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College Roommates


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I'm off to college this September and there's basically this online application for us to find potential roommates. We get to write a little bio about ourselves and then we can find a match 


Anyways I want to drop some small hint that I like MLP without making it obvious. Any ideas?


BTW, if you are currently in college, if you want can you tell me how it is like? How's the social life?

Edited by Egg-3
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I've got two stories to share with you on college roommates and regarding your question:

My Junior year I had a random roommate assigned and I get to school...and he never showed up. The entire two semesters I had a dual dorm all to myself and could indulge in pony as much I pleased!

However if you're not that lucky, guage it by the roommate which is what I did Senior year. My roommate was very much to himself so I knew he wouldn't be one to judge so I just flat out told him my interests in Pony and he absolutely accepted. Had no desire to indulge in the same but he never made it feel awkward to have it on in the room with him. Plus I kept a my plushie (yes, my profile pic) on my desk all year which could serve as a subtle hint if you have merchandise of your own.

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2 minutes ago, KH7672 said:

I've got two stories to share with you on college roommates and regarding your question:

My Junior year I had a random roommate assigned and I get to school...and he never showed up. The entire two semesters I had a dual dorm all to myself and could indulge in pony as much I pleased!

However if you're not that lucky, guage it by the roommate which is what I did Senior year. My roommate was very much to himself so I knew he wouldn't be one to judge so I just flat out told him my interests in Pony and he absolutely accepted. Had no desire to indulge in the same but he never made it feel awkward to have it on in the room with him. Plus I kept a my plushie (yes, my profile pic) on my desk all year which could serve as a subtle hint if you have merchandise of your own.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, although I doubt a MLP plushie is "subtle" xD

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