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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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well, it seems that you two are quite happy, so im happy for you two.


just be sure to watch out...for the personality-changing thing.


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you do realize that having too many tulpas can actually drive a man to insanity, right?


and if any of those tulpas weren't intentional, then i dont see how they can be a tulpa. after all, a key to making tulpas is treating them like a sentient being. so, unless you treated your 'intrusive thoughts' as sentient, then...

Rainbow Dash was intentional. Keystroke was an unintended result of intentional hypnosis. I suppose the same is true of Shou and Nina, since I intentionally marathoned Fullmetal Alchemist. Sarah (formerly known as Slenderdash) was...I dunno. Fluttershy was purely "accidental" on my part--she came into being as a mindvoice, I brushed this off as a "glitch" in Rainbow Dash's "infancy", and Shou raised her behind my back.

I guess I treated my intrusive thoughts as sentient without meaning to.


{Keystroke here. So that we're on the same page, what's your definition of insanity?}

Edited by KruegerMeister
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Rainbow Dash was intentional. Keystroke was an unintended result of intentional hypnosis. I suppose the same is true of Shou and Nina, since I intentionally marathoned Fullmetal Alchemist. Sarah (formerly known as Slenderdash) was...I dunno. Fluttershy was purely "accidental" on my part--she came into being as a mindvoice, I brushed this off as a "glitch" in Rainbow Dash's "infancy", and Shou raised her behind my back.

I guess I treated my intrusive thoughts as sentient without meaning to.


{Keystroke here. So we're on the same page, what's your definition of insanity?}

well, the correct definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting things to change.


but right here, im talking incoherent muttering, being locked up in an insane asylum...ect


unless you actually gave thought to each individual one, with the full intent of making a tulpa, then...they shouldn't be a tulpa. because in order to grow, a tulpa needs to be treated as a person living in your mind. you cant 'accidentally' treat something as sentient. thats like seeing a rock, and wondering if you should talk to it, because you dont know if its alive, or not.


and tulpa need a lot of attention...the number your at now will end up draining you more then you realize.


but, all in all, your saying that you only meant to make one? but ended up with 6?


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well, the correct definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting things to change.


but right here, im talking incoherent muttering, being locked up in an insane asylum...ect


unless you actually gave thought to each individual one, with the full intent of making a tulpa, then...they shouldn't be a tulpa. because in order to grow, a tulpa needs to be treated as a person living in your mind. you cant 'accidentally' treat something as sentient. thats like seeing a rock, and wondering if you should talk to it, because you dont know if its alive, or not.


and tulpa need a lot of attention...the number your at now will end up draining you more then you realize.


but, all in all, your saying that you only meant to make one? but ended up with 6?

Yep, I'm saying that.

I've heard that after making one tulpa, it gets easier to make more, because your brain already knows the process. My intrusive thoughts appeared sentient to me, and I guess I treated them as such. I don't think tulpas need as much attention as people think, or at least, it doesn't have to come from the host (Fluttershy got attention from Shou, before I knew about her)--I don't feel like my tulpas have drained me.

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...just be careful, dude. each tulpa needs a lot of attention, and its your job to provide.

In my experience, the attention doesn't necessarily have to come from the host, it can come from another tulpa. So for us, attention-giving duties are split seven ways, and six of those ways are tulpas who give and receive attention at the same time. As far as I can tell, nobody knows for sure how much attention a tulpa requires to live.


Nina: I'd say it's pretty small, considering that my father and I sprang from intrusive thoughts. Or at least, attention doesn't have to be given in big all-at-once helpings.

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Krueger how does you head not explode? ^_^



[it's because tulpas aren't that fragile.]


Funny story: I thought my head would explode, and Shou thought that my head would explode with him, Keystroke, Rainbow Dash, and me in it, but there was room for three more.


+I was...kind of hiding Fluttershy from you, back then.+


Scratch that, two more. Or something. There hasn't been a time when all of my tulpas are around at once.

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Doesn't having that many mental constructs running around in your head ever get, say, confusing?Like do you ever have a problem distinguishing you own thoughts?

  • Brohoof 1
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Doesn't having that many mental constructs running around in your head ever get, say, confusing?Like do you ever have a problem distinguishing you own thoughts?

Rarely. Nina was possessing me yesterday, and an intrusive image popped into her head that used to also pop into mine, but not anymore. That confirmed for me that the thought was hers and not mine.

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So what do your friends normally to when they borrow your body, anything in particular? Sorry if If I'm being nosy ^_^

Sometimes we practice vocal possession. I'm trying to make it so that their voices come out of my mouth, and so that I see their forms instead of mine, when they're possessing me consistently.

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So basically, I found out something a bit disturbing. A friend of mine created a tulpa a while back. Never heard much about him, though. Well, found out today he's dead. Ended up being too similar to the host; drove him nuts. But, he didn't seem too disturbed by it, so I guess it ended up alright. But still. It validates my concern that I need enough difference between my personality and my own's.


Also, I have a bit of a problem. The great many methods I've seen require extensive meditation, something that I simply don't have the guaranteed free time to do. In fact, there's pretty much never a time when I couldn't be pulled off to do some random task. Anyone know of something to help, knowing that I have basically no guaranteed free time?



It's 5:30, why am I not in bed?



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So basically, I found out something a bit disturbing. A friend of mine created a tulpa a while back. Never heard much about him, though. Well, found out today he's dead. Ended up being too similar to the host; drove him nuts. But, he didn't seem too disturbed by it, so I guess it ended up alright. But still. It validates my concern that I need enough difference between my personality and my own's.


Also, I have a bit of a problem. The great many methods I've seen require extensive meditation, something that I simply don't have the guaranteed free time to do. In fact, there's pretty much never a time when I couldn't be pulled off to do some random task. Anyone know of something to help, knowing that I have basically no guaranteed free time?



It's 5:30, why am I not in bed?


*randomly arrives in this thread to post something about my tulpa, then sees opportunity for advice*


I have something in mind that I'm going to hopefully try soon. When I get in bed, but I'm not sleepy yet, just kinda on the surface tired but not enough to fall asleep immediately, I'm gonna try to connect with my tulpa then. I interact with him a few times during the day, in fact today he put his hand on my shoulder reassuringly when I was concerned about a friend online. :) and we communicate every so often by me thinking something (or whispering it aloud if I'm alone in the room XD) and him responding via body language/expression (he's not vocal). But there's never a great length of time when I can just sit and be with him.


I did my process a little differently. I didn't actually create a real wonderland at first, like an actual setting mapped out in my head or anything. What I did was I created a sort of "alternate plane" that's vaguely purple in my imagination but is basically for him only. It's where he goes to sleep, and when he needs to go somewhere else for a bit.


It's currently day 18 and only now have I decided to create a separate little world where he and I can both hang out. I'm starting it out as a meadow-type thing, to go along with the lyrics of a song we both really like, but I plan on leaving room for change. E.g. if one day I'd rather us hang out in a building then it'll become a building, or if I don't feel like having a lot of light then it'll be just a little cloudy. If my imagination is up for that sort of thing. :P

Anyway though, the point is that I'm going to try to do that at night, when I get off the computer :P, get in bed but I'm not ready to fall asleep yet. If it works, it'll be the perfect time to connect with him in a way I don't get to in a regular day. Maybe you could try something like that, since bedtime is pretty much the only set amount of time (in anyone's life, I would think XD) we have to dedicate to one activity, whether that is only sleeping or tulpa connection and then sleeping. :3

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I think that my Fluttershy tulpa might be a lot younger than I thought. I'm not sure if she revealed herself to me one day and already had memories, or if she was born on that day, fairly developed, and I just unconsciously gave her memories to rationalize how developed she was.

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Terribly sorry if this breaks etiquette in any way. I'd post in the convention topic, but I don't want to derail it.


Is anyone here attending BronyCon this year? I'd be interested to see what tulpa people (/mancers/whatever your preferred term is) are like, plus questions/experiences. Or something.


I have no idea if this is appropriate, so feel free to shun me.

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I actually have 3 tulpa...the only issue is, I can't see them in reality, I can only seem them in my imagination...I can hear them, but that's about it...

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Oh god, is that confusing  :confused:


So a Tulpa is something i imagine, but thats not true, because it does things of itself and i only can see it, but that on the other hand would mean that it would still be an imagination of my brain, wouldnt it? Because if it would be something that is not my imagination, that others cant see and that acts of its own..wouldnt that be some kind of ghost?  :wacko:


But its not a Ghost, its a Tulpa....YEAH!!...yeah...hu....

Well i guess, i maybe had one. Her Name was Mystic ( i accidentally spelled her mistake just before  :lol: ) and she was a bird. Well not a normal small bird, she was a Furry Bird. With white feathers and blue eyes. So, i imagined her ( i guess because i was lonely and wanted a girlfriend...even though i have no idea why she was a bird ) and she did things on her own because i imagined her to be real.


Oh wait, a Tulpa cant be from my Imagination..uh..does a Lamp count with which i spoke from time to time ?  :lol: I mean the Lamp was really there, so..screw it! Tulpas are WAY to confusing...

  • Brohoof 1


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Isn't a tulpa a thing in your imagination that appears on its own? If so, how do you get one? I want to live with PAC-MAN in my mind.

(A pac-man tulpa.....that sounds pretty cool)
  • Brohoof 1


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I actually have 3 tulpa...the only issue is, I can't see them in reality, I can only seem them in my imagination...I can hear them, but that's about it...


It's okay. We're at that point, too. You don't need to see your tulpae to know they care about you.  :fluttershy:


  • Brohoof 1
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i actually had my tulpa since before i was a brony and like she has changed form on me 3 times now 

she started as a person because i was lonely 

then went to a dog because i got dogs and i loved them so she thought i would like her as a dog

now she is rainbow dash she dont act like her just looks like her i call her dashie now but she changes to things she thing well make me most happy at the time 

  • Brohoof 2

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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It's okay. We're at that point, too. You don't need to see your tulpae to know they care about you.  :fluttershy:


Really? But I'd really like to see all three of them in reality. It'll be fun!

  • Brohoof 2
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I'd really like to see all three of them in reality


you can you just need to work at it is all 

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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