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The Warsmith returns. Fury unleashed.


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


How did you find MLP Forums?

I forgot it’s been a long time.

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

Some celebrity death match YouTube video than decided to binge the entire series.

Rejoice fellow servants of the god emperor. Your most despised and loathed warsmith, the one and only honsou, the iron warrior pony has returned. From the depths of the abyss, riding at the head of an unholy crusade aimed at the heart of maccrage itself, I have returned to the herd. I got out of the fandom a few years back, and am now hesitant to rejoin, due to the overwhelming masses I observed watching the MLP movie, and the overall reception they received. Also being close to 30 isn’t good either. Yet, still, I return. The show calls to me like a siren in the warp, it is as clean a cut as if it were a chainsword. The show impacted me more than a heavy bolter round years ago, and now it is my hour of need. I return. I bring anger, doom, gloom, and bitterness in my heart. Life wasn’t kind to this crusader of chaos. So I feel I must return to an area where I can dwell, rest, and rediscover who I am. A few of you might remember me. Iron within, Iron Without. Death to the false Emperor. 

  • Brohoof 5
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Welcome back! I like the warhammer 40k thing! (even though i don't like 40k that much, i prefer warhammer fantasy):please:

Anyway, have fun meeting new ponies!:)

  • Brohoof 2


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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For the most part, I will talk in character with how the Warsmith will. Not in as explicit detail as he does, since I'm aware there are initiates on the forums, and they are not privy to the secrets of the Dark Gods. Hard to believe I've been around for almost 4 years though. 

  • Brohoof 1
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19 hours ago, Honsou said:

Rejoice fellow servants of the god emperor. Your most despised and loathed warsmith, the one and only honsou, the iron warrior pony has returned. From the depths of the abyss, riding at the head of an unholy crusade aimed at the heart of maccrage itself, I have returned to the herd. I got out of the fandom a few years back, and am now hesitant to rejoin, due to the overwhelming masses I observed watching the MLP movie, and the overall reception they received. Also being close to 30 isn’t good either. Yet, still, I return. The show calls to me like a siren in the warp, it is as clean a cut as if it were a chainsword. The show impacted me more than a heavy bolter round years ago, and now it is my hour of need. I return. I bring anger, doom, gloom, and bitterness in my heart. Life wasn’t kind to this crusader of chaos. So I feel I must return to an area where I can dwell, rest, and rediscover who I am. A few of you might remember me. Iron within, Iron Without. Death to the false Emperor. 

Greetings, mortal.

Perhaps not mortal, but, compared to me, everyone may as well be.

I am Water, Quencher of Iron and The Great Corroder.

Steel and stone alike fall before me, given time, and time is merely as a stream of Water, is it not?

But I am not here to challenge, I am here to welcome.

Thrice-quenched iron is stronger than any fresh-forged steel.

Water can condense that red-hot fiery fury into something cold, sharp, and far, far, deadlier.

Together we shall hew through all opposition, and probably not restore the crown to this Emperor chap but certainly amuse ourselves trying.

After all, we could buy like a zillion cheeseburgers for our victory party if we just pawned this undoubtedly delectably diamond-decked diadem on EBay instead of surrendering it to some psychotically god-complexed fat guy who thinks everyone's inferior to him because they have less chins.

But don't worry, we can definitely kill the false insane omni-chinned fat guy while we're at it.

We could even institute several democracies in his stead and then sit back and enjoy watching them fight each other for centuries, only stepping in personally when their battles seem to be lacking in the collateral damage department.

The possibilities are endless.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/23/2018 at 3:09 PM, Trotteur Sauvage said:

Hello @Honsou and welcome to the forum :D
Always good to see new ponies  :bedeyes: You'll see, you'll enjoy yourself here, lot of crazy cordial ponies people :o
Feel free to message me if you have any question, if you need help or just if you wanna talk ! :grin:


New ponies? Do you have this saved as a format? I’m certain I’ve been around longer than you, I just left the fandom. Still haven’t came back either. Just poking my nose in to see what’s up. Now then mortal, have you anything more to report? If not, off to the slave cages with you. Begine. You’re no longer entertaining to me. Reaffirm your pact with the dark gods than maybe I shall see fit to place you in Grendel’s spot as my first captain. Beware. He betrayed me and suffered for it. The newborn also failed me. The Primarch abhors failure. Do not seek the Lord of Iron’s wrath. 

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