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Lets talk about our, and the Mane 6's personality disorders.


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So I saw this video here https://youtu.be/honiKsuWlmE. And I thought that I love the mane 6 so much becaus3 they are so relatable. I decided to look into all of the personality disorders that he talks about. And I have discovered that I pretty much have every one of them. These links are to the Personality disorders that the Mane 6 have and also why I think I have them. Couldn't find out if applejacks has one or not.( I haven't been diagnosed with any of these but I can tell I have them or slight cases of them. Lets start with Rarity. Histrionic personality disorder."Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by constant attention-seeking, emotional overreaction, and suggestibility. A person with this condition tends to over-dramatize situations, which may impair relationships and lead to depression" now im almost 100% sure i have this. First of all, i am a huge attention seeker, at school I do stupid things that could lead to serious harm just for attention. I can heavily overreact but not sure if that counts. I have high suggestibility, I just can't say no when someone asks me to do something, I never say no, even if I wouldn't want to do it(also furthers my attention seeking point). Now I' not sure I have ever gotten depressed, but if I get into a fight or get yelled at then I usually feel really sad and don' talk for a long time, I sometimes even completely ignore that person forever. https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/histrionic-personality-disorder.

Now for Rainbow Dash's. 

Narcissistic Personality disorder.

"Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance"

so I do have a huge part of this, I have a pretty big lack of empathy. If I hear that somebody dies IRL than I often times try not to talk about it for the sole reason  of me not being able to empathize,  I would just say "oh wow that sucks" or something like that, and then the person would get mad at me and I don't really understand why. I have an unnatural sense of empathy for things like animals though, I hate it so much when people hurt even the smallest mosquito(like Fluttershy, but not a personality disorder). Honestly I'm not sure where I stand on the whole self importance thing.  Im pretty sure Rainbow dash has ADHD. Now i for one am 100% sure i have ADHD, im not really gonna go onto why i think so.https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder.https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-att-us&source=android-browser&q=ADHDholy crap this is a big post, my phone is lagging)

Now for Pinkie Pies, I'm pretty sure I dont have this( I have creative ideas but I don't think that counts) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypomania

Now for Twilight Sparkle. She has OCDnow I have a small case of  certain types of OCD, i do count lots of things to make sure that it' a good number(any number with 3 or 4 as it's last digit) and I do do things in a certain  order which I feel apropriate, I also have this weird thing where I get this burning urge to spin around right, or go all the way around something instead of cutting through(could someone tell me what this is) https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/index.shtml.

Last but not Least, Fluttershy, pretty sure she has Avoidant type personality disorder.https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/avoidant-personality-disorder now I believe I have this, or some aspects of this at least, I have found that I have over half the symptoms. I am extremely shy in public, I also cannot speak up if I'm afraid it will taint someone's perception of me. Im not really scared of being rejected, instead I just avoid all possible situation where rejection could happen(pretty sure this is serious. Any ways that all of the., the serious ones in 99% sure i have are Avoidant personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and 1000% ADHD) I know this isn't a psychology forums but I thought it would be cool to share. Also how do you guys relate to the characters, Do you have any of the Personality disorders I talked about? Also can someone answer my question  about my sometimes burning urge to do certain things I talked about earlier. I got all of this research from the video I posted at the top, and also the websites I posted.


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I am pretty sure everyone has some form of disorder. Question is, why are they considered disorders if everyone has them?

Edited by Califorum



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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39 minutes ago, Califorum said:

I am pretty sure everyone has some form of disorder. Question is, why are they considered disorders if everyone has them?

No clue


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im pretty sure they are just characteristics of the mane 6. Any possible links to many kind of mental disorders is purely coinsixential.

and last time i checked, a show about magic talking horses and mental conditions arent supposed to mix. So youre video could very well be somone making something out of nothing, no offense.


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3 hours ago, Sylveon said:

im pretty sure they are just characteristics of the mane 6. Any possible links to many kind of mental disorders is purely coinsixential.

and last time i checked, a show about magic talking horses and mental conditions arent supposed to mix. So youre video could very well be somone making something out of nothing, no offense.

None taken, but it has been confirmed that they were made with certain disorders to be relatable.


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I’m not sure that the ponies have any form of disorder. It looks like you’re just looking at their personalities. ;) Everypony has their own distinct personality, so I’m not sure we can automatically conclude they have actual, medically diagnosed disorders.

  • Brohoof 2


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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22 minutes ago, Nosotros. said:

I’m not sure that the ponies have any form of disorder. It looks like you’re just looking at their personalities. ;) Everypony has their own distinct personality, so I’m not sure we can automatically conclude they have actual, medically diagnosed disorders.

The creator said that they made them to have the disorders


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8 hours ago, donttellmum said:

None taken, but it has been confirmed that they were made with certain disorders to be relatable.

You got a source for that?

  • Brohoof 1


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I was waiting and waiting and waiting and no one wants to explain. Don't we have an exorbitant amount of psychiatric experts on this forum? Oh, I forgot. They only crawl out of their holes when Starlight needs an excuse for a shit episode.


Personality disorder is when exaggerated personality traits negatively impact cognition, emotions, and behavior in relation to society. These traits are rigid and can hardly be altered (by friendship lessons). That is why it is unlikely that Mane 6 have personality disorders.


P.S: I'm sure cyclothymia (hypomania) is a mood and not a personality disorder.

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