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gaming Any Dark Souls fans?


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I'm a huge Dark Souls fan. I initially started with Bloodborne, which I still consider to be my favorite video game to date. I have never had such a fast, and visceral experience with a game before. Even after completing Dark Souls 1, and 3, I still think its the most difficult game in the series, mainly because when you really look at it, your'e basically playing Dark Souls without a shield. After completing Bloodborne, I went out and bought the rest of the Souls games as soon as I could. At this point I've completed Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1, and Dark Souls 3. I'm about half way through Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin, and I haven't gotten very far in Demon Souls.


Edited by ultrairongorilla


                                    Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature!



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Yep, love the series, finished all three games, minus the DS2 dlc, because DS2 is awful. And I need to finish DS3's dlc.

Favorite build is a fast hard hitting class, and favorite boss is Artorias.

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I am a fan of the souls stuff, Dark Souls 1 is my favorite of the series. I have completed DS1, 2, and 3 twice. Have not played Demon's or Blood. I feel like DS1 has the best balance. 3 has some amazing boss fights, but I hated the standard enemies. DS2....it is alright, it is how I got into the series, but I went back to DS1 and DS2 just feels off. I am not quite a mega fan or anything so I have a tough time remember certain things like NPC's and whatnot. Bess boss fights though? Sif, The Nameless King...Can't think of any others right now. Ceaseless Discharge is one of the worst fights though, easily the worst in DS1. 



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Not sure if I can officially take the title of “fan” yet as I’ve never played the games, and if I ever do, I’ll probably get my rear handed to me.

But I’ve watched playthroughs of all of them and I think the world and lore is amazing.

Greirat is my fave. Ornstein too. <3



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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the Souls series a lot. I even streamed a playthrough of DS3 for Pathfinder. ^ ^

I think my favorite NPC is Patches. DS3 is filled with lovable and memorable NPCs though, so many of them are incredible. I can't wait for the DS1 remaster to release. I'm looking forward to that.

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I absolutely ADORE the Souls series; pretty much #3 collectively (with Demon's Souls & Bloodborne) behind only the Uncharted series and Spyro franchise. As hard as they can be, what really makes me come back to them is the atmosphere, level & world design, and the lore. OMG the lore is amazing to me; only helped by YouTubers like VaatiVidya.

16 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

I like the Souls series a lot. I even streamed a playthrough of DS3 for Pathfinder. ^ ^

QFT! That was a very enjoyable experience! ^_^

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently finished Dark Souls 3's DLC, both Ashes of Ariandel and The Ringed City. 

Ashes was decent, a bit short though. Friede was a good boss. Ringed City was better, though, more content and bosses, 3 of them are great. The areas themselves were pretty cool, they have that DS1 interconnectivity which is cool. As for the bosses, Demon Prince was great, I loved Midir, though he was pretty hard. Gael however was an amazing fight and in my opinion the best boss in DS3. I still haven't finished DS2's dlc but I have no desire to. DS2 as a whole is just bland and underwhelming, and bullshit at times.

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I really, really want to like it because it looks incredibly cool and I like the lore, but the gameplay is just too slow-paced for my tastes. I just can't get into it at all. So instead, I'm watching LP's of it on Youtube to get to know the lore and NPCs.

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