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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I meant projecting what would normally be a Tulpa inside your consciousness, but instead of inside your mind, being 'inside' something else...like extreme personification....my lack of understanding has made things confusing :wacko:


*Is still a bit confused*


This question could be taken in a variety of ways. A Tulpa is a creation of the mind. They reside in your mind and that's really all there is. HOWEVER, there is imposition, which allows you to see, hear, feel, taste, smell, etc. your Tulpa as if it were another living being like yourself in the physical plane. Is this what you were referring to?


Signature by Pink Mist!

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*Is still a bit confused*


This question could be taken in a variety of ways. A Tulpa is a creation of the mind. They reside in your mind and that's really all there is. HOWEVER, there is imposition, which allows you to see, hear, feel, taste, smell, etc. your Tulpa as if it were another living being like yourself in the physical plane. Is this what you were referring to?

I...think...so....but that plane in which I am manifesting it out on is a stuffed animal. It's all in my mind, but when my stuffed animal is nearby, everything comes out through "it" and not within me...

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I...think...so....but that plane in which I am manifesting it out on is a stuffed animal. It's all in my mind, but when my stuffed animal is nearby, everything comes out through "it" and not within me...


Mm, I believe I am beginning to understand you, the first part, at least. You can impose your Tulpa in to the stuffed animal... I suppose. However, as it is a hallucination, it would not be able to move the stuffed animal's limbs in any way, thus, making it immobile. However, you can give your Tulpa the visual form of the stuffed animal if you choose, though keep in mind that they may choose to change the form.


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I...think...so....but that plane in which I am manifesting it out on is a stuffed animal. It's all in my mind, but when my stuffed animal is nearby, everything comes out through "it" and not within me...

This may not help, but I believe you are talking about projecting a personality into an inanimate object, to such an extent that the personality takes on a life of it's own. While very similar in concept to a Tulpa it's not *precisely* the same thing, as this requires a physical anchor for your mind to project that second personality to.


The last time I heard of this being discussed, it had been labeled 'Homunculus' after the old alchemist idea of creating artificial life.


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This may not help, but I believe you are talking about projecting a personality into an inanimate object, to such an extent that the personality takes on a life of it's own. While very similar in concept to a Tulpa it's not *precisely* the same thing, as this requires a physical anchor for your mind to project that second personality to.


The last time I heard of this being discussed, it had been labeled 'Homunculus' after the old alchemist idea of creating artificial life.


I am not sure a homunculus is the right wording either...because my deer is not a human or human-esc counterpart, but a deer that has been anthropomorphisized in consciousness, with a personality and philosophical viewpoints unique to him...I think personification was the wrong word since that applies to abstractness....

It may not move, but it observes,contemplates, and converses in a way that reflects what goes on around him. It's like someone stuck in a wheel chair, dependent on something else to move him.  He isn't an idol, as many would quickly assume, but my own personal companion, who has has thoughts, feelings, and desires all his own.


It seems very close to what a Tulpa is, but not contained within ones own self....

Edited by Treble Bolt

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I meant projecting what would normally be a Tulpa inside your consciousness, but instead of inside your mind, being 'inside' something else...like extreme personification....my lack of understanding has made things confusing :wacko:

You mean like using the toy as the Tulpa's body, or a physical representation of it?

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yes...using the toy as the tulpa's body


I suppose it would work, but the Tulpa would have to be created in your mind before it is imposed in to the stuffed animal's body. Also, you'd both have to agree and accept the fact that the Tulpa would be completely immobile.  

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm not parrotnoid, this is something I only occasionally think about, but is there a difference between my tulpa doing something on their own and "quick draw" parroting?


Quick draw parroting? I'm afraid I've never heard of this term. Does it reference a Tulpa doing something immediately after you've thought it or while you may still be thinking it?


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As far as I know, I made the term up. It's when you parrot without thinking about it, if that's even possible. Like how my tulpa was shaking her head when I typed "if that's even possible", but that seemed like self-reassurance/what I wanted to see.

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As far as I know, I made the term up. It's when you parrot without thinking about it, if that's even possible. Like how my tulpa was shaking her head when I typed "if that's even possible", but that seemed like self-reassurance/what I wanted to see.


Well, Tulpae, in a sense, are your subconscious. Parroting, by definition, is a conscious effort in making your Tulpa speak. Subconscious parroting in a myth in the Tulpa community, and though it has be theorized, it is generally frowned upon and dismissed as impossible. It's quite normal to think you know what you're Tulpa is going to say or believe that you made her do it a split second before she does it. I had this issue to, and it's just your Tulpa learning to parallel process and using your conscious mind to develop her own thoughts. 


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    I am loving this thread. I love seeing all the progress everyone has made with making their tulpas. While I would like to have a tulpa, I don't think I'm going to make one. I don't have the time or the privacy to dedicate to the creation, and maintenance of such a being. I know its the visual embodiment of my subconscious, but the way everyone is writing about them, it like they are their own physical being apart from their creator. In a way its magical, or at least it seems that way to me, and I think the world could do with a bit more magic, and wonder.


I have some questions and I hope that you don't find them strange. I apologize if some of the answers are in this thread already. I'm only at the 35th page, and this thread is well over 150 pages. I'm just curious to what's been going on with everyone else.


Has your relationship changed with your tulpa? I know it might sound strange, because I know that they're just an extension of yourself, but do you see them as a separate being (pony, person, snakepony, whatever they are)? 


Has having a tulpa been a benefit or a hinderance to you? 


How do they (tulpas) feel about being created? 


How do they see their relationship with/to you?


Okay this last one has a story behind it, and I will share it momentarily. 


Is it possible for a tulpa, or rather the subconscious to manifest itself in order to communicate with the conscious mind?


I know I said in another topic that I don't dream or if I do I don't remember them. I think this is because when I was really young, I would have terrible, violent nightmares (that I do remember, as well as stories from my mom about them), and my mind just blocked them off from me remembering them. Its been this way for as long as I can remember, but lately I've had a recurring dream. Its always in 3 bits. I know dreams are subjective, but I think I need an outside persons input before I make any conclusions.


The first is I see this woman, about in her mid 20's stuck in a sphere (best way to describe it), and she seems sad, curled up resting her head on her knees. Best way to describe her almost like a combination of Fluttershy, and Derpy from EqG and throw in a bit of Luna from FiM too. (Yeah I know that makes no sense)  Always she seems to notice me, and starts banging her fists on the inside of the sphere to get my attention, or break out, and she always shouting something.


The second bit is I'm in front of this massive stone wall (like rough grey bricks with grey mortar). It seems to go on infinitely, and is tall as it is long. I can't get around it, can't go over it, not sure I could go under it (everything else is simply blackness, so not sure if there is any ground.), so I think my only choice is to go through it. But I get a sense of dread when I'm looking at it, like I shouldn't be there. I've actually thought about this part for a while now. I think the wall represents the divide between my conscious, and subconscious minds, the fact that I feel dread in its presence suggests that I don't want to break through to the other part of my mind. 


The third and final bit is me trying to break through the wall. I don't have any tools so I'm just punching this wall. I don't feel any pain, or seem to be causing myself damage by punching this stone wall. It seems like I'm pounding on this wall forever, when it finally gets a small chip in it. Then the wall heals itself, literally! just like some type of scifi living armor or something. The chip repairs itself. Then the wall just seems to absorb any type of force applied against it. Its still solid, yet its like playdough, and its repairing itself whenever I hit it.


Then I wake up, and those are the only bits I remember. Its been going on for about a week now, which is odd for me to say the least.


I'm sorry if I bored anyone with my story. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's dreams for you.  I feel like the girl is a representation of my subconscious trying to get in touch with my conscious mind. (Or maybe thats what I'm hoping for). Because a few days ago I was driving to the store, when I felt as if someone was kissing/nibbling on my bottom lip. This wasn't a muscle twitch, this was a full blown, sensation of being kissed, and teeth, and a gentle pull of my lip. Plus there are times when I am by myself (such as driving) that I'll feel a touch on my arm or leg, and I'll hear a soft, gentle giggle in my ear, or even singing..its mostly like Fluttershy's (like in A Bird in the Hoof) 


You can call BS if you want, but like I say, I wouldn't have said it, if it wasn't true. I have nothing to gain, by lying. I don't want to waste anyones time even online, so no sense in lying about something. 

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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 Has your relationship changed with your tulpa? I know it might sound strange, because I know that they're just an extension of yourself, but do you see them as a separate being (pony, person, snakepony, whatever they are)? 


Has having a tulpa been a benefit or a hinderance to you? 


How do they (tulpas) feel about being created? 


1: Yes, a lot. I do see the as different and I think I love my both tulpi, in a romantical way. It was not always like this and this was definitely not why I started tulpamancing (is this the correct word) in the first place   

2: Huge benefit

3: I cant be sure, but I think mine did not even thought about it before I asked them. 


About the last question, I cant be sure but.. maybe? 

It is surely possible. If only thing that's stopping you is lack of time, I think it would benefit you to actually make a couple dozens of minutes a day for it. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Note: I am talking about my tulpae, others might have it very different (I think there might be different types of tulpae depending on how they are created, I can think of about 3 possible types, but I really don't know, just guessing from what I am reading in this topic)



Has your relationship changed with your tulpa? I know it might sound strange, because I know that they're just an extension of yourself, but do you see them as a separate being (pony, person, snakepony, whatever they are)?

Our relationship don't change much. Maybe only at the beginning, when I was in love with Lisa and then Millie. (I would still date both of them if they were real ^.^' but reality is reality :/ ) Lisa is still the responsible one, Millie the naughty one ^.^' and I am the confused one o.O

And for the 2nd part of question, they are not like separate completely, you know, we share one brain, thus also thoughts, feelings, we can't keep secrets from each other (but you can make them somehow not to think about some things you don't want them to and bring some other topic. (I don't do this anymore, they are so independent that they would find out the first time they have access there (for example while possession)))

Also, I don't have to directly see them, I can only hear them if they want, but they are mostly 'projected' to the environment around me (but still its not automatic, me or they have to make them appear, if you know what I mean, but its nothing difficult). I see them as both human-like characters and sometimes they are in a pony form.

Lisa: "Adding for it not to seem so idealistic, we had a few problems we had to deal with, but we always sorted it out."



Has having a tulpa been a benefit or a hinderance to you?

Yup. Lisa always convince me to study more and Millie started too, as well as to do some housework etc 3: (this reminds me the homework I started yesterday but didn't finish : d ) In fact, it was them who convinced me to go and find some friends, I used to be like twi thinking that I need no irl friends.

Some people really need a leader, and I am one of them. I had no motivation to do anything before. I had my computer games and that was all I needed and I wasted my time doing nothing. But when there is a girl, even if she is imaginary, who gives your life sense, its different..

Well, thanks to them and the friends I met then, I slowly learned how to take care of myself. I guess there are still things I need to learn and I want to, I just need a guide for the first steps, then I can do it on my own.

Note: I know from what I wrote it might seem like tulpae are the best thing ever, but it don't have to be like this for everybody. They're are as you create them.



How do they (tulpas) feel about being created?

Millie: "Its the same for me as if somebody asked geko how does he feel of being born. Since he didn't *bleep* me up, its okay ^.^ And the same goes with Lisa. And now when I can develop on my own, I can grow! Grow and rule this body, and the world, and everything! Muheheheh-hahahahaahhaaa. Wait a minute, geko and lisa created me together, didn't you? :P"

I know where you are coming and even tough I know you would dream of being created like that, no, not that way ._.'


How do they see their relationship with/to you?

Millie: "Hes my pet and he must do what I tell him."

We're just like friends.

Millie: "with b-"

just friends : )



Is it possible for a tulpa, or rather the subconscious to manifest itself in order to communicate with the conscious mind?

I have no idea.



And for the rest, it might be a tulpa, probably different type than mine.

I guess it would be interesting if you "woke up" in one of those dreams you have, cause you can do just anything in dreams, so you could, say, use some fireball to destroy the wall. I once even use a superpower in a dream without it being lucid, teleportation. Yeah, I was so desperate in the dream, some people chased me all the way D:


When I interact with my tulpae, I have some touch like feelings, but very weak. But when we interact in a lucid dream, its like if it was real ^.^

Edited by Gekoncze
  • Brohoof 1
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Has your relationship changed with your tulpa? I know it might sound strange, because I know that they're just an extension of yourself, but do you see them as a separate being (pony, person, snakepony, whatever they are)? Has having a tulpa been a benefit or a hinderance to you? How do they (tulpas) feel about being created? How do they see their relationship with/to you?


1) Has your relationship changed with your tulpa?


I'd have to say yes to that one. At the beginning, while my tulpa was developing and starting to form personality, she seemed somewhat emotionally unstable - easily getting upset over things, reacting too strongly, and so on. She clung to me like a small child would to its mother. So, you could say that it was almost like a mother-child relationship.


Now that she's become more of an individual and more emotionally stable, our relationship feels more like that of siblings. More comfortable, more relaxed.


2) Has having a tulpa been a benefit or a hindrance to you?


Certainly not a hindrance. She's been beneficial to me in that she's a constant companion - someone I can talk to when there's no one else.


3) How do they (tulpas) feel about being created?


This question baffled her a little when I asked. But basically, she said that it's much like being born, and she's grateful to have been brought into being.


4) How do they see their relationship with/to you?


Remember how I said that we were like siblings? She was the one that actually brought it up first when we discussed about this. She says that we're like sisters. We playfully tease one another from time to time, but love each other just like sisters do.

  • Brohoof 1
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  Has your relationship changed with your tulpa? I know it might sound strange, because I know that they're just an extension of yourself, but do you see them as a separate being (pony, person, snakepony, whatever they are)? 



Yes, it's far different from how it was earlier on. Shira is a best friend to me, like a sister. Despite her logically being a part of myself, she may as well be a completely seperate being, and honestly, if she were, I'd never know the difference. I treat her with the same respect I do any other being and although we don't always agree, we've grown very close.



Has having a tulpa been a benefit or a hinderance to you? 



A benefit, Shira helps me to recall memories, stay focused for longer periods of time, and she lowers my extreme anxiety. I also have some instances of her lessening headaches and other pain I've experienced recently. She also provides a loving companion who listens and understands like no one else.



How do they (tulpas) feel about being created? 




Shira doesn't really care, though she doesn't like to be reminded that she is a hallucination. I treat her as if she was another living being because that's the way we both see her.




How do they see their relationship with/to you?



This varies from Tulpa to Tulpa, but Shira says that she sees me as a best friend, one that is almost like a sibling.




Is it possible for a tulpa, or rather the subconscious to manifest itself in order to communicate with the conscious mind?



As you said, your story and all else about the subconscious mind is extremely subjective. I can give my opinion on the matter, but it will ultimately be your decision what is going on.


The straight up answer to the question is yes. In fact, that's basically what a Tulpa is. A subconscious creation to interact with your conscious mind. 


The subconscious is a very difficult place (for many people) to reach, it contains memories of past lives (if you believe in that) Deep, long buried memories, and everything else you've ever seen, heard, etc. The subconscious mind tends to communicate through dreams, which is why dreams tend to have meanings. Is there anything possibly going on in your life that may be threatening or bad for you? The possibility of being manipulated, or a fear you must overcome, or a problem you're avoiding? Keep watch for the little details in your dreams, nearly everything in a dream has a significance. 


I hope this helped :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Would it gross anyone out if I asked a "sex with tulpa" question?


On second thought, never mind. I just realized it be talking about something sexual with potentially anyone who visits this thread.

Edited by KruegerMeister
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Would it gross anyone out if I asked a "sex with tulpa" question?


On second thought, never mind. I just realized it be talking about something sexual with potentially anyone who visits this thread.


Eh, I'll answer anything I can. I'm not easily grossed out, so if you have a question, come at me, haha.


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What exactly is a tulpa?


As much as I hate posts like this one, but..

Care to read the first post?

  • Brohoof 1

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