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OOC Thread : https://mlpforums.com/topic/169477-the-lost-one-ooc/


The Keep; Inner rooms

"Princess!! Wake up!! Its time to start the day!" 

Raindew waited outside the room of his princess, she was late to breakfast and he knew she got agitated if she didn't eat. He didn't need two grumpy ponies on his hooves after all.

Inside the room though, upon her balcony looking at the back gardens sat the mare in question. She looked up to the new hole in the canopy that she was able to open now that the barrier was gone, looking at the clouds that floated on by. It had been a couple of months since the shattering. Only a few weeks since she had introduced herself to the new sovereigns. A lot has been on her mind, and all she wanted to do was crawl back into bed and forget everything.

The Tavern

"I don't know Orange Blossom I just didn't like the way he looked at ya!" The dapple grey stallion looked at the small mare in front of him like she was gonna slap him, and she did have half a mind to do it too.

Instead she trotted off to the back kitchens, angry as a bee whose hive had been messed with. 

The early patrons of the town could only laugh at the scene they were watching, being used to something like this happening every so often.

The dapple hung his head down, embarrassed about it all.

The Barracks 

The purple mare blocked yet another attack from her spar partner. She pushed back and sent him flying. She whipped around and caught the surprise attacker by surprise, flipping him onto his back.

"Come at me! Act like you are defending her majesty!"  She yelled at them, her eyes flicking all around her as they came back for another round of beatings.

The Market Courtyard

Busy bodies filled here and there, buying groceries, knick knacks, and other assortment of things. Ponies talked about the town Ponyville that they have visited, some ponies from that very town were here to look at the old wares that this lost town offered. 

Link to OOC Topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/169477-the-lost-one-ooc/
Edited by LonnaKitty
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Winter Bolt lands with a thump in the market almost falling flat on his snout. He had been flying for so long he was weak with fatigue and hunger. His normally frost blue coat was dusty and his normally pristine tail was snarled and tangled from the winds that brought him here. He his travels had gotten him caught in a storm and blown him way out of the known lands of Equestria and into a land he knew not. 

Still cold from the winds the pony stumbled and staggered looking for a place to rest and recharge before he just went to sleep where he stood. Bleary eyed he looks around the market hoping to find someone that might be able to point him to a meal and a place to rest his hooves for a bit. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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A small green mare walked up to the new pegisi with a bright smile on their face.

"Hi there stranger! Welcome to Harmony Plaza! How can I help ya?"

Nope. Not a mare. The pony in question was a stallion. His moved his blonde mane to the side, not really looking at the pegasus, but still addressing him.

The Keep

"I guess I can't stay in here forever." Argante sighed and made her way out, Raindew following her and telling her of some of the things that would be addressed today as they made their way to the throne room so she could see to the problems of the day. 


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Winter Bolt looks at the stallion with bleary eyes letting out a soft nicker of exhaustion. " Good to meet you. I am Winter Bolt" He stood slowly and with care as his legs and wings were cramped from fighting the cold winds for hours before landing here. It was foolish to stand still after such a long flight and he knew it. Walking forward with a wince he shook out his mane and cleared his head before speaking again.

"That storm blew me all over the place before I had to land here. Im exhausted and sore is there anywhere that I might get warmed up and get something to eat? Oh and are bits still the currency here? Because its all I've got...."

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The green stallion chuckled at him. And turned around, motioning for him to follow them.

"Of course, we adopted the bits currency here, we used to do equal exchange though, ya know, stuff for stuff and all that."

The pony would occasionally bump into someone, but the ponies he bumped didn't seem to really mind. They just moved along. 

They approached a tavern, The Old Goat is what it read on the sign and the stallion turned to Winter Bolt.

"This here is the tavern, tell Miss Orange Blossom that Joyleaf sent ya, and she might be willing to give ya a discount~ I would stay and talk more friend but I have a prior engagement!" The stallion shook hooves with the stranger quickly, and trotted away towards the large castle like building towards the back of the clearing.

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"Nice meeting you and good to know my money is good here. Good luck with your engagement whatever that might be!" Shaking hooves swiftly Winter Bolt limps his way into the Tavern looking towards the serving area with relief at the warmth and the prospect of a meal and something to slack his thirst. Flying was not just physically demanding but something that made dehydration a consistent risk.

Limping over to what appears to be a serving station Winter Bolt looked around wondering who to talk to or who was the Orange Blossom that he was told to mention Joyleaf to. It didn't matter just getting warmed up and having a meal soon to be at hoof was comfort enough. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Maple had been sent to this new kingdom that was discovered recently Maple was wearing her armor and had her bow with her. After making it to the empire and looking at it for a bit taking it all in she went over to the barraks, Seeing a pony defeat their sparring partner "Hey you there! The one that leading the training." She walked over examining the pony "Greetings from canterlot." She said "My name is Maple Bat. I was sent by princess Luna to investigate the new kingdom... That includes your strength. Care to spar with me?" 


Maple had told Woodland Orchestra about a new kingdom that showed up he was packing a few things before he left since he'd want to make it count.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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A small delicate dark orange mare came out the back with several drinks for her patrons. Her bright yellow hair was in a messy bun, a couple of tendrils hanging in her face. She handled getting through all the crowd with grace, several patrons would make jokes and she would sass back. Slowly making her way over to Winter Bolt, she sighed and smiled brightly. She kinda gave off a motherly feel.

"Hello there shug, what can I do ya for, we have all kinds of different ciders, and different types of food. If we don't have it I'll tell ya. So what'll it be?"

@Maple Bat

Shadow Jewel dispatched the last trainee as she looked at the guard that approached her. 

Archer. Means strong legs. Should be fun.

The mare smiled, getting in a ready stance. She nodded to the pony, a silent sign that she could come at her.

Let's see how she does. I have been wondering about the training of that canterlot guard.

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Winterbolt thought for a moment and he knew just what he needed. He needed carbs and sugars for a fast boost and something to drink. " Do you have oats with honey and cold apple cider?  Also, do you think that there is any chance of me cleaning up prior to eating because I'm pretty sure I look a wreck?"

Winterbolt knew that he was going to be sore tomorrow if he did not get some muscle ointment so he wanted to eat and get out to the stores before they might close. But worse than this was not knowing where he would sleep tonight or how he might afford it. He had no reason to head back to Manehatten and didn't have the money currently to stay. The uncertainty was almost amusing causing a slight smile to crack across his tired features. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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25 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:


Maple had been sent to this new kingdom that was discovered recently Maple was wearing her armor and had her bow with her. After making it to the empire and looking at it for a bit taking it all in she went over to the barraks, Seeing a pony defeat their sparring partner "Hey you there! The one that leading the training." She walked over examining the pony "Greetings from canterlot." She said "My name is Maple Bat. I was sent by princess Luna to investigate the new kingdom... That includes your strength. Care to spar with me?" 

Changeling Will Guide was currently out just in case any threat from the nearby Forest would attack him and Maple Bat, as he had slightly more battle experience than his Unicorn host!

Still, he decided to let Maple be the leader and show their strength.

Edited by WiiGuy2014


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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The Barracks

After walking through the market place amidst the packs of sellers and buyers that crowded the courtyard, Helios Whitequill finally reached the kingdom's training camp. Having arrived at the location just recently, he was feeling considerably weary from his travel: to cross the Everfree Forest in search of the recently unearthed Lost Kingdom had been no easy task. However, he would attend to his tasks at hoof first.

Upon seeing that the guards found themselves in the middle of a training section, the pegasus stallion remained silent, watching the display of skills from a respectful distance. One of the sparring warriors seemed to be wearing garbs resembling a Canterlot Royal Guard. Intrigued, the professor sat down and awaited the start of the show.

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She figured the guest should strike first so Maple went for a simple hit to the chest on her sparing partner. After making the swing she prepped to avoid anything the pony would do in return.


After packing, Woody set out... He realized only then that he had no Idea where it was. He thought about what Maple had said, She mentioned a forest, He started going some direction, Luckly, The correct one.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Orange smiled. She looked him over and grinned more.

"That we do, but well seein as you might not have a whole lotta bits on ya from what I imagine due to how ragged ya look, you can do some volunteer work for me, cleanin', busin tables and other things, if ya do that, your meal and a room here at the tavern will be free, if your up for it?"


@Maple Bat @WiiGuy2014 @Driz

Shadow blocked the hit, taking it with stride. She went for a low hoof kick, trying to knock her opponent off balance. All the while looking around at her on lookers. She saw the odd pony looking creature that came with her new spar partner. Then there was another, a stallion, he wasn't from here. Probably an outsider. She the focused back in on her opponent, watching her eyes and legs, looking for any sign of her thought process.

The Inner Keep

Argante sighed as she listened to the troubles of her ponies, fixing the problems one after another. Maybe they had grown too dependent on her? She smiled and excused herself. She wanted somepony else to talk to, and she knew just the mare. She trotted over to the balcony that watched over the training grounds. Looking for her friend, she spotted her and was about to call out when she realized she was sparring. She quieted herself and watched, she loved seeing her friend fight, it was like a dance. But you know....deadly.

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The yellow-colored Vampire Fruit-Bat Pony was knocked off her hooves. She flapped her wing shifting her stumble into a backflip kicking the pony with her hind leg aiming at the jaw. She landed from the flip gracefully and folder up her bat wings switching to a more defensive stance. Reading her self for when the pony went to attack so she could attempt a counter attack.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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3 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:


The yellow-colored Vampire Fruit-Bat Pony was knocked off her hooves. She flapped her wing shifting her stumble into a backflip kicking the pony with her hind leg aiming at the jaw. She landed from the flip gracefully and folder up her bat wings switching to a more defensive stance. Reading her self for when the pony went to attack so she could attempt a counter attack.

Changeling Will Guide and his Unicorn Host in the "backseat" of their shared mind continued watching the fight. 

I wonder if this kingdom had any meetings with my Changeling race in the past, the Changeling mentally spoke with the original Unicorn Will Guide.

I'm sure it will be okay, Unicorn Will Guide mentally answered back. You and I know the Changelings have changed for the better, and this will be our chance to prove it to a new place.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Maple Bat


As she tries to attack, she shatters her back right hoof tripping over a rock. "Is anyone a doctor!?" she screams in pain. "Please, I need help!" she screams with fear and pain as she sheds tears. "Please..." She says drained and weakened.  

Edited by WisePie


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" Well sure that sounds like a fair trade. But I gotta warn you I do need to get cleaned up, get some supplies, and Im a bit sore after being blown in by that storm. So would it be possible to help with closing time and get started on workin the tables tomorrow?"

Winter Bolt was nervous because he knew it was a good offer. But he also knew he was too sore and tired to be doing too much this evening. He just had to hope his perspective patron would be understanding. If things worked out he might even be able to find a place to live and some paying work after a bit. Could this be the new start he wanted? Well, it was possible but hunger and a sore set of wings made it hard to think too much on it. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Jedishy @LonnaKitty

The Tavern

The unicorn mare suddenly darted inside the tavern, straight towards the serving counter. "Oh, thank Celestia, finally a food place! Hey, missy! Could you fix me a hayburger?... And an ice-cold apple cider too, while we're at it. Pretty please." She requested, soon taking a seat next to another customer.

"Man oh man, am I starving! I've been walking through this cursed Everwhat forest for like a zillion hours already! And buddy, lemme tell ya. It's easy to get 'lost' in this 'Lost' Kingdom. Am I right?" She chuckled.

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@Driz @Jedishy      

Orange Blossom nodded at the pegasus. 

"You can have one of the vacant rooms, they may not be glorious. We don't have many of the modern things that the outside has, we are workin on it though, but it will be suitable."

 She then turned her head to the loud unicorn and laughed. What a bundle of energy this one is. Reminded her of a certain other pony.

"Sure thing, comin' up darlin" she gleamed and walked to the kitchens to fix the food, going ahead and bringing the two ponies their drinks before hand and then staying in the back to fix the food.


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@Maple Bat @WiiGuy2014 

Shadow Jewel dodged enough to not get that kick in the face, but it did clip her shoulder, sliding her over a bit. She dug her hooves into the ground to keep herself upright. She stood up straight and gleamed. Finally an opponent worth her time. She was dropping into an odd stance. There were murmurs going around now. No one had really seen the captain get so serious, it was quite a treat.

The pony next to the changeling was in awe and turned to him.

"You ponies are something else. Captain hasn't had to be serious in a long time! She looks like she is having fun though~" He smiled.

If these ponies had met changelings, they had no ill will towards them, however it doesn't seem like they even know what he is. There is an occasional whisper or two asking about his appearance, more curious than scared. 

"The princess is here!!" somepony yelled. All at once everyone froze. Like time slowed down as they all in unison turned towards a balcony, a hoof over their chest and they bowed in greeting to her. 

Shadow Jewel bit her lip though, she got too wrapped up in the spar to notice. Man, she must be getting rusty.

The princess in question tried to duck down a bit. She didn't want the spar to stop. She should have hid better. What a dumb move. 

Edited by LonnaKitty
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12 minutes ago, LonnaKitty said:

@Maple Bat @WiiGuy2014 

.If these ponies had met changelings, they had no ill will towards them, however it doesn't seem like they even know what he is. There is an occasional whisper or two asking about his appearance, more curious than scared. 

"The princess is here!!" somepony yelled. All at once everyone froze. Like time slowed down as they all in unison turned towards a balcony, a hoof over their chest and they bowed in greeting to her. 

Shadow Jewel bit her lip though, she got too wrapped up in the spar to notice. Man, she must be getting rusty.

The princess in question tried to duck down a bit. She didn't want the spar to stop. She should have hid better. What a dumb move. 

C. Will let out a sigh of relief, when he saw nopony has given him any death glares. 

By habit, he bowed humbly toward the arrival of the Princess. He felt the love and respect coming off her subjects, but mentally restrained himself.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@WisePie @LonnaKitty


When a pony said the princess arrived Maple looked for them after seeing then Maple approached the Balcony. She knelt down looking to the ground "Greetings." She yelled "You must be this kingdoms leader. I am Captain Maple Bat, I have come bearing the word of Princess Luna, that we do not seek war with your kingdom and hope that you can be our allies should a battle arise. Can we trust you on that?" She never looked up and never moved from her kneeling position attempting to show respect to the leader and by extension the whole kingdom.

Edited by Maple Bat
Forgot something


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat



"C-can you help me?" She said weakly and wincing. "I really need help, I've injured myself". She then slowly hobbles over to Maple trying to show her the pain she's in. "Please...." She says as tears as shed.

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The Barracks (Helios)

Once the royalty had been announced arriving at the location, Helios instinctively stood up and lowered his head, following suit to the other's bow of reverence. Before he could approach the mysterious princess, however, another pony caught his attention - crying in pain, she seemed to be severely injured. Promptly, the professor took a step forward.


"Pardon my intrusion... Perhaps I can be of assistance." He explained, kneeling down next to the hurting mare. "I am not a doctor per say, but I do have knowledge of herbal medicine. If I may, I might be able to soothe the pain with this..." As he spoke, he rested his saddlebag to his side and searched around in it, taking out a few objects: a soft piece of cloth, a small bottle of water and some vivid-green leaves. After that, Helios slowly and cautiously placed a hoof onto the mare's bruise.

"Does it hurt when I press right here?" He asked, attempting to find the exact location where he would apply the medicine.

The Tavern (Lory)

@Jedishy @LonnaKitty

"Thanks, sweetie." Lory smiled brightly and swiftly took a gulp from the beverage. Slamming down the cup after drying it whole, she let out a lengthy sigh of relief. "Oh wow... That's a good one! Who'd've guessed, a cider to surpass Old Gary's pub back at Manehattan! Y'know, I might get used to this Lost Kingdom stuff after all..." She spoke out loud.

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