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Roleplay World Update Thread - Character Sheets

Message added by Jeric

Took sheets down while I made some small change to the database organization. ETA 30 mins


Sheets are back up with a new shiny url. 

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On 6/29/2019 at 10:18 AM, Ragland Tiger said:

Where is the rest of the database?

You mean the old one? There is a link to that in the Archive just below the active RP forums

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If I would request something to be added to the character sheets it's a powers and ability section, with the ability to type in much like Backstory and Personality areas, without having every word capitalized in the small box you type in instead. Maybe even add character sheets to a section on user's profiles so it's easier for users to find?

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Yeah I've asked for expanding Spells into a full Powers/Abilities list with a normal text box and edit controls, and I believe Jeric said it will be possible eventually

For now you can do what I'm doing, and put it in Backstory. Look at my profile for an idea?

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1 hour ago, Califorum said:

If I would request something to be added to the character sheets it's a powers and ability section, with the ability to type in much like Backstory and Personality areas, without having every word capitalized in the small box you type in instead. Maybe even add character sheets to a section on user's profiles so it's easier for users to find?

Part of this I can help with, though it's not ... intuitive. I'm hoping they can come up with a quicker process later.

If you go to your profile, and click the 'See my activity' button that's on the bottom right of the so-called 'cover photo', you'll be sent to a page of your most recent posts. On the left side is a big list of different 'databases' the forum uses. It's not sorted in any useful way, unfortunately. "Character Archive" is the old Everfree character database, some distance below that is 'Equestrian Empire Character Archive' which is the old EqE database. If you scroll about 3/4 down, there should be a 'Pony Roleplay Characters' entry. Click on the characters below that, and it *should* list all your character sheets.

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41 minutes ago, Fhaolan said:

Part of this I can help with, though it's not ... intuitive. I'm hoping they can come up with a quicker process later.

If you go to your profile, and click the 'See my activity' button that's on the bottom right of the so-called 'cover photo', you'll be sent to a page of your most recent posts. On the left side is a big list of different 'databases' the forum uses. It's not sorted in any useful way, unfortunately. "Character Archive" is the old Everfree character database, some distance below that is 'Equestrian Empire Character Archive' which is the old EqE database. If you scroll about 3/4 down, there should be a 'Pony Roleplay Characters' entry. Click on the characters below that, and it *should* list all your character sheets.

Yeah it does indeed list that information. Thank you. What I was saying there is that it should be listed at the top by awards, blogs, about me, and such like that.

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On 7/2/2019 at 4:41 PM, Califorum said:

Yeah it does indeed list that information. Thank you. What I was saying there is that it should be listed at the top by awards, blogs, about me, and such like that.

Characters actually listed on the profile as a box thing? Now there's a thought. I'd say users should be able to turn this off though if it's implemented 🤔

Not everyone RPs. Many don't

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3 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Characters actually listed on the profile as a box thing? Now there's a thought. I'd say users should be able to turn this off though if it's implemented 🤔

Not everyone RPs. Many don't

Yeah, that's a great idea.

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  *Suddenly wheels in from Stage Left on a battered office chair, bunny ears flopping in the motion's wind*

Okay, so!  Are we capable of editing characters that were here before the revamp, into the new set-up how it is now?!

Like, Yo. Old page becomes New page. Cuz there ain't no Edit button on me page right now. If I have to completely redo into a whole new page... that's effectively doubling your content to save & keep track of. And we're kind of already unloading Full Clip character ideas into the database as it is.

 I'm functionally your Stress Test, Yo Bro!


  Characters don't get to edit their own bio pages! AND GIVE ME BACK MY WHEELY CHAIR!!

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1 hour ago, Widdershins said:




  *Suddenly wheels in from Stage Left on a battered office chair, bunny ears flopping in the motion's wind*

Okay, so!  Are we capable of editing characters that were here before the revamp, into the new set-up how it is now?!

Like, Yo. Old page becomes New page. Cuz there ain't no Edit button on me page right now. If I have to completely redo into a whole new page... that's effectively doubling your content to save & keep track of. And we're kind of already unloading Full Clip character ideas into the database as it is.

 I'm functionally your Stress Test, Yo Bro!


  Characters don't get to edit their own bio pages! AND GIVE ME BACK MY WHEELY CHAIR!!

Edit old characters? No. You can still access them and copy and paste any details over to the new Character Sheets

On 7/4/2019 at 6:43 PM, Lektra Bolt said:

Characters actually listed on the profile as a box thing? Now there's a thought. I'd say users should be able to turn this off though if it's implemented 🤔

Not everyone RPs. Many don't

Will put on wish list. Adding a new tab to the profiles based on a custom DB would require custom changes which aren’t on the current roadmap, but I will circle back to this topic when the first phase of the RP rework is complete

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 So, if I want to update my ponysona or Draconequusona, I'll have to fully recreate it? 

 Because, feels bad. That would effectively cause the Archived Version to be obsolete and a redundant page on the Forum Server Doohickey Whatevers. Which could be space for someother entry! Or however it works. I don't get technology.  There an option to delete the older versions?


  ...and, been meaning to ask, dunno if this applies to the current topic or what. Does it have to be specific & dependent on MLP to be a character for the Character Lists? That is, if it's Completely Unrelated to the fandom & general topic of these here forums, can it still be thrown up as a Original Character?

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@Widdershins You have a lot of characters, so I just chose one.

If you look at the formatting of the page, it probably looked nice when you uploaded it. It no longer does because basically, the database broke. It was implemented with the older version of the forums, and when the forums were updated to the newest version, the database didn't play well. There's a whole new database, and while you can still use those characters, the formatting will be off, and as you said, they aren't editable. However if you ask an admin or RP staff member, I'm sure they can remove any characters from the old database if you don't want duplicates.

As for having characters unrelated to the fandom, there is a list of species available to choose from, but 'Other' is also available, so choose that, and then fill in the details of what kind of OC you want to have with details of what they look like, including pictures if you have them. They don't have to be MLP characters, that's just what the overwhelming majority of people make in this fandom. Just make sure that you stay within the forum guidelines.

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5 hours ago, Widdershins said:

I'm functionally your Stress Test, Yo Bro!

You're the stress test? Lol you have 30 characters, but they're fairly short in comparison. A lot of my main's information was literally deleted in the forum upgrade due to Other being deleted for everyone, and I recreated and upgraded all the information as it should have been within 24 hours of the new database going up. 

If I can do it, then I'm sure you can do it too

(though there's no way to tell if any of your characters originally had an Other field that dwarfed the rest of the profile like mine, since it was deleted for everyone)

34 minutes ago, Troblems said:

They don't have to be MLP characters, that's just what the overwhelming majority of people make in this fandom. Just make sure that you stay within the forum guidelines.

Actually, as of this writing it's not really possible to put up something unrelated to MLP:blush:

The Reality field is not optional, and you absolutely have to choose a pony generation. I brought this up when the feature was added. It's great, but means no non MLP characters are possible

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26 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

The Reality field is not optional, and you absolutely have to choose a pony generation. I brought this up when the feature was added. It's great, but means no non MLP characters are possible

I wasn’t aware of that as my character was (I believe) the third character in the database, before realities were added. Poor Tranq is the guinea pig for character sheets, and has had way more edits by Jeric than she has me.

That being said, maybe you should check again...


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4 minutes ago, Troblems said:

I wasn’t aware of that as my character was (I believe) the third character in the database, before realities were added. Poor Tranq is the guinea pig for character sheets, and has had way more edits by Jeric than she has me.

That being said, maybe you should check again...


Ouch I'm sorry that's happening to your character. It must be painful...... 

And yeah I see that, it's just been added recently as we were discussing it. There's an Other for Generation now :pinkie:🎉

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5 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

And yeah I see that, it's just been added recently as we were discussing it. There's an Other for Generation now :pinkie:🎉

Be mindful that I've yet to release the non-Pony stuff yet so anything added to that DB that isn't pony related character is completely in a "create at your own risk" state. I'll take a took in this thread in a few weeks to check on it. For now I need to focus elsewhere or EqE will never reopen. ;)


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4 hours ago, Widdershins said:

 Because, feels bad. That would effectively cause the Archived Version to be obsolete and a redundant page on the Forum Server Doohickey Whatevers. Which could be space for someother entry! Or however it works. I don't get technology.  There an option to delete the older versions?


If I could light that old DB on fire I would. It has caused many Admins a lot of time that could have been spent on other projects. PM an Admin and we can remove anything you want from there .... eventually. I'm not being coy that I am trying to hyper focus on one thing right now so it will be some time before I even look at this thread. Presently I am answering questions here while other staff is pinging me on specific things they need done for events, while another staffer is asking about badges that they haven't received. 


I should be on medical leave. Forum needs things. Things > sleep. I think I am going to make a suggestion box form for sheet changes.

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8 minutes ago, Jeric said:

Be mindful that I've yet to release the non-Pony stuff yet so anything added to that DB that isn't pony related character is completely in a "create at your own risk" state. I'll take a took in this thread in a few weeks to check on it. For now I need to focus elsewhere or EqE will never reopen. ;)


I understand! I'm waiting for this actually, as I have been wanting to make a couple of non MLP humans as well.

Also excited for EqE reopening! :pinkie:


4 minutes ago, Jeric said:

I should be on medical leave. Forum needs things. Things > sleep. I think I am going to make a suggestion box form for sheet changes.

Oh no..... 

Please Jeric don't work yourself to death. We all love you and would hate for anything to happen to you :(

Hmm sheet changes though. Interesting 

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Yare yare daze, I suppose I cannot stand idle being a forsaken loremaster and all that. Someone has to dispel the unappetizing illusion of ungulate supremacy and pay homage to the old gods and their respective servants anyway.



The problem with mythological creatures is that they have affinity to certain elements by default. Their traits go beyond choosing a race in an RPG. A classic dragon should not be able to cast water or light magic and a pony should not be able to command an army of timber-born minions with nature being a mortal enemy of Friendship & Harmony and all that. In other words, mythological creatures are by themselves already character classes while original RP character classes are mere facultative occupations to them. I shall keep Pokemon and Path of Exile in mind while designing a prototype skill tree, but not to the point where one aspect can easily beat the other.


There is also a complete lack of lesser canon creatures that can pull classes off in a satisfying manner that does not leave one at a disadvantage against canon lol-so-random magic. It's time to correct this mistake. Canon magic must be explained and then sacrificed beneath the hollow gazes of blood-starved stars. False gods babysitting their chosen characters makes for a shit adventure. It's time to make fantasy grim again.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently remade two characters on the new Lists. And I do have to say.

  ...I'm frankly a fair bit personally miffed "Draconequus" is not included in the species list, yet somehow Centaur is. There's only one centaur in existence, who happens to be a huge villain... yet another species that's only represented by one villain who just happens to be extremely charismatic isn't? Seriously though, if someuser here actually does happen to have a centaur OC, please do let me know!

 I'm fine with Other as a category. Think the important thing is that we don't really need to be specific. Just the sliiiight issue... is that everytime I do try to type in the species I've invented to plug in... i'm always just one letter short.

 If I could, at least, request the "Your Species Here"  field to be expanded one more letter length? … preferably two?

 Secondly, I find its a good idea to describe personality & character first and backstory to come later. As, at least is the case for my own writing, I like to have it come as a surprise to a reader where the disconnect and "Left Turn" is in the difference between what a character acts like & what they are. For example, you start describing someone real friendly, polite & nice... then next section, ya hit 'em wit' the fact that they're actually this giant beast!

 Third: I agree with @Califorum on there needing to be a Magic field, not just one bubble. I feel that its a sign of a poor OC to just simply say Telekinesis instead of going in depth over limitations, especially in regards to practice or what they've learned. Such as, for example, "Unicorn has levitation magic, usual for her race of pony, and can levitate about four to five objects at a time. More then that causes severe strain unless in excited moments such as musical numbers." Instead of just "Can move things with magic." Something like superpowers should be elaborated on, because its far too easily to fall into wish fufilment & just tack  things on.

 If there can be a Magic Powers field with an addendum of a word limitation to be met?

Fourthly; as @Lektra Bolt demonstrated, a simple "Other" field can mean a great deal. There's a lot to be said in funny idiosyncrasies, habits, accoutrements, toys, slight effects that exemplify a personality very much... while not fitting into any important category as a description of likes or so on. Like, say, an OC's favorite pair of goggles... that aren't always on her, but tells a fraction of her personal history.

 I think we've lost the Other field in the transition.

Fifthly.... I really don't understand this "Reality" of what Generation applies. Like, that feels alienating to anybeing creating a character. Who here is going to know even that there ARE other generations, much less that each gen has enough in difference to distinguish as a separate plane of existence? I feel that arises the fear that the character we're creating may not adhere to whatever rules may govern that reality...… but that's not really an issue with me, as I tend towards the route of my OCs not fitting into ANY reality!


 I may have brought up a lot of topics, but I feel that most issues can be dealt with by pretty much just having simple open fields to plug stuff into a framework for reference. Essentially just a page to type onto. Any drop-down tabs of wossnames may be just complicating things.... but hey, I'm no superman forum technician!

 Didn't really direct this to any forum boss or anything, but I wouldn't want to bother poor @Jeric any further! Hope you take care of yourself, buddy! Techy stuff doesn't come near priority if you've got a life to worry about!

  (...though... if Jeric sees that mention and has to read through all those paragraphs anyhow to get to that mention & I wind up bothering all the same.....) 

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On 7/18/2019 at 9:28 AM, Widdershins said:

.I'm frankly a fair bit personally miffed "Draconequus" is not included in the species list,

That was only because when I was setting it up I was too lazy to look up how to spell it. :P

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On 7/18/2019 at 9:28 AM, Widdershins said:

 I think we've lost the Other field in the transition.


Not in this transition, it was fully deleted after a failed attempt to fix it, which is EXACTLY why I would never entertain a long-form "Other" text or editor field. "Other", or a text box field that can literally be anything and everything, is poor character sheet design that invited poor character design. It also lends itself to a less versatile sheet by adding a "junk drawer". This thread with its great variations of requests has made that a absolute nightmare of a field to ever consider. I'm more than happy to entertain adding canon species to the species list though. I've also said my piece on the magic thing so I will refer you to that, which hasn't changed status as of yet. I'll look at the Other Species field. 

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On 7/23/2019 at 7:43 PM, Jeric said:

Not in this transition, it was fully deleted after a failed attempt to fix it, which is EXACTLY why I would never entertain a long-form "Other" text or editor field. "Other", or a text box field that can literally be anything and everything, is poor character sheet design that invited poor character design. It also lends itself to a less versatile sheet by adding a "junk drawer". This thread with its great variations of requests has made that a absolute nightmare of a field to ever consider. I'm more than happy to entertain adding canon species to the species list though. I've also said my piece on the magic thing so I will refer you to that, which hasn't changed status as of yet. I'll look at the Other Species field. 

I beg to differ and ask for your ear.

There are things, like when someone makes up a fan canon trying to fit in with canonical things like I do with Magitek, and they need a section like Other to explain things like this. It doesn't fit anywhere else, and I had to create Other inside Background

There are a multitude of things about a character that would not fit into the existing fields, and you simply can't account for what any weirdo's brain could come up with for inclusion in a profile. I'm a weirdo ;)

Of course I'm the exception and not the rule, but my Other section was longer than the rest of the profile, and I also used it to collect art links for my character. I'll be putting that in the pictures section now, and that section will get super crowded over time

I guess what I'm saying is it's necessary whether you like it or not, cause there will inevitably be things that someone wants to include that pertain to the character yet don't fit in any of the existing fields

Please understand? 

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On 7/30/2019 at 9:17 AM, Lektra Bolt said:

I beg to differ and ask for your ear.

There are things, like when someone makes up a fan canon trying to fit in with canonical things like I do with Magitek, and they need a section like Other to explain things like this. It doesn't fit anywhere else, and I had to create Other inside Background

There are a multitude of things about a character that would not fit into the existing fields, and you simply can't account for what any weirdo's brain could come up with for inclusion in a profile. I'm a weirdo ;)

Of course I'm the exception and not the rule, but my Other section was longer than the rest of the profile, and I also used it to collect art links for my character. I'll be putting that in the pictures section now, and that section will get super crowded over time

I guess what I'm saying is it's necessary whether you like it or not, cause there will inevitably be things that someone wants to include that pertain to the character yet don't fit in any of the existing fields

Please understand? 

The sheets are currently finished for now, and we are moving on to other elements if the RP rework. We will constantly reevaluate them, but as always I don’t manage to the exception. The current sheets need to have standardization, and that is a absolute must if I am to implement more advanced features. I’ll mark what you said as a request to be evaluated in the future. 

Now — RP has rules to rewrite. 

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