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movies/tv Jimmy's Top 10 Worst Films.

Jimmy Bronymian

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You guys should tell me any opinions/ modifications you think might be needed in my list. Also, enjoy. I hope none of you ever make a list like this....so many bad films....(these are all films from 2011 BTW) :( Also. what would you put as your top ten worst films? (of 2011 or overall...)




10. Breaking Dawn

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Okay, this was surprisingly watchable compared to other films on this list. Which is saying a lot because this was still horrible, but nowhere on the plane of the other films.


9. The Smurfs

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The Smurfs has one redeeming quality to it, and that is the actor Neil Patrick Harris. His humor is the only thing I really understood about this film. The Smurfs as a cartoon, were not that fantastic to start out with. Then they made this film a solid 20-odd years after that cartoon finished airing. If they didn't say smurf or smurfin, or smurf something every two seconds this might have actually been bearable.


8. Red Riding Hood

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This wasn't bad as much as it was absurdly dull. Every scene felt like a new, dull, dead end adventure. Its a dull film, featuring dull characters, and an incredibly dumb plot. It was fairly hard to sit through this, but I did it, so trust me when I say don't make the same mistake I did.


7. New Years Eve

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This is it, its amazing, they've pulled this off. This is, hands down, the worst rom-com I've seen to this day. The plot tries to intertwine as couples find each other on New Years Eve, but the film just becomes a convoluted mess of nothingness. The comedy is bland, and hard to find. The romance seems soulless and dead, and the entirety of the film feels like someone just sloppily put it together for profit.


6. Season Of the Witch

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This film has an absurdly silly plot, silly characters, and incredibly stupid special effects. I love most Cage films, as his acting is...uumm.....usually "outstanding" and makes me laugh. In this film though Cage seems to not care, and he attempts to act serious throughout the entirety of the film. Despite what most would think, serious Cage is bland and tasteless, as opposed to hilarious. The end of the film rewards a few laughs, but other than that I do not recommend viewing this one, Cage fan or not.


5. Chipwrecked

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Oh yeah, if you know me you know whats coming here. After about an hour of the high pitched what I can only describe as raping of songs, I was good and ready to leave. The story is stupid, the voices are annoying, the actors seem confused at why they are there. I endured the entirety of this garbage, and to this day find it amazing that I am FORCED to put it on my list as #5.


4. Transformers 3

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Okay, I can understand if some of you are angry about this one being here. However, I believe this film was completely intolerable. Michael Bay has this habit of scrapping a good plot for more action. In some cases, this might actually pass as a good film. However, when you run 2 hours and 30 minutes in a film it NEEDS a good plot. This film jacks around for the first hour and a half, and then for the last hour its just pure explosions and battles. Not recommended for anyone, unless you enjoy a lot of pointless action.


3. Atlas Shrugged

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This adaptation of the novel by Ayn Rand should have never existed. The politics and ideals behind Ayn Rand's views, I don't mean to be blunt, but they don't work, and they never will. This film is one boring, stupid mess, even if I did agree with Ayn Rand's views I would still feel that way about this film. It poorly interprets the book, it is slow and clunky, and I fell asleep ten minutes into it the first time I attempted to watch it. This was by far the most boring film of 2011.


2. Jack and Jill

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Ooooohhhhhh man, this film. Adam Sandler was once a hilarious guy, making films many enjoyed, and having humorous skits on SNL. This movie is the clear and utter disappointment that proves those days are long gone. Al Pacino had some funny scenes, but since this movie was bent on showing Jack and Jill we don't get to see him much. The film is fully blown with fart jokes, childish jokes, and jokes that Adam Sandler thought people would find funny, but apparently duded out for everyone else. Horrible and clunky Jack and Jill easily won the Razzies this year (The Razzies are awards for the worst film of the year). My highest recommendation to those who want to see this film is simply this: do not.


1. Bucky Larson

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This film has one running gag, and the problem lies in that that gag is not funny. To make a good comedy film typically it is required to have more than one running joke in general. There is honestly not a whole lot I can say about this film. I've blocked most of it from my memory out of pure spite. The film achieved a 0% on rotten tomatoes, an impressive feat by any means. When this film ended i felt happy, happy that I would never have to witness something like this again. I recommend this film if you hate yourself, and feel the need to attempt to endure something worthless and bad.

Edited by Jimmy Bronymian

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I liked Season of the Witch, but to each his own. Chipwrecked, on the other hand, ugh... The first Munk movie was alright, but they have just been getting progressively worse and worse. The only tolerable part of Chipwrecked was Ian.

  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I've only seen Transformers 3, and I enjoyed it, but like you said, I'm a guy who LOOOOVES pointless action, which is why I'm so excited for Battleship this Friday :D



Oh god you gonna see the Battleship movie I don't know about that movie tho I have mix feelings about it since its based on a board game after all and did you now that Hollywood is planning on making a ouija board movie based on that game as well.

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I'd like to nominate Tropic Thunder for the 10 Worst Films list. It'd be number one on my least favorite list, anyways~


I haven't seen any of the movies on your list, nor did I want to. Adam Sandler used to be funny, but I put him onto my unfunny list after I watched Funny People. It's not a funny movie. At all.

The first chipmunks movie I liked. The second one was okay, I didn't pay much attention to it. Every one after that is terrible.

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The Hangover Part II, it just brought nothing new to the table and instead it decided to go the cheap way. Recycling jokes from the first movie combined with an even raunchier script really make for a bad movie.

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Edited by SrFrog
  • Brohoof 1

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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The Hangover Part II, it just brought nothing new to the table and instead it decided to go the cheap way. Recycling jokes from the first movie combined with an even raunchier script really make for a bad movie.

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I can't believe I missed this one :blink: It was so friggin' horrible...


Me and my dorm buddies make a point of watching bad films because they make us laugh, maybe we are just crazy....who knows :lol:


Battlefield Earth, Waterworld, and especially Birdemic are horrible. This list is only films from 2011 though. In a top ten for all time you bet they would be on there, along with Plan 9 From Outer Space, The Room, and Troll 2 for sure. ^_^

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Those are all so awful!


I recently watched Kindergarten Cop for the first time in my life the other day. That is on both my top 10 worst films list AND my top 10 favorite films list.

  • Brohoof 1
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All of those is disliked, but transformers was not that bad. Neither was is good though.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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- Posts a comment defending the Twilight movie! -





I don't really like the Twilight movies... I'm hurt that you really thought so :(



I haven't seen any of those other films, tho. I almost went to watch New Years Eve.... But luckily I didn't have any company.

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