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Favorite thing about your sex/gender?


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Do I have to pick only one thing, or can I list up all the shit that's great with being a male?(There's obviously a lot of pros with being a female too, and I can list that shit up too, if asked for)

Edited by Yakamaru
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All the extra attention I get online :orly:


Lol just kidding. I can't really think of much, although maybe it is easier for girls to like "girly things" (like MLP) than guys. But if I was a guy I probably wouldn't care what society thought anyways though.

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Favorite thing?  Oh, huh.  That's a tough one.  See, I'm male, and I hate being such, so I usually just post in the "What you hate about your sex" threads.  Let's see...well, I mean, there's good things about both sexes, really.  One isn't better than the other.  But for me personally, I can't find much good in being male, because it doesn't suit me well.  There is definitely one good thing, though--no menstruation.  Can't deny that's a plus.  Uh...easier to pee as well, I guess.  That would be another.  Um...that's it.  Those the only things I like.  I'd definitely trade places with a female if I could.

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I get a lot of nice treatment as a girl; people open doors for me, carry heavy stuff and a lot of general chivalry. I don't have to struggle for attention (romantic or otherwise) and, regardless of what many may say, it's easier to get a job and other opportunities than if I was a man.

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Hmm, I'd have to say the way some costumes look on a man are more appealing than on a woman. I couldn't imagine a female Jason Voorhees being as terrifying as a male Jason. Also naturally being stronger and not having to worry about a lot of the cons of being a woman is nice.

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1 hour ago, Dreambiscuit said:

I get a lot of nice treatment as a girl; people open doors for me, carry heavy stuff and a lot of general chivalry. I don't have to struggle for attention (romantic or otherwise) and, regardless of what many may say, it's easier to get a job and other opportunities than if I was a man.

Ooh can I deliver? I really like being chivalrous :proud: . Unfortunately (hate to go completely off-topic) it's hard doing so since it's not always appreciated or brushed off, or girls think it's me "playing the game" when it's not that, at least that's what I sometimes think they think... I really don't like risking rejection. Sorry if I have a twisted view of this :adorkable: .

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1 minute ago, Wacko Wolf said:

Ooh can I deliver? I really like being chivalrous :proud: . Unfortunately (hate to go completely off-topic) it's hard doing so since it's not always appreciated or brushed off, or girls think it's me "playing the game" when it's not that, at least that's what I sometimes think they think... I really don't like risking rejection. Sorry if I have a twisted view of this :adorkable: .

Anyone who fails to appreciate an act of kindness is not very gracious or deserving of the favor, no matter what they think the reason may be. One should never assume the worst of someone who is giving their best. And if being kind is 'playing a game' then play on! :grin:

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It's hard to think of things that would be my favorites about being a female since many of the things coming to mind aren't really dependent on one's gender. :ooh: Except for something like "women can't get prostate cancer".

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As a male myself. I like that we are strongly built or have the advancement of building with our hands. But i think that would be very simplistic, cooperation i know is the key brick to advancement of every society. I like physical stuff like working etc, but i chose the way into the computers purely because my brother was into it. But overall huge respect for people who try their best at what they are good at.

8 hours ago, MilkTeaFD said:

Girls generally live longer >:3 

Because girls suffers from less stress than males. Well that's what the internet told me.

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Favorite thing about being male: I don't have to deal with turning into an emotional wreck once a month, making life a living hell for myself not to mention others in my vicinity.

I do have a lot more good shit I could list up, but meh. Too lazy.

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Being allowed to be soft and sensitive without having to worry about being judged for it. I feel its easier for girls to get away with crying/wanting a hug which seems like a positive to me. I do think that boys should be allowed to do the same though.

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