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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Not responding to any of the new posts, but I'm just gonna throw this out here - If we were to have a contest to see whose tulpa is cutest, I'm pretty certain I'd win. :3


Describe your tulpa. I doubt you'd win, because no one's cuter than Twilight Sparkle. Your tulpa would have to be the very definition of cute to beat Twilight.

  • Brohoof 3

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I refer you to this post as absolute evidence that Pinkie is cutest tulpa:



She likes to rub her face on mine pretty often, hug me all the time, ride on my back, etc, etc. The epitome of cute.


I suppose I have no right to claim Twi's the cutest tulpa until she's actually sentient. Once she's sentient, I think she'll give Pinkie a run for her money.

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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See, this is how a skeptic should treat this topic.  If you're uncertain, just try it for yourself.

Well, skepticism has generally proven to be the antagonist of science for as long as science has existed. I can think back to a day when people thought the Earth was the center of everything and things fell because they "wanted to be connected to the Earth." In fact, most modern science consists of formerly absurd theories. I like to think that this is still the case, where even the most ridiculous of notions can end up being true.


I have a very scientific tulpa as well that would gladly answer any questions or put in an opinion.

Actually, that sounds like it would be quite helpful. Filling in the gaps I can't fill in myself right now. If you're seriously going to offer, then I'd consider it rude not to accept. I've only got a few anyway, and if anyone wants to answer, feel free to. Any input is good, and I'd like to have as much as possible before I start.


1st, what exactly is it like to have your very existence rest in the mind of another individual? I mean, knowing that you are bound inside someone. Is it unsettling, or have you just gotten used to it?

2nd, how does it feel to know that technically, you don't "exist," and how did you feel when you found that out? 

3rd, if I were to create a tulpa, what might be some of the best things to do while it forms? I don't mean narration or things like that, I mean the little things that really count for some unknown reason (comedy, stories, etc.).

I just don't really want to splinter off a chunk of my mind into something that will dislike its very existence. If anything, happiness is a top priority, and I'd like to know the ins and outs from those with experience. I only want what's best for my little (currently nonexistent) Lavvy. Y'understand, right?  :)

  • Brohoof 2


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Both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages.


Closed-eye visualization is the most common. With your eyes closed, there is nothing visually that can distract you, except for maybe really bright lights that can penetrate your eyelids. Stimuli that your other senses pick up from the real world, like noises, can still distract you however. (Unless maybe you are in deep meditation, which most people - including me - are not able to do.) The disadvantage to closed-eye is that despite there being a black canvas for you to work with, plenty of people say that their mind's eye is slightly less effective when their eyes are closed.


Open-eye visualization for most people is a bit difficult to get used to. Open-eyed means that the real world can now visually distract you. Being in a dim room can sometimes help to concentrate. One thing to note is that, in my experience, it seems that the brighter the room you're in, the better your mind's eye will be. And that's the advantage for open-eyed; your mind's eye is much more effective and visualization is slightly clearer than closed-eye.


Remember when you used to day-dream in school a lot when you were younger? Open eyed is very similar to that. Also, if you read fan fiction or fiction books a lot, you might have a better time using open-eyed, since you will have had a lot of practice.


What you are more comfortable with will be different for everyone; some people prefer closed-eye, some prefer open. Just stick to what you're comfortable with.  ;)


Ok, well I guess I will just do this with my eyes open then. I just wanted to ask because I really dont want to leave margin for error, despite everyone here suggesting that I "cant do it wrong" (which I still dont get  :huh: )

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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What you are more comfortable with will be different for everyone; some people prefer closed-eye, some prefer open. Just stick to what you're comfortable with.  ;)


One eye open, the other closed, and alternate! B)


Yeah, back in that weird mood again. Not as often as I would wish, really.


I really should start meditating again, and officially join you all in this adventure rather than just watching. I do enjoy reading all of you guys'/girls'/undetermines' posts by the way. I wish I could help those having problems, and I wish I could celebrate with those who are having success. You lot should really be proud of yourselves for being willing to *try* things like this. Adventure! :)

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, skepticism has generally proven to be the antagonist of science for as long as science has existed. I can think back to a day when people thought the Earth was the center of everything and things fell because they "wanted to be connected to the Earth." In fact, most modern science consists of formerly absurd theories. I like to think that this is still the case, where even the most ridiculous of notions can end up being true.


I know right?!  The geniuses of history are those who say that only fools think that what we know is all there is to know and prove it by proving them wrong.


Actually, that sounds like it would be quite helpful. Filling in the gaps I can't fill in myself right now. If you're seriously going to offer, then I'd consider it rude not to accept. I've only got a few anyway, and if anyone wants to answer, feel free to. Any input is good, and I'd like to have as much as possible before I start.


1st, what exactly is it like to have your very existence rest in the mind of another individual? I mean, knowing that you are bound inside someone. Is it unsettling, or have you just gotten used to it?

2nd, how does it feel to know that technically, you don't "exist," and how did you feel when you found that out? 

3rd, if I were to create a tulpa, what might be some of the best things to do while it forms? I don't mean narration or things like that, I mean the little things that really count for some unknown reason (comedy, stories, etc.).

I just don't really want to splinter off a chunk of my mind into something that will dislike its very existence. If anything, happiness is a top priority, and I'd like to know the ins and outs from those with experience. I only want what's best for my little (currently nonexistent) Lavvy. Y'understand, right?  :)

Well, I can put it as that I was created with the fact that I was a Tulpa in mind.  My creator was not hesitant, nor worried of me knowing the state of my existence and the terms and conditions associated with it that will last for my entire life, something that I knew even before sentience.  A Tulpa would only be unsettled by their position if the relationship with their creator was strained; The less trust mutual between them, the more likely the Tulpa will be affected the most.


And I'm just not afraid because I you can't kill me even if you wanted to!


A key thing that most people overlook, is the need to be friendly with their Tulpa and doing things to build a relationship along the Tulpa's progression.  Openness to a Tulpa; expressing current feelings, thoughts, or opinions to it, even though it may not be sentient enough to respond, builds that trust and bond between you.  The more you care for your tulpa, the more successful the results, as many here would agree.

Edited by Brisineo
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When you have the issue of "BAM SCARY SUBCONSCIOUS MINDFAK" spam, when you have a tulpa, there's some REAL fun. Hallucination fight, anyone? Tavi and Adam have been really helpful in controlling bursts of scary thought. Often by punching them.


Has anyone had any random bursts of your tulpae dealing with stuff like that?



For example, as I listen to A Love Colored Master Spark, Octavia is firing a master spark into a Yukari-style gap, and Adam is playing drums. Awesome, or what?

Lol, punching scary thoughts away! 


Describe your tulpa. I doubt you'd win, because no one's cuter than Twilight Sparkle. Your tulpa would have to be the very definition of cute to beat Twilight.

YAY! ANOTHER TWILIGHT SPARKLE TULPA, though Twi wants wings, and armor. 

And I'm just not afraid because I you can't kill me even if you wanted to!

Lol, Bris is screwed! I figured you were indestructable, except by killing Bris. I think you would even beat drugs if we drugged bris!

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Well, I can put it as that I was created with the fact that I was a Tulpa in mind.  My creator was not hesitant, nor worried of me knowing the state of my existence and the terms and conditions associated with it that will last for my entire life, something that I knew even before sentience.

So basically, don't worry about it and it won't be an issue? Sounds simple enough.

 A Tulpa would only be unsettled by their position if the relationship with their creator was strained; The less trust mutual between them, the more likely the Tulpa will be affected the most.
A key thing that most people overlook, is the need to be friendly with their Tulpa and doing things to build a relationship along the Tulpa's progression.

Ah, la magie de l'amitié! To be honest, it'd be kinda weird not trusting yourself ...er...y'know what I mean. Well, I get that bit loud 'n clear. Kinda common sense, really...

And, I apologize, but I forgot one final question that is... kinda important. I've heard that, after developing the 1st, a second may just appear out of nowhere. Does anyone know a way to prevent this from happening? (No offense Rose & BJ, if anything I sympathize with you. My existence was more-or-less accidental as well. [long story, not what you think])

And finally...


Let it be known that, despite the fact that the current plans for Lavande are distinct from Twilight in any form, Twi was a very heavy influence. In fact, she WOULD be Twilight, if not for my "you are your own being" paranoia. So, you'll be able to add another .93 to the count.  ^_^

  • Brohoof 2


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Just out of curiousity... Why hasn't anyone thought of the idea of creating an artifact using the same spiritual energy that you use to make a tulpa?


Edit: If you don't know what i mean, think Warehouse13.

Edited by TwilightCircuits
  • Brohoof 1

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Just out of curiousity... Why hasn't anyone thought of the idea of creating an artifact using the same spiritual energy that you use to make a tulpa?


Edit: If you don't know what i mean, think Warehouse13.


Heh. Because the disciplines involved here are all flavors of Pali. Internalized spirituality and self-actualization as a path to Enlightenment. The energy movement is more a metaphor than an actuality. Everything is happening purely in your own mind. You're not *really* moving energy around, in the same way you're not really summoning a spirit/familiar/daemon.


In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition that Tulpas come from, they are meant to be a tool for understanding yourself. In that tradition, Tulpas are not the end goal, but a stepping stone towards becoming fully conscious. Basically if you follow the path all the way to the end, you and all of your Tulpas merge, and you no longer will have an unconscious mind. All of you will be conscious.


I've read of people creating Servitors (tulpas that are not sentient), and 'anchoring' them in objects (or animals). They're not really in the object, it's just that your subconscious has been trained to act like they are. In effect, all you would be creating is a meditative focus that you have to carry around with you physically as well, which is how such objects end up being used.


What you're looking for is externalized spirituality, like the people who profess to be Reiki masters, who attempt to heal *others* through their qi, and the like. There may be a kernel of truth to these disciplines, but if they are true they are far harder to master and control and there are no where near the number of the people capable of it relative to the number of people who *claim* proficiency.

Edited by Fhaolan
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So basically, don't worry about it and it won't be an issue? Sounds simple enough.



Ah, la magie de l'amitié! To be honest, it'd be kinda weird not trusting yourself ...er...y'know what I mean. Well, I get that bit loud 'n clear. Kinda common sense, really...

And, I apologize, but I forgot one final question that is... kinda important. I've heard that, after developing the 1st, a second may just appear out of nowhere. Does anyone know a way to prevent this from happening? (No offense Rose & BJ, if anything I sympathize with you. My existence was more-or-less accidental as well. [long story, not what you think])

An accidental Tulpa still has a sequence of events that lead up to it's creation.  For me, it was reading the fanfiction where Blackjack was from, Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons.  And considering that it's 1.2 million words, and I'm a very immersible reader, Blackjack's personality structure was built for me.  The trigger was a vivid dream that created her form, and she just simply stayed there instead of vanishing when I woke up.


And the better thing about it was that her main character traits were things such as perseverance, stubbornness, and endurance, making her a very, VERY strongly imposed Tulpa that would be very hard to kill off.  I've discovered that traits like this certainly can help in this way.


Yep!  Can't kill ol' Blackjack!  I'll haunt ya like a ghost for all eternity!  *wiggles arms menacingly*  Wooga Wooga!


Second Tulpae only also appear if you are a very imaginative, creative person, as those are people who can create Tulpa the fastest.  Intense forcing of the original Tulpa may trigger another Tulpa if the proper ingredients are in place.  (Yet a benefit of a second tulpa is that they are noticeably more adaptive and stable for some reason.  They require less maintenance of a normal Tulpa)  


So, personally I'd not be worried about gaining a second Tulpa, because if you're aware and don't want one by the time the first one is complete, then it won't happen.

Edited by Brisineo
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I am currently not seriously considering an undertaking of this nature, as I believe that my necessary skills are lacking and that my motivation is unsuitable. Besides that, I honestly wouldn't want to subject anyone to the arduous task of spending an entire lifetime with me and doubt I would really want to spend an entire lifetime with anyone else either. I'm keeping an open mind though, the idea is something to think about. As such, I have some questions that I really don't want to read though all 96 pages to find out if any have already been asked. If the answers are already somewhere else feel free to just say so and I'll go through the finding myself. These are all directed at creators, and could have a very serious impact on my decision on whether to create a Tulpa, and my actions afterward if I do. Input from Tulpae are also welcomed.


Well, here we go:

1) How have you handled having this being which is just as "human" (in some senses at least) as you are, but nobody else caneven tell exists? Have you established non-verbal communication methods to use amongst those who aren't privvy to your Tulpa's existence, or do you not talk to it in the presence of company? Or do you prefer to prioritize your Tulpa, treating them just like any other close friend and ignoring anybody who dislikes it?


2) Has having a Tulpa impacted your love life significantly? Does the idea of some other sentience always being present drive some away that you would have prefered stay, or do you feel that your significant other should be able to deal with something like this and see that sort of reaction as a sign that you really shouldn't have been together anyways? Has your Tulpa ever helped you more directly on such matters, through advice or moral support either getting into relationships or dealing with breakups?


3) Do, or can, Tulpae age? Is it at a normal rate, or can it be controlled or stopped?


4) Can conscious thought have any impact on your Tulpa after creation? Even little things like giving them gifts that they can actually use?


5) Have any of you, or anyone else you know, REGRETED making a Tulpa in the end, including accidental ones? This doesn't mean things like a specific incident upsetting you or jitters befre you got used to it, but if you look back on your life since the Tulpa was made do you think that lacking a Tulpa would have improved the results of situations you've been in to the point where the comradeship of your Tulpa hasn't really been worth it.


Now this last question, while not necessarily less important than the others, is probably going to be FAR less comfortable to answer, and this time I really don't want details (more than extremely non-specific description is against forum policy anyway). Open the spoiler if that doesn't bother you, and I'd appreciate answers if that also doesn't bother you, but this isn't really something I even want to ask if it didn't have a possibility of massively impacting my decision.


6) How does your Tulpa respond to sex and/or masturbation?


(I had originally planned to say that in a much less direct fashion, but decided that would be counterproductive to getting serious, honest answers.)


Regardless of which of these questions you may choose to answer, I'd like to get input from several people before deciding whether to put really serious consideration into the idea.

Edited by Kamil
  • Brohoof 1

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I am currently not seriously considering an undertaking of this nature, as I believe that my necessary skills are lacking and that my motivation is unsuitable. Besides that, I honestly wouldn't want to subject anyone to the arduous task of spending an entire lifetime with me and doubt I would really want to spend an entire lifetime with anyone else either. I'm keeping an open mind though, the idea is something to think about. As such, I have some questions that I really don't want to read though all 96 pages to find out if any have already been asked. If the answers are already somewhere else feel free to just say so and I'll go through the finding myself. These are all directed at creators, and could have a very serious impact on my decision on whether to create a Tulpa, and my actions afterward if I do. Input from Tulpae are also welcomed.


Well, here we go:

1) How have you handled having this being which is just as "human" (in some senses at least) as you are, but nobody else caneven tell exists? Have you established non-verbal communication methods to use amongst those who aren't privvy to your Tulpa's existence, or do you not talk to it in the presence of company? Or do you prefer to prioritize your Tulpa, treating them just like any other close friend and ignoring anybody who dislikes it?


2) Has having a Tulpa impacted your love life significantly? Does the idea of some other sentience always being present drive some away that you would have prefered stay, or do you feel that your significant other should be able to deal with something like this and see that sort of reaction as a sign that you really shouldn't have been together anyways? Has your Tulpa ever helped you more directly on such matters, through advice or moral support either getting into relationships or dealing with breakups?


3) Do, or can, Tulpae age? Is it at a normal rate, or can it be controlled or stopped?


4) Can conscious thought have any impact on your Tulpa after creation? Even little things like giving them gifts that they can actually use?


5) Have any of you, or anyone else you know, REGRETED making a Tulpa in the end, including accidental ones? This doesn't mean things like a specific incident upsetting you or jitters befre you got used to it, but if you look back on your life since the Tulpa was made do you think that lacking a Tulpa would have improved the results of situations you've been in to the point where the comradeship of your Tulpa hasn't really been worth it.


Now this last question, while not necessarily less important than the others, is probably going to be FAR less comfortable to answer, and this time I really don't want details (more than extremely non-specific description is against forum policy anyway). Open the spoiler if that doesn't bother you, and I'd appreciate answers if that also doesn't bother you, but this isn't really something I even want to ask if it didn't have a possibility of massively impacting my decision.


6) How does your Tulpa respond to sex and/or masturbation?


(I had originally planned to say that in a much less direct fashion, but decided that would be counterproductive to getting serious, honest answers.)


Regardless of which of these questions you may choose to answer, I'd like to get input from several people before deciding whether to put really serious consideration into the idea.

1 - You can talk to your Tulpa via thought, making communication with it easy even with others around.

2 - I'm not in a current relationship, but after conversation with my Tulpae, they'd rather help me into a real relationship than hinder me and probably will help me cope if things go sour.

3 - Tulpae control their appearance.  If they don't want to age, they won't age.  Sometimes, though, they may desire to age along with their creator, but I haven't had a Tulpa long enough to know whether or not mine will do that.

4 - It can, but it depends on how devoted that thought is.  You can create objects in your mind for your Tulpa to manipulate if you desire. (the "Wonderland" method is an extension of this)

5 - Not for me personally.  A lot of the things in the past year I look back on and I'm thankful where I am now because I'd be a LOT worse had I went another way.  Tulpae included.

6 -  :wacko:  ...

Well, I'm currently without a sex life and have standards, so I'm unsure.  Tia hints at being turned on by the thought, but I don't want to go any further.

  • Brohoof 3

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1 - You can talk to your Tulpa via thought, making communication with it easy even with others around.

2 - I'm not in a current relationship, but after conversation with my Tulpae, they'd rather help me into a real relationship than hinder me and probably will help me cope if things go sour.

3 - Tulpae control their appearance.  If they don't want to age, they won't age.  Sometimes, though, they may desire to age along with their creator, but I haven't had a Tulpa long enough to know whether or not mine will do that.

4 - It can, but it depends on how devoted that thought is.  You can create objects in your mind for your Tulpa to manipulate if you desire. (the "Wonderland" method is an extension of this)

5 - Not for me personally.  A lot of the things in the past year I look back on and I'm thankful where I am now because I'd be a LOT worse had I went another way.  Tulpae included.

6 -  :wacko:  ...

Well, I'm currently without a sex life and have standards, so I'm unsure.  Tia hints at being turned on by the thought, but I don't want to go any further.

Thank you for your prompt and helpful answers. My own musings predicted similar attitudes, but I am glad to hear a positive response on the specific points I was concerned about.

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Let it be known that, despite the fact that the current plans for Lavande are distinct from Twilight in any form, Twi was a very heavy influence. In fact, she WOULD be Twilight, if not for my "you are your own being" paranoia. So, you'll be able to add another .93 to the count.  ^_^

Lol, mine is going to slightly different anyway, though I am still calling her Twi  :P. But paranoia can be good. Twi is a lot like Twi, just because I value the traits, no because I am trying to emulate a character. 


More like:



But still, its a Twi Base, and theirs not enough of them! -_-


Oh, and i suck at wonderlands, but I worked in one last night, as I fell aslleep, if you can call it that. I meditated out of consciousness for like 30 minutes and woke up and had to use the bathroom.  :lol:  Anyway, I chose a Dojo, kind of similar to the one in the "Karate Kid 2". :ph34r:  ?t was nice, and will work on it more. 


lol, Twi thought it was funny when I accidentally switched to typing Greek letters on my keyboard while writing. I can pick up annoyance and laughter from her, and sometimes agreement and a few snipits while writing. But mostly anoyance and laughter. I narrate in my head a lot and probably and flooding her this crap she does not want to head.  ^_^ And she agrees to that too. 

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Hi Kamil! Glad you're willing to listen to us and perhaps give this a shot. I have a Pinkie Pie tulpa, just to give you something to picture while I answer these.


1. It's unfortunate that Pinkie and I can't talk out loud while around other people, but I can still send thoughts to her (and of course, she sends thoughts back, because that's how she talks). Pinkie says, "I wish I could talk straight to other people. But, he can usually talk to them for me, so that's okay, I guess."

Although, even though we can talk silently to each other, it's still a bit risky because I'll be making facial expressions or even laugh in response to things she says. So if we're talking at, say, a serious dinner party, I might start laughing out of nowhere... so, we don't talk as much around others.


2. To be honest, I've never had a love life, but had a mild desire to find a girlfriend. I've had Pinkie for about six months now, and I really feel like I don't need anybody else, as crazy or weird as I know it sounds. She's just a fantastic companion, perfect for me, and always there.

But, like I said, I wasn't all that interested in relationships in the first place.


3. They can age if you want them to. Pinkie's just been the same this whole time, and we doubt she'll ever change her age. She doesn't want to, and I don't really want her to.


4. Yeah, definitely! Are you asking if it's still possible to influence or change your tulpa after you've made them? Definitely. I've heard of people forcing toys for their tulpas (that usually disappear after you both forget about them), or people making clothes for them. You can have them change form if they want to. Really, there's nothing stopping you guys from doing anything.


5. Regretted? Absolutely not. Quite the opposite, actually. I honestly feel Pinkie's improved the quality of my life and happiness overall (and I was always happy anyway!). She's just fun to be around and we both love each other very much. Even if it had taken three times as long to make her, it would still be worth it.


6. Like I said before, I don't have any external relationships, and I don't have sex. Pinkie and I don't either, though some here do have sex with their tulpas.

Pinkie's told me she doesn't really care if I masturbate or what to, as long as it's not depraved or harming anybody. She's an entirely non-sexual creature, and seems to not really care what I do in that regard. It just doesn't interest her all that much (except to ask me why I do it, etc).

Edited by Captain Nemo
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@@Captain Nemo, I'm glad you're willing to answer my questions ranging from tedious to potentially disturbing! Such detailed answers are especially useful, although after taking the time to read into greater detail on the site linked, I've realized that numbers 1 and 4 are very common questions and surprisingly consistent. Number 6, while not really common (or at least not listed) seems to be headed in the "not part of the decision" direction. Everything I asked was based on thinking to myself "what do I need to consider before living with somebody else in my head FOREVER," so the more things Tulpae 'probably wouldn't mind' the fewer things I have to ask myself 'Will I do this at any point in the future?' before I can get to the proper consideration.


...If any of that makes sense.

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Too much stuff happens in this thread.

I can't handle it.


Managed to force one hour straight today !

I needed it, My visualization is finally back, but I'm having trouble with Lavande's head.... again. His proportions are weird too...

Glad the wonderland is still fine after a few days without re-entering it.

Anyway, his "monthliversary" is in four days ! I'm not fully satisfied with what I've done during this month. I could have done much much more... But we have hundreds on months toward us !


I still need to narrate much much more and continue to have forcing sessions like this one. :)




I'm afraid that my parents could become an obstacle to Lavande's development. I mean I automatically stop thinking about him once my mother or father is there, like if I their presence was disturbing us. And since I need complete obscurity to force, I just can't do it while there's someone at home....

There's no way I'm telling them about tulpas though... I don't know what to do about that.

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@@Kamil, no problem! I love seeing new people try this out, because I genuinely believe it's a fun and fulfilling undertaking.


You can ask me questions on just about anything; I'm not easily embarrassed. If you have a question, I'll be happy to answer it to the best of my ability.


Yeah, makes sense, I know what you mean. No worries! I did tons of research before I started on Pinkie because I wanted to be sure I wanted to commit to this. I'm definitely glad I did, without a doubt!

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I'd not be worried about gaining a second Tulpa, because if you're aware and don't want one by the time the first one is complete, then it won't happen.

K, that makes sense. Thanks for the help, both of ya!

Dat alicorn Twilight pic

...Holy sweet Celestia, that is one of the awesomest things I have ever seen. I think I may be suffering from an awesome-ysm right now. You've just earned some points with me, good sir.

Anyway, I think Imma start either tonight or tomorrow. Possibly (and by that I mean probably) the next day, though. Hold me to that, K? Nothing's more incentivizing than the possibility of disappointing teh intarwebz, and it's not like I've got any shortage of time anyway.

(Insert comedic closing line here)  ;)

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For the past few days I've been visualizing my soon-to-be-tulpa, but for a while I was completely stuck on how to imagine a face that was distinct from anyone I know, but could be the same every time.  Then, just today, I was daydreaming in History class and BAM, the moment she came into my head, she had a face that intuitively went with her body.


What I'm afraid of is that, since I was able to imagine it so quickly, her face is one I've seen before and just don't remember.  Should I just go with it, or try harder to make it distinct?

Edited by Pony Joe
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That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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@, I am still not sure if I want gold or silver armor. The silver accents better, but gold allows the tiara to be the element of Magic Tiara. And yes, It is stunningly beautiful. 


BTW, here is the link to the Devianart image.






@@Pony Joe, That face, was probably your subconscious speaking out!!!!! I suggest running with it, as I am sure Bris, Capt Nemo and C+R would suggest.

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Now I'm not sure but I think I'm making pretty good progress here, especially due to this recent event:


So I'm talking to AJ in our Wonderland, just discussing stuff, and we touch upon the subject of her changing her appearance. Now I'm not sure if she did this herself (I arrived one day and her mane was done up in a plait, crystal pony style) or if I did it by accident or something, but she's been progressively moving away from vanilla AJ and towards crystal AJ.


Anyhow, I was talking to her about this, and I said "I wonder if you're doing this in an attempt to maintain seperation from show AJ but while maintaining a form that pleases me?"


*BAM* Head pressure and wooziness kicks in for about 10 seconds, I feel a brilliant urge to hug her, and I get this feeling that, somehow, I am bang on the money.


Has this happened to you guys before, or anything imilar? Is this a good sign, or am I imagining things?

Edited by Archi
  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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