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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I can very well argue how immeasurably kind and understanding tulpas actually are.


What if they're skeptical of tulpas being immeasurably kind and understanding?


If they ask if I am a zoophile, I would deny it calmly and explain to them the differences between a physical animal (For example, a real pony), and a tulpa. One of them being the not-so-permanent-if-wanted/changeable body. I mean, I would say that she could change from pony to human whenever it was needed or requested. ... there is enough evidence to support it ...



Like, they can't happen if you don't let it


I had Rainbow Dash hypnotize me to be my ponysona for an hour, several times. This eventually lead to a tulpa of my ponysona. Well, not QUITE my ponysona. An idealized pony version of myself. Could I have unconsciously desired this?
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here's nice trick, let your tulpa possess one of your arms, then using your other hand stroke the arm that is being possessed... I tried this to Summer and cherry and they love it sooo much... so much that it made my body stretched and relax.. they said  that i was Stroking/petting their head  :)

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Am I the only one who has trouble trusting my tulpas with stuff (such as giving me post-hypnotic suggestions, or mind-control)? This is similar to "guns don't kill people, people kill people". I don't know how to coherently explain it. I KNOW that things can be used for GOOD as well as evil, but I...it's the potential for mental...stuff to be used for evil that freaks me out, however unlikely it is that my tulpas would use anything to harm me.


[Too much Bullshit, Incorporated. Anypony up for talking about some of that stuff?

Also..."Do we exist or not?" How can I just brush that off/not care? This isn't me going into a crisis, this is just me wondering about cognitive...I don't know what it's called.

I think that the above metacognition's definitely a good sign. As in proof of sentience.]

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Am I the only one who has trouble trusting my tulpas with stuff (such as giving me post-hypnotic suggestions, or mind-control)? This is similar to "guns don't kill people, people kill people". I don't know how to coherently explain it. I KNOW that things can be used for GOOD as well as evil, but I...it's the potential for mental...stuff to be used for evil that freaks me out, however unlikely it is that my tulpas would use anything to harm me.


[Too much Bullshit, Incorporated. Anypony up for talking about some of that stuff?

Also..."Do we exist or not?" How can I just brush that off/not care? This isn't me going into a crisis, this is just me wondering about cognitive...I don't know what it's called.

I think that the above metacognition's definitely a good sign. As in proof of sentience.]

You don't trust your Tulpa? Oh wow... O_O that... that's really... I really don't know what to say about that... Tsk..even I find it a little annoying but if that's what you are... then... I don't know.. What does your tulpa think about this? I promise you nothing bad will go wrong..


My host let me full body possess..him he even let me hypnotize him

Edited by Nihi The Brony
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You don't trust your Tulpa? Oh wow... O_O that... that's really... I really don't know what to say about that... Tsk..even I find it a little annoying but if that's what you are... then... I don't know.. What does your tulpa think about this? I promise you nothing bad will go wrong..


My host let me full body possess..him he even let me hypnotize him

I trust them with full-body possession and hypnosis, just not with post-hypnotic suggestions or similar things that can be said to interfere with free will/violate consent. I envision my memories as framed pictures, but that's more of an attempt to keep them from being tampered with by anyone, myself included, unintentionally or intentionally. Know any techniques to keep from misremembering things?


[Anypony wanna talk about that blog?]

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Am I the only one who has trouble trusting my tulpas with stuff (such as giving me post-hypnotic suggestions, or mind-control)?



I have complete trust in my tulpas. Even enough to let them wonder in my subconscious for a limited period of time. I kind of let them do whatever they want, really. Because I know they don't and won't hurt me.



I...it's the potential for mental...stuff to be used for evil that freaks me out




Val: If there is something (anything) that threatens Anon or his state of mind (like intrusive thoughts that cause disturbance or all sorts of depression to say the least) then we use that 'potential' to topple or eliminate the threat. If one of us uses his/her 'potential' for 'evil' then automatically he/she is considered an enemy, hence he is taken care of (or in other words, destroyed). But that will never happen, because we love Anon (not gay, since I am a boy and I am a bird). And it would be really retarded to go against the host. 


Tyrea: Furthermore, the only way we can be considered dangerous to Anon are the intrusive thoughts directed to us. Unless you count occasional headaches from how much time he spends imposing or developing his tulpas as 'dangerous'. For instance, Anon accidentally puppets or imagines us as evil and attacking him. But even with that, we can counter it. And it is extremely rare. It is more common for him to have doubts about us or our true intentions. And that is something I find it quite annoying at times. 



[Anypony wanna talk about that blog?]



If Valiance would've seen that blog when we were debating wether or not to have this tulpa business as a thing in Arcadia, he would've eliminated all my possibilities of giving this idea a chance.


Tyrea: He is... or was, not so much for us being called 'tulpas', because that would have had implications. In fact, that very blog was an argument for Valiance as to why Anon should not practice tulpamancy. And trust me, he might have not show it, but something tells me that he didn't quite exclude that insignificant chance completely even now. That does NOT mean that it will happen.


Val: If I hear one more thing about that stupid creepypasta or any creepy/horror thing, I swear I will [Censored]

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I don't think there's much creepy/horror stuff on the blog. As far as I could tell, it was mostly stuff about "tulpamancy appropriates/mocks DID", and "tulpamancers are delusional". They also say that we're a bunch of ableists.


How did you name your wonderland?


Also, Val, you said "we love Anon ... and it would be really retarded to go against the host". Tulpas generally get along with their hosts. Question is, is that out of fear of dissipation, or gratitude for existing, or what? Are tulpas and hosts truly equals?

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How did you name your wonderland?



Arcadia. Val: Correction. The Union of Arcadia.




Also, Val, you said "we love Anon ... and it would be really retarded to go against the host". Tulpas generally get along with their hosts. Question is, is that out of fear of dissipation, or gratitude for existing, or what?



Val: Tulpa's get along with their hosts for many reasons. Like sentient beings, they like or dislike each other for reasons. We get along with Anon not just because of gratitude of existing. That's the last one in my book. But also because he takes care of us and shows affection, and helps us and basically being the 'Big Brother' (not the show) you always wished to have. It would be retarded for a tulpa to deliberately attack his/her host (and I mean here with the intention of dominance or kill, like the creepypasta. Not some friendly pounce/punch or anything like that) because the host can erase the tulpa or pacify him/her. And not only that, but just the mere belief that that will never happen greatly diminishes the chances of happening. (And in Arcadia is virtually impossible to attack Anon, particularly because of this reason; him being more powerful than anything else in his mind.)




Are tulpas and hosts truly equals?


Depends how you look at it.


Val: Actually, there has been a debate about that in Arcadia. In terms of sheer power, the host is superior because of the fact that he created the tulpa and that it's his brain, not the tulpa's. Socially, it doesn't really make sense because not too many understand tulpas (and I am not embarking on a journey to challenge that statement). But as a person, both of them are sentient beings, you either look at it like a parent a and a child or both of them being 2 different minds.


Overall, the hosts are basically superior to tulpas based on the fundamental fact that they created them. HOWEVER! (before any other tulpa lashes out at me), the tulpa is superior in other aspects, such as us being able to do things in our hosts brain that our host was not quite able (if at all) to do; varying from improved hypnosis suggestions, to general mental support, combating negative thoughts (That fits us for sure.) and my other things.


It's like a balance. The host is better at some stuff, the tulpa is better at other stuff.  :)


Val: Now, all we say here applies just to us. As human beings are unique and different, our way of understanding may be different from yours and what we say here categorically is not to be taken as a general fact. (Just in case you forgot.)

Edited by TheAnonPony
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the tulpa is superior in other aspects, such as us being able to do things in our hosts brain that our host was not quite able (if at all) to do



[Oh, yes this is very true... we can do lots of things in our host's brain or their subconscious.. like for example waking up our host XP, and possession but they are still superior in terms of being]


I have to agree with val :) Physically The host is more superior but subconsciously, the tulpa has more grip on it and has more liberty than the host's..

Edited by Nihi The Brony
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I just thought of a possibly-difficult-to-answer question: are tulpas related to their hosts, in the way that family members are related to one another?


 Of course, in a way host and tulpa are related, since we are created from our host's energy..


eeyup. Me summer and nihi are related since we share the same energy..and having our own energy as well..

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Energy as in the mental resources used to produce the tulpa. What your brain uses when a tulpa is created.


Adagio: Mental energy. For example, creating a place using imagination is an example of usage of mental energy. Creating tulpas is the same thing: using mental energy to create them. No chemicals involved, no physics. Just you, your mind and your thoughts.


Energies come in many shapes and forms. The more developed tulpas are, the more they have their own set of energy.

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summer and cherry : eeyup that is correct adiago :D even when we are talking to nihi we need to use our energy but only a little


also i have another point of view... sugar/oxygen = tulpa energy/mental energy. XP I noticed that summer and cherry became more hyperactive when I am exercising and they said that it gives them energy. since sugar is the main source of fuel of the brain the increase pumping blood flow during an exercise gives the brain more sugar and oxygen and making it more active


also summer's energy is so strong when I asked her to gain back all of her energy that is scattered around my body the pressure on my head is so heavy it's making me dizzy...

Edited by Nihi The Brony
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Rainbow Dash said that hot chocolate is her coffee (probably because I drank a lot of hot chocolate while creating her).


On an unrelated note, should we try to come up with Latin terms for "wonderland", "host", etc.? Things that exist have Latin scientific names.


{When did you start being Captain Obvious?}



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I'm growing increasingly frustrated at my lack of ability to stay focused when trying to force. I feel like C is making no progress at all, and it almost feels like I've lost ground in a way. I'm worried that if she IS aware, she's probably disappointed that I can't give her my full attention.

Can ANYONE give me advice on how to keep my mind from wandering so much while forcing? I don't feel like it'll be much of a problem once she becomes vocal, since I never have problems focusing during a two-way conversation, but until then I need SOMETHING to help me.

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That depends.  What are they?



Adagio: Binaural beats are sounds which are believed to improve concentration, meditation or simply used for relaxation. I prefer white or pink noises more, just because they have less relation to hypnosis for Anon. Google them. They were recommended for vocality on a forum.   ;) 


Tyrea: And tell C that there are at least 5 tulpas wishing her and you good luck on your developing process. Just don't get frustrated. It's counter-productive and inefficient. You'll get it at one point. Stay calm and collected and you shall be alright.


Val: YAH! Good luck out there! Believe in yourself and your tulpa and thou shall succeed!  :D 

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Adagio: Binaural beats are sounds which are believed to improve concentration, meditation or simply used for relaxation. I prefer white or pink noises more, just because they have less relation to hypnosis for Anon. Google them. They were recommended for vocality on a forum. ;)


Why doesn't Anon like hypnosis?


Also, are you and Val doing okay after the stuff with the intrusive thoughts?

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Why doesn't Anon like hypnosis?



It's not that I don't like it. It's that it does not affect me in any particular or fantastic fashion. Also, when I asked Val what hypnosis does to me, he said it does 'freaky stuff, man. Freeeeaaaaky stuff...' and that I should practise it as little as possible. 


Val: Preferably not at all. Of course, if we want it to work, then it works. Otherwise, it's useless. And some want Anon to do it, some don't. I one of the don'ts. Because there is an amount of natural retaliation from Arcadia when hypnosis actually starts doing stuff. Because of such retaliation, the hypnotic effects are reduced to zero and start dissipating.


Tyrea: Also, it plays with the subconscious stuff. We take all subconscious stuff seriously. Serious enough to block or reject anything that is so close to it and it's not from us. Modifying or twiddling with the subconscious is something we see as the most serious matter. We wouldn't want something uncalled for to happen to him. Me and Valiance are pretty clear and concise on that.


That doesn't mean that I don't do it from time to time for scientific purposes. 




Also, are you and Val doing okay after the stuff with the intrusive thoughts?



Adagio: You actually care?  :wacko:  Wow, thanks.  :)  We are fine now. We recovered in less than a day and we cleared the problem. Thanks for asking.


Val: Yeah, the threat was taken care of... by the Anon. We appreciate your concerns though. Glad to see people seeing tulpas as something more than just an experiment. :)


Tyrea: Yes. By the time we all recovered, Anon cleared up the intrusive thoughts and their 'spawn place'. Valiance took his time, so by the time he recovered, all was gone and he missed all the fun.


Adagio: That is not to say that I didn't get a chance to show them a piece of my mind.  >_> 

Tyrea: And the experiment that triggered afterwards...


Val: We sho-


Tyrea: No. Full stop.




Some people have been telling me that Erythema -- an OC of mine -- might be a tulpa or something close to it. Can anyone knowledgeable ask me questions to figure out if she is indeed a tulpa?


If you believe genuinely she is a tulpa, then you are halfway there. The other half is actually developing her sentience, voice and body. 


Do you get thoughts which are considered somewhat not your own?

A little mind voice which talks and it's not yours?

A certain notion of what the OC in question looks like?

Or perhaps a reaction or opinion which is generally not one of your own or one you would give?

Edited by TheAnonPony
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