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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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To be honest, you kinda sound like you need help... if you're being serious right now, have you ever considered talking to a doctor?


Yeeeaaahhhhh well, I have a therapist (no doctor, dont have insurance). She believes it has to do with the things I've seen as a child. It's not necessarily medical because there's nothing technically wrong with me. She says it's my brain attempting to prepare itself in case something of that matter happens again because it's happened in the past. However, my imagination is very....detailed.....and that's what causes the need for help on occasion. I also have very sadistic tendancies and I like pain, which I believe my therapist is afraid of. Although, it DOES make my writing very intimate when I write grimdark because the emotions and feelings can be described well and even stimulated within the reader. This is part of the reason my Language Arts teacher thinks I should become a writer.


PS: like when you have a nightmare, it's your brain attempting to determine how to react to that situation should it arise.

Edited by Moriko
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hmm, This sounds very interesting indeed, however i feel as though this (if it worked correctly and had no adverse effect on your brain) Could be a distraction and interfere with your daily life.

''So you're called ''Shutterflai'' but you're favourite pony is twilight sparkle?''


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... Oh my. I just hope that just talking to them / improving visualization of them doesn't hurt too much, even if you fall asleep midway. I've been using my sleeping time as extra for Pinkamena...


On a bit unrelated note, going to have a LAN-party soon. That's a lot of Coca-Cola I will drink. (which just happens to be a good source of energy for Pinkamena, or so I've narrated.)


Actually, no one knows if falling asleep while tulpaforcing is a bad thing. No one out there has really said anything about bad things occurring if this were to happen. Except maybe with the possibility of the tulpa getting annoyed a little bit when you wake up, but even then, they will easily forgive you.


Based on the type of nightmares I have on a regular bases and the many brutal bloody scenes that pass through my head every day, I'm not entirely sure this would be very pleasan for me. I am already abe to force myself into mental simulations of odd (scary) scenarios without noticing untill it's begun, seeing evil creatures in the real world would only freak me out more.


Although seeing Rarity, Luna, or Octavia would be nice........


Sad part is I'd probabely wind up seeing Pinkamena or Lil Miss Rarity most of the time (not sure if I would dislike that or not).


PS: I guess the real issue is that I like alot of my brutal bloody moments, and the basic fact that I LIKE it is what scares me. Uhm....am I delving too deep into my mental status right now?


Well, ask yourself this; are you thinking of acting on those grim-dark thoughts in the real world? Or, if it did happen in the real world, right before your eyes, would you LIKE seeing it happen to someone?


If no, I personally don't think you require a visit to the doctor or anything. Some people think that people liking grim-dark things sometimes spiral down into insanity due to their love of it growing stronger, until eventually the urge to see it in real life becomes too strong and then act on those thoughts themselves.


But in actuality, people that think more often about bad things, and REALIZE that they wouldn't like seeing it happen in the real world, are actually less likely to commit those acts than people who DON'T have those kind thoughts. This is because the people that don't have those thoughts have probably not thought of those acts being bad, so they would be more likely to commit the act anyway than somepony who know's it's a bad thing to do, despite the fact that the person who know's it's a bad thing thinks about it a lot more often than the average person.


Does that make sense? If not, you can blame Wikipedia page on intrusive thoughts for that; it's where I got all this information from. The page also words it a bit better than the way I have.


(Btw, I know I said that you don't need to see a doctor, but that doesn't mean to say they can't help you if you think it is a problem for you in your everyday life. If fact, they would probably be better at helping you than some guy who read a little bit about the subject from a Wikipedia page.)

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Actually, no one knows if falling asleep while tulpaforcing is a bad thing. No one out there has really said anything about bad things occurring if this were to happen. Except maybe with the possibility of the tulpa getting annoyed a little bit when you wake up, but even then, they will easily forgive you.




Well, ask yourself this; are you thinking of acting on those grim-dark thoughts in the real world? Or, if it did happen in the real world, right before your eyes, would you LIKE seeing it happen to someone?


If no, I personally don't think you require a visit to the doctor or anything. Some people think that people liking grim-dark things sometimes spiral down into insanity due to their love of it growing stronger, until eventually the urge to see it in real life becomes too strong and then act on those thoughts themselves.


But in actuality, people that think more often about bad things, and REALIZE that they wouldn't like seeing it happen in the real world, are actually less likely to commit those acts than people who DON'T have those kind thoughts. This is because the people that don't have those thoughts have probably not thought of those acts being bad, so they would be more likely to commit the act anyway than somepony who know's it's a bad thing to do, despite the fact that the person who know's it's a bad thing thinks about it a lot more often than the average person.


Does that make sense? If not, you can blame Wikipedia page on intrusive thoughts for that; it's where I got all this information from. The page also words it a bit better than the way I have.


(Btw, I know I said that you don't need to see a doctor, but that doesn't mean to say they can't help you if you think it is a problem for you in your everyday life. If fact, they would probably be better at helping you than some guy who read a little bit about the subject from a Wikipedia page.)


Yeah well, as I've said before, I do have a therapist. A doctor would be useless in this situation, but my herapist has named a few possible (but unlikely) conditions. I guess, when asked that question, it sort of depends. The FACT that it depends scares me...but it also excites me. It's a bit of a complicated ordeal, but there are plenty others with similar views, so it's not really that unusual.

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This concept... Ive been reading into it for the past three weeks and Ill be honest-

It terrifies me


Im uncertain if this is something I want to endeavor in. It sounds like something that could be really cool and exciting, but I have so many questions about how to actually do this that Im not quite sure where to begin. It definitely has intrigued me to the point where I want to find out more, but It seems at this point that the only further study I can do is to actually make one myself. I have way to many questions to post here I think. I would love to talk to someone who has had success in such a area however, before I make any final or possibly hazardous decisions.

Riley was here

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This concept... Ive been reading into it for the past three weeks and Ill be honest-

It terrifies me


Im uncertain if this is something I want to endeavor in. It sounds like something that could be really cool and exciting, but I have so many questions about how to actually do this that Im not quite sure where to begin. It definitely has intrigued me to the point where I want to find out more, but It seems at this point that the only further study I can do is to actually make one myself. I have way to many questions to post here I think. I would love to talk to someone who has had success in such a area however, before I make any final or possibly hazardous decisions.


Sure thing. It's always best to know what your doing when you go into this subject. Me and Tia would be glad to answer your questions, along with what you are able to obtain through research. (quote me to get my attention)

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Sure thing. It's always best to know what your doing when you go into this subject. Me and Tia would be glad to answer your questions, along with what you are able to obtain through research. (quote me to get my attention)


Would it be easier to PM you instead? I dont feel like clogging up other peoples inboxes just for one conversation. Doesnt seem quite fair to me.

That and when I say a lot of questions, I mean A LOT of questions

Riley was here

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Alright now that I have finally remembered.

Question one: For those of you who have already finished their Tulpa, Did you visualize them in 2D or 3D. If in 2D, how to put this...they don't look (lack of a better word) awkward at all?


Q2: Will a Tulpa judge their creator on things done in the past or will they overlook it?

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Alright now that I have finally remembered.

Question one: For those of you who have already finished their Tulpa, Did you visualize them in 2D or 3D. If in 2D, how to put this...they don't look (lack of a better word) awkward at all?


Q2: Will a Tulpa judge their creator on things done in the past or will they overlook it?


Mine has the outside appearance of 2D but takes up a 3D space. (So in other words, she looks like she's a cartoon, but it changes perspective when you walk around her and you feel a 3D form when you touch her)


Your Tulpa has an ultimate understanding of you, so they will neither judge or think of you lesser for what you did. (Unless you make it in the Tulpa's nature to do so...)

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Alright now that I have finally remembered.

Question one: For those of you who have already finished their Tulpa, Did you visualize them in 2D or 3D. If in 2D, how to put this...they don't look (lack of a better word) awkward at all?


I can't answer this since she isn't imposed yet.


Q2: Will a Tulpa judge their creator on things done in the past or will they overlook it?

They only will if you want them to. If you think they will judge you when they are done, then they will, because you believed that once they are done, they would judge you. However, if you believe that they won't judge you once they are done, then they won't. And since you most likely don't want them to judge you, they simply won't. Because that is what your subconscious wants the most.


It's just all about believing in your tulpa and what they can do. If you believe they will become violent or nasty, then there is a better chance they will, compared to if you believe they will be friendly. In fact, it's pretty much impossible for them to become nasty to you if you just simply believe they will be friendly once they gain sentience.


So, back to what I said earlier; you just gotta...



YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Another question. How would I narrate to my tulpa? Is there any specific way? I usually just try to talk, but make it seem like I'm talking to her. (By saying her name and whatnot) Am I supposed to somewhat visualize her while doing this? Or does it not matter.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Another question. How would I narrate to my tulpa? Is there any specific way? I usually just try to talk, but make it seem like I'm talking to her. (By saying her name and whatnot) Am I supposed to somewhat visualize her while doing this? Or does it not matter.


You pretty much just need to at least feel like you're talking to someone else, and not yourself. Even if it feels like you're talking to yourself, as long as you have the thought of them in your head, you'll both be fine.


You don't need to visualize their form if you don't want to, or if they don't have a form. Also, saying your tulpa's name can often get a positive reaction out of them, like you can kind of feel them shifting their attention to you. Or at least that's what happens for us.

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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You pretty much just need to at least feel like you're talking to someone else, and not yourself. Even if it feels like you're talking to yourself, as long as you have the thought of them in your head, you'll both be fine.


You don't need to visualize their form if you don't want to, or if they don't have a form. Also, saying your tulpa's name can often get a positive reaction out of them, like you can kind of feel them shifting their attention to you. Or at least that's what happens for us.


Yeah, sometimes when I say her name I'll get a sort of pressure/feeling in my head. Hopefully that's signs that this is actually working. (I dislike doing things that I can't tell if I'm doing it right or not)


I've been doing short sessions of visualization though. Yesterday I did around 30 min and the day before that I did only 20. (It was also very late at night. 10-11 PM when I began for both) I know they say to do at least over 30 minutes but sometimes I don't have the time. Is there any downsides to doing under 30?

  • Brohoof 1

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Well, I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere...Not saying I haven't been making progress, but now I've made somewhat of a breakthrough. Basically, while out on my night-time dog-walk, during my normal talking-to-Jess thingy, I felt something. Now I can kinda feel her presence. My realization may have creeped out a few of the residents of Thornbury, seeing my sign of respect raised to someone that didn't appear to be there and me talking to them...


Yeah, I don't really give a damn what people think anymore ^-^


Anyway, this means I can focus on talking to her easier, although I never had the 'talking to yourself' thing others have mentioned.

  • Brohoof 3
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Wow... A tulpa sounds amazing. Someone to always be there and have their own free speech and actions... Sounds amazing. However from what I've heard they are a lot of work and commitment and take a strong mind. As much as I wish I could have one I can't. :(


It sounds like a cool concept though don't get me wrong. I can understand how people would automatically jump to the assumption the someone with a tulpa is "schizophrenic or mentally unstable" but I don't believe a word of it. I'm perfectly sound in the mind and this sounds amazing. It's simply people are taught by society that something such as a tulpa is childish or perhaps unheard of but I disagree. It's people's ignorance that make them say things like that and ignorance/hate/arrogance may be what drives people to create a tulpa. I don't know. I don't have many friends in real life to share moments with or talk to so maybe that is why this sounds so appealing to me. However I will definitely consider dedicating time and effort to creating one because it sounds amazing.


I envy many of you for the ability to create someone to share you're life with. I wish I could and maybe I can. I will try for sure but it sounds great. To have someone there to talk to and to interact with. Someone who would understand me. I don't have anyone in real life who can really do that...

  • Brohoof 4
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Alas, I return, bearing more questions. :P

Well, some are not so much questions as they are clarifications.

-While I have no problem visualizing things in detail, I feel like my biggest hurdle would actually be personality building. I had read that making a tulpa based on a pre-developed character (Like the Mane 6, for example) could have detrimental effects, possibly even leading to a puppet. Personally, I feel like this would help provide some kind of guidance, like something to work with. provided this phase doesnt go smoothly. I may (probably) be wrong though. Can some one either confirm or deny this?

-I had also read that you can Tulpaforce objects for your tulpa, which I think is awesome. My question, however, is as follows: Say for example I'm making a Twilight Tulpa, and I want to give her her own little library, like a bookshelf full of reading material she'd enjoy. Would I have to tulpaforce each individual object, or can I just force the whole thing all at once?

-It's to my understanding that Tulpa are aware that they are, well, tulpa. Is this true? Or will I have to hide the show and its existance, a la My Little Dashie?

-Seems as how I'm set on a pony tulpa of some sort at this point (Everything else I had as an idea fell under the "Tulpa no-nos" category.), would mentioning other ponies be bad/disasterous? Even if they're aware of what they are, I dont want to make one feel homesick, and (Cue Inception Theme) I really dont have the time to tulpaforce multiple tulpas in an effort to please them, should that be even possible.

My apologies if this seems like a lot. I just want to be certain on any quesitons i may have before I tinker with my head, you know?

Thanks! :D

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For your personality question, I'm gonna quote a few of my earlier posts (I don't expect you to read the whole thread!).


Just make sure that while you are basing her off the one in the show, you tell her plenty that she doesn't have to turn out like the Twilight in the show. Make your tulpa's personality like the show Twilight, and after that let it go where your tulpa wants it to. Think of them as two different Twilights. If your Twilight wants to stay exactly like the one in the show, then cool! If she wants to change a bit, you shouldn't stop her.


We don't want any identity issues. Make sure you tell her often that she should feel no obligation to stay the same as the other Twilight, and that she has no expectations to live up to, and you will love her no matter how she turns out. You need to be honest with her, too, don't say that and not mean it.


A lot of people say it's a bad idea to make a tulpa based on a pre-existing character, so this is my method for countering identity issues.

Also, Mindrop, you can create a personality based on a character's. That's fine. The problem arises when one expects them to be EXACTLY like that other character, and stay that way. That may be forcing them into a personality they don't fully want.


I've been making Pinkie Pie as a tulpa, if you remember. I based her personality off the show Pinkie, and now I'm letting her take it wherever. She seems to have no issues with it at all, because I don't expect her to turn out like the show version.

For the bookshelf, you could make it all at once. If you want to put stuff in the books, you can. If you want her to actually be able to read them, though, they should be books you've read before. Otherwise she won't know what's in the books (or she'll just make it up).


In general, most tulpas don't care that they're tulpas. Some do, others don't. Depends on how you make their personality. Pinkie (my tulpa) knows she's a tulpa and she couldn't care less. She can think for herself; she's clearly alive!


Tulpas don't have memories of "previous lives" or whatnot unless you make some up for them. How can feel homesick when they never left a home? :)

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Tulpas don't have memories of "previous lives" or whatnot unless you make some up for them. How can feel homesick when they never left a home? :)


Actually, I hear that is a bad thing to do. I've read somewhere that giving them a backstory, like where they came from, and who their parents were, etc, is said to be a bad idea. I think it's because, eventually, they are going to find out they are a tulpa if you somehow try and keep it a secret, and they might become angry at you once they find out.


All of that can be avoided if you just tell them from the start what they are, and it's probably best to leave any past memories out of the picture.


OR, I could be completely wrong, and it turns out that giving them a backstory does absolutely nothing to hinder them in any way. All I've heard was according to JDBar's tulpa guide, he tried to give one of his tulpae a backstory, and it basically nearly destroyed said tulpa.

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Alrighty, Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. I cant forsee myself having any more questions. :P

I have a short break from school coming up, so i'll make some final preperations/decisions and get started then. I'll keep you all posted.

Once again, thanks for the help! :D

  • Brohoof 1

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I love tulpas. I would never make one, but I do try and replicate it with self-hypnosis. If I could have one, I would probably want a humanoid of my subconscious's design.


EDIT: My my, they give out brohoofs like candy here! I like it!

Edited by ping111
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Just finished a twenty minute tulpaforcing session, and I have some questions. Normally I would've waited til tomorrow, but these are somewhat important.


Ok, so I do what I usually do. I walk in through the doorway and meet my tulpa (She's still pretty blurry) After some stuff, I notice wings. (I had her as a unicorn)Now, I couldn't tell if this was parroting or not. I wasn't really concentrating very well. So, I try to have what she was before. I think I might of ****ed up a little here.


I go to get rid of the wings. It was a little hard, but when I did, they kind of shattered. I almost actually heard it. I felt a somewhat big pressure in my head. Afterwards, I'm like "Oh shit, da fuq? Did I do something wrong?" It almost seemed like she was a little pissed. Again, I couldn't tell if this was parroting or not. So I said something along the lines of: "If that wasn't parroting, them I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off in any way." And the fact this was all blurry didn't help either.


Some things go on. (I THINK she might of attacked me in some kind of way. But I'm pretty sure it was parroting. My mind is pretty f***ed up sometimes.) I apologize more, and eventually I begin to leave. It almost seems like she doesn't want me to leave. As usual, I don't know if this is parroting or not. Just in case it was, I spent a little more time with her. About 5-6 minutes later I leave.


After all of this, I'm left standing saying "Da fuq just happened?" So I go here and post this to try and get some answers. How can I tell if this is parroting? My mind is a pretty messed up place. (It almost seems like I have a 3rd sub-conscious or something. But that's probably just me thinking things involuntarily) Am I doing something wrong? I don't want her mad or anything.


EDIT: I guess it would also help if I said that I usually say and do things in my mind that are sort of uncontrollable. (This is before I started with the tulpa) I'll think of things or say things I don't mean. Sometimes I can prevent that. Is this some kind of slight mental insanity? Answers asap will be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Riclo

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Okay, you're doubting your tulpa far too much. Unless something was definitely you, it was probably your tulpa.


Tulpas can get pretty upset if they're ignored or if their actions are passed off as nothing. Try to avoid that if you can.


Also, I'd say the wings were a deviation. Sounds like your tulpa wants wings and you're restricting it. Remember your tulpa is a person with its own wants and needs!

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I'm actually considering this idea now, because I feel more pressured these days and I need a companion...

More questions:

1. Does my age matter? I'm 13 years old, and I see most people who make tulpas are at least around 16 or more. Would it make a difference seeing that I'm younger and might not have the energy to create a tulpa?

2. Most tulpae seem to be female, created by males. Is it supposed to be like that?

3. Do I create its form, personality, etc. with my eyes closed or open?

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