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advanced The Good King (OOC)


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Private Pansy is supposed to be about a year younger than Night Flash. Night Flash went up the ranks like crazy but Pansy stayed where she was even though they both joined the army at about the same time.


Hurricane? Well at the time of this RP, he's supposed to be an old veteran living in his retirement home. I'm going with him being a stallion. Even though girls can be called 'sir' in the army, I think Commander Hurricane was probably a stallion.


That is not how militaries works (I'm in a military family, I know). Anyway. we can fix that later or something



I don't Know, I kinda thought it would be cool if Commander Hurricane was a mare, that or night flash needs to be one for the fanfic, and leaning to night flash, again we can work it out later


My explanation is kinda good, I just thought we needed to balance the the genders in the story. It has kinda become a classic Male dominated story. Right now, every main Mare (storm, clover, shiri) in the story somehow ended up in a cage (kinda creepy...). I just think it would be good if we made a strong Main female character (Most likely equestrian military) for balence and to make us not look bad to female readers (this whole thing makes sense to me) (shiri doesn't count for that, she ended up in a cage also and we have given her a 'love interest'. We may be able to make her a stronger character at some point)


I also made a FimFiction account, so we can start on this Fanfic soon.


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That is not how militaries works (I'm in a military family, I know). Anyway. we can fix that later or something



I don't Know, I kinda thought it would be cool if Commander Hurricane was a mare, that or night flash needs to be one for the fanfic, and leaning to night flash, again we can work it out later


My explanation is kinda good, I just thought we needed to balance the the genders in the story. It has kinda become a classic Male dominated story. Right now, every main Mare (storm, clover, shiri) in the story somehow ended up in a cage (kinda creepy...). I just think it would be good if we made a strong Main female character (Most likely equestrian military) for balence and to make us not look bad to female readers (this whole thing makes sense to me) (shiri doesn't count for that, she ended up in a cage also and we have given her a 'love interest'. We may be able to make her a stronger character at some point)


I also made a FimFiction account, so we can start on this Fanfic soon.


Private Pansy isn't in a cage. And military ponies would have to retire at some point?



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Private Pansy isn't in a cage.


She isn't a Main Mare. Plus, she was played by fluttershy, and as much as I hate to say it, it doesn't make her the most strongest of female characters...





And military ponies would have to retire at some point?


I was referring to the ranks. Militaries have a 'Up or Out system' (most major ones have it, I Know the US military has it)


Basically, it means that every couple of years (rank cycle), you either need to move up in rank (there are complicated things you need to do to rank up, more than just battle merits), or retire. It makes sure that only qualified people rank up and people who aren't suited for promotion leave so people who are suited for it can rank up. (I simplified it, but thats the jist of it.) Essentually, It make the Military into a pyramid where there are less high ranking people than low ranking. It makes sense, trust me.


So basically, Night flash should not have ranked up so much compared to Pansy


Anyhoo, we can fix that later....


Yes, this is an old practice, so it is conceivable that it would have been done in their time, especially since Pegasi had a military culture


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Give Pansy a promotion at the end of this RP? In my country's military, since not a lot of the troops get action, you could stay a private for 5 years! After that, they have to promote you.

Edited by The Awesome One



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i got nothing


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Give Pansy a promotion at the end of this RP?


Sure, I'm just saying she should be a relativity higher rank now



In my country's military, since not a lot of the troops get action, you could stay a private for 5 years! After that, they have to promote you.




Sorry if that sounded snobbish, It was the only pony meme I could find with that caption. I meant to be suprised


Anyway, as far as I know in the US military (I only really know about Air Force, Army/Navy/Marines I dont really know about), if you didn't rank up by then, you would be asked to leave. Air force has the generally is slow in rank advacement, and they still need take only about 2 years or so of airman (private in Airforce) before you rank up to the next one.


i got nothing




We can finally start to work on figuring out how to deal with those guys.


Too much? x3


See if you can do more of Shiri and Indigo talking (possibly get to letting her out of the cage?). Those posts are really interesting.


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About my country's military, yup, it's true. I join it now, I could stay in a low rank for quite some time unless I kill someone or show leadership qualities.


Also, we're all one one side. There's no RPer on Tyrannus's side. Don't you think someone else should play Tyrannus?



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I'll get around to posting one day.




I was intending to flash forward to Indigo's next conversation with her, anyway. x3


About my country's military, yup, it's true. I join it now, I could stay in a low rank for quite some time unless I kill someone or show leadership qualities.


Also, we're all one one side. There's no RPer on Tyrannus's side. Don't you think someone else should play Tyrannus?


One or more of us could take over as Tyrannus when the attack begins, as necessary.

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I'll get around to posting one day.




I was intending to flash forward to Indigo's next conversation with her, anyway. x3




One or more of us could take over as Tyrannus when the attack begins, as necessary.


But unless someone else plays him, it's obvious who's going to 'win' this RP.



Got a cover up idea for Hurricane's death, assassination by Tyrannus's soldiers as a warning sign to the Equestrians to stay out of the conflict.

Edited by The Awesome One



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About my country's military, yup, it's true. I join it now, I could stay in a low rank for quite some time unless I kill someone or show leadership qualities.


*insert horrid gasp here*


Killing someone will rank you up? Thats pretty bad (but thats my opinion). You can't be ranked up on those ground in the US. (they may change the wording a bit, though...)


We should stop comparing militaries to be safe... We might start a forum war....



Also, we're all one one side. There's no RPer on Tyrannus's side. Don't you think someone else should play Tyrannus?


You weren't here for that, we tried that already. It didn't work so well. It turned out better if we just did it when we needed to


This RP isn't a game, it's a story. We've already decided that the heroes triumph over the villains in the end.


It's not even a normal RP any more. It stopped being normal by the third post.


It has become an cooperative writing of a book now


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I dunno about you, but making people expire seems like a legit way to rank up.


No (good) comment


Enough about that though, when does the RP posting for today begin?


when ever you think it is nessesary. Sule is kinda useless right now. Our only hopes are midnight and Jade, if they decide to post


i got nothing





Tomorrow, I will make the Google Docs so we can start the Planning, Character profiles, and Writing of the FanFic


We are probably going to have to trust each other with our real names, since i couldn't convince google plus to cooperate and just show my screen name(I made an other email address for nothing).




Read last couple of RP/OOC posts, (it would be nice if you participated in our OOC discussions, even if you cant RP post at that time)


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Nope, just explain it.


My thoughts on your RP edit




I'm not sure if I liked it or not, but now that I think about it, it FINALLY gives Night Flash a motivation


Nope, just explain it.


For the Record, Tyrannus didn't kill hurricane himself, right? he Obviously sent somepony


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My thoughts on your RP edit




I'm not sure if I liked it or not, but now that I think about it, it FINALLY gives Night Flash a motivation




For the Record, Tyrannus didn't kill hurricane himself, right? he Obviously sent somepony


Yeah, the classic 'send an assassin to do the dirty work'.



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In my boredem, I made up the Malumai ranks





Commander in Chief (Sule)


Commander of Forces (Indigo) (appointed by the Commander in Chief)


General of Forces (Midnight now)


High Command General (Midnight with Tyrannus)


Command General


Wing General









Wing Captain






Private (Airpony)







Yes, they are based off us air force ranks, yes i got rid of the whole enlisted thing for simplicity, and yes, they are different than real life. My boredom at it's best. I will come up with the equestrian ranks later

Edited by AnonyZiod


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Curse me and my over-perfectionism forcing me to make overly long posts.


Also, bonus points to anyone who knows what Lima Syndrome is.


I do. That was a good touch. I always enjoy reading your posts, so please be a over-perfectionist!


I was (pleasantly) surprised with indigo's positive and optimistic view of Sule, while still pointing out his quirks. I expected Indigo to be sick of Sule's goody two shoes rutine, but you made it more interesting and Awesome



Quoted from the RP


Shiri sat her drink down. "Hey, I'll have you know I volunteered for Nova's brainwashing."


Indigo coughed up some of his cider. "Wait, what?" He asked, caught off-guard at her confession.



Posted Image



I love wait what moments


BTW, You used blue colors for Shiri speaking. Is that because you also thought she looked like Trixie, like me?

Edited by AnonyZiod


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Malumai-unicorns, huh? I once considered a unicorn derivative of the malumai (not for this RP), basically a malumai with it's nocturnal behavior, strength, cat-like eyes, and night vision, but with a horn (perhaps physically resembles changeling horns) instead of bat wings.


Anyway, just an interesting coincidence.


BTW, You used blue colors for Shiri speaking. Is that because you also thought she looked like Trixie, like me?


I have a hard time visualizing her, so the blue color is mostly a placeholder.

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