MrL0LZ 866 February 24, 2013 Share February 24, 2013 (edited) Have some stuff involving Friendship is Witchcraft's newest episode. The first one involves a scene in the new episode, the second one is a song from the new episode. Edited February 24, 2013 by MrL0LZ 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 (edited) Hey I found out the newest episode of FIW came out!! Time to watch , Hopefully this one stays up on youtube for a good bit atleast. It actually came out yesterday, but I figured i'd post it seeing as I don't think its been posted here yet. So yeah enjoy, its only been practically a year or something. Edited March 17, 2013 by Zygen 4 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 (edited) Hey I found out the newest episode of FIW came out!! Time to watch , Hopefully this one stays up on youtube for a good bit atleast. It actually came out yesterday, but I figured i'd post it seeing as I don't think its been posted here yet. So yeah enjoy, its only been practically a year or something. 5:03 Truer words were never uttered by AJ!!! Well, seeing as my senior thesis is going to be over "The Transformation of American Westerns in Film from the '50's On," I'm in a bit of a western mood tonight, so here's a very well done PMV of the "True Grit" (2010) trailer. It's awesome, but for the life of me I can't figure out why Twilight was used as Rooster instead of AJ? Edited February 25, 2013 by Batbrony 3 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hwrogers 168 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 (edited) batbrony, you may have convinced me to actually give that sorry rehash of a classic a chance, maybe... "true grit" is among john wayne's greatest works, alongside "the quiet man" in my opinion. while i am not a john wayne fanatic like my brother, i feel there is a special place in whatever hell may exist for people who remake good, and especially great, movies. "the day the earth stood still" being highest on the list of those i think should never have been remade. but with this ponified preview, maybe, just maybe, i might give this abortion a chance... as for your thesis though, i gotta ask wtf degree are you shooting for? lol, seriously i am curious with that thesis subject! edit; left out an important word there. Edited February 25, 2013 by hwrogers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 batbrony, you may have convinced me to actually give that sorry rehash of a classic a chance, maybe... "true grit" is among john wayne's greatest works, alongside "the quiet man" in my opinion. while i am not a john wayne fanatic like my brother, i feel there is a special place in whatever hell may exist for people who remake good, and especially great, movies. "the day the earth stood still" being highest on the list of those i think should never have been remade. but with this ponified preview, maybe, just maybe, i might give this abortion a chance... as for your thesis though, i gotta ask wtf degree are you shooting for? lol, seriously i am curious with that thesis subject! edit; left out an important word there. My major is "American Studies" at Hillsdale College, which is an interdisciplinary study that covers History, English, and Politics in regards to the American Experience; my study is going to attempt to make a correlation between the transformation in Westerns and how it reflects the changes in American culture from the 50's through the 80's and early 90's. Thanks for asking, it should be a whole lot of fun! Oh, and as for "True Grit" (2010) WATCH IT!!! Most certainly is not "The Day The Earth Stood Still" remake, I can tell you that much (bucking Keanu Reeves!!!!!! ). Trust me, you will not be disappointed in the slightest! I haven't even seen the original myself, but the Nostalgica Critic did compare the two, and he actually came out liking the new one more. Matt Damon's kinda weak (simply doesn't strike me as fit for a Western in the slightest), but Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld are simply remarkable (even if you can't understand Bridges half the time ). Can't ever go wrong with the Coen Brothers, and, next to "No Country For Old Men" and "The Big Lebowski" this is my favorite Coen Brothers flick. Let me know how you like it!!! And now everypony, Princess Celestia teaches us all about, what else, the sun! OK Twilight, you really should've seen that one coming. <_< 1 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poniesforfun 716 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 (edited) I think this trailer is very well made with the hub logo and all to make it look real. Even if it's not real I kind of want to see an epic moment in season 4 like this. Like the villain wins and is destroying Equestria. Oh the feels :3 Edited February 25, 2013 by poniesforfun 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 So this video was the inspired by the smartest, funniest, cutest, epicest, amazingest person on the forum and it was created by Stellafera, who is definitely one of the most talented people here. WATCH IT NOW! As for this, just enjoy Darn, Stellafara does it again, she makes so amazing PMV's . Have some stuff involving Friendship is Witchcraft's newest episode. The first one involves a scene in the new episode, the second one is a song from the new episode. Omg all the FIW songs are so awesome . I dunno how or why, but they are. Not to mention Jenny has quite a beautiful voice. . 5:03 Truer words were never uttered by AJ!!! Well, seeing as my senior thesis is going to be over "The Transformation of American Westerns in Film from the '50's On," I'm in a bit of a western mood tonight, so here's a very well done PMV of the "True Grit" (2010) trailer. It's awesome, but for the life of me I can't figure out why Twilight was used as Rooster instead of AJ? Haha, what song isn't slightly creepy in FIW anyways ? For that matter what part of FIW isn't really creepy atleast a bit in a way . The song was really actually kinda beautiful though, even if their songs are all kinda sadistic in a way most of time, but still oddly catchy and still good singing and music and everything . 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 Haha, what song isn't slightly creepy in FIW anyways ? For that matter what part of FIW isn't really creepy atleast a bit in a way . The song was really actually kinda beautiful though, even if their songs are all kinda sadistic in a way most of time, but still oddly catchy and still good singing and music and everything . Oh I liked the song, it was the fact that Twilight was singing about getting hitched with her brother that freaked me out! But no, I love Friendship is Witchcraft, and I gotta say check out the balls on these guys, uploading a video even after Hasbro pretty much took down all of their previous work! That takes balls friends!!! Kudos Sherclop Pones, kudos! 1 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Dasher 149 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 Waiting for Season 4 will be difficult, but I bring to you something else that I just saw, and waiting for March 30th will be a breeze. The Double Sonic Rainboom! It looks like it's going to be LEGEN-Wait for it-DARY! 3 Ponies make it impossible to sleep. "My stomach was making the rumblings, that only hands would satisfy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 February 25, 2013 Share February 25, 2013 Oh I liked the song, it was the fact that Twilight was singing about getting hitched with her brother that freaked me out! But no, I love Friendship is Witchcraft, and I gotta say check out the balls on these guys, uploading a video even after Hasbro pretty much took down all of their previous work! That takes balls friends!!! Kudos Sherclop Pones, kudos! Eh yeah I know whatcha mean, I was trying to say that In a way I guess with the way the show typically has their songs have darker lyrics with brighter catchy cheery music. I love FIW to , and yeah takes some guts to upload It on youtube, I like that since even though they do have a site where they can upload it they uploaded it to youtube anyways . plus I like youtubes quality and layout of stuff I guess, and its just easier to access for me overall. I'm hoping that atleast the parodies will stop being removed from youtube, however some of the parody creators will proably just quit trying to re upload anyways, since Youtube's Content I.D is dumb. Anyways dragging a bit off on rambling sorry . 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DR Leper Lupinstein 410 February 26, 2013 Share February 26, 2013 Before we begin i just wanna say: this super awesome little AMV is just a little something dedicated to people just like me! hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc ^ - BLOOD FOR BLOOD/OUTLAW ANTHEMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 February 26, 2013 Share February 26, 2013 Here is another MLP slideshow called “Funny MLP Crap 3”. Highlights include a photo of Discord and Sweetie Belle visiting Philly's famous Melrose Diner (0:38) and “I don't always watch shows for little girls, but when I do, I watch My Little Pony” (1:18). You didn't really think the Hub's newest promo was the first MLP parody of Dos Equis' commercials, did you? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 27, 2013 Share February 27, 2013 I'm feeling in the mood for an old school PMV today, so here everypony, have an extended version of one of the best early ponified songs out there. Enjoy!!! yay! 4 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Dasher 149 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 I'm feeling in the mood for an old school PMV today, so here everypony, have an extended version of one of the best early ponified songs out there. Enjoy!!! yay! That's was one of the first PMV's I had ever heard thanks to page 1 bro On another note, and having just listened to that again, I found this, and I was amused. 3 Ponies make it impossible to sleep. "My stomach was making the rumblings, that only hands would satisfy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMarkz0ne 962 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 I review the MLP figures. i also talk about the comic. I hope you guys enjoy the video. Kinda typing to fill the limit here. So yeah guys check it out 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 (edited) That's was one of the first PMV's I had ever heard thanks to page 1 bro On another note, and having just listened to that again, I found this, and I was amused. First page, huh? Figured it must be somewhere in this thread, but not the first page! That's awesome! Anyways, seeing as I'm a huge fan of the Man in Black himself, Johnny Cash, here's a great PMV that really should have more views than it does. Enjoy everypony! Huh, never thought that Fluttershy would turn out to be the Mare in Black of the group! Edited February 28, 2013 by Batbrony 4 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 (edited) I was just kinda watching some random Pony videos and I came across this again, even though I've watched it before I'm not sure if anypony else has, its a Synthesia thing which combines a bunch of different MLP songs and plays them its pretty cool, it jazzes them up a bit to so its interesting. . I like it personally. Enjoy! ps. I'm confused as to why this link doesn't show as a video but some do o-o. its weird . Edited March 17, 2013 by Zygen 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Dasher 149 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 Fans of DBZ and MLP:FIM rejoice! For it is hilarious! And the rest of these words and letters and such are to fill out 100 characters! 4 Ponies make it impossible to sleep. "My stomach was making the rumblings, that only hands would satisfy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 Fans of DBZ and MLP:FIM rejoice! For it is hilarious! And the rest of these words and letters and such are to fill out 100 characters! Omg hahah, This is so amazing lol. Its so extreamly acurate to and its just so freaking hilarious! I laughed quite a bit at this, and to be honest I never really even watched much DBZ, but I watched enough to understand it pretty well. Also the one with Pinkie saying "I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say" was just accurate and especially funny . Same with Discords afterwards. I loved this . Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 Fans of DBZ and MLP:FIM rejoice! For it is hilarious! And the rest of these words and letters and such are to fill out 100 characters! I love Team Fourstar so very, very much! Here is for lack of a better way of saying it the only way an MLP toy commercial (for Hasbro produced MLP toys, mind you) could EVER convince me to buy its product! SWAGGIN' RIDE!!!!!!!!! 2 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 March 1, 2013 Share March 1, 2013 Anybody that's a big time Transformers fan already knows about Weird Al's Dare to be Stupid. So I was expecting a Dare to be Stupid PMV to be good. After watching it, it's even better than I thought it would be. Enjoy! Apologies if somebody else already posted this. But the Youtube Masterthread is so ginormous I can no longer take the time to search and see if it's already here. And if you did see it before, it's worth watching again! 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antismurf9001 1,271 March 1, 2013 Share March 1, 2013 Not sure if the other two episodes are earlier in this topic, so I'll only post the most recent which I found on My Little Brony. It's another one of those skit-based videos similar to 'Ponies: the Anthology'. It and the previous episodes are actually really well done and use a number of original jokes (I'm surprised that I've never seen the Luna and fun one done before). Enjoy! WARNING: this video contains some foul language. 4 "Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie Once again, thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unique Pinkie Pie 173 March 1, 2013 Share March 1, 2013 one of the most memorable songs I've heard and i also think its quite funny as well (darn its so hard to link video's in this thread with the 100 character rule) 1 what do you mean my old signature was rubbish? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DR Leper Lupinstein 410 March 2, 2013 Share March 2, 2013 sync up these two videos... it will make you d'awwwww so bad . i know i did. i think it's prolly the cutest thing in the world. play shaggy but mute luna hugging fluttershy. 2 hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc ^ - BLOOD FOR BLOOD/OUTLAW ANTHEMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bendy 1,821 March 2, 2013 Share March 2, 2013 (edited) The The Conversion Bureau in a nutshell. Funny, but sadly that's the way some people think all us Humans are. And so believe the Human race should die. TCB Response - MAAAN! Edited March 2, 2013 by Rush Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on under the same username here: Rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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