make up or use one that exist) And weapons that your unit will use.

PS: only pegasi can be Flying units and Unicorns can only be Mages, in addition, you're class doesn't determine which side you're on


Is Your character another character's child?

If the answer is yes then you can still join however you must wait until your characters mother S-ranks with somepony else (cannon or non-cannon) (Father needs to be flexible) then you can be added in via a quest

Things about child units: 1. They can be Any class like normal but can heart seal change to what their parents are (So they can be 3 classes)

2. At least 2 of their skills need to be from the father and mother of the unit (one for each parent)

3. Siblings are allowed

4. Children units can't have children (to avoid confusion)

(look at my example for details)



Do you want to be one of the Cannon characters?

Well If positions are open then just post who you want to play as however I'm limiting Cannon characters to one per person for the sake of fairness but you can play a cannon character and have an OC in it too

If you want to be Fluttershy or Discord, you have to be able to roleplay the Fluttercord ship meaning that you must refer to each other being married and no NSFW please and thanks. That's currently the only S-rank(or marriage) but there can more as the story progresses, just introduce me to the character and I'll see what I can do


Special Classes

Theses classes are mostly meant to be classes that are not obtainable by the general army only 3 or 4 ponies normally, these can include classes that aren't officially in Fire emblem

Offical special classes.

These classes include both of the Nobles, Wolfskin and wolfssengner, Kitsune and Ninetails and any class categorized as other

The Nobles: Luna, Celestia and their kids only

Wolfskins and Wolfssengner: (Open slots)

Kitsune and Ninetails: (Open slots)

Songstress: Rarity and her kids only


Non-official Special classes

The non-official special classes I will provide a brief summery on each of them

Vampire Archer (Flying) (Advanced): Maple Bat only.

Weapons: Fangs and Bows

Dragons (Advanced)(Open): Spike

Weapons: Breath attacks

More up for debate just mention it what it is it's weapons (3 max)and skills (2 max) and I'll see if I like it.


Example of an Oc application

My Oc

Name: Maple Bat

Race: Vampire fruit bat pony

Slot: Luna's retainer 1

Character Page:

Classes: Vampire Archer (Heart seal: Priestess, Dark falcon)

Skills: Lifetaker, Relief, Miracle(Fluttershy)  and Galeforce(Discord)

Personality Skill: Optimistic Pessimist, Maple when helping others attack will deal 10 damage but may attack the assisted pony (Chance= 50% -resist)

Weapons: Bat Fangs and Her bow the Heart's Eclipse (A Crescent bow)


The part you where all waiting for

Combat system.

So I finally decided on how it'll work. It will work by you declare you attack and the enemy may strike you back. All damage calculation is done manually on my end. Spellcasters may do more with certain spells than capable with certain weapons however it costs them hp.

There are 3 things that are important to know weapon range, Crit rate, and multiple hits

Weapon range: is if you will or will not get attacked back when you attack an enemy which is determined by your weapon:

Melee weapons (Swords, Axes, Spears): Can only counterattack other melee weapons.

Thrown Weapons: (Special Spears and Axes) Can counter attack Melee and Magic attacks

Bows: Can counterattack Magic and thrown Weapons.

Magic: Can counterattack thrown and Melee weapons.

Staffs: Cannot attack or counterattack.

Critical hits: When a player attacks an enemy there will a chance of them landing a critical hit dealing 3x as much damage as normal or with Killer weapons 4x as much damage.

Whether or not you crit is determined on 3 dice you must get 3 6's that I will roll for each hit in combat. 2 dice if you use a Killer weapon.

Multiple hits: Players can gain the upper hand by hitting twice due to them having more speed (Max hits 4). This is determined on your class and works on a class by class basis. SO that's something you just need to look at logically. Like a Dragon wouldn't go faster than a pegasus knight.

Rough speed chart < means will hit twice. 

Armored < Mages < Hero type classes < Archers < Flying classes

RP Link:

We started meaning for now all uncontrolled characters will be played by me (Only when necessary). HOWEVER, If you are reading this and want to join as a cannon I can just put here that you control them now and let you take over. Plus we will always be accepting new members


And I think that's it Questions are welcome, recommendations for cannon characters to be added are requested, and feel free to join.

Edited by Maple Bat
New Player! Small edits
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Actually thats a good point I'm gonna change it up a bit.

And yea you can play Luna.

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone who views this RP Please note that

You do not have to have any prior knowlage to Fire Emblem to Join.

I can just explain or help if something seems confusing to you I don't mind.


  • Brohoof 3


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16/06/2017 at 7:23 PM, Maple Bat said:

Anyone who views this RP Please note that

You do not have to have any prior knowlage to Fire Emblem to Join.

I can just explain or help if something seems confusing to you I don't mind.


Name of character: Silens Solis

Race: Unicorn

Slot you want if any are available: Lunar Republican Army

Another character I would like to play are: I would also like to Roleplay as Fluttershy. As I believe she is Character, I could pull off well. I am able to refer to Discord and Fluttershy being married and will keep not safe for work content out of the roleplay.

Character page link (or description on this OOC):

Preferred classes: The Two preferred classes for my Character are the Strategist and Troubadour.


Edited by MoTusNua
  • Brohoof 2
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Just now, MoTusNua said:

Name of character: Silens Solis

Race: Unicorn

Slot you want if any are available: I would like to also Roleplay as Fluttershy. As I believe she is Character, I could pull off well. I am able to refer to them being married and will keep not safe for work content out of the roleplay.

Character page link (or description on this OOC):

Preferred classes: The Two prefer classes for my Character are the Strategist and Troubadour


Alright that sounds great. Glad you joined.

You can totally play fluttershy. But the slots available thing was if you wanted to play as a retainer (if you want to server a cast character.)

Otherwise I'll need to know which army you want Silens solis to be a part of.

  • Brohoof 3


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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3 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

Alright that sounds great. Glad you joined.

You can totally play fluttershy. But the slots available thing was if you wanted to play as a retainer (if you want to server a cast character.)

Otherwise I'll need to know which army you want Silens solis to be a part of.

I had edited my post since with the relevant information included along with grammar fixes as I didn't draft the post before I posted it.
Just read it again and it should house the information, you are looking for.
Thanks for accepting me into your roleplay <3

Edited by MoTusNua
  • Brohoof 1
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Just Added you to the list. And it's no problem.

If you have any other people that might want to join invite them in too. We're gonna need a few more people before starting.

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Hello, Maple. How are you?


Name of character: Heathlife

Race: Unicorn

Slot you want if any are available: Luna Retainer 2

Character page link (or description on this OOC): 

Preferred classes: Sorcerer

Skills: Renewal, Amaterasu, Replicate and Countermagic

Personality Skill: Healing Descant

Weapons: A light-purple crystal staff.


It took some time to get all this up. You're free to point things out if you want to.

Edited by rolle
  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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5 hours ago, rolle said:

Hello, Maple. How are you?


Name of character: Heathlife

Race: Unicorn

Slot you want if any are available: Luna Retainer 2

Character page link (or description on this OOC): 

Preferred classes: Sorcerer

Skills: Renewal, Amaterasu, Replicate and Countermagic

Personality Skill: Healing Descant

Weapons: A light-purple crystal staff.


It took some time to get all this up. You're free to point things out if you want to.

Hey rolle, I'm doin' fine

You did great on this, Good job!

Edit: Added you to the list.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@rolle @Mickey Adaptus @Star48955 @MoTusNua

Hey guys!

I'm sorry to bother you all... But I do think I managed to refine how my system of battle is going to work. (Thanks to the newest Fire emblem game, FE Echoes: Shadows of Valencia.)

So the way Skills that are Active skills Like Astra or Miracle are going to work is, to activate them you have to expend a certain amount of Hp for example Astra since it's so strong would cost me 10 Hp while something small like Dragon fang would only cast 4-5 Hp.

Magic is going to be much strong now than intended. It will however cost Hp too. Each spell 1-2 Hp. In the long haul that's not a lot and it gives healers more to do in the RP.

Speaking of healers they're getting some fun stuff too. They're healing will change with each level up and a level 20 (Max) Advanced healer get's one use of Bifrost per battle. Which can revive an allied unit that has fallen. Plus they can expend 5 hp to a summon Illusion pony to fight too.

Stats of illustion ponies

Class: Lancer

Skills: Lancefaire Swap

Level=to healer that summoned them



Other news: I may start the Rp soon. Even without all the slots filled. We can recruit ponies mid battle when people sign up plus theres the whole paralouge thing, Which is a mission where you can recruit someone by winning.

I'll give this a bit more time for new people to join but Be ready to start. :squee:

(If any of this seems complex let me know and I can break it down for you)


  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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On 5/10/2017 at 5:09 PM, Maple Bat said:

Before I begin explaining this rp let me Specify something

You do not have to have prior knowledge of Fire emblem to join.

Everything should be explained below


*Minor* spoilers for Fire emblem fates revelations ahead

Alright so I had an idea for a roleplay based off of the popular Japanese strategy game Fire emblem, FE Fates to be more precise

So In Fire Emblem units (AKA you guys) start off as a basic class such as archer or knight and can advance to like a sniper or paladin

(If you dont know what class you'll be I'll help get you assigned one) (Also some ponies may need special classes to fit their bio like mine are going to be a special class I'll get to how that works later)

However the RP will attempt to function off of the game play however that's very stat and luck based so I'll attempt to fix that up so we can use it, but I love the concept of classes and skills and stuff like that so that'll stay

In fire emblem Fates there are 2 countries at war Nohr and Hoshido or in the case of this role play The Lunar republic or the Solar empire

Characters such Luna and Celestia are leaders in thier respective country and the mane six are split between them (refered to as royals), each of these charters are going to have 2 "retainers" or servants who protect them during battle with their lives They start avanced classes, others are just troops in the battle and will need to use a master seal to rank up

Here's the cast so far. And in the spoiler a reference if you haven't played fire emblem so you can learn about all the skills and such


Solar Empire Specializes in Skill, Speed, and Magic

"Royals" and retainers

Celestia: Hoshido Noble (Special)

Weapons: Tomes, Swords, and Staffs

Magic: Fireball, Seraphim

Staff: Recover, Physic 

Personality: Supportive

Skills: Nobility, Hosidan unity, Alicorn(Dragon) ward, Sol(No Hp Cost)


Celestia's Retainers

(retainer 1)

(retainer 2)


Twilight sparkle: Sorcerer

Weapons: Magic

Spells:Fireball, Lightning

Personality: Devoted partner (Only affects Celestia)

Skills: Heartseaker, Malefic aura, Ignis (Cost 5 Hp), Rally spectrum



Twilight's retainers

Trixie: Sorcerer

Weapon: Magic

Spells: Fireball, Excalibur

Personality: Fierce rival

Skills: Magic+2, Seal Magic, Tome Breaker, Rally Magic

(retainer 2)


Rarity: Songstress (Special)

Weapon: Spears

Personality:Singer (units can move again if she sings to them)

Skills:Luck+4, Inspiring song, Voice of peace, Foreign pony.

S-rank: None


Rarity's retainers

Spike: Dragon (Special))

Weapons: Breath attacks

Personality: Prodigy 

Skills: Profiteer, Grizzly wounded ,Beast bane, Spendthrift

(retainer 2)


Pinkie Pie: Maid

Weapons: Knifes, Healing staffs

Staffs: Recover, Fortify

Personality: Sweet tooth

Skills: Live to serve, Future sight, Rend heaven, Dancing Blade



Pinkie's retainers

Cheese Sandwich: Spear master

Personality: Pride 

Weapon: Spears

Skills:Seal Defence, Spearfaire, Salvage Blow, Swap

(retainer 2)

Solar Empire army:

(Open slots)



Lunar Rebublic:  Specializes in Strength, Defense, Resistance

"Royals" and retainers

Luna: Nohr Noble (Special) (Played By: Star48955)

Weapons: Tomes, Swords, and Staffs

Spells: Fireball, Nosferatu(Drains Hp)

Personality: Supportive

Skills: Nobility, Nohrian Trust, Alicorn(Dragon) Hex, Luna(Cost 4 HP)

S-Rank: None

Luna's Retainers

Maple Bat: Vampire Archer (Special)(Played By: Myself)

Weapons: Fangs(Drains Hp) , Bow

Personality: Optimistic Pessimist (see Below)

Skills: Lifetaker, Relief, Miracle, Galeforce


Healthlife: Sorcerer

Spells: Fireball, Lightning, Aura (Given by Staff)

Skills: Renewal, Amaterasu, Replicate(Halfs Hp and gives it to the replica.) and Countermagic

Personality: Healing Descant

Weapons: A light-purple crystal staff.


Fluttershy: Priestess (Played by: MoTusNua)

Weapons: Bows and Healing staffs

Staffs: Recover, Rescue, Invoke.

Personality: Peacebringer

Skills: Miracle, Bowfaire, Renewal, Rally Luck

S-Rank: Discord, Child: Maple Bat


Fluttershy's Retainers

Discord: Dark Falcon

Weapons: Spears, Tomes

Spells: Aura, Ragnarok

Personality: Playthings

Skills: Relief, Galeforce, Speed +2, Rally movement

(retainer 2)


Rainbow Dash: Falcon knight

Weapons: Spears and Healing staffs

Personality: Competitive

Skills: Pass, Astra(Cost 10 Hp), Counter, Inspiration

S-rank: None


RD's retainers

(retainer 1)

(retainer 2)


Applejack: Berzerker

Weapon: Axe

Personality: In extremis

Skills: Skill+2,HP+2,Savage blow,Axefaire

S-rank: None


AJ's Retainers

BigMac: General

Weapon: Spears

Personality: Chivalry

Skills: Wary fighter, HP+5, Resist +2, Defense +2

(retainer 2)


Lunar Rebulic Army:

Silens Solis: Troubadour

Weapons: Staffs

Staffs:Recover, Physic.

Personality: Peacebringer

Skills: Resistance +2, Demoiselle


Ajax: Outlaw

Weapons: Bows

Personality: Fearsome Blow

Skills: Movement +1, Lunge


While the mane focus of this roleplay may seem like a Celestia vs Luna thing, however, I'm going to follow the Revolations mane quest line where there's a 3rd group which both Nohr and Hoshido work together to beat.

So while which team isn't the most important thing still there are advantages in both and the differences will cause infighting during the quest.

(Still a bit of a W.I.P. on the story)


Joining in

 Are you joining with one (or more) of your Amazing Ocs?

Things I'll need

Name of character:


Slot you want if any are available:

Character page link (or description on this OOC)

Preferred classes: 2 possible per OC, One you are and one you can become with a Heart seal

Help on classes


If your character needs to be a special class tell me and, If your not sure a class at all I'll gladly help out

And I'll need your 2 skills (4 for advanced characters)(Skill aren't class specific like in the game just make it fit you Oc) plus a personality skill (which you can make up or use one that exist) And weapons that your unit will use.

PS: only pegasi can be Flying units and Unicorns can only be Mages in addition you're class doesn't determine which side you're on


Is Your character another characters child?

If the answer is yes then you can still join however you must wait until your characters mother S-ranks with somepony else (cannon or non-cannon) (Father needs to be flexible) then you can be added in via a quest

Things about child units: 1. They can be Any class like normal but can heart seal change to what their parents are (So they can be 3 classes)

2. At least 2 of their skills need to be from the father and mother of the unit (one for each parent)

3. Siblings are allowed

4. Children units can't have children (to avoid confusion)

(look at my example for details)



Do you want to be one of the Cannon characters?

Well If positions are open then just post who you want to play as however I'm limiting Cannon characters to one per person for the sake of fairness but you can play a cannon character and have an OC in it too

If you want to Play as Celestia, Then we need to start a small PM chat so the story can move smoothly

If you want to be Fluttershy or Discord, you have to be able to roleplay the Fluttercord ship meaning that you must refer to each other being married and no NSFW please and thanks. That's currently the only S-rank(or marriage) but there can more added as the story progresses


Special Classes

Theses classes are mostly meant to be classes that are not obtainable by the general army only 3 or 4 ponies normally, these can include classes that aren't offically in Fire emblem

Offical special classes.

These classes include both of the Nobles, Wolfskin and wolfssengner, Kitsune and Ninetails and any class categorized as other

The Nobles: Luna, Celestia and their kids only

Wolfskins and Wolfssengner: (Open slots)

Kitsune and Ninetails: (Open slots)

Songstess: Rarity and her kids only


Non-official Special classes

The non-official special classes I will provide a brief summery on each of them

Vampire Archer (Flying) (Advanced): Maple Bat only.

Weapons: Fangs and Bows

Dragons (Advanced)(Open): Spike

Weapons: Breath attacks

More up for debate just mention it what it is it's weapons (3 max)and skills (2 max) and I'll see if I like it.


Example of a Oc application

My Oc

Name: Maple Bat

Race: Vampire fruit bat pony

Slot: Luna's retainer 1

Character Page:

Classes: Vampire Archer (Heart seal: Priestess, Dark falcon)

Skills: Lifetaker, Relief, Miracle(Fluttershy)  and Galeforce(Discord)

Personality Skill: Optimistic Pessimist , Maple when helping others attack will deal 10 damage but may attack the assisted pony (Chance= 50% -resist)

Weapons: Bat Fangs and Her bow the Heart's Eclipse (A Crescent bow)


And I think that's it Questions are welcome, recommendations for cannon characters to be added are requested, and feel free to join.

So could I play as Fluttershy's retainer? Also I am confused structure wise how this rp will work. 

Also I guess my class would be villager? Here is my OC:



  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by Kyoshi.

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1 minute ago, Tilgoreth said:

So could I play as Fluttershy's retainer? Also I am confused structure wise how this rp will work. 

Also I guess my class would be villager? Here is my OC:



Alright! Welcome in. Villager could work. PM me with any questions you have :fluttershy:

I'll add you to the list, but since your a retainer You'd be an evolved unit. Which would be either Master of arms or a Merchant.

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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4 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

Alright! Welcome in. Villager could work. PM me with any questions you have :fluttershy:

I'll add you to the list, but since your a retainer You'd be an evolved unit. Which would be either Master of arms or a Merchant.

Okay thanks!

  • Brohoof 1


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Just now, Tilgoreth said:

Okay thanks!

So which one would you rather be?

Master of arms (Swords Axes and Spears.) or Merchant (Spear and Bow)

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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1 minute ago, Maple Bat said:

So which one would you rather be?

Master of arms (Swords Axes and Spears.) or Merchant (Spear and Bow)


  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by Kyoshi.

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MoTusNua @Mickey Adaptus @rolle @Tilgoreth

Hey you few I decided to start the RP!

Feel free to post and be welcoming to newcomers as well :squee:

I did end up finishing anything that was still a W.I.P So look at the first post for info

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  • 1 month later...

@Maple Bat

Just to clarify, you're still accepting applicants, right? I love Fire Emblem, and I'd love to see which direction you'll take this roleplay in. 

Before I actually post my OC, I'm just curious. Do we start out in the respective kingdoms and eventually meet the other side, or will we be thrown into it right off the bat?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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2 minutes ago, Dakcka said:

@Maple Bat

Just to clarify, you're still accepting applicants, right? I love Fire Emblem, and I'd love to see which direction you'll take this roleplay in. 

Before I actually post my OC, I'm just curious. Do we start out in the respective kingdoms and eventually meet the other side, or will we be thrown into it right off the bat?

Yes I'm still accepting, Always will be :squee:

Glad to meet another fan of Fire Emblem :yay:

We will start respectively and then meet up later on as I reveal the details of the main antagonist group.

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat


Name: Shady Deceit

Race: Earth Pony

Slot: Twilight Retainer 2

Character Page:

Classes: Butler

Skills: Miracle, Gentillehomme and Live to Serve

Personality Skill (I'm only assuming we're able to make our own personal skill, if that ain't cool just tell me):

Heartful Soul: Shady cannot initiate attacks, and can only counterattack, however, when attacked, takes 80% less damage for any attacks after the first. (So if he were being doubled, the second attack would do a ton less) 

Weapons: Flame Shuriken, Mend

Just tell me if you want me to change anything. Or if you want me to give how Shady's growth rates, and boon and bane would look.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Just now, Dakcka said:

@Maple Bat


Name: Shady Deceit

Race: Earth Pony

Slot: Twilight Retainer 2

Character Page:

Classes: Butler

Skills: Miracle, Gentillehomme and Live to Serve

Personality Skill (I'm only assuming we're able to make our own personal skill, if that ain't cool just tell me):

Heartful Soul: Shady cannot initiate attacks, and can only counterattack, however, when attacked, takes 80% less damage for any attacks after the first. (So if he were being doubled, the second attack would do a ton less) 

Weapons: Flame Shuriken, Mend

Just tell me if you want me to change anything. Or if you want me to give how Shady's growth rates, and boon and bane would look.

I love it!

Great work on that Personality Skill, that was perfectly fine with me!

Growth rates, of course, would be a bit odd as leveling its self is still kinda hard for me to figure out in the first place

Small thing though Mend is going to be replaced by Recover. I'm using Shadows of Valencia, Style spells which cost HP to use instead of uses (Both damage and healing spells). There are a few different reasons for it such as healer have more to do, It helps balance it, and it makes it so Players have to think ahead. You can pick any of the healing staffs you like though and here's a link fo reference! 


  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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