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1) Say "You're holding that wrong."

2) :o I could never have them as pets as I would feel guilty. They're a higher form of intelligence (smarter than some human, I would say) so I wouldn't have any as pets.

3)Throw an apple at her imposter. AJ shall never cry around her apples.

4)Read her a book, so the first time she sees me is with a book. :3

5) Vegan Spaghetti?

6)Never ate peanut butter muffins.

7)Nope. They iz best friends. Boys can have girls as best friends you know. We aren't all hungry beasts :P

8)Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

9) Rainbow Dash. She has to tie up her wings though. ;)

10)Push on her onto a bench.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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1. Calmly pull out a cupcake.

2. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

3. Go sit down next to her and ask,"What's wrong?"

4. Find a blanket for her if she didn't already have one.

5. Hope that there isn't beef in it.

6. Grab a bucket of popcorn.

7. Nah... It'd create sexual tension.

8. Rainbow Dash and Twighlight.

9. Applejack.

10. Push her out of the way and potentially get ran over.

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1. try to disarm her, then become friends with her.

2. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, as friends not as pets.

3. go to her and try to make her stop crying.

4. Nothing, wait untill she wakes up and then ask her why she is here.

5. OMG ITS FLUTTERSHY. Fuck spagetti.


7. NO

8. Rainbow Dash and Applejack

9. Applejack, Rainbow is a cheater

10. Watch, although its horrible, i could never save her and instead would kill us both.

Edited by MasterCadence
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1. If you saw Pinkie with a machine gun, what would you do? Depends what direction she's pointing it

2. Which 2 ponies from the mane six do you want as pets? None and I wouldn't call them "pets'

3. What would you do if you saw Applejack crying out in the fields? Ask her to race me

4. What would you do if you came home to find Twilight asleep on your couch? Let her sleep until she woke up

5. What would you do if you saw Fluttershy eating spaghetti? Ask her where she got the spaghetti

6. What would you do if you saw Derpy trying to open a jar of peanut butter? Help her

7. Do you think Spike should have Twilight as his girlfriend instead of Rarity? I don't care

8. If you could bring two ponies to go bowling with you, who would they be? Applejack and Rainbow Dash cause they would probably enjoy it more than the rest

9. Would you have a race with Rainbow Dash, or Applejack? Applejack cause she's faster on the ground I think

10. What would you do if you saw Lyra on the road, about to get hit by a truck? push her to get her out of the way

Edited by Nonspecific Action Figure
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1.) Be pretty freakin' badass

2.) Fluttershy and Twilight

3.) Go up and comfort her like normal people do

4.) :D :D :D

5.) Lol what kind of question is this?

6.) Laugh

7.) No, there like siblings -_-

8.) Applejack and Twilight

9.) Yes but I would probably lose

10.) Save her

  • Brohoof 1

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened...”


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1. Tell her it's not a toy.

2. Rainbow Dash & Twilight Sparkle.

3. Go and ask her whats wrong.

4. Wake her up and discuss what happened.

5. Join her.

6. Help her.

7. No.

8. Rainbow Dash & Twilight Sparkle.

9. I couldn't outrun them, but Rainbow Dash.

10. Save her.



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1. If you saw Pinkie with a machine gun, what would you do?

I would feel confused but probably laugh.


2. Which 2 ponies from the mane six do you want as pets?

Ponies should be friends, not pets. ...Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle.


3. What would you do if you saw Applejack crying out in the fields?

Duh, go there, give her a hug and make her feel better.


4. What would you do if you came home to find Twilight asleep on your couch?

Be shocked and confused, but let her sleep there.


5. What would you do if you saw Fluttershy eating spaghetti?



6. What would you do if you saw Derpy trying to open a jar of peanut butter?

Help her, duh.


7. Do you think Spike should have Twilight as his girlfriend instead of Rarity?



8. If you could bring two ponies to go bowling with you, who would they be?

Applejack and Pinkie Pie.


9. Would you have a race with Rainbow Dash, or Applejack?

Applejack. I can't fly, silly!


10. What would you do if you saw Lyra on the road, about to get hit by a truck?

Depends on how far away the truck was. If it was far away enough for me to save her and not het hit myself, I'd save her. If I know I would only be able to like push her out of the way, but not save myself, I would not save her. My own life is more important.


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1) RUN.

2) These are sentient creatures, not slaves. :( ...but Twilight and Dash.

3) Try to console her, even though I'd probably fail at it.

4) Get her a blanket

5) There better not be meat in it. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

6) If she's struggling, I'd help her.

7) No.

8) Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Just to see how competitive they get.

9) Either way, I'd lose.

10) *shrugs* I had a good run. Save her.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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1. Wonder how she got a machine gun

2. Rainbowdash and Fluttershy

3. Help her

4. Dont think thats possible.

5. Not care to much...her problem...

6. Laugh

7. no

8. Rainbowdash and apple jack

9. Rainbow dash

10. Sucks..

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1) Depends where it's aimed.

2) Twilight and Fluttershy

3) Try to help her

4) Be overly happy, but let her sleep

5)WELL I have no idea

6)That is a good question. I would have to help eventually

7) NO

8) Twilight, Rainbow Dash

9) Applejack

10) Well depends I would save her if the truck was far enough away.


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These are quite random, and for now I can see that atleast two of them is utterly stupid. The pet one and the Spike x Twilight one, but I'll answer anyways.


1. If you saw Pinkie with a machine gun, what would you do?


Depening on her hairstyle (Poofy vs. Flat) I would probably only be worried if her hair was flat. If it was flat, I would of course try to calm her down and get her happy again, both because I would care about her well being as well as I would be a bit worried about what she might do with the machine gun, but then again, she have got hooves, she wouldn't be able to trigger it easily.


2. Which 2 ponies from the mane six do you want as pets?


This is a stupid quesion. They're living, thinking beings, as smart as you an me, Twilight probably even smarter. They don't deserve to be treated as pets but as equals. Which of the two I would want as a FRIEND is how I will answer this, since the question you gave is outright cruel.


I would like Twilight and Pinkie Pie as my friends. I would have a lot in common with Twilight, and I believe having Pinkie as a friend would be one of the nicest things in the world because of her will to make everypony happy.


3. What would you do if you saw Applejack crying out in the fields?


I would analyze the situation, if she seemed angry and upset, I would leave her alone until she calmed down, but if she was just there by herself, sulking in her own hooves then I would go put a hand under her cheek and wipe away the tears, asking what is wrong. I would then listen if she wanted to talk and I would offer any assistance she would require to become happy again.


4. What would you do if you came home to find Twilight asleep on your couch?


Well, I would probably wait for her to wake up and then ask what she is doing there and how she ended up in my couch in the first place. If it was a cold time of the day/year I would put a blanket over her since I wouldn't want her to catch a cold.


5. What would you do if you saw Fluttershy eating spaghetti?


It depends on the situation, I would greet her if it was on a restaurant as I passed by. If it was in any other situation it would probably be in her home or mine, meaning I would have a reason to be there in the first place. If that is the case, I would just enjoy the company of such a lovely mare.


6. What would you do if you saw Derpy trying to open a jar of peanut butter?


If she seemed to struggle with it, then I would offer my help, if not, I would probably not mind her.


7. Do you think Spike should have Twilight as his girlfriend instead of Rarity?


Another stupid question. Spike was raised by Twilight since she was a little filly, his role to her is a little brother. What you asked me now was if I think Twilight should be with his little brother? No... Spike would be better off finding someone on her own age, one of the CMC for example.


8. If you could bring two ponies to go bowling with you, who would they be?


Vinyl Scratch, and since my headcanon pairs up Vinyl with Octavia, then I bet she would come too.


9. Would you have a race with Rainbow Dash, or Applejack?


Since I'm a human, and I don't have wings, and also because of the fact that Rainbow is entitled as the fastest pony of Equestria, I would choose AJ.


10. What would you do if you saw Lyra on the road, about to get hit by a truck?


I would of course her if I could, if necessarry I would push her out of the way and take the hit myself.

Edited by Inkfeather

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1. If you saw Pinkie with a machine gun, what would you do?

Depends which way it's pointed, but I'd probably run from ANYONE with a machine gun.

2. Which 2 ponies from the mane six do you want as pets?

Twilight and Fluttershy.

3. What would you do if you saw Applejack crying out in the fields?

I'd go and see what was up.

4. What would you do if you came home to find Twilight asleep on your couch?

Leave her until she woke up, then ask a ton of questions and stuff.

5. What would you do if you saw Fluttershy eating spaghetti?


6. What would you do if you saw Derpy trying to open a jar of peanut butter?

Help, but only if she really needed it.

7. Do you think Spike should have Twilight as his girlfriend instead of Rarity?

No way. That'd almost be akin to a cliché love story about a Boss and a Secretary.

8. If you could bring two ponies to go bowling with you, who would they be?

Applejack and Twilight.

9. Would you have a race with Rainbow Dash, or Applejack?

Applejack, as she wouldn't brag as much when she won :P.

10. What would you do if you saw Lyra on the road, about to get hit by a truck?

Let's just say I wouldn't put my own life in danger.


Then, after all of that, I'd wake up.

top lel

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