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searching [OOC] The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Blitz Boom @Props Valroa @StrawberryMilk Simp

I would prefer to play out the return to the project rather than glossing over it. I think there's some good interactions to be had between the younger characters' disappointment or relief in the mission being cut short and the older characters' experience in the matter.

I'll set up the return in my next post.

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@Illiad Easle


(I never got a description as to what the power boosting matter, I'm going to go with an amber color, so that it matches with minostralium as the other mana boosting material in-universe)

I thought I had described it, but I'll describe it here. It is a dark green glowing substance that has a resemblance to liquified plant matter. It is starchy, illuminated, and has a plant-like smell to it. 

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@Evil Pink One @Blitz Boom @Props Valroa

Hmmm.... Looking at all the categories, it doesn't look like I really have anywhere to input at the moment.

@Blitz Boom forgot to respond to the Brittle prompt, so I don't have anything there to say.


I realize that the Plein/Brittle pairing is the only thing really keeping them from just all going back up immediately. Do we just want to bring everyone up immediately and just move on?

@Props Valroa I need some more detail on the stuff that Power synthesized. Given what you said before it should act just as a source of energy, right? It shouldn't otherwise affect magic cast on it, but rather one can draw energy from it to cast spells?

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@Props Valroa @Illiad Easle @Evil Pink One

No, I didn't forget the Blitz part. It's under my last section of my last reply, titled (Lab). Nor did I forget a reply to Brittle, as Light and her, have not interacted. I checked. Only one of my chars he have interacted with, is Last.

Feel free to point me at it if I missed it though. I just can't see anything I did miss currently.

As for moving things up, I do believe we can do a small skip to when everyone's getting back up if it is, the next day. Seems like most chars are staying until the day after regardless.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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