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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I'm kinda interested now, if the Pinkie Pie hypnosis would help Pinkamena develop. She's mostly like Pinkie Pie. Just Twilight level smart.

I'm not trying to tell you what not to do, but the only scripts I know of all include a line that's basically "the more you do this, the more you'll want to". Boom. Instant drug parallel. The post I mentioned seems like a creepypasta without the "creepy" part (exaggerating factual things for added realism). I listened to a sound-based "generic pony" hypnosis, which my tulpa disapproved of, although I keep telling her that, by nature of what a tulpa is, she'd know if the file contained subliminal stuff.

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I read somewhere that when making a Tulpa it wasn't a good idea to base them off a cartoon character because they would have an identity crisis, or compare themselves to much to the real thing.


Any of that true?


This was an old issue/belief that most hardly take note of anymore. There are tulpas who have had issues here and identity crisis', that's no lie. However, that was due to the mistake of the host, not so much the form itself. If I were to list off every Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie/Lyra tulpa that came out fine, we'd be here all night. The mistake the host often makes in creating a tulpa based off of a character is simply that they don't warn the tulpa beforehand. As long as you tell the tulpa that they aren't expected to live up to their form, allow them to deviate, and let them know they've no expectations based on the form, there's an extremely small chance that you'll still be faced with an issue.

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Is it theoretically possible to create a Tulpa that has, or can attain, a higher level of intelligence than the host, and thus increase one's ability to learn new things?


Let's say I had such a Tulpa and I could skim through a book without really reading it, but the information that I blow through consciously could be soaked up unconsciously by my Tulpa and that Tulpa could transfer the information to me later.


Is that feasible?

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Is it theoretically possible to create a Tulpa that has, or can attain, a higher level of intelligence than the host, and thus increase one's ability to learn new things?


Let's say I had such a Tulpa and I could skim through a book without really reading it, but the information that I blow through consciously could be soaked up unconsciously by my Tulpa and that Tulpa could transfer the information to me later.


Is that feasible?

Feasible, but very hard, time consuming. Ive been working on something similar with Rhythmic, although we arent ANYWHERE near that level.

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Feasible, but very hard, time consuming. Ive been working on something similar with Rhythmic, although we arent ANYWHERE near that level.


What kind of techniques do you use when developing Rhythmic?

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What kind of techniques do you use when developing Rhythmic?

Mostly Narration. I tend to get distracted easily so sitting down and doing focused forcing sessions is hard for me. Although Ive been trying harder to sit down and 'meditate' or focus more.


But what you asked is really open ended, do you mean like possession? Imposition? Just forcing in general? There are so many aspects that its hard to say one.

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Mostly Narration. I tend to get distracted easily so sitting down and doing focused forcing sessions is hard for me. Although Ive been trying harder to sit down and 'meditate' or focus more.


But what you asked is really open ended, do you mean like possession? Imposition? Just forcing in general? There are so many aspects that its hard to say one.


I'm familiar with some of the terminology, however there is more I have to refresh my memory on.


I'm partial to chaos magick theory and creating tulpas has a lot in common with evocation of magickal entities, or creation of servitors.


So I'm somewhat interested. I didn't practice much of CMT, never had the discipline to hone the cract, however I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and was have been considering implementing cmt techniques in creation of a tulpa or servitor as an experiment.

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I'm familiar with some of the terminology, however there is more I have to refresh my memory on.


I'm partial to chaos magick theory and creating tulpas has a lot in common with evocation of magickal entities, or creation of servitors.


So I'm somewhat interested. I didn't practice much of CMT, never had the discipline to hone the cract, however I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and was have been considering implementing cmt techniques in creation of a tulpa or servitor as an experiment.


I'd actually be very interested to see how the implementing of chaos magick would affect tulpa creation, or not affect creation.

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I'm familiar with some of the terminology, however there is more I have to refresh my memory on.


I'm partial to chaos magick theory and creating tulpas has a lot in common with evocation of magickal entities, or creation of servitors.


So I'm somewhat interested. I didn't practice much of CMT, never had the discipline to hone the cract, however I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and was have been considering implementing cmt techniques in creation of a tulpa or servitor as an experiment.

Would you mind explaining what 'Chaos Magick' is to me? I'm unfamiliar with the subject and cant offer any kind of input without knowing what it is. Sorry about the delay, some family skating came up XD

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I'm wondering, I did a redux of my tulpa, twice, and I'm settling on a unicorn form based off Amalthea, named Serenity. Is it bad to redo a tulpa's form and personality while it's developing? I felt guilty, but I think that in the end, neither the host or the tulpa has a choice anyway, and the tulpa will become what the subconscious wants. But I'm 90% sure now that what I want most is a unicorn. I've always been fascinated with them, and watching The Last Unicorn made me realize just how badly I want to meet a unicorn. I would probably even give all my possessions, just to meet one.


Also, I'm wondering if since I'm developing a unicorn now, if I should spend even more time outdoors, since she'll want to be out in nature a lot due to her unicorn nature. Although I guess if I believe she can get used to spending a lot of time indoors, she will get used to it. I got a similar question. I heard that if a unicorn becomes human, she can go mad. And she would basically be in a human body. But if I believe she can fully handle being in a human body, she should be ok right?

Edited by Princess of the Sun
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I'm wondering, I did a redux of my tulpa, twice, and I'm settling on a unicorn form based off Amalthea, named Serenity. Is it bad to redo a tulpa's form and personality while it's developing? I felt guilty, but I think that in the end, neither the host or the tulpa has a choice anyway, and the tulpa will become what the subconscious wants. But I'm 90% sure now that what I want most is a unicorn. I've always been fascinated with them, and watching The Last Unicorn made me realize just how badly I want to meet a unicorn. I would probably even give all my possessions, just to meet one.


Also, I'm wondering if since I'm developing a unicorn now, if I should spend even more time outdoors, since she'll want to be out in nature a lot due to her unicorn nature. Although I guess if I believe she can get used to spending a lot of time indoors, she will get used to it.

It's not necessarily bad to try to change their personality while there devolving, as long as its fairly early on. Just make sure that you do it slowly and ease them into it, as it could confuse you as well. When I was starting to make Rhythmic, I had multiple times where I would try to redo her form and I got confused between them, not knowing which one was her.

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Would you mind explaining what 'Chaos Magick' is to me? I'm unfamiliar with the subject and cant offer any kind of input without knowing what it is. Sorry about the delay, some family skating came up XD






I offer you three alternative definitions of Chaos Magick. One according to the IOT NA webpage, one according to Wikipedia, and one which is explained in perhaps the most briefest possible way imaginable.


And in my own words: Chaos Magick is a pragmatic meta-system that can incorporate any magical practice and utilizes the principle that "Belief is a Tool." It encourages experimentation and use of imagination, but ultimately becomes a thing that you must define for yourself.

I'd actually be very interested to see how the implementing of chaos magick would affect tulpa creation, or not affect creation.


In theory, basic sigil magick such as that outlined by Austin Spare, could be used to possibly augment, or even "power up" a tulpa's presence. I also wonder, if this the case then what if you put the technique in the hands of the tulpa itself?

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I'm wondering, I did a redux of my tulpa, twice, and I'm settling on a unicorn form based off Amalthea, named Serenity. Is it bad to redo a tulpa's form and personality while it's developing? I felt guilty, but I think that in the end, neither the host or the tulpa has a choice anyway, and the tulpa will become what the subconscious wants. But I'm 90% sure now that what I want most is a unicorn. I've always been fascinated with them, and watching The Last Unicorn made me realize just how badly I want to meet a unicorn. I would probably even give all my possessions, just to meet one.


Also, I'm wondering if since I'm developing a unicorn now, if I should spend even more time outdoors, since she'll want to be out in nature a lot due to her unicorn nature. Although I guess if I believe she can get used to spending a lot of time indoors, she will get used to it. I got a similar question. I heard that if a unicorn becomes human, she can go mad. And she would basically be in a human body. But if I believe she can fully handle being in a human body, she should be ok right?


I suppose it won't be too harmful to change a tulpas form early on. I should hope, however, that the tulpa approves of the new form and isn't being forced in to the change. This is the tulpas form, after all, and it should be their choice over yours (in my opinion). You're correct here, the tulpa will most likely deviate to become the true beliefs and desires of the subconscious. While the subconscious desires may be a unicorn form, the subC is unpredictable and may become something that you didn't know you wanted but in the end you truly like more.


Just because she takes the form of a unicorn doesn't mean she'll take the traits of whatever unicorn she's based off of or the traditional behaviours of the whole species. She may end up liking the outdoors, she may not, or she may not care. It's all in belief, though, a tulpa may change later on. I never heard about the unicorn becoming mad in the human body, but there's no reason to force that trait on your tulpa if you don't want it to happen. 

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I'm two and half hours into my first Tulpa and had an interesting breakthrough. Concentration is not one of my strong suits. But when the tulpaforcing was about to drive me to depression I asked my tulpa for a hug and I suddenly felt better. Couldn't believe it. And while I continued to imagine her hugging me I suddenly had something to concentrate on. She really helped recharge the mental energy I was loosing.

  • Brohoof 3
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Like you said, ill have to do my own research on the matter. Ill also see how the entire concept interacts with Rhythmic and I on occasion, providing I can make some sort of progress on it.

Cool beans.


Though personaly, while I,d encourage finding out more about Chaos Magick, I can't recommend engaging in any direct involvement with any occult organization, due to the numerous Pedo ring busts that have been finding out about within those groups and others.


Its actually an issue I've just found out about, and has upset me a lot. I'm looking into it and am currently reconsidering my stance on CMT or at least the orgizations associated with them.


I don't know if its the whole IOT that's the problem, or just certain individuals, or even if its CMT that's just something that attracts that type, but its thrown me in for a loop.


You can find out more about it on my blog thru my profile if you like.

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Cool beans.


Though personaly, while I,d encourage finding out more about Chaos Magick, I can't recommend engaging in any direct involvement with any occult organization, due to the numerous Pedo ring busts that have been finding out about within those groups and others.


Its actually an issue I've just found out about, and has upset me a lot. I'm looking into it and am currently reconsidering my stance on CMT or at least the orgizations associated with them.


I don't know if its the whole IOT that's the problem, or just certain individuals, or even if its CMT that's just something that attracts that type, but its thrown me in for a loop.


You can find out more about it on my blog thru my profile if you like.

Whenever I do anything that involves 'mind hacks'' I always roll solo. I simply don't trust people, and for good reasons too. I mean, considering your cautions on the subject, im willing to trust you. But im not going to go look for some group or cult to join just cause.


Getting a bit off topic here aren't we XD


Is there anyone else in this tread actually in the  process of making a tulpa, or is it just people thinking about it. Ive seen a few posts of people starting, but I kind of want to see how others are doing. Im out for the night though,1:30 AM here XD

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Is there anyone else in this tread actually in the  process of making a tulpa, or is it just people thinking about it. Ive seen a few posts of people starting, but I kind of want to see how others are doing. Im out for the night though,1:30 AM here XD


Been in the process for about 3.5 months now, 4 on May 1st. You're right though, most of the people on this thread now are newblets to the process, which is fine of course.

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Is there anyone else in this tread actually in the  process of making a tulpa, or is it just people thinking about it. Ive seen a few posts of people starting, but I kind of want to see how others are doing. Im out for the night though,1:30 AM here XD


I have a fairly developed tulpa myself, though I forget how old she is. XD


Her name is Ariel, and she is based off of my OC Ariel - though, she doesn't have the same backstory, is generally happier, and is a Pegasus rather than a unicorn, lol. She's been vocal for a while now, and I've been attempting imposition for a while now. Lately, I've been trying to induce lucid dreaming to help me along, and to be able to spend time with her that way.


And, guys, I think I had my first lucid dream! It was odd... I was just lying there in my bed, phone in hand for some reason. Then I noticed a pack of colored pencils on my dresser, which were strangely pastel-colored. I say I was becoming lucid because I definitely started to question, "Am I dreaming?" (Not to mention that I remember it so vividly, which is an unusual thing for me.)


But then it was cut short when my grandmother came in to wake me up, jolting me out of the dream. Thanks, Grandma. :lol:


EDIT: Oh, and I know it was a dream, because there were no colored pencils on my dresser when I woke up. :catface:

Edited by Miss Reaper
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Is it best to let your tulpa choose its form for itself is that the best way to go?  


You can start out with a form in mind, or you can let it choose. Though even if you do choose a form for it, it likely will deviate - or make changes to its own form - to where it is happy with its appearance.

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You can start out with a form in mind, or you can let it choose. Though even if you do choose a form for it, it likely will deviate - or make changes to its own form - to where it is happy with its appearance.


Oh okay I see then. I have for a long time now just been reading upon tulpas and such for a good while. Kind of have tried forcing but then again just trying to find a way that works for me. But one thing that I a definitely know for sure I want my tulpa to have as much freedom to choose for itself as possible. I think it is fair that way and well would it not be much happier with not being constricted you know?


I think having a tulpa is a great thing for the right reasons as well. 

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Oh okay I see then. I have for a long time now just been reading upon tulpas and such for a good while. Kind of have tried forcing but then again just trying to find a way that works for me. But one thing that I a definitely know for sure I want my tulpa to have as much freedom to choose for itself as possible. I think it is fair that way and well would it not be much happier with not being constricted you know?


I think having a tulpa is a great thing for the right reasons as well. 


Ultimately, a tulpa will generally deviate to the desires of the subconscious. It may take a bit of forcing for a tulpa to choose its form, which is why a lot of people feel the need to create a form from the start. Of course, if you're fine forcing without a form then there's no need. Some use a simple placeholder form, a cloud, orb, egg, etc. until the tulpa makes its decision

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Lately, I've been getting no signs of vocalization from Serenity. I don't know if maybe I changed her form too drastically without giving her time to get used to it, or maybe she's tired from the transformation (I did change her from a small pink pony to a traditional unicorn, which is way bigger than a MLP pony). I have let her know that she can change to whatever she likes. I can visualize her, and I think when I was getting ready to nap, I could imagine myself laying down in a void, with Serenity laying down nearby, the thought just came to me without making myself think it, but not 100% sure.

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