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Items of Sentimental value


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A lot of people have items from their childhood, or even later on, of which they still possess today, even if they've matured past such items in some cases. Do you have any?


I have a white blanket I got from my mom, that she had gotten as a gift from work for her twenty years of working at a school. It says 'Mothers Love & Teach', as she apparently got it not long after I was born. I still have it today :3 It's still very intact, even though strings come off of it once and a while.

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I don't really look at them much now but I still have the stuffed animals my brother an I used to go to sleep with. Most specifically my Mickey mouse stuffed animal that if I remember right I've had since I was 3.

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I have the ancient wooden Denmark Legoland flag, acquired when I was four. It is still sitting at the corner of my room. :)


I have the ancient wooden Denmark Legoland flag, acquired when I was four. It is still sitting at the corner of my room. :)

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I tend to keep everything. I have always been quite clingy to stuff from the past, but it has become more extreme in recent years. D:


But for something individual: My trumpet probably fits this one well. I could have sold it because I have no intention of playing it again, and in fact have no reason to anymore now. But I keep it, because I had great times in high school marching band, where I played it.


I was quite enthusiastic to switch away from it and never have to play it again, but I can't sell it.

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I try not to get attached to any physical objects.


What I do keep is...

  • My baseball card collection. 15,000 or so, last time I checked.
  • My Halo merchandise. Games, books, etc.
  • My books of interest to me. History, science, theology mostly.
  • My pony merchandise.
  • More baseball merchandise. Some news papers, autographed cards, autographed baseballs, etc.
  • My old original Xbox.

My baby blue baby blankie


Haha, I have a similar thing. A blue blanket that I've had for years and refuse to get rid of. It's basically in shreds now in a box. Even it's color is no longer blue after so long. ^_^
  • Brohoof 1
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A small zip up pouch that my friend gave me when I was i elementary school that says Best Buddies(or Friends can't remember which) that holds some small pokemon figures in it I've also kept for quite a while. Plus, my big collection of Pokemon cards I still have.

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My first copy of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and a painting that my grandmother painted for me when I was a child. Those are really the only things I feel like keeping close to me at all times. If I ever lost either of them I would be supremely unhappy and would not be able to love or tolerate anypony responsible.



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This will sound so silly. So I used to have a friend and him and I met on another forum 3 years ago. He was really one of my best friends on that site. So, we were very close, and he bought me a Touhou plushie as a gift. I still have the doll now that it seems he wants nothing to do with me, and all our other friends. It means a lot to me because it's all that I really have to remind me of when we were friends and how much fun we had. *sigh*
  • Brohoof 1
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I have a lot of.... stuff, but the sentimental value seems to have faded from most of it. don't really have anything from my childhood, though. I guess I'd be pretty sad if my hard drive crashed and I lost all the 300+ Gb of anime I have.

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I just realised I have absolutely nothing that I would say has sentimental value to me. I would be pretty pissed if all my books on Roman history spontaneously combusted, but they're hardly sentimental. I got stuff that probably had sentimental value to others though, antique hats, that sort of thing. I treat them as though they have sentimental value.

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All my stuffed animals. My prized possessions. My...*goes off on long speech about how much I love my stuffed animals*...but most of all, Teddy the Teddy Bear. Oh, and my books too. And my big sister. Those are all, like, my special life's prizes.

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