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The Running of the Leaves (2024) Race Event!

Dynamo Pad

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Moments ago, Rethajni said:

chatterbox happy.png Autistic ponies are the best! Some of my best friends have autism, you have nothing to feel different from others, in a interview with a psychollogist they told me, autistic ponies work normally but if ponies were machines, they used several gears instead of a big one so they contemplate the same idea but in many other ways, I dont know if am explaining myself correct 

"I get what you mean. Autistic ponies see the world in a different way than neurotypical ponies. That they do. I've learned so much from my cousin."

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1 hour ago, Lucky Fire said:

"'Proper etiquette' my flank... maybe for neurotypical ponies.... but for neurodivergent ponies it's not that easy... I really wish that neurotypical ponies would understand that.... Some do, but most don't and it irks me so much. Azure, you do what you gotta, and if somepony gives you flack, you come to me. I'll set it straight. Just know that with me, you don't need to maintain eye contact. You're perfectly fine being you, because you're the best you that you can be. Also, it's not because I'm an Alicorn Princess that I noticed it, it's because I have psychic powers, but also having a cousin with Autism helps, too." I grin and wink.

(OOC: :P of course i would catch it lol. i have a lifetime of experience being autistic XD XD :hug_day:)


1 hour ago, Rethajni said:

chatterbox happy.png Autistic ponies are the best! Some of my best friends have autism, you have nothing to feel different from others, in a interview with a psychollogist they told me, autistic ponies work normally but if ponies were machines, they used several gears instead of a big one so they contemplate the same idea but in many other ways, I dont know if am explaining myself correct 

"It's something like that, Chatterbox. Just different methods. Though I've been getting by just fine, so please don't go telling everypony... And Princess, I appreciate your intention, but I'd rather not rely on anypony else for this.

I don't want this label to be what others think of when they think of me, and I most certainly will not hide behind it."

Edited by Azure Dawn
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1 hour ago, Azure Dawn said:

Even if the princess's intentions were kind, the mere fact that royalty was even looking at her, made Azure stutter and look away, nervously putting a hoof behind her mane.

"I-I get that... I've been practicing, it's just proper etiquette. But of course a princess like you would notice. This is embarrassing..."

(OOC, very nice that you spotted it :p)

*Suddenly, comming out of seemingly nowhere, Shiny spoke with a tone of voice that expressed both kindness and joy.* "Azure, it might sound strange from my behaviors but I can also be very shy, when I'm not surrounded by friends. We all have to face our struggles in life and you don't have be embarrassed by having some! If all carrots were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs! Although, my struggles aren't the same, I'm quite special myself so I can rely on what you experience."


Carrot hotdog!



1 hour ago, Rethajni said:



chatterbox sad.png Oh dear, a timberworf chasing a filly...? That cant be right ... I hope you didnt get damaged too much

"Timberwolves can be very friendly, if you have the good approach! I howl to the moon with them time to time!"

1 hour ago, TheRockASaurus Rex said:

*looks at the young pony speaking to him but his expression never changes but he greets her back*

Hi Shiny Silvermoon, my name is Roswell.

I haven’t got my number yet.

Nice to meet you.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Roswell! Somehow, I feel like I know you from a very long time! Weird huh?"

Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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I frown, concerned.

"If you say so, Azure... I just... I just don't want you to get exhausted trying to keep up with the neurotypical societal standards. I'd rather you be you and not get exhausted or burnt out. I care for everypony, despite me being a little shy at first sometimes." I listen to Shiny and nod in agreement.

"Shiny's right, too. She also brings up a very good point. Everypony who is neurodivergent, even with the same divergency, they display different aspects of their difference despite having the same divergency. Not everypony displays their diverseness the same way. There may be some similarities, but everypony's personalities are different, too. Though, I will reiterate, I just don't want to see you burn yourself out trying to keep up with the neurotypical societal standards. I want to see you thrive, Azure. Just... if you're gonna try to keep up with societal standards of the neurotypicals, feel free to come to me if you need a break or just want somepony to talk to. I always make time for anypony who needs me."

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1 minute ago, Lucky Fire said:

I frown, concerned.

"If you say so, Azure... I just... I just don't want you to get exhausted trying to keep up with the neurotypical societal standards. I'd rather you be you and not get exhausted or burnt out. I care for everypony, despite me being a little shy at first sometimes." I listen to Shiny and nod in agreement.

"Shiny's right, too. She also brings up a very good point. Everypony who is neurodivergent, even with the same divergency, they display different aspects of their difference despite having the same divergency. Not everypony displays their diverseness the same way. There may be some similarities, but everypony's personalities are different, too. Though, I will reiterate, I just don't want to see you burn yourself out trying to keep up with the neurotypical societal standards. I want to see you thrive, Azure. Just... if you're gonna try to keep up with societal standards of the neurotypicals, feel free to come to me if you need a break or just want somepony to talk to. I always make time for anypony who needs me."

"I might not have been involved in the conversation as much as I would have liked so my help might come out from nowhere, but I want you to know that I think the same as Lucky Fire! If you ever need somepony to support you and confess to, I'm here! All my friends will tell you that I'm excellent at being supportive, if you ask them!" *Shiny said to Azure with a comforting smile.*

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The conversation sure was getting crowded for her liking... But nothing she couldn't handle yet. She adjusted herself on the cloud to adress the newcomers, raising her voice to be clear.

"I appreciate it, all of you. But really, all I'd like is to be treated like any other pony. It's not like we're different species, nor am I disabled. Speaking of, we're all here to race, right?"

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16 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"I might not have been involved in the conversation as much as I would have liked so my help might come out from nowhere, but I want you to know that I think the same as Lucky Fire! If you ever need somepony to support you and confess to, I'm here! All my friends will tell you that I'm excellent at being supportive, if you ask them!" *Shiny said to Azure with a comforting smile.*

Chatterbox happy.gif Shiny is a very supportive little cookie! I had the pleasure to meet her a year ago, she is very sweet, is like a marshmallow but with eyes

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6 minutes ago, Slipstream said:

*Slipstream walked over.*

"I suppose I should introduce myself, since y'all seem to know each other and I know exactly none of you. I'm Slipstream, the fastest thing in the multiverse."

Chatterbox happy.gifNice to Meet you Mr. Slipstream! I am Chatterbox! am a journalist! You are cute!  you seem to be as fast as adorable!

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5 minutes ago, Slipstream said:

*Slipstream walked over.*

"I suppose I should introduce myself, since y'all seem to know each other and I know exactly none of you. I'm Slipstream, the fastest thing in the multiverse."

"I'm Shiny Silvermoon the most unpredictable unicorn in Equestria! You can never guess what I'm about to do, until I do it." *After saying that to Slipstream, she suddenly took a step backward with a facial expression of fear. She yelled, while pointing the sky.* "GIANT FLYING SHEEPS!!!"

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4 minutes ago, Rethajni said:

Chatterbox happy.gifNice to Meet you Mr. Slipstream! I am Chatterbox! am a journalist! You are cute!  you seem to be as fast as adorable!

*He blushed a little after that compliment.* "Thanks Ms. Chatterbox."

3 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"I'm Shiny Silvermoon the most unpredictable unicorn in Equestria! You can never guess what I'm about to do, until I do it." *After saying that to Slipstream, she suddenly took a step backward with a facial expression of fear. She yelled, while pointing the sky.* "GIANT FLYING SHEEPS!!!"

*He turned.*


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3 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

"I'm Shiny Silvermoon the most unpredictable unicorn in Equestria! You can never guess what I'm about to do, until I do it." *After saying that to Slipstream, she suddenly took a step backward with a facial expression of fear. She yelled, while pointing the sky.* "GIANT FLYING SHEEPS!!!"

chatterbox scared.png *Chatterbox falls fo it* WHERE IS  MY NOTEBOO??K I GOTTA DOCUMEN THIS!

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Tree Song walked into the starting line area. She always wanted to participate in this 'Running of the Leaves' race, but never had a chance to do so due to the constant journeys with her teacher to the far reaches of Equestria. This year though they happened to be close to White Tail Woods, where the event takes place, which gave her a chance to participate. While not being a very good runner, she thought it would be fun to stretch her muscles and enjoy the beautiful autumn nature.

She was surprised to see a big crowd there, she never realized how many ponies run in the race. She felt a little overwhelmed, but it didn't change her decision. She approached @Dynamo Pad, who was giving out the starting numbers to racers. "Hello, I'm Tree Song. Can I get my number, please?", she asked shyly.

Edited by Silly Druid
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2 hours ago, Slipstream said:

*Slipstream walked over.*

"I suppose I should introduce myself, since y'all seem to know each other and I know exactly none of you. I'm Slipstream, the fastest thing in the multiverse."

Felis gazes at Slipstream.
States, ‘Hello, Slipstream, I'm Felis, and I'm a pony.’ :maud:
‘I didn't realise that the fastest being in the multiverse was a Pegasus.’ :maud:

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2 minutes ago, Felis Amafeles Catus said:

Felis gazes at Slipstream.
States, ‘Hello, Slipstream, I'm Felis, and I'm a pony.’ :maud:
‘I didn't realise that the fastest being in the multiverse was a Pegasus.’ :maud:

"Woah, it's a genuine pony... I don't see a lot of those! Hello!"

and thus, she mysteriously flies up... Only for a sheep-shaped cloud to come down, engulfing @Shiny Silvermoonwithin!


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1 minute ago, Felis Amafeles Catus said:

‘When I'm an old mare, I'll tell my children about the GIANT FLYING SHEEPS.’ :maud:
Felis mimics Granny Smith's tone of voice...

"I can see the headlines already... Old mare yells at cloud..."

Leaving Shiny in the cloud, she finally flies up to introduce herself to the latest newcomer, slipstream. "Hello to you too, mister stream. Are you as fast on land?"

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1 hour ago, Azure Dawn said:

"Woah, it's a genuine pony... I don't see a lot of those! Hello!"

Felis gazes at Azure Dawn, and waves her hoof at the pegasus.  :eager:
She states, 'Hello, My name is
Felis Amafeles Catus. ' 
'Because this name isn't one commonly used by ponies. 'Felis' and 'Catus' both mean ‘
cat’ in an ancient language...' :maud:
'And if you put
Felis and catus together, it means house cat.' :muffins:
'Ergo I used to say ‘I'm a pony’ as a joke.' :derp:

Edited by Felis Amafeles
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2 hours ago, Tree Song said:

Tree Song walked into the starting line area. She always wanted to participate in this 'Running of the Leaves' race, but never had a chance to do so due to the constant journeys with her teacher to the far reaches of Equestria. This year though they happened to be close to White Tail Woods, where the event takes place, which gave her a chance to participate. While not being a very good runner, she thought it would be fun to stretch her muscles and enjoy the beautiful autumn nature.

She was surprised to see a big crowd there, she never realized how many ponies run in the race. She felt a little overwhelmed, but it didn't change her decision. She approached @Dynamo Pad, who was giving out the starting numbers to racers. "Hello, I'm Tree Song. Can I get my number, please?", she asked shyly.

*Seeing that Dynamo Pad was busy at the moment, due to the overwhelming number of participant that he had to register, I decided to help him by distracting Tree Song @Silly Druid, while he was dealing with the crowd. So, with a both kind and cheerful energy, Shiny Silvermoon trotted toward her.* "Hi there! My name is Shiny Silvermoon! I heard that you're also going to be participating to the race and that your name is Tree Song! It's a pleasure to meet you! If you allow me to ask, where are you from? I've never seen you in Ponyville but I have to say that my arrival is relatively recent!"

42 minutes ago, Azure Dawn said:

"I can see the headlines already... Old mare yells at cloud..."

Leaving Shiny in the cloud, she finally flies up to introduce herself to the latest newcomer, slipstream. "Hello to you too, mister stream. Are you as fast on land?"

*Shiny Silvermoon escaped from the cloud by a cotton-made door, as if it was normal, only to continue her conversation with Tree Song.*

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13 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:


As he was offering Scribbles a hug, his ears perked upon hearing a familiar voice. Eyes widening as his jaw dropped slightly, Dynamo had looked over to see @Samurai Equine had arrived over at the gaming unicorn's desk. "Onii-San!" He exclaimed, moving around the desk to give his friend a hug. "It's really great to see you. It's definitely been a little while. How are you doing? Are you interested in taking part in the race? I don't think there will be any potential fires, but it wouldn't hurt to watch for potential danger." He grinned as he was happy to see someone he considered as a big brother once again.

Samurai smiles and hugs Dynamo. "Good to see you again, otouto-san. I managed to get some free time from my duties in Japone. Decided to come here for the holiday. Also, I sometimes moonlight as a firefighter this time of year." Samurai tips his helmet. "Hmm... Should I run? I'd have to resist the temptation to use my fire powers to give me a speed advantage."


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9 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:

Samurai smiles and hugs Dynamo. "Good to see you again, otouto-san. I managed to get some free time from my duties in Japone. Decided to come here for the holiday. Also, I sometimes moonlight as a firefighter this time of year." Samurai tips his helmet. "Hmm... Should I run? I'd have to resist the temptation to use my fire powers to give me a speed advantage."

Cleaning her Glasses.gif Oh Konichiwa Samurai kun!  Watashi wa Chatterbox desu, hajimemashite! *Bows at the samurai* Is nice to meet you! There are many gorgeous ponies here ready to participate! I look forward to meet new ponies like you! Truth is, I feel in the sky because I am surrounded with so many stars!


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1 minute ago, Rethajni said:

Cleaning her Glasses.gif Oh Konichiwa Samurai kun!  Watashi wa Chatterbox desu, hajimemashite! *Bows at the samurai* Is nice to meet you! There are many gorgeous ponies here ready to participate! I look forward to meet new ponies like you! Truth is, I feel in the sky because I am surrounded with so many stars!


"Wow! I didn't know that you were speaking Japanese, Chatterbox! That's so awesome! I always found that Japone is a wonderful country but I never really had the chance to see it with my own eyes!"

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