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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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AHA! I know what my tulpa will look like! I want magic, and flight would be cool, but I am not the greatest fans of Alicorns. Except I forgot I love this Alicorn.


BTW, If anypony knows where this wallpaper comes from, message me. I have well over 160 Pony wallpapers. :P (And over 100 pony pictures. Wallpapers are more functional. hehehe)


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Wait, why do you need to know where it is? Use STOIK Image resizer, quadruple the dimensions, and triple the DPI if you want it desktop sized.

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That's how I went about it at the start. (Though I did write down the traits first) And I didn't need to picture her either. Just choose a location where your Tulpa will be, and talk to that empty space as if there is something already there.


Woah. I never knew about this method, in fact I kinda do this already. Whenever I'm home alone watching TV and a dumb commercial comes on or a character in a show is about to make a mistake, I'll look at the couch next to me and rant/predict what will happen in the show for around 15 minutes as if there's literally a person sitting on the couch. So now I'll be talking to my tulpa (not going to rant to it though, just casual talk). Do I have to talk out loud to the empty space, or can I look at the space and talk to it in my head.

Soon enough, something does appear there.


The way you say this confuses me. Do you mean that I'll feel it's presence there but it won't have a form, or that it will literally appear in some form that's imposed in my vision? If it's the latter, I fear that my tulpa will take the wrong form. If the former, then I will absolutely use this method considering the astounding results you got in the creation of Celestia.
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So, if anyone has read my earlier posts, I produced a "five-second" Rainbow Dash Tulpa that has been with me a for about a week now. Thank you for the all replies to my earlier posts. You know who you are. Anyway, my Rainbow Dash has been highly unstable. I have no idea if it is basic parroting or not, but it seems my Rainbow Dash just appears randomly, and just starts saying random things. She doesn't have the exact same personality, but it isn't bad. I accept it, though it seems she is only able to exist within my mind whenever I acknowledge her For instance, I was in the bathroom, dancing while waiting for my shower to run warm water, and Rainbow suddenly appeared in the corner of the room (flapping her wings) and said "What are you waiting for? The shower is running." I answered "The water is still cold." She replied "So, who cares? Be a man!" Then I answered. "What do you mean, who cares? I care." Anyway, she made me laugh, and I was having fun, but then when I entered the shower it felt like her existence was gone. It's hard to explain, but maybe Rainbow might leave. I mean, in all truth, when I produced my Tulpa I didn't expect to actually see, hear and physically touch it right off the bat in five seconds (it was more like ten to fifteen seconds). I merely just thought about producing one, and there it was. It was so strange. So now I'm contemplating "letting it go". I didn't put 100+ hours into her, so is it wrong for me to "end" her? What do you all think? It seems accidental that I came upon her. Am I selfish about this? I just do not feel like I would want a Tulpa right now. Maybe I do, though. I have been thinking about restarting the Tulpa process and create a humanoid Tulpa. Who knows, though?

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So is it wrong for me to "end" her? What do you all think? It seems accidental that I came upon her. Am I selfish about this? I just do not feel like I would want a Tulpa right now. Maybe I do, though. I have been thinking about restarting the Tulpa process and create a humanoid Tulpa. Who knows, though?


I think you don't have to really "end" her, instead I think you should confront her. Ask her if it's okay if she goes back into your mind and instead of erasing her, build onto her personality and body some more. Since you're claiming to have made her in 10-15 seconds, she's probably incomplete and corrupted. You need to spend some serious time developing her personality, smell, feel, and voice. I heard that once a tulpa is complete you can't change it, so you better hope yours isn't completed. Worst case scenario: you have to erase her and actually do some work to make a functional one of your own (and it's own) liking.
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So, if anyone has read my earlier posts, I produced a "five-second" Rainbow Dash Tulpa that has been with me a for about a week now. Thank you for the all replies to my earlier posts. You know who you are. Anyway, my Rainbow Dash has been highly unstable. I have no idea if it is basic parroting or not, but it seems my Rainbow Dash just appears randomly, and just starts saying random things. She doesn't have the exact same personality, but it isn't bad. I accept it, though it seems she is only able to exist within my mind whenever I acknowledge her.




Anyway, she made me laugh, and I was having fun, but then when I entered the shower it felt like her existence was gone. It's hard to explain, but maybe Rainbow might leave. I mean, in all truth, when I produced my Tulpa I didn't expect to actually see, hear and physically touch it right off the bat in five seconds (it was more like ten to fifteen seconds). I merely just thought about producing one, and there it was. It was so strange. So now I'm contemplating "letting it go". I didn't put 100+ hours into her, so is it wrong for me to "end" her? What do you all think? It seems accidental that I came upon her. Am I selfish about this? I just do not feel like I would want a Tulpa right now. Maybe I do, though. I have been thinking about restarting the Tulpa process and create a humanoid Tulpa. Who knows, though?


First of all, I would like to apologize for my earlier ramblings. I admit, I might have been a bit harsh on you.


But anyway, what I'd do is what Mr. House said already, talk to her about it. Ask her how she would feel about 'letting her go', as you say it. But why do you want to erase her? Do you feel like you're not up for the responsibility, you don't like how she acts? Whatever your reason is, try talking to her with a name, preferably not Rainbow Dash. Make her feel like she's a real unique person, not a copy of someone she needs to strictly follow. It will help you confront her and discuss your problem, find out why she acts that way. And while you haven't spend as much time on your tulpa as others, she is still a tulpa, a sentient, indipendent being. Think it like killing off your baby because he was badly deformed, it is at least worth a serious discussion with her. One alternative that doesn't kill her is asking if she wont bother you when you don't want to. But if you end up in the worst case scenario of having to erase her, I am sorry. Just try getting over it and start anew, that's the only advice I can get on that.


Good luck.

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Woah. I never knew about this method, in fact I kinda do this already. Whenever I'm home alone watching TV and a dumb commercial comes on or a character in a show is about to make a mistake, I'll look at the couch next to me and rant/predict what will happen in the show for around 15 minutes as if there's literally a person sitting on the couch. So now I'll be talking to my tulpa (not going to rant to it though, just casual talk). Do I have to talk out loud to the empty space, or can I look at the space and talk to it in my head?

Either way is fine.


The way you say this confuses me. Do you mean that I'll feel it's presence there but it won't have a form, or that it will literally appear in some form that's imposed in my vision? If it's the latter, I fear that my tulpa will take the wrong form. If the former, then I will absolutely use this method considering the astounding results you got in the creation of Celestia.


You will feel a presence there, a mind growing from nothing, but you probably won't see anything. (But something that helps is giving that mind a simple, temporary form like a ball of light) Some of the feelings that I received during these stages were feelings of being watched; that something, or rather someone, was sitting close by, listening and watching your every move. It's rather strange at first, but as you communicate with it and let it grow, you become much more comfortable around it.



So, if anyone has read my earlier posts, I produced a "five-second" Rainbow Dash Tulpa that has been with me a for about a week now. Thank you for the all replies to my earlier posts. You know who you are. Anyway, my Rainbow Dash has been highly unstable. I have no idea if it is basic parroting or not, but it seems my Rainbow Dash just appears randomly, and just starts saying random things. She doesn't have the exact same personality, but it isn't bad. I accept it, though it seems she is only able to exist within my mind whenever I acknowledge her.


It's hard to explain, but maybe Rainbow might leave. I mean, in all truth, when I produced my Tulpa I didn't expect to actually see, hear and physically touch it right off the bat in five seconds (it was more like ten to fifteen seconds). I merely just thought about producing one, and there it was. It was so strange. So now I'm contemplating "letting it go". I didn't put 100+ hours into her, so is it wrong for me to "end" her? What do you all think? It seems accidental that I came upon her. Am I selfish about this? I just do not feel like I would want a Tulpa right now. Maybe I do, though. I have been thinking about restarting the Tulpa process and create a humanoid Tulpa. Who knows, though?


It's like my dual OS analogy. If you try to install an operating system outside of the preferred method, you may corrupt a bunch of files and destabilize the program. You may need to restart the Tulpa process and let her go. But she won't be truly GONE gone, as she is a projection of your subconscious. You can basically try to revert Dash into the blank state before the Tulpa was formed, and then remake your Tulpa the right way to ensure it will be fully functional and stable. You can talk to her about it and see what she thinks. (Make sure you tell her WHY you want to restart, why you think she's corrupted and let her know your feelings on the matter)

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Okay, quick question here. Would it help if I made a kind of Tulpa diary thing? I mean write down a review of every session and note down any progress. Does anyone else do this?


EDIT (forgot): I've decided on a female named Aeris. I haven't figured out the form yet, but I know that's not important right now. I just hope she likes her name.

Edited by Demiurge



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Okay, quick question here. Would it help if I made a kind of Tulpa diary thing? I mean write down a review of every session and note down any progress. Does anyone else do this?


I do it though in a site that is specifically for this thing XD


Well more or less at least there are many things about tulpae tthere

Edited by Trixies Apprentice Leona

~In construction~ 

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I do it though in a site that is specifically for this thing XD


Well more or less at least there are many things about tulpae tthere


Are you referring to the tupla.info forums? Anyhow, I believe that having it on paper would be better for me personally.


On another note, I don't know how I'm ever going to find some peace and quiet ti focus on my tulpa. I live in a tiny house with my family of 5 (plus my grandmother) and right above my 4 (rather loud) cousins... Oh Celestia this is going to take a lot more effort than I had originally expected...

  • Brohoof 1



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Are you referring to the tupla.info forums? Anyhow, I believe that having it on paper would be better for me personally.


On another note, I don't know how I'm ever going to find some peace and quiet ti focus on my tulpa. I live in a tiny house with my family of 5 (plus my grandmother) and right above my 4 (rather loud) cousins... Oh Celestia this is going to take a lot more effort than I had originally expected...


You got this! I am sure you can find an hour or so a day. Get up an hour earlier or do it after the house has quieted at night maybe. Can you close the door for an hour a day to your room? Then it just means tuning them out with music or pure focus. An MP3 player would help if you have one.
  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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You got this! I am sure you can find an hour or so a day. Get up an hour earlier or do it after the house has quieted at night maybe. Can you close the door for an hour a day to your room? Then it just means tuning them out with music or pure focus. An MP3 player would help if you have one.


I share a room with my 2 sisters (who btw, love to fight with eachother :/) but the MP3 thing is a good idea. Thanks for the help. ^^



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I share a room with my 2 sisters (who btw, love to fight with eachother :/) but the MP3 thing is a good idea. Thanks for the help. ^^


Can't kick them out for an hour? And look for more classical/instrumentals that calm your down vs. hype you up.


And good luck! I know you will find a way to do this!


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Can't kick them out for an hour? And look for more classical/instrumentals that calm your down vs. hype you up.


And good luck! I know you will find a way to do this!


You don't know my sisters. One of them just rented The Sims 3 (PS3) for the weekend. They'll be no getting her put of there. :P

Also, it's a good thing I like classical music. I might actually put some AcousticBrony to listen to. His pieces are magic. :)

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You will feel a presence there, a mind growing from nothing, but you probably won't see anything. (But something that helps is giving that mind a simple, temporary form like a ball of light) Some of the feelings that I received during these stages were feelings of being watched; that something, or rather someone, was sitting close by, listening and watching your every move. It's rather strange at first, but as you communicate with it and let it grow, you become much more comfortable around it.


I was hoping you'd say that. I feel kinda akward just thinking about talking to an empty space about it's personality, but in time it should feel less weird and eventually completely normal. I'll start immediately, and if anything happens in my mind I'll post it. Thanks for the answers.
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So, I talked to my Rainbow Dash, and it seems we're both on agreement that we'll keep things the way they are. I might have been dwelling on my situation too much. I am actually happy with seeing her at random occurrences. It makes things fun and unexpected. And whenever she appears, she always finds some way to make me laugh (She is very sarcastic, and seems to understand my sense of humor - could have been tapped from my subconscious). I like to dance a lot, and she likes to dance. Now, I know others are advising that "build upon her personality and body", but I am already able to see, hear and feel her, and she is pretty cool to see when she does come. I don't even mind not "feeling her presence" because I am already busy an distracted as it is. Remember that I only thought of producing a Tulpa when she suddenly appeared. She may be unstable in the sense that she'll eventually disappear or may change in some other (personality, body, actions, etc.) This is just pure speculation. We have no idea what's going to happen. We're having fun, and we're just going to continue on carefree until we face an obstacle. And we'll be sure to face it together. Rainbow gives her thanks to all your replies as well.

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Well I've been doing this for a couple days now. I started with a mannequin you'd see in Rarity's shop. Since then, I've given her a generic form, and I see her in my mind as either a plain white pony with no features or face, or a Lyra-green version of the same. I figured she can change her form as she pleases (more on that below). I've also named her Amy, short for Ambrosia--again, something she can change at will.


Today, I went into my little wonderland, a library-like home base for us. She's got access to everything I know in there, in the form of books and VHS cassettes (yes, I'm old school :P ). I've been getting a lot of emotional responses from her lately, but today when I greeted her, I felt as though she ran up to give me a hug!


I've gone over her personality with her, and I told her how she could change herself into anything she wanted. The problem is I'm very OCD. I know I have a tendency to want to be in control of everything, so I decided to do the opposite here and outline only her personality--the rest I would let her figure out on her own. I talk to her every day, and today I told her I wanted her to do a lot of the creating on her own, so that she would be happy with what she got...


She wasn't happy with this arrangement at all. Now, I've talked to my subconscious for years, so her talking in my head started almost immediately. I'm really trying hard to avoid parroting, but at the same time I want her to express what she feels. I try to interpret her emotional responses into words as best I can, so I can know what she's unhappy about... Anyway, I think she slapped me and asked why I created her if I wasn't confident in my abilities. :( I think she wants me to create the rest of her now. She trusts me, but got angry because I don't trust myself. She wants me to have full confidence in my abilities, and she's kinda impatient for me to finish her!


I think I may have revealed too much about myself, too early. I showed her too many of my flaws before she could understand them. I have no intention of "ending" her, though. I just want to talk to her about everything, since I designed her personality to be accepting of everything. Still, I'm seeing that too much honesty isn't good, even when it's dealing with your subconscious self!! :blush:


It's too late to turn back now! She's kinda impatient for a form, so I have to finish her quickly. My mind is going to be working overtime on this! :D


...Just a question for you experienced Tulpamancers... Am I doing it right? Do you think she'll understand all this? I don't think she's so angry at me now, just disappointed. Will she be all right? I care about her so much, and I tell her every chance I get...

Edited by Questio
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Okay, so I started my first "proper" session last night. I had made a list of about 25-26 personality traits but it was late/I couldn't find the list/hadn't analysed any of them so I just kind of talked to her about what kind of tulpa I would like her to be (without pressuring her into being exactly what I want) and generally narrating my day to her. I actually ran out of things to say (I am a boring person :P) and started telling her the story of my life. At the 20 minute mark I started to lose focus and my mind just started wandering. I continued for a total of 40 minutes but I think the last 10-15 were fruitless. I just couldn't concentrate. I did however start feeling a type of light pressure on the top of my head (sorry, I suck at describing things) during the first 20 minutes. I've also been narrating to her every now and again.


Also, all day yesterday and today (so far) I have this weird feeling in my stomach and I can't really work up an appetite for anything. Now this probably has nothing to do with the tulpa but it started after I first introduced myself to her 2 nights ago. Anyway, today I'll start with the personality. Maybe 4-5 traits because I honestly can't see myself describing a single trait for 15 minutes. I'm worried about my lack of focus/concentration but I'm hoping that will get beter with practice.


I'll be sure to keep you all updated. ^^


EDIT: 700th reply. :D

Edited by Demiurge



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Okay, so I started my first "proper" session last night. I had made a list of about 25-26 personality traits but it was late/I couldn't find the list/hadn't analysed any of them so I just kind of talked to her about what kind of tulpa I would like her to be (without pressuring her into being exactly what I want) and generally narrating my day to her. I actually ran out of things to say (I am a boring person :P) and started telling her the story of my life. At the 20 minute mark I started to lose focus and my mind just started wandering. I continued for a total of 40 minutes but I think the last 10-15 were fruitless. I just couldn't concentrate. I did however start feeling a type of light pressure on the top of my head (sorry, I suck at describing things) during the first 20 minutes. I've also been narrating to her every now and again.


Also, all day yesterday and today (so far) I have this weird feeling in my stomach and I can't really work up an appetite for anything. Now this probably has nothing to do with the tulpa but it started after I first introduced myself to her 2 nights ago. Anyway, today I'll start with the personality. Maybe 4-5 traits because I honestly can't see myself describing a single trait for 15 minutes. I'm worried about my lack of focus/concentration but I'm hoping that will get beter with practice.


I'll be sure to keep you all updated. ^^


EDIT: 700th reply. :D


Hold on, you are feeling physical side effects with this? That is something that is quite alarming...

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So could I make a tulpa of my OC... I could tell him to suck it up and ask Fluttershy out! Solarwind get over here we need to talk!!

(Does a tulpa fade? like dissapear?)

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Hold on, you are feeling physical side effects with this? That is something that is quite alarming...


Like I said, it probably has nothing to do with the tulpa. It could just be the extremely hot weather and the fact that I'm in a stuffy room pretty much all day.



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So could I make a tulpa of my OC... I could tell him to suck it up and ask Fluttershy out! Solarwind get over here we need to talk!!

(Does a tulpa fade? like dissapear?)


Not really. They go and come whenever you want. It's like a mental version of the Clapper.


Clap on, Clap off. Clap on, Clap off. The Clapper!


Like I said, it probably has nothing to do with the tulpa. It could just be the extremely hot weather and the fact that I'm in a stuffy room pretty much all day.


No, I meant the pressure you started feeling on the top of your head. That is not really a good sign.

Edited by KakeiTheWolf
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Really? I don't know... again like I said before, I suck at describing things. It was a feeling but I wasn't sure how to put it, so I used the word "pressure". I'll try again tonight (the only quiet time I get) and tell you if it happens again.



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Really? I don't know... again like I said before, I suck at describing things. It was a feeling but I wasn't sure how to put it, so I used the word "pressure". I'll try again tonight (the only quiet time I get) and tell you if it happens again.


Yeah, it seems like a very odd side effect. I've been doing this for 13 years, and never once has that happened to me.

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Demiurge, pressure is a good thing, unlike what Kakei says. It is a very common side-effect of having a developing tulpa (people say that the pressure goes away when the tulpa is finished). It could even start happening all the time (like with me). I've also been able to ask my tulpa to move the pressure, or use pressure (and a cold wave over my head) as a yes/no, and she hasn't even moved yet. She's better at truth or fail than I am...

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Well I've been doing this for a couple days now. I started with a mannequin you'd see in Rarity's shop. Since then, I've given her a generic form, and I see her in my mind as either a plain white pony with no features or face, or a Lyra-green version of the same. I figured she can change her form as she pleases (more on that below). I've also named her Amy, short for Ambrosia--again, something she can change at will.


Today, I went into my little wonderland, a library-like home base for us. She's got access to everything I know in there, in the form of books and VHS cassettes (yes, I'm old school :P ). I've been getting a lot of emotional responses from her lately, but today when I greeted her, I felt as though she ran up to give me a hug!


I've gone over her personality with her, and I told her how she could change herself into anything she wanted. The problem is I'm very OCD. I know I have a tendency to want to be in control of everything, so I decided to do the opposite here and outline only her personality--the rest I would let her figure out on her own. I talk to her every day, and today I told her I wanted her to do a lot of the creating on her own, so that she would be happy with what she got...


She wasn't happy with this arrangement at all. Now, I've talked to my subconscious for years, so her talking in my head started almost immediately. I'm really trying hard to avoid parroting, but at the same time I want her to express what she feels. I try to interpret her emotional responses into words as best I can, so I can know what she's unhappy about... Anyway, I think she slapped me and asked why I created her if I wasn't confident in my abilities. :( I think she wants me to create the rest of her now. She trusts me, but got angry because I don't trust myself. She wants me to have full confidence in my abilities, and she's kinda impatient for me to finish her!


I think I may have revealed too much about myself, too early. I showed her too many of my flaws before she could understand them. I have no intention of "ending" her, though. I just want to talk to her about everything, since I designed her personality to be accepting of everything. Still, I'm seeing that too much honesty isn't good, even when it's dealing with your subconscious self!! :blush:


It's too late to turn back now! She's kinda impatient for a form, so I have to finish her quickly. My mind is going to be working overtime on this! :D


...Just a question for you experienced Tulpamancers... Am I doing it right? Do you think she'll understand all this? I don't think she's so angry at me now, just disappointed. Will she be all right? I care about her so much, and I tell her every chance I get...


Seems like you moved to give your Tulpa sentience and revealed your mind too soon. But don't worry, that can be fixed.


For the most part, Tulpas will not fill in the gaps of personality by themselves. That is something you need to do. They can only use what you give them and then adjust them to their liking, but they need to have a full personality first before that happens. Fill in the rest of your Tulpa's personality and then your Tulpa will be happier.


So could I make a tulpa of my OC... I could tell him to suck it up and ask Fluttershy out! Solarwind get over here we need to talk!!

(Does a tulpa fade? like dissapear?)


Only if you want it to.


Really? I don't know... again like I said before, I suck at describing things. It was a feeling but I wasn't sure how to put it, so I used the word "pressure". I'll try again tonight (the only quiet time I get) and tell you if it happens again.


The only physical symptoms I received was a headache and drowsiness. It was kind of a pressure headache though, and what I hear, the pressure is sometimes a symptom. You are processing a lot of data with your brain doing this, so there obviously is the possibility of such side effects.
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