Comet Tail 808 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 (edited) Alright, so we all know, or all of us who are caught up on the series, that Pinkie Pie isn't exactly neurotypical. She's got Something, the question is, what is it? The first thought is Schizophrenia. I've seen comments on youtube mention she does an awfully good job of depicting it. So I did <sarcasm> A long, highly exhaustive study of it </sarcasm>. Actually, surprisingly enough, the hallucinations don't appear schizophrenic in nature. To quote; Schizophrenia is when one is unable to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences, accompanied by the inability to think logically, have contextually appropriate emotions, and to function in social situations. source But that begs the question; what was the source of her hallucinations, then? Can stress drive a pony to hallucinate? I think when she first set up the table, she was fully aware they weren't real, talking figures. In fact, once the Turnips start talking, she just blankly stares at them for a second in shock, then replies. I think It shows she was desperate for friendship, and so much so that she drove herself to hallucinate, and once her subconscious mind finally kicked in to finish the job her conscious mind started, creating friends, she was driven to ignore the oddity of them talking altogether, and just accepted it and responded. Also, it Pinkamania doesn't seem to be multiple personality disorder. In MPD, now referred to as Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID), when the patient changes personality, they often lose significant memories of the original. Had this been DID, Pinkamania might have forgotten about Rainbow Dash and all of her real friends entirely, instead of having her "new" friends talk bad about them during the "tea party". One of the proposed diagnostic criteria for DID is this: 2. Inability to recall important personal information, for everyday events or traumatic events, that is inconsistent with ordinary forgetfulnessAnd an already established criteria is this:Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness It doesn't look like Pinkamena lost all the memories of Pinkie Pie, though. I'm no expert, but from what I've read it looks like that rules out DID. Except for one thing - when RD comes in, we see that in reality, Pinkie was moving the "new friends" without even realizing it. This actually fits very nicely with DID. She completely forgets that she moved them, so from her conscious experience, she's just talking with them. I'm not sure if DID can work that way, but it would explain how she manages to move them to make them seem alive, without realizing she's doing it. Then, there's Bipolar. Put simply, it means she fluctuates in-between insanely happy "manic" mode and extremely depressed "depression" mode. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind Pinkie is bipolar, and what we saw was that normally her mood is in the manic stage, but for a brief time fell into the depression mode, and probably even fell into it in "Griffon the Brush-Off", too. [Pinkie needs a hug right now. Someone return her a smile!] What do y'all think about the Pinkster? (Just because I don't have the heart to make a thread about Pinkie without a picture of her as her happy self) Edited July 8, 2012 by EASA - Matt 2 I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whiteshade 1,426 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 Borderline Personality Disorder. Kyronea did a psychoanalysis of Pinkie Pie already, and that's the condition he used to diagnose her. 6 Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain Nothing happens, yet everything changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 What Whiteshade said. I loved Kyronea's review, and borderline personality makes the most sense. At times of stress when pinkie looses her sense of grasp, like when she felt her friends didn't like her anymore, her more unstable side took over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor XFizzle 8,669 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 I'll be the obligatory "lol because she does drugs" post of the Pinkie Pie mental dissection thread. I'm no brain expert but Pinkie does like to party hard. Just sayin'. 3 MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KakeiTheWolf 652 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 I just call her crazy. Works well enough for me to use a blanket term. My Music: Now on tumblr at Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 Borderline Personality Disorder. Kyronea did a psychoanalysis of Pinkie Pie already, and that's the condition he used to diagnose her. That' incorrect. My sister has actual BPD so I've worked a lot with her and her doctor. Little to say I know a lot about the disorder and Pinkie Pie doesn't have anything close to it. Sorry Kyronea. What's written hear seems a lot more reasonable to me. ~ What Whiteshade said. I loved Kyronea's review, and borderline personality makes the most sense. At times of stress when pinkie looses her sense of grasp, like when she felt her friends didn't like her anymore, her more unstable side took over. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 July 8, 2012 Author Share July 8, 2012 That' incorrect. My sister has actual BPD so I've worked a lot with her and her doctor. Little to say I know a lot about the disorder and Pinkie Pie doesn't have anything close to it. Sorry Kyronea. What's written hear seems a lot more reasonable to me. ~ Did you mean to put both of those quotes on the top? Because "What's written here" seems to refer to the second quote, which agrees with the first quote, but I'm guessing you're actually referring to my OP Thanks, those diagnostic criteria work like a charm, lol. On that note, I'd refer to this: http://en.wikipedia....tistical_Manual To be diagnosed with BPD, she must meet the "general personality disorder criteria", and 5 of these requirements: 1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do not include suicidal or self-injuring behavior covered in Criterion 5 2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. 3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. 4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., promiscuous sex, excessive spending, eating disorders, binge eating, substance abuse, reckless driving). Note:Do not include suicidal or self-injuring behavior covered in Criterion 5 5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, threats or self-injuring behavior such as cutting, interfering with the healing of scars or picking at oneself (excoriation) . 6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days). 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness 8. Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights). 9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms First, let's cover these. 1. - Maybe? Hard to tell, but I'll say yes to give the benefit of the doubt to opposing views; personally I don't think she has it. 2. - No. She saw Gilda as being bad, but rather than pure evil, she tried to fix Gilda's attitude. So she didn't see Gilda as pure evil, but was rather forgiving, while not seeing her as pure good. Somewhat debatable, but I'd say no. 3. - Maybe? 4. - It doesn't appear so, I'd say no. 5. - Definitely not! 6. - Definitely not. 7. - Nope. 8. - Definitely not. 9. - Nope. Even if she does pass the general personality disorder criteria, she doesn't pass this, so no BPD, here. Once again, I'm no expert, but that list is what experts use, so I'm still pretty confident. 2 I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 Did you mean to put both of those quotes on the top? Because "What's written here" seems to refer to the second quote, which agrees with the first quote, but I'm guessing you're actually referring to my OP Thanks, those diagnostic criteria work like a charm, lol. On that note, I'd refer to this: http://en.wikipedia....tistical_Manual To be diagnosed with BPD, she must meet the "general personality disorder criteria", and 5 of these requirements: First, let's cover these. 1. - Maybe? Hard to tell, but I'll say yes to give the benefit of the doubt to opposing views; personally I don't think she has it. 2. - No. She saw Gilda as being bad, but rather than pure evil, she tried to fix Gilda's attitude. So she didn't see Gilda as pure evil, but was rather forgiving, while not seeing her as pure good. Somewhat debatable, but I'd say no. 3. - Maybe? 4. - It doesn't appear so, I'd say no. 5. - Definitely not! 6. - Definitely not. 7. - Nope. 8. - Definitely not. 9. - Nope. Even if she does pass the general personality disorder criteria, she doesn't pass this, so no BPD, here. Once again, I'm no expert, but that list is what experts use, so I'm still pretty confident. I did mean that, but I'm lazy ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 I'm no expert on psychology, but I would say maybe she has bipolar disorder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 I think it was Pencils who covered this in a different thread, but I think it's the fact the Pinkie is a genius. She's ever so peppy when surrounded by friends, but we're shown her personality when she's alone. She begins to analyze her friends' behavior, and as a result, comes up with new friends! A dependent personality order might work, but I don't feel like taking two minutes to wave my hands around a bit and find out more. Being rejected by one's friends just leads one to become bored and secluded -- the mind's cogs spin differently when not engaged. Think about it -- if your special talent was partying 24/7, and everyone suddenly shuts down your offer to interact, wouldn't you be bored to the point of insanity? (Farcry 3 mode engaged.) Pinkie does the same thing, over and over and over, but nothing ever changes. Once the variable concerning friendship was thrown for a loop, that cycle is broken. Once that cycle is broken, it means something has snapped. In this case, that something is Pinkie. She's just doing what she does best -- throwing parties. Whether or not she needs real friends to do that is her decision. If everyone drove on the right side of the road. And you woke up. And everyone suddenly decided to drive on the left side of the road. And your daily routine drive to work caused you to question whether or not you were wrong, or if everyone else was... What would you do? Would you continue to do things the way you always have, or would you play along without asking questions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pegasistersincethe80s 126 July 8, 2012 Share July 8, 2012 Yeah, a Personality Disorder.. That's what I'd say too.. I have a 3 way tie of Borderline, Schizotypial and Anti-Social and my son always tells me I remind him of Pinkie Pie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zerul 554 July 9, 2012 Share July 9, 2012 I always thought she was just sensitive and a little bit immature.. 1 "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonOfTheNorthe 412 July 10, 2012 Share July 10, 2012 She just took some bad pills off screen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Star 62 July 12, 2012 Share July 12, 2012 (edited) I thought it was obvious. Pinkie Pie would be the poster pony for AD/HD. For those of you that don't know what that is it is attention deficient hyperactivity disorder. I have a very strong case of AD/HD it is a mental disease. It makes people very hyper. It also can make people bubbly, distant, and random. The pikamena thing also makes sense with AD/HD people with AD/HD tend to become completly different people with mood. Edited July 12, 2012 by Venom Signature By Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondox 899 September 10, 2012 Share September 10, 2012 I've also seen the possiblity that Pinkie Pie has autism. This seems unlikely as most autistic people are extemely introverted and Pinkie Pie is extremely extroverted, but if you ignore her other lack of social anxiety and her need to socialize she has many of the same social impairments of those with autism. So probably not autism, but it's still possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 September 10, 2012 Share September 10, 2012 Hmm a lot of people think she actually has a disorder. You know what I think is the scariest thing about pinkie pie? I think she is perfectly sane. 1 Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Cloud 73 September 10, 2012 Share September 10, 2012 She did live on a rock farm for most of her childhood so that would of probably made her snap. The rainboom probably caused her disorder to go into motion. RP: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 September 12, 2012 Share September 12, 2012 I can maybe agree on a few of them. I mean pinkie is sometimes bipolar but shes pretty happy most of the time. So I'm not sure how much i could justify it. I think the most likely mental disorder she could have would be something like ADHD. As for DID I think that one episode is only one episode and I don't remember it anywhere else really. So i'm going to have to say I'd be most inclined to say bipolar out of those and I'd throw ADHD in there. And these threads are actually kinda interesting to me. Call me weird or whatever I've always thought about these kinds of things randomly so its cool to see theres others who do. 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurshy 708 September 12, 2012 Share September 12, 2012 (edited) stuffMy grandpa has manic depression. When he goes into his states of mania he hallucinates to the point that he thinks martians are taking over and that he is jesus christ. So it seems to me that Pinkie's diagnosis can very well be manic depression (bipolar). My grandpa describes his fits of mania as a high, like he is having fun when it happens. So I think pinkie's every day demeanor is mania and her depressed side is her real self. Those are my thoughts on the whole thing. Edited September 12, 2012 by Bronynonymous [CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura) Shinobu is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comet Tail 808 September 13, 2012 Author Share September 13, 2012 My grandpa has manic depression. When he goes into his states of mania he hallucinates to the point that he thinks martians are taking over and that he is jesus christ. So it seems to me that Pinkie's diagnosis can very well be manic depression (bipolar). My grandpa describes his fits of mania as a high, like he is having fun when it happens. So I think pinkie's every day demeanor is mania and her depressed side is her real self. Those are my thoughts on the whole thing. Well, as I understand it, there's no reason to call one side her "real" side and the other side the "real self". It's very pessimistic. Both the depression and the mania are effects of DID, so there's no reason to call either side as being more legitimately "that person". In fact, seeing as she's almost always manic, and that's how everypony knows her, then I'd say if one side was her "true self", it would most definitely be the manic one. Though I'd also say that even if it was very rare for her to be manic. It's better manic than depressed, so if I must call one a disorder, and the other the "actual" individual, I'd call the manic the individual. It's more "natural" in the sense that it's the way they ought to be. Nopony ever ought to be depressed. I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa! A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) I have a fimfic: I have a science tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurshy 708 September 13, 2012 Share September 13, 2012 Well, as I understand it, there's no reason to call one side her "real" side and the other side the "real self". It's very pessimistic. Both the depression and the mania are effects of DID, so there's no reason to call either side as being more legitimately "that person". In fact, seeing as she's almost always manic, and that's how everypony knows her, then I'd say if one side was her "true self", it would most definitely be the manic one. Though I'd also say that even if it was very rare for her to be manic. It's better manic than depressed, so if I must call one a disorder, and the other the "actual" individual, I'd call the manic the individual. It's more "natural" in the sense that it's the way they ought to be. Nopony ever ought to be depressed. Well, my grandpa puts people at risk when he is in his manic state. So I would say his "real" side would be his depressed side simply because in his state of mania he cannot even comprehend the simplest of things, or he overcomprehends them if there is such a word. He rolled up a police officer's arm in a window and drove off with him still attached to the car because he thought he was a martian. Where as in his depressed state at least he knows a martian from a cop. Pinkie is a bit different though. She obviously can tell what is what, and has no problem telling apart hallucinations from real life. [CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura) Shinobu is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 September 14, 2012 Share September 14, 2012 I'm not sure...something about labeling our beloved ponies with real-world mental disorders feels wrong to me. But I'll throw out a few thoughts. Pinkie Pie, crazy? Crazy like a fox, I say. I think there's more to her than meets the eye. Pinkie knows what she wants, and her seemingly random ideas or fantasies usually go back to that. She wants to have fun and share her excitement with others at all costs. She has a short attention span, more energy than she knows what to do with and a fantastically vivid imagination. She is in love with life and constantly looking for more stimulation. Not in the same way as Rainbow Dash, who loves competition and adrenaline highs, but the two of them could definitely relate. I love the episode where she and Dash team up to pull pranks on everypony. And where she pretty clearly was leading Gilda on when the gryphon blamed her for all those jokes at the party that were actually Rainbow's ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if Pinkie suggested them to her beforehand. 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 September 14, 2012 Share September 14, 2012 Intermittent Explosive Disorder. When u diagnose a patient for a disorder like this you gotta look at their upbringing and background as that is the strongest link as to why they are the way they are now. Growing up on a boring rock farm and then finally being exposed to fun and parties. Pinkie Pie also bursts into song and dance when she is happy. That means she has an impulse control disorder and i would guess she has Intermittent Explosive Disorder. ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dark Soul 10 September 26, 2012 Share September 26, 2012 I think she is perfectly sane what if she's just more socially dependant then other ponies thus when she thought she lost her friends she saw all the assorted objects and took them on as friends in a act of desperation 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Omegess 2 September 28, 2012 Share September 28, 2012 It's mostly a spin off from the old my little pony, how if to be a true fan; how it would be a brain melting experience to go through a quick change. As if all is fine & then to experience a break from that comfort & world known so well. Pinkie Pie's break down, was exhaggerated, but done very well. MLP could have been done in a lot of different ways, there's so much room to additionalize in. ~Omegess 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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