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Ponibooru going down


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So i just read that the sight was becoming a read only web sight, no comments, or pictures will be uploaded or approved. Atleast the cream of the crop images will be transferred to Derpibooru. Still sucks though, i used to go there to find a lot of good images, and to see a bunch of new ones =3


oh well, we still have EQD and many other sights that let us browse the pony arts =D


What are your pony thoughts on the matter?



edit* just noticed i miss spelled the title derp

Edited by Ravager

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I never really used Ponibooru, but mainly because the Norton Safety Minder blocks that and not bucking Cupcakes.

Edited by Adam the Super Bronizoid
  • Brohoof 1
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I never really used the site, but it's still saddening to know that the site is going down.


Also from what I read over at EqD, it seems that the site will be taken down in August.


I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I don't usually have any "deep" feelings for websites, and as such, whatevs if there is a good replacement for it.

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Nothing of value was lost.


The few times I've went there, the time it would take to load each and every page was absolutely horrendous. Not to mention it's reputation for being the residence of most awful bronies who drag our fandom down a sewer. (Though I shouldn't be surprised because it's a booru site after all.)


R.I.P. Ponibooru


You Will Not Be Missed

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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More like slow-booru


Never liked the place. Hated how it consisted mostly of really bad meme pics,vectors and screencaps. Rarely I saw anything good. That and slow as hell speed made it even worse.


Besides 20%.net and Derpbooru are so much beter in every way


oh and the people from ponibooru are really bad

Edited by Appledees
  • Brohoof 1
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It will always hold a special place in my heart, because thats where I found my avatar. Or at least, the pic that I cropped to make my avatar.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I lurked there from time to time, I had somepony break the news to me through a text. I can't believe it's going down, I got alot of pictures from there. Looks like I'm lurking KYM full time for pony pictures now... :mellow:

  • Brohoof 1


Special thanks to Midnightive for the sig~


I guess I just try too hard sometimes and in the end I'm the one who's left, still broken.

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The conversations that would crop up in comment threads sometimes were pretty fun. I rather liked that place, though there were a few raids going on before it was shut down.


I figured I would download only the highest-rated safe images. Load up the torrent, and... 22 gigs!? HA, NOPE.

I don't even have that much free space on my hard drive. :/

Edited by Capt-Nemo
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To be honest... it was a great image source, but i couldn't stand the userbase, mainly due to the lack of moderators. It was a nest for drama, trolling, hate and pretty much everything i hate about any fandom. Also, excessive meta and inner jokes. The good thing about it were the filters: if you don't want to see meta or stupìd captions or R34, you could block it.


At least there are Derpibooru and other pony IBs like Bronibooru.

Edited by leictreon
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Websites go up, and websites go down. I can't say I really hung around Ponibooru too much (I don't generally indulge in imageboards), but I ran an ad there for a little while and their traffic was quite impressive. Still unfortunate that it seemed to constantly be running beyond the limits of its hosting and was always dog-slow every time I did stop by.


I did just want to say that Eco is being quite good about this by providing torrents of the site's content and continuing to leave it online for two months after announcing that he's done with it. This will effectively immortalize the content, even though only a portion of it will make it over to Derpibooru.

  • Brohoof 1

Twilight SIG 8.png

Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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  • 3 weeks later...

Like some others have said, they were something of the dredges of the fandom. I just hope we don't get a flux of emmigrants here to pull this site down a moral black hole.


Stand strong, bronies! Never give in to hate! Never give in to rule 34! Have strength, do not be consumed by the darkness!


Anyways, I am really concerned about WHY it's going down. Does it have to do with the fact that it's related to MLP:FiM?



  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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