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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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The story of Laina Charm and the suffering of her mother. This is basically my OC's story and my OC is an Alicorn. So if that angers you in any way, feel free to leave.

Queen Allura ruled the Kingdom of Orberia to the West of Equestria. Her mother was Queen Serena, the sister of Queen Galaxia. Therefore, Queen Allura was Celestia and Luna's cousin. One day, Allura was walking through her kingdom and witnessing the delight of her citizens due to the Festival of Starlight. A festival that celebrated the coming of the North Stars, flying to the South. Their light creates a purple and blue aura in the sky at night.

One day, the Queen of Cloudsdale, Aurora, arrived in Orberia to talk with Allura and brought her Royal Guard with her. The General of the Royal Guard was named Gale Drasten and was always by Aurora's side. The threat of the changelings increased everyday and would soon become one of the the biggest problems Equestria has faced. 

"Allura, the darkness in the East is spreading. The Changeling kingdom is increasing in number and size everyday. King Zeros is ready to strike at any moment. A war will soon rise and the Alicorn rulers refuse to let any of their citizens lose their lives for it. We have also decided that your generation will not fight." 

Allura was shocked, "What? Why?"

"I pray that we don't but If we all die then at least there will be others to rule afterwards. We know they will lose. What we don't know is if we will remain alive to celebrate their defeat."

Allura looked to the floor in dismay as a single tear fell from her cheek.

"There will be no cause to celebrate for such a tragic and immense loss."

Aurora looked at Allura with a sad smile.

"Do not worry, my child. Equestria will be fine and the threat of the changelings will be averted. You and the others will rule with benevolence and dignity."

Allura looked up at Aurora and smiled. The breeze of the cool air brushed against her cheek and they began to continue walking across the courtyard. The Sun began to set beyond the horizon and its beautiful light shone for it's last hours. 



"This may be intrusive but...when was the last time you were courted?"


"What? You need to. We are all weary and the world is at a dark place right now. Love is just what it needs and... I saw you looking at my General. This may be your chance. A child may be exactly what you need and what your kingdom needs."

"I can't. That was Lorelai's line of expertise. Courting has always come easiest to her."

"Don't be silly. It's easy. Just try. Trust me when I say that if it's meant to be then it shall be. I meant Ferrara during a thunderstorm and i was talking an evening stroll. He was conjuring them in anger and i calmed him. Destiny. That was how we fell in love. Fate is a powerful thing."

"Fine, I will try."

A few days went by and Allura constantly saw Gale Drasten. Her heart would race and her pupils would dilate every time. Finally, she bumped into Gale Drasten. His eyes were shimmering pools of clear water. She only wished to swim in them forever. She smiled and let her eyes fall to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, your Majesty!"

"There is no need to apologize, General."

They looked deep into each other's eyes and smiled a smile which seemed like forever yet went in the blink of an eye. Perhaps it was fate.

Afterwards, they met in secret many times. Sometimes in the Royal Gardens and others...in Allura's chambers. Their love began to come to light and the citizens smiled at the match. But not all were happy with their love. One pony, a Unicorn named Sultry, wanted the Queen's hand in marriage. He knew he had to get Gale out of the way. But unbeknownst to the kingdom, the Queen was secretly expecting a child. Only Gale, Aurora, Lorelai and Allura knew of the pregnancy. Allura was not leaving the castle as often and Lady Lorelai came all the way from Saddle Arabia just to step in for her sister. 

As soon as the Queen had her little filly, she could not enjoy the fleeting moment. Lorelai had to take the baby to Saddle Arabia to hide it from the Royal Advisors and Sultry. Queen Allura knew that her time with Gale had already upset the Royal Advisors enough. They met on the night of their daughter's birth one last time. When he left, he was kidnapped by a group of thugs. They brought him to Sultry. It was then that Gale drew his last breath.

The next day, the news of a "cult" killing Gale was public. The news of a General soon became wide spread across Equestria. Allura was distraught and Aurora was outraged. She visited Allura and comforted her and spoke with her Advisers to warn them not to anger her or their Queen. Allura's Royal Advisers urged her to marry Sultry. A rich, nobleman with great power. He was perfect. Their forced marriage occurred the next day. The Kingdom knew that Allura did not want this union to happen. In an act of defiance, the citizens wore black for the whole day and performed great mourning sessions which would only occur when a member of the Royal Family dies. Though Allura was blessed that her people would do that for her, there was nothing she could do. Her marriage to Sultry would ease the ponies of Equestria. She sensed a change of an Era where ponies did not truly want Alicorns as much as they used to anymore. 

Just a few days later, the War between the Changeling army and the Alicorn rulers broke out. No Alicorn survived, even losing the greatest Wizard known to Pony kind. When the war ended, the eldest child of every Alicorn ruler that fought, ascended the throne. The whole of Equestria was silent. Celestia was now Queen, yet chose to remain a princess in fear of being treated more or different to any other pony. She also was devastated and chose the title to remain in a state of constant mourning for the deaths of the "true" rulers. Eros (Cadence's father) took the Crystal Empire's throne. Princess Lapis took the throne of Cloudsdale. At this very moment, every Alicorn lived in fear of what creature would lurk out of the shadows and claim Equestria for themselves. Without their parents, they believed themselves to be weak and unfit to rule. Moreover, many of the rulers were afraid of uprisings against the Alicorns. This fear was also fueled at the fact that Saddle Arabia and Appalia were both ruled by non-Alicorns and were thriving thus giving many ponies the impression that Alicorns weren't needed anymore. Alicorns were too powerful and the ponies were afraid that they could turn evil and destroy them. Only one was truly needed to protect them.

Decades had pasted and the Original wielders of the Elements of Harmony were destroyed. Chrysalis was corrupted. Eros is dead. Discord was frozen in stone. Sombra was destroyed. Luna was banished to the Moon. Celestia was the only remaining wielder. Cloudsdale and Appalia (now named Apple Loosa) no longer have a ruler and the Crystal Empire has faded into legend. All the Alicorn rulers fled Equestria and went into the North when the uprisings began in Cloudsdale and Sendaria. All but Celestia and Allura. With no other ruler in Equestria to take charge of the other kingdoms, Celestia took the rule over Equestria in it's entirety. Cadence was forced to live in Canterlot with no title to show when her mother was killed in the uprisings in Cloudsdale. Queen Allura remained in Orberia. The desolate kingdom was no more. The subjects went to live in Canterlot, Cloudsdale or Ponyville ever since Stormcrow was born. Her vain son was a disgrace. His egotistical ways were undignified. He showed no respect for his mother, only seeing her as a common whore (something he pleasures himself with). Allura lived in the torment of a marriage without love. Lady Lorelai lived in Saddle Arabia with her niece, Laina Charm. Everyday was a day without friendship for Laina. Living in secrecy was a cruel punishment. She would dream of the day she would return to her mother and rid her of Sultry and Stormcrow. Her anger towards her half-brother stemmed from his arrogant and racist attitude. He believed himself to be superior to all non-Alicorns, be it Pegasi, Unicorn, Dragon or Griffin. 

Life in Saddle Arabia is repetitive and tedious. Wake up, fetch the water, go to the market for food, clean the house, prepare dinner, go to sleep. One long list. Laina loved her Aunt and praises her for her kindness. She knows that she is risking her whole authority and reputation. Laina lives in a small cottage just off the border of the city. It's beauty was breathtaking. Everyday, before dinner, Lorelai would arrive from the Palace of the Sultana Yasmin. She would teach Laina the most advanced ways of magic. Lorelai's expertise in Necromancy was unmatched. Her teachings lasted an hour.  Laina wished to once again practice her flying lessons when she was a filly. The fun they had. They had to stop when Lorelai's duties in Saddle Arabia became much more important. Alicorns were under strict control besides Celestia. Allura was out of reach and Cadence and Laina were shut out from the world for their safety. 

Laina made dinner a little earlier today due to it being her 20th Birthday. Once Lorelai came home they talked over dinner.

"Happy Birthday, my darling."

"Thank you, Aunt Lorelai."

They resumed their eating. Laina looked up nervously at Lorelai eating her dinner. Her thoughts were running wild. Finally she was an adult. She had built up the courage to finally ask Lorelai her dying question. Lorelai felt Laina's eyes wondering and without looking up from her food, said:

"What is it, child?"

"Nothing. It's just, I was wondering...if I could leave Saddle Arabia."

Lorelai almost chocked on her dinner.


"Auntie, I'm 20 years old. I should have left home by now."

"And where would you go?"

"I don't know. To Canterlot? I want to explore this world."


"Please, Aunt Lorelai, Cadence is a year younger than me and she lives in Canterlot, on her own."

"Cadence lives with Celestia. As you do with me."

"Please, Aunt Lor..."

"No! I will hear no more about it."

Laina looks down at her food, fighting back tears. Lorelai looks at her with a solemn look, fighting back the urge to tell her that she wants to leave as well. 

"Laina, please. I wish it didn't have to go this way. I wish you could be out there exploring the world. But you can't. Your existence is a secret that cannot be shown to the world. Cadence moved to Canterlot to be under constant supervision by Celestia and because her mother died. There are creatures in this world who want to take Cadence. Her powers as an Alicorn are too valuable and she would be much easier to defeat and kidnap then Celestia or I. Her presence is a constant threat to those dark creatures that want Equestria for themselves."

"I wish someone would kidnap Stormcrow," Laina mutters.

Lorelai pauses before whispering, "As do I."

They were almost at the end of their dinner when Lorelai speaks once again.

"Celestia has decided to send her best pupil to Ponyville, tomorrow."

Laina was puzzled by this information.

"Why would she do that?"

"It is unknown to many. But I fear that it has something to do with Nightmare Moon's return." 

"Luna is to return!"

"Nightmare Moon! It's name is Nightmare Moon. Luna is not a monster."

"But why would Celestia allow such a thing to happen?"

"She's not. She is powerless to stop it. One can only be banished for so long before they find a way back. It is said that the Stars will aid in her escape."

"If Nightmare Moon is to return, what will Celestia do?"

"I don't know. The pupil may be involved with or without it's knowledge of what is to come."

A day past and Ponyville was preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration. Laina would always watch out of her window, awaiting the radiant Sun to rise forth and claim the sky. It was the closest she had ever gotten to meeting her mother's cousin. She always felt an admiration for the ruler of Equestria. To be under such pressure and to have faced so much hardship without anyone understanding surely should have broken her. Her strength was truly a sight to behold.

Hours had past and Laina realized that not only had the Sun not risen on time but her aunt had not yet arrived home for magic practice. Laina began to worry. She walked to the door and looked out of the window beside it. The city was quiet and the lights were dimmed. Not a sound was uttered. A blurred figure soon became visible from the distance. It was running and fast. It was running towards the cottage. Laina backed away from the window and prepared for the door to be struck down. Nothing. Still nothing. Quiet. BANG! Lorelai came through the door with a worried expression and was breathing heavily. 

"Princess Celestia has been captured!"


"Nightmare Moon is back!"

Laina took in the information before questioning, "What are you going to do?"

Lorelai looked up with utter confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Surely, you and my mother would do something. You are the only other Alicorn adults besides Celestia and Luna. Cadence and I would do what we ca..."

"Enough! Your mother cannot do anything. She is already weakened. And you and Cadence will not be shown to Equestria so blatantly as if to show off your powers. It would be seen as challenging all the evil in this world. And I must stay in Saddle Arabia. My duty lies here. Alicorns no longer take precedence in this world. To Equestria, one Alicorn is enough. I don't know even what i would do. The ponies might see it as a threat. To see another Alicorn using her powers. It is scary and might compel them to rebel once again."

"No! Surely, with great power comes great responsibility. As Alicorns, it is our duty to die for the ponies of Equestria. Even if it means killing our own to protect them."

"You may be right but you must underst..."

"NO! I'VE HAD ENOUGH! My whole life, I spent locked up in this cottage. I want a life that's true. My grandparents died for Equestria and kept it from evil. Now, Equestria see fit to be against Alicorns? What justice is this? I will not have it. I'm leaving."

"What? No. You cannot leave. Where will you go?"


Laina's P.O.V:

The last thing I saw was my aunt crying out my name from the cottage. With all her powerful magic, not even she could stop me from leaving. I have to meet my mother. I will save her.

It was a two day journey. All I had was my satchel, filled with a loaf of bread, a pouch of water, and ten gold bits. I was able to hide my wings. Aunt Lorelai taught me how. It took days but eventually I got the hang of it. Aunt Lorelai taught me almost everything I know. I missed her. But I had to do this. My mother needs me and I need her. Once I free her, we can save Equestria together. Celestia needs us.

I passed a strange market. It was filled with trinkets from across Equestria and beyond. Yak horns, Dragon claws, Phoenix feathers, Hippogriff tails. It was so cruel. The creatures running the stalls were unlike any I had seen in my textbooks before. They were horribly deformed with tentacles for ears and mud for a face. They all differed in someway. I went to a stall selling food but it was not what I expected. They sold octupi and squid livers and dog feet. Eventually, I found some bread and Flash Bee honey. It is said to give an extra zing! It cost 5 gold bits. Far too much if you ask me. You could get the same stuff for 2 gold bits in a Saddle Arabian bazaar (market). 

I finally left with no trouble befalling me. But I did feel the presence of eyes trained on me the whole time I was at the market. I trod through a sea of shipwrecks covered in thick ice. The cold bit at my hooves and I felt my mane turn rigid. I cast a warming spell but it only did so much. I knew what I had to do. I would have to light myself on fire. It was the only way, I joked sarcastically in my head. As I past a red and black ship, I heard a rumble. I stopped. If there was any trouble, I could dispel it. Aunt Lorelai taught me magic in combat. With my knowledge of it, I say I could fight off two or three ponies. No more and nothing bigger. Another rumble. The ship beside me began to move. Is that possible? No. Is it? No, of course not. Nope, it moved again. It's moving. How is it moving? The ship began to settle the way a ship normally would on water. It had caused cracks in the ice to allowed the water through. A sweeping of purple magic turned the ship into a beautiful violet and black ship with fine wood and beautiful sails. It was renewed. A figure dangling from the mast. It was a light blue mare with a bright, violet mane. Was she friend or foe? Her horn was longer then most Unicorns, like that of an Alicorn. She called down to me.





"What's your name?"


"Oh bugger me, this one's bloody deaf. WHAT'S YOUR NA-You know what?"

With that, the mysterious mare jumped down from the mast and I looked up in shock as she was about to hit the ground. Just before she hit the hard ice however, she cast a spell to levitate herself in the air and slowly bring her to my level. 

"My name is Sapphire. And you are?"

What should I say? My spell to hide my wings were still in effect. What would she do? If she wanted to fight me, she could. She seems powerful enough. And a pirate. I might be a good trophy or something to sell at the market. 

"Hello? Ok. Don't tell me. It's fine. You look lost. Are you?"

"I guess."

"It speaks! I'm from Canterlot by the way and I'm 20 years old. I'm a pirate looking for a ship. And I found one. What about you? It would be nice to know something."

I need to tell her something. I'll tell her the truth. No, don't.Tell her. Don't!

"My name is Laina Charm, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Saddle Arabia. My father was from Cloudsdale. My mother is a forgotten kingdom called Orberia. And I am an Alicorn."


"No you ain't. I don't think you noticed but you..."

Her eyes widened as she looked to see my wings which I now revealed. Fool. 

"Is your mother or father royalty by any chance?"

"My mother is."

"Nice. My grandma was Royalty. A Royal pain in the arse. Luckily, she's dead now. Old bat. Her name was Grammy Granite. She loved rocks. She used to eat them. Until she lost her teeth. Then she would just suck them. Do you need a ride?"

"The whole sea is frozen."

"Not when you have magic. I am quite advanced in fire and water spells. They are the best combo. But, I wouldn't mind the help?"

"Of course!"

"Great, so where are you headed?"

"I was going to meet my mother for the first time."

"First time?"

"I had to leave the kingdom when I was born. She wasn't married to my father. I was born in secret. Then my aunt took me away for my safety and raised me in Saddle Arabia."

"Who's your aunt?"

"Lady Lorelai."

"Oh, bugger a Dragon. That woman is your aunt? Cheese and crackers, that woman is scary. The whole Mistress of Death thing. So cool. I would love to meet her one day. I do admire her so."

"You do?"

"Yeah. She's amazing. Her magical power can't be matched. I wish I had her magic. Anyways, let's get to work."

We got on board the ship and prepared our spell. Sapphire counted to three and on the third, we let out an inferno of fire and ember. The ice began to thaw until nothing remained but water. We set sail. Soon, i would meet my mother. I would rid her of Sultry and Stormcrow forever. But who knows how powerful Stormcrow is? What if he beats me? What if i can't help my mother? What if i only make things worse?

"Who's Stormcrow?"

I turn around, suprised by the intrusion.


"Oh sorry, you were thinking aloud weren't you."

"Stormcrow is my half-brother. A vain, racist Alicorn."

"Another Alicorn? Gosh, I thought there would be a shortage of Alicorns ever since they fled Equestria and traveled to the Haven Lands."

"The what?"

"The Haven Lands. It is said to be a mysterious land beyond the Mountains of Storms that only Alicorns can travel to. When an Alicorn dies, they go to the Haven Lands."

"I see. I never knew about that."

"You know, I did hear a rumor that when Chrysalis took the role of Queen of the Changelings, King Otis, Queen Lapis and the others tried to kill her. A bit foolish, since she can't die unless she says so."

"That's strange. Wouldn't they know that? Anyways, how did you become a pirate? You must have been a well-off pony since you came from Canterlot."

Sapphire looked to the ground.

"When I was 15, I fell in love with an Earth pony named Oakwood. My parents hated our love, deeming him unfit as he wasn't a Unicorn. A bunch of bull crap if you ask me. We ran away together. We found a ship and sent sail for the Unknown. We were going to explore everything. One day out at sea and our trouble began. We came across Charybdis. She was the great whirlpool monster. Oakwood told me to steer the ship away. I did it too fast. He fell off the ship and was eaten by that sea-bitch. I lost everything that day. It was only a few days later when I crashed from not knowing how to sail. I ended upon an Island named the Isle De Muerta. There, I met a witch. She looked like a zebra but with a curved horn and tribal tattoos. Her name was Calypso. She was so beautiful, like a Mermare. She taught me the most advanced magic and how to be a pirate. I owe her everything. Now, I'm here."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh, it ain't anything, doll! He is in a better place."

"You know, you are the first friend I have ever had."

Sapphire paused and looked at me with kindness in her eyes.

"That's the greatest honour...my princess."

"Haha! Stop it. I'm not a princess. Well I am but that's not the point..."

"You said your father was from Cloudsdale. What happened?"

"He was murdered by the pony who wanted to marry my mother."

"I'm sorry."

We were silent for a few seconds when:

"Don't say a word.."

I stop and look into her eyes. She is scouting the waters. She walks close to the rails. As I follow, I begin to hear a quiet humming. It soon turns to a melody.

"Do you hear that? That is the song of the Mermares. We're safe. Mermares only eat stallions. With mares, they let out a beautiful song."

This is how I imagine the song of the Mermares. I personally love it. You can listen to it while reading if you want.


As i watch the moving waters, i begin to see silhouettes of unicorns with fish tails. Their voice is so soothing. I move backwards, away from the water. My eyes began to droop close as my body sways from side to side until...THUD! The last thing i hear is Sapphire's voice shouting my name.

My eyes begin to open and i squint at the blinding light. Dozens of crystals hang from the ceiling and as i look around, i soon realise that i'm in a cave. I can smell the scent of the salty sea and i see a unicorn walking towards me. Sapphire? No. It's a zebra...with a horn? A curved horn! How strange. She was beautiful with red, tribal tattoos covering her body and a sea-blue ragged dress. She begins to talk in an accent as beautiful as her appearance. 

"Rest, child. You are weary."

"What happened?"

"Your immune system is weak. It seems to me that you have rarely left the safety of your home." 

"Can you help me?"

"Do not fret, my dear. I will fix you with a simple elixir. Drink this."

I took the bottle with my magic and drank all the contents of the elixir. It tasted like sweet milk, sprinkled with honey and butter. 

"Where is Sapphire?"

"She is waiting outside."

I look to the opening that lead out to a beautiful view of the sea and all its glory.I turn back to see the zebra hunched over a table of potions and scrolls. I get up from the table of rock and walk slowly towards her.

"You're Calypso, aren't you?"

She turns her head to the side.


"The great sorceress who taught Sapphire everything she knows."

"I taught her nothing. It is the pupil who allows themselves to be taught and therefore absorbs all the knowledge on their own. You. You are the lost princess."

"I was thinking about something Sapphire told me. It was very peculiar. She said that water and fire were the perfect combo. How do you teach someone to wield both fire and water in harmony together yet they are so opposite?"

"Ah...look upon my dress and my tattoos. Both red and blue. They mix, countering each other in perfect harmony."

"But i don't understand, how can you find harmony or peace in something so different? Surely, they repel each other."

"On the contrary, my dear. You must have both water and fire to have balance and balance is peace. Darkness and Darkness cannot make Light. It simply makes more Darkness. You need two different things to make something new and wonderful."

"That is very interesting."

"My dear, above all, you should know the most. You are the granddaughter of the great Water Queen, Serena and the Fire King, Solaris. You have Water running through your veins and Fire surging through your heart. Your body is in peace with itself."

I couldn't believe what i was hearing. I rarely heard of my grandparents. My aunt never gave me textbooks on the Alicorns. She thought it would make me rebel. 

"You wish to reunite yourself with your mother. I will help you."


"You are a friend of my adopted daughter and...i was once a mother. But my daughter was taken from me by the cruel, untamed seas. I can get you to Orberia. I will find the potion but it may take some time to prepare."

"Thank you." 

I leave Calypso to search for the potion and i walk out from the entrance. As i leave, i am gifted with a great gush of salty wind. To my left, Sapphire is setting the sails in her boat. I travel down to meet her. The island is small with one small port for Sapphire to leave her ships. 


"Laina! You're okay! Good. I trust Calypso kept you good company."

"Yes. She is going to send us to Orberia."

"I know. Laina, there is someone i would like you to meet."


"Gabriella. She is a great friend of mine. GABRIELLA!"

A great beast came swooping down from the mast. It's wings were enormous and a wondrous shade of light blue. Her eyes were deep pools of water. She was magnificent.


"Haha! The name's Gabriella."

"The name's Laina. I've never met a Griffin before. It's so nice to meet you."

"Woah there, Laina! Don't smother her."

"Haha, Sorry. Just got a bit excited."

"It's fine. So, are you ready?"


"My little ponies! I have found it!"

We race to the cave's entrance. I was beyond excitement. I flew to the hole and was greeted by Calypso holding a phial with a sea blue liquid. She gave it to me and i held it within my aura. Sapphire was next, followed by Gabriella. Gabriella eyed the phial quizzically.

"So this will get us to your homeland?"

I turned to Calypso, expecting her to answer.

"It shall. With it's magic, it can teleport you to the place you desire. Once Laina drinks it, you both must grab on to her."

I looked at Calypso with grateful eyes.

"Thank you, Calypso."

She smiled and gestured me to drink it.

"Now hurry. You do not know how much time we have to save your mother."

I nodded and drank the contents of the phial. As soon as i had finished, i felt a claw on my right wing and a hoof on my left. A great magical wave began to swirl around us until it engulfed all of us. A bright flash was the last thing i saw until the water evaporated and we stood on sandy ground. I took in my surroundings and my eyes fell on a decrepit gate. It was as big as full grown Dragon and had two statues on either side. One depicted a beautiful female Alicorn with a swirling mane and tail of crystal water while the other was a dashing male Alicorn with a mane and tail of burning, ember fire. I walked closer until I was a breath away from the gate. I opened it with a nudge and walked through. Gabriella and Sapphire followed close behind, weary of anything strange. Not that anything was not strange. We walked past hundreds of house, brought down by time and reduced to mere bricks stacked together. We continued to walk until we were faced with the full splendor of an ancient castle. No guards? No anypony? The whole area was desolate. Gabriella walked up beside me.

"What happened to this place?"

I replied, "My aunt told me that once Stormcrow, my half-brother, was born the ponies of Orberia were fed up of the reign of Sultry. They loved my mother but they betrayed her in her most dire time of need."

"I'm sorry. My parents are both dead. They were killed by Nightmare Moon. She was on a killing spree when there were those who openly defied her. Princess Celestia was terrified for days until she banished her."

"What? But Princes Celestia immediately banished her on the day Luna turned into Nightmare Moon."

"Yeah, that's not true. The Moon was up for days. She terrorized the villages and killed those who opposed her. Celestia hid in Castle Cosmos in the Everfree Forest until she knew it was time. She had to banish her sister."

"I see."

I can't believe it. The pain it must have caused her to banish her own sister. I wish i could swap places with her and i could banish Stormcrow. We walked up to the doors of the castle. They were wide open. We stepped inside and were suddenly greeted with a gush of color and gold. It was beautiful. The mix of red and blue with clashes of gold and silver. We walked to the centre of the vast room. I set my eyes on the throne. A giant chair carved out of the finest marble. It was beautiful and covered with red velvet cushions with gold trim. As i reached the throne, hooves sounded from outside. We all turned in unison and prepared ourselves for any attack. A purple hoof came first until a beautiful mare walked through the door.

"Aunt Lorelai!"

Lorelai turned to me and was overjoyed.

"My dear Laina! I'm so happy to have found you...with a Griffin and a Unicorn?"

"They're my friends."

"I see. My child, we must leave."

"What? No, my mother is here and i am going to see her."

"Please, Lai..."

"NO! I will find my mother and i will free her from Sultry."

"You're right. We are here anyways. What is your plan?"

"Well, you and I can go through the left corridor and Sapphire and Gabriella? You head through the right." 

Sapphire finally speaks up.

"Let's go!"

Lorelai and i began to walk towards the dimly lit aisles.. The corridors were long and covered by numerous portraits of famous rulers, wizards, witches and Nobility. One picture caught my eye. It showed Lorelai and Allura laying on the ground with Celestia as fillies. My grandparents and Celestia's parents sat on cushions as Queen Galaxia held Luna in her hooves. They were beautiful creatures. So majestic and omniscient-looking. Lorelai noticed me eyeing the wonderful portrait.

"They painted that on the day Luna was born. We were only a few years old. That was over a thousand years ago."

I looked at her, shocked. I knew that Alicorns have prolonged lives but i never truly thought about my aunt's age. We continued to walk down the corridor until we heard a soft humming coming from a room. We poked our heads around the door to see two mares in a giant, lavish bed. There was a male unicorn looking into the mirror and humming to himself. I looked away from the room to my aunt. She was frozen in her tracks, looking at the stallion. 

"Aunt Lorelai?"

She looked at me with sad eyes, almost brimming with tears. I had never seen my aunt cry. 

"Who is that stallion?"

"That filthy Unicorn is your step-father."


As soon as i said that, i realised my mistake. He had heard me. We quickly back away but it was too late.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

Lorelai and i came forth from the shadows. Now the two mares had woken up and attempted to cover themselves with the sticky, bed sheets. I looked upon the stallion with contempt. He looked quite young. Perhaps in his late 30s. I turned to Lorelai and saw the hatred in her eyes. She spoke in a voice that I had only heard once before. It was named the Canterlot voice and the first time I had heard it, it was because I had pushed by a stallion in the markets when I was young. He started to cry afterwards.

"How dare you! Who do you think you are? Sleeping with these common whores while my sister lays in an eternal torment everyday! Your kind do not get to show such disrespect to us!"

I realised now what Lorelai was doing. She was a regal Alicorn who cared for all ponies. But she also believed that Alicorns deserve the utmost respect due to them practically risking their lives to protect Equestria. Alicorns are feared by most other non-pony kingdoms for their power. Many creatures want us dead and to have Equestria for themselves. Therefore, our protection of the ponies put us at risk of murder. 

"Ponies like you don't deserve our protection! You should give us your full devotion but we are kinder than that so we only ask for your kindness in return. We die for you and you ponies seem to think nothing of it! I shall show you true power! I shall show you death!"

As she said that, she let out a dark, bolt of smoke. But before it could pierce his heart, i deflected it with a force-field.

"Laina? What are you doing?"

"This unicorn is evil, yes. But i will not let you stoop to his level." I turned to Sultry and gave him my best death-stare, "You killed my father and for that, i can never forgive you. Go and take your sluts before i kill you myself!"

Sultry ran leaving the defenseless mares by themselves. Typical. The mares got out of bed and bolted for the door. 

"Well done, Laina. Your mother would be proud. She cherished life, only harming a soul when absolutely necessary. The powers of Death did not allow me the same choice."

"Aunt Lorelai, do not mistake your element to be you. The element is a reflection of your power. We are not our power. There is good in everyone. Come on, let's find the others." 

We exited the room and headed back the way we came. I think of what life would have been like if my father had never died. If my parents married and i lived as a princess. Constantly, I also think of my favourite witch, Pandora the Hippogriff. I remember her story like the back of my hoof. She lost both of her parents as a child to a dark plague. Ever since, she devoted her life to the brewing of elixirs and potions to aid others. She helped stop the plague from wiping out the whole of Terabithia. She was gifted with a necklace that held the powers of the Wind and Sky. Perhaps, though losing your parents is a horrible thing, it doesn't have to remain that way. Good can come from terrible things, if one only wishes to seek it. The light is darkest before the dawn. However, Pandora was murdered by the townsfolk after they accused her of leading the Changelings to them. A crime that she didn't commit. The Changelings never came and there was no evidence to claim. But tell a big enough lie and soon it will turn even the most sane ponies to believing in silly superstitions. Finally, we arrived at a ballroom with Sapphire and Gabriella. 

"Sapphire, did you find anything?"

"No. We passed a few rooms but they were all destroyed."

"I see. Aunt Lorelai, have you ever been here before? Don't you know where my mother would be?"

"I lived here as a child but it is very different. That was over 800 hundred years ago. It has changed since then."

"What about upstairs? We might find your mother's bedroom there.", Gabriella added.


We teleported to the top of the stairs with Lorelai's magic. We walked on and on until we found a room with the door slightly open. I opened the door fully and saw a bright pink stallion with his wings spread out and using his horn to hold something. His eyes were closed as he lay in bed and moaned loudly. Sapphire destroyed our silence.

"Oh, sweet Celestia."

Stormcrow covered himself with his blankets and looked at us with a mixed expression of anger and surprise.

"Who are you! And why are you in my room!

"I am your aunt! Now stand up straight and present yourself with some dignity. What kind of Alicorn are you?"

As Lorelai said that, she spread out her wings in a threatening gesture to assert her dominance. So cool!

"My aunt?"

"Did i stutter? STAND UP!"

Stormcrow immediately got up with a terrified face. Thankfully, his little, little, little friend had disappeared. 

"Why are you here?"

At this point, i decided to make myself known.

"I ask the questions here. I am your half-sister, Laina. I have spared your father but he has fled and you will never see him again. I can't imagine why you would care though. Anyways,I am here for my mother. You won't get in our way. If you do, I will kill you and I will show no mercy. Ponies like you don't deserve. You couldn't redeem yourself even if you wanted to. You blew that chance when you were rude to my mother. Common whore? You're one to talk. You probably sleep with every mare you meet."

"Kill me? I'd like to see you try."

As he said that, I let out a stream of blue magic. He flew to the ceiling and i met him there. Then, a great battle ensued. Lorelai let a black bolt head straight to him but he dodged it. I told her not to fight. He was mine. I conjured a ball of fire and it hit his tail, burning it completely. He was enraged.He began to lose control and missed almost every attack. Finally, I struck him down. He fell in a heap, too pained by the injuries to get up. I walked over to my friends and aunt.

"Go find my mother. I will finish him."


As i heard Sapphire scream, I saw her leap in front of me to be blasted with a pink bolt sent from Stormcrow.

I screamed, "Sapphire!" 

I sent one last bolt for his head, delivering a final blow to a disgusting creature. I fell down to Sapphire's side. She smiled up at me as I wept. Gabriella had now come to the floor next to me.

"Go. Find your mum. And tell my mum that I love her."

"Which one?" I asked.

"The one who cared for me."

I cried uncontrollably as her eyes began to drift close. Gabriella held tight to me and sobbed silently. Aunt Lorelai used her magic to levitate her off the ground.

"She will meet your mother with us. Then she will have the funeral of a Queen."

I smiled up at my aunt, with eyes blurred by my tears. We got up and walked out of the room. We saw a room with a female Alicorn, as beautiful as daylight, laying in a small bed. Tear marks covered her cheeks and were red from rubbing them. I turned to Lorelai and Gabriella.

"I will go in alone and take the form of a unicorn. Then, when I show her who I truly am, you will both enter with Sapphire."

They both nodded and I used my magic to hide my wings and change my coat colour to grey. I walked in as if I lived here. My mother heard the hoofsteps and looked up. She was puzzled. I guess the only other mare she ever saw was a whore.

"Good evening. I am sorry to inform you that your husband has fled the kingdom and your son has been killed."

Rather then look upset, she looked even more confused then ever.

"Who are you? And what happened to them."

"Your husband was scared by your sister, Lorelai. Your son was killed by your daughter when he killed her friend."

Her eyes began to water once more.

"My sister and daughter are here?"

As I said yes, I removed the spell and displayed my wings in full view. Lorelai and Gabriella came in with Sapphire. My mother was crying without end now. My aunt carried Sapphire and placed her on a sofa. I ran to my mother with my aunt and we hugged her with all our might. Her tears fell to our shoulders. 

"My beautiful girls."

"I'm older than you," Lorelai said as she pulled herself away.

"By two years. Hardly a difference. Who's that? A Griffin?"

"She's my best friend."

"Last time I met a Griffin, he tried to marry me," My mother recalls.

"I remember. But then I got you out of there." My aunt retorts.

They laugh and my heart is overjoyed. I hardly ever saw my aunt happy and knowing that she was at her happiest with my mother was a gift to behold. 

"What's your friend's name?"

"The name's Gabriella, your majesty."

"There is no need for that, my dear."

"She was friends with my friend, Sapphire, who was killed by Stormcrow."

"That pony was a disgrace of my flesh and blood. I assure you that your friend will have a funeral fit for Royalty."

With that, we left the room as I carried Sapphire. I stood next to Gabriella.

"I'm sorry. I understand that you knew her far better then I ever did."

"It's fine. She died like she wanted. Protecting those she loved. Did she tell you how we met?" 


"I ran away from Griffon Stone when my parents tried to force me into marrying this pompous brat. I flew away and ended up in Horseshoe Bay. She docked there and brought me with her. She taught me swordfighting and how to sail. I lived with her and Calypso for a few years until I left and got my own boat. She's called the Navy Mast. She never let's me down. From then, I pillaged the ships of rich, noble stallions with enough money. We are the greatest pirates of the sea. My crew are currently sailing across the seas."

"You trust your crew to keep your beloved ship safe?"

"Of course. Many of them are Griffins who abandoned their lives. Others are creatures from across Equestria. Four Ponies, a Yak and a Dragon. My first mate, Gillian, sails the Navy Mast to Marina Harbour in Saddle Arabia and near the Arimaspi Stalactites. Laina? Is it possible that Sapphire could actually be buried out at sea as she would have wanted, with her crew and Calypso."

"Of course."

My mother called upon me. I trotted to her as Aunt Lorelai went to talk with Gabriella.

"You are so beautiful, and your wings are gorgeous. Your aunt has told me that you are brighter than most Alicorns we knew at our age."

"I doubt that."

"Don't be so modest."

After a short pause, my mother's smile saddened.

"Mother?" i asked.

"I am so sorry. I should never have let you go. I should have kept you here with me."

"No. If you did, i would have constantly been under scrutiny by Stormcrow and Sultry. It was i who have failed. I should have helped you sooner."

My mother turned to me with a stern face.

"No! You could not have helped me. I can handle them. You have done nothing wrong. You freed me now and I am grateful for that. I am so happy to be with you now. Your father would have loved to be here as well."

I smiled at her and she returned it to me. 

We continued to walk until we reached the decrepit statues of two Alicorns.

"Those are your grandparents." My mother said, "The Alicorns of Fire and..."

"Water." I replied.

She looked at me with a surprised look and smiled. 

"Well somebody is a know-it-all!" My mother laughed.

We walked through the desolate villages. The old houses gathered dust. Cracks formed in the windows and webs engulfed the roofs and doors. The Sun had disappeared with the radiant glow of the Crescent Moon taking it's place. The whole atmosphere was deathly quiet besides the sounds of Gabriella and Lorelai talking. The pavement was cracked and worn, with weeds sticking about everywhere. 

"Your aunt has also informed me of Nightmare Moon's return. Celestia has gone missing?"

"It seems so. What should we do?"

"Laina, I know you what to fight and help Celestia but i trust Celestia has everything under control."

"That isn't good enough. What if Nightmare Moon kills ponies? Who protects Equestria if Celestia is missing? I thought that was what Alicorns were for. To protect the ponies."

"You are absolutely right but listen to me, if the world saw you or Cadence then we would risk the lives of many ponies. Equestria is already under threat since Celestia is the only one protecting it. With two child Alicorns, it would not only anger the monsters of the dark but urge them to attack. Our parents were at war with the dragons of the South-West for two generations of dragons. If the Dragons saw you and Cadence, they would only see two easy targets to weaken the Alicorns. We already have an Alicorn queen who is ready to attack at any moment with her army of Changelings. There is nothing we can do. Your aunt and I will be there to take the throne only if Celestia is...incapable of doing so."

"I still don't understand. Why can't you and Aunt Lorelai protect Equestria whilst Celestia is missing?"

"The pony officials. They don't want us anymore. As soon as Celestia's reign is done, they hope for a Unicorn, Pegasus or Earth pony to rule. Though we came and made Equestria a better place, we also put a huge target on it and caused a lot of strife. They don't want Alicorn Rulers anymore but they wouldn't dare defy Celestia. They are afraid of what she might turn into. They have their armies and they have authority figures. They "don't" need us anymore. We came to imbue balance to this land. We did not care or wish for their love and praise. We came to make Equestria a better and safer place but they no longer feel the need for us. They want us dead."

I turned my head to the ground in anger. We walked further until we reached Herculon Harbour. We found a small broken boat and mother fixed it. We stepped onto the derelict boat. 

"Where are we heading to now?" I asked.

"We are going to Sendaria, the kingdom of King Darus; Celestia and Lunas' uncle." My mother replied. 

Gabriella questioned, "Why?" 

"Their lies a festering power in that kingdom that needs to be destroyed. We believe there are some creatures in that land that will be willing to help us," Aunt Lorelai answered.

"We are going to do something about the evil in Equestria? We are going to help?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes." My mother said with a smile.

"I think i should go now. I should take Sapphire and go see Calypso," Gabriella recommended. 

"Of course. I will go with you. Allura, i will see you in Sendaria by the Evern Caves." Aunt Lorelai said.

My mother nodded and Gabriella and Aunt Lorelai took off into the skies with Sapphire being carefully held in a magical bubble. I turned to my mother who began to turn the ship into motion.

"Why don't we just teleport to Sendaria? Just show me an image of the gates." I suggested.

"That would be very clever but each kingdom has an invisible magical force field that protects it from creatures or ponies teleporting inside." My mother answered. 

The Moon's everlasting glow remained in the sky for hours and showed no signs of movement. I looked to my mother who was calmly and steadily steering the boat to starboard (right). The stars were missing. All except for six shimmering dots that formed a semi-circle around the full Moon. 

"Laina. I need to tell you something." My mother said, breaking the deafening silence. I turned around, awaiting her to begin talking.

"The darkness we are about to face is not be fooled by. It is a trickster. A dark being capable of tricking the mind and corrupting the soul. She is a powerful creature."


"Yes. Her name is Umbrina and is a powerful unicorn. When King Otis fled Equestria and Sendaria, she saw an opportunity and took it. She came from the North but has remained silent for years until she sent an army of "ponies" to Canterlot. They were easily defeated but they didn't have Umbrina with them. We are here to stamp her out before she does anything else. Oh! And she is what is known as a Shadow Pony."

"A what?" I asked.

"A corrupted pony, tormentted by darkness and shadows. She is changed from what she used to be. Now, she is only evil and a simple shadow of her past self. The shadows were able to keep her young and youthful but she is possibly around 1900 years old."

"Do you know her?" I wondered.

My mother paused before giving her answer, "Yes...once. She was be tutored along side me, Lorelai and Celestia. She was a mage in training but one day when she was documenting in the Bad Lands, she came across a dark cave and was attacked by a...Tantabus. The embodiment of darkness and shadows, it is an evil spirit that will inhabit the body of a creature and enhance its' abilities to harvest the souls around it so it can "feed". We must kill her before any harm can come to the last resistance in Sendaria."

"What do you mean resistance?" I said, visibly confused.

"There is an order of warrior ponies who remained in Sendaria, even after the Great Retreat (fleeing from Sendaria). They then protected it but went into hiding after Umbrina took over. They call themselves the Topaz Order, which was the gem symbolic of Sendaria."






Edited by Laina Charm
Not finished.
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Interesting as your first post, but it's not exactly my cup of tea.

I'm confused about Celestia taking the Equestrian throne. Was it a province under Orbeiran control, more specifically her parents? And if no, why is she taking the throne? What's her right to claim it? And if yes, why didn't she inherit the Kingdom of Orbeira, or is that place just so destroyed during the war and the remaining potential rulers are too weak to keep the neighboring lands united so they're broken apart so they may be more easily governed? Gang doesn't seem right to use here. This predates Equestria as we know it, it involves potentially heavily influential characters. Gales murder shouldn't be carried out by random thugs hired by a wealthy and jealous individual. He's a general and the father to what I suppose would be the bastard next in line for the throne. This should be mirroring the story of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, it particularly reminds me of the part where Augustus attempts to have Ptolemy/Caesarion assassinated after Julius admits he's his son, which makes him a potential competitor for Augustus's claim to the seat of Rome as Julius's adopted heir.

So it could be, you've got your Queen Allura, who has a close relationship with General Gale Drasten. He's proven most impressive in past wars, but the nation is exhausted from war and isn't doing so great on finances. Allura's advisors suggest she marry Sultry, the wealthiest and perhaps most politically involved pony in the Kingdom. With the throne in debt there isn't much choice. She stalls however, having grown so fond of Gale that they have an affair. It's only when their food stores go empty that she realizes if she doesn't marry Sultry, that they can't trade with the Kingdom's neighbors and that her subjects will starve. She sadly does her duty, but she's pregnant. She can't marry Sultry while bearing Gales child, so she secretly gives birth, and instructs Gale to take the child to her sister in Saddle Arabia where she may be safe and live a prosperous life. Sultry catches wind of the affair, and beleive sit to be ongoing. This makes him jealous and worry, for the public would adore seeing Gale on the throne alongside Allura, with him being a war hero and all. At his own Palace, Gale harbors the infant, but Sultry has sent his own personal guards to slay the General. Gale manages to cut many of the attackers down, but there are simply too many of them. One of his servants manages to escape to the royal palace with the child, but he is left to bleed from his wounds and die shortly after. Everyone knows that Sultry is responsible but there's nothing they can do about it. The wedding goes on to be planned while Allura arranges for her child to be sent away. Sultry is still suspicious of Allura, making it difficult for her to keep the child hidden. The night before their wedding, a Saddle Arabian ship arrives. Allura personally delivers her child, wishing it the best of luck in spite of these troubled times. Sultry is told about the ship and thinks the Queen is trying to run away to avoid marrying him. He arrives just in time to see her Allura passing the baby on board and he realizes what's happening. Not wanting any loose ends, he orders his guards to attack but it's too late and the ship manages to pull away. Allura's own guards are killed Sultry has all the power at this point. He replaces high ranking officials with his own, and orders a purge of her closest friends, allies, and advisors. The night is filled the sounds of clinking armor from marching guards and with screams of terror, some coming from Allura herself as she is beaten for her insolence to her would be husband, but the horror of this night is nothing to what lays just beyond the horizon. The wedding begins the next day, the Queen stands before the alter, bruised and battered, her spirit broken and all hope lost. Her only consolation is that her child is safe now. The atmosphere is one of dread, and it's clear that the peace Obeira had is over. The wedding is interrupted however by a humming noise that grows louder and louder. The sky turns black and the noise is unbearable. Flashes of green are cast through the windows and explosions can be heard in the distance. Guards from outside charge through the doors yelling that the entire city is under siege. Although Orbeira had briefly known peace by defeating it's neighboring enemies, it's leaders hadn't realized that those enemies were all that stood between them and a far greater threat. The Changeling Horde had filled the vacuum and made it's way to the once glorious kingdom, easily toppling it like one would a frail and weary stallion. The explosions grew closer and closer. Knowing that this was the end for her Sultry's cruelty, she welcomed death. That day an infant on her way to Saddle Arabia, saw her homeland far off for the last time, as the sun set under a green haze, only to be quenched by the ocean waves.


  • Brohoof 1
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Thank you very much for the help, @SharpWit

Princess Celestia's parents ruled Equestria with the smaller Kingdoms of Equestria, such as Orbeira and Cloudsdale, ruled by Alicorn relatives. Celestia's claim to the throne comes from her parents and dictates that she is next in line to the throne. I was curious about gang being the wrong word. Thank you for clarifying. Celestia doesn't take the Kingdom of Orbeira as there are many kingdoms separately ruled in Equestria. But they all have one major ruler (Equestrian ruler). If you like, Equestria is the Realm (like a continent) and Canterlot, Cloudsdale, the Crystal Empire are the kingdoms inside (like countries).

I love how you added much more background and detail to the reason she must marry Sultry. But, the Kingdom was fine. Though with Sultry's help, the kingdom could thrive for the better of her subjects. The Royal Advisors take most of her power, like a constitutional monarchy, and force her to marry him. Allura has no choice. She marries and the kingdom thrives in wealth and glory. But soon after, the War occurs, leaving the people more miserable than ever. It was too late for Allura to realise that the marriage would not help. She was stuck.

The battle took place in a wasteland. The Changelings are succeed in killing all the Alicorns but one. King Cosmos let out an explosion of magic, killing thousands of Changelings and himself. The rest of the Changeling army fled with King Zeros. A changeling ruler cannot die unless they pass their curse onto another.

I love your version of the story and I am happy to have inspired someone to write their own version but I don't want my Queen to die...yet. There is still more for me to write. This story is not finished.

Thank you.

Edited by Laina Charm
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