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searching Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown

Tom The Diamond

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~Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown~

RP Officially Started!

Now Accepting Member Applications!


Our tale takes place in a time long away from now, on a far away island, far from the mainland where the Pokemon Exploration Federation resides, called Divisa.

Divisa is a rather small island, with mountains on it's North side, beaches on it's South side, ancient ruins on it's East side, and forests on it's West side. It's an incredibly diverse island. It's also incredibly rich in minerals too, Gold, Platinum, Silver, these metals and more reside deep under the island.

This island was mostly deserted, and it's only inhabitants were mainly Rock/Ground Pokemon, who enjoyed the many goodies that lied below the island's surface. This island was eventually found by explorers, who quickly started setting up some settlements there, and making deals and trades with the inhabitants, who were at first curious and amazed by these foreign Pokemon. The explorers soon established a small colony on the south side of the island, with docks that were soon crowded with ships, all eager to take home some of the island's many treasures.

Now lets fast forward roughly 200 hundred years, 500 years after the events that happened at the Temporal Tower; The settlements have since developed into towns, and these towns are now filled to the brink with crime, greed, and corruption. Ancestors of the natives have grown annoyed with all the immigrants not only taking their resources, but also defiling the island with their greed, and the discovery of ruins left by the Ancients has attracted all sorts of Pokemon. And naturally, all this chaos and tension has caused a group of Pokemon to become interested in creating a form of government and order on the island. Four Major groups (As well as countless minor street gangs) all want the same thing; Complete control over the island. And while some groups are more calm and peaceful with their methods, others aren't as afraid to get their hands dirty to get what they want...

Quite recently, a small ship has come into port carrying some important artifacts believed to have been from a time far back, when the Ancients themselves were young. Naturally, this has attracted the attention of quite a few Pokemon. Some might want to see what there artifacts are exactly, others may want to see if they can swipe them and get a quick buck off of them in the black market. What exactly are these artifacts, and what do they hold for the future of the island? Only time will tell in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown.


The Divisa Mafia

The Divisa Mafia is a crime syndicate that was founded when the island had started building cities. It was originally called 'The Ghost Gang', but grew to the point where there were many Pokemon in the gang who were not the Ghost type. Out of respect, they changed their name to The Divisa Mafia.

The Divisa Mafia is a very wealthy group that is lead by many of the wealthiest Pokemon on the island, most remaining anonymous. Their main activities consist of extorting money from individuals, keeping various business monopolies, and maintaining the Mago Fields, where Mago berries are grown, and their leaves are used to make Cigars, Cigarettes, and various Tobacco substitutes because Tobacco doesn't exist in the Pokemon World and I thought this could work as a decent substitute.

The Divisia Mafia is one of the more active groups, and underlings can often be seen running around committing minor crimes, while the major figures of the group remain hidden in the shadows. They mainly want to remove all opposition on the island so that they may continue to profit from their many lucrative and devious actions without trouble. They also wouldn't mind having complete control over all the Gold still in the Island...

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Ghost, Dark, Poison, or Grass types.

The Rebuilders

This group, which many consider to be a cult, was actually founded waaaay before the discovery of Divisa, but have only gained power once they established themselves on the island. This group is fascinated with the Ancients; Their artwork, their inventions, their architecture, they regard the Ancients as the greatest beings to ever grace the planet, even better then Arceus Itself.

Due to this, they quickly went to the ruins on the island and began rebuilding them, as tribute to the Ancients so that their memory would never be forgotten. Since the group consisted mostly of psychic, electric, and in general smart Pokemon, the ruins were soon rebuilt to as best of a replica as possible. The ruins were soon renamed as 'Crimson City' and were open for Pokemon all around to visit and marvel at the might of the Ancients.

The Rebuilders hold the Ancients in high regard. However, they do not hold the same respect for their fellow Pokemon. They believe that architecture that differs from what the Ancients created is a Sin, and those who do so are disrespecting the Ancient's wisdom. As such, they wish to turn all of the island, and ultimately the world, into what they expect the Ancients would want; A sprawling Metropolitan technological wonderland.

This group is actually one of the more relaxed groups, and are seldom seen actively causing trouble. In fact, they tend to keep to themselves mostly, staying within their city. They can also sometimes be found convincing visitors to join their cause, and sometimes even assisting other Pokemon nearby that are in need, as an effort to not only increase their numbers, but to create and keep a good public image. Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Electric, Steel, Psychic, or Normal types.

The TNI (True Native Islanders)

The TNI is a group that has actually recently been founded, roughly 50 years ago. The TNI consist of Pokemon whose ancestors were natives of the island, and they have one very simple goal; They want every single Pokemon who immigrated to their island to get the hell out.

They are disgusted with how the island has changed due to all these Pokemon coming in from nowhere and making monuments to their false gods, and altering their once perfect island. They don't really care where the immigrant Pokemon go, they just want them gone so they can have the peace and quiet their ancestors had years ago. They're also not afraid to get their hands dirty if it means even one less Pokemon on their island.

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Rock, Ground, Fire, or Bug types.

The Terrae Lex Guild

This guild was founded roughly 135 years ago, in an effort to curb the crime on the island. The Pokemon Exploration Federation, what is ultimately the closest thing the world has to an government, has it's HQ on the mainland, and due to it being so far away, they're practically useless to depend on should a disaster happen on the island. Due to the, the Guild was founded.

The guild is a very strict group that has very high standards when it comes to their members; Each recruit must be in top physical condition, and be the top of their class. Even the smallest flaw could result in a rejection from the guild. Due to their high standards, there aren't that many members in the guild, making it hard to patrol all the island, and harder to handle confrontations with the Mafia.

The guild's ultimate goal is to bring law, order, and justice to the island. They believe that if they control the island, then harmony will finally exist on the chaotic island. As such, they are always planning ways to eliminate the other groups that threaten theirs, and to have full control of the island and enforce their laws, and bring the criminals to justice.

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Water, Fighting, Dragon or Flying types.

Character Form (Please make sure you will it out this way, it'll make things a lot less confusing and much better!)

Make sure to put in the 'Other' part you're Pokemon's Species, Moveset, Ability, and Faction. Remember that a Pokemon can have 4 Moves, and they can be any four moves that Pokemon can learn legitly. If you are unsure, check Bulbapedia. Also, all legendary Pokemon with the exception of Phione which I personally do not consider legendary are banned from play. Wailord is also banned from play since he's so freaking huge. Also make sure effort is put into your application, or it will be rejected if I do not deem it to be acceptable. Remember, details and Grammar are the way to go!

Accepted Characters


Posted Image
(From Left to Right)
>Lucerne Heights
A rather small town, it is the headquarters of the Terra Lex Guild. Most buildings are small wooden domes, which tend to have rooms that go underground. The Terra Lex Guild HQ itself is a stone complex that contains quite a few hidden rooms in case of a worst case scenario. The town is surrounded by a 6 ft. stone wall.
>Port Regal
This city draws in Pokemon from across the world, though is mainly used to export Mago Leaves. This once old port that was once a great place for explorers to join up and meet with one another has since become a hub for crime. It's docks tend to be crowded, and it's streets filthy. Most buildings here are made out of wood, with some breaking apart.

>Dunsparce Caverns
A subterranian mining colony that few are welcome to visit, and only those born in the city may stay. Homes can be drilled into the walls, so holes on the walls or in the ground are common. There are also pathways that lead deep down into the earth, where rare materials lay. Due to it's location, light is almost nonexistent here, so only Pokemon that are used to dark places or Pokemon that can create their own light source can fully enjoy this place.
>Crimson City
Ruins that have since been revived into an electronic playground. While plantlife has taken over some buildings, others have thankfully been reconstructed into what they were believed to have looked like. Vines tend to hang from most buildings here, and the buildings tend to look patchwork and odd due to different materials being used to fix them then the ones used to create them originally. The city itself is actually filled with guards ready to stop trouble on a moments notice.

Points of Interest

(From Left to Right)
>Sowthistle Forest
A small forest filled with weeds and trees.
>Occa Beach
A relaxing beach where the waves are crystal clear, Occa berries grown alongside here, making for delicious treats.
>Mago Fields
A large expanse where Mago berries are used and their leaves are turned into Cigars. Owned by the Divisa Mafia, it is their greatest asset and is heavily guarded.
>Spirit Manor
A mansion at the base of mountains, it is filled with fancy furniture, and it's halls a illuminated with blue flames. Those who enter and are not associated to the Mafia rarely leave.
>Genesis Point
The tip of an ancient mountain, it is regarded as a holy place by the locals, and all are forbidden to fly near it's tip. Even if they want to though, harsh conditions such as oddly low temperatures and snow either ward off those interested in flying near it, or doom those who actually do.
> Revelation Path
A cave that leads to the top of Genesis Point, it is considered a holy site by the locals, and all are forbidden to enter it.
>Goldeen Lake
A large lake in the middle of the island, it's depth are known for being freezing cold.
>Mt. Rhydon
A more hospitable place, this mountain is known for it's boulders that are filled with all kinds of gems. The TNI consider this place their headquarters.
>Stunfisk Marsh
Low wetlands that are muddy, yucky, and a generally unpleasant place to be in. Old legends once said a gigantic Stunfisk lived here, and caused thunderstorms when it was mad.
>Teal Tower
A massive tower that is filled with turrents and guards, this metal skyscraper is regarded the Headquarters of The Rebuilders. Guests are not allowed in.

>Chrome Casino

The most iconic place in Crimson City, the Chrome Casino is a place where those who visit can enjoy drinks and food, and gamble away their Poke until their broke. Enjoy!

Old Stuff I'll keep for reference and such

To start off, yes I know the title is vague. I want it to either be Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: X Rescue Team or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of X. However, I can't think of anything X could be. So if you can think up of something good, feel free to shoot it out.

Anyway, I have a somewhat vague idea of how I want this RP to play out, but really do want ideas as well as feedback so I can make sure this doesn't die, or turn stale.

So the basic premise that I've built up so far is that there is an island and there are 4 factions and each faction wants the island for their own purposes.

Oh yeah, and this would be an advanced RP, so one-to-two sentence posts will be mocked, scorned, and feed to the Druddigons.

I know it's not much, I've really just been working up on building a setting, but how it plays in general is something I still am working on, as well as a plot, and help would be appreciated.

Anyway, here is the work I've done so far on the setting. I'm anticipating this part to be a bit long so I'll spoiler it for convenience.

Alright, so this takes place in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Universe obviously. This is also going by the theory that the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Universe takes place years after some apocalypse has wiped out humanity, which would explain the presence of laboratories, and artificial Pokemon like Mewtwo, Porygon, Castform, etc.

It also takes place roughly 500 years after the events in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon; Explorers of Time/Space/Sky, and the events in those games are considered legends. However, not much technological advancement has occurred in the world, so all the tech is still low-end aside from some Human ruins.

Now this RP specifically would take place on the Island of Divisa, a rather small tropical island far in the ocean. It was originally home to mainly Rock/Ground Pokemon, who lived on the island and enjoy the fact that the island is rich in minerals, mainly Gold.

The island was soon found by explorers, who quickly started setting up some settlements there, and making deals and trades with the villagers. Obviously this attracted a lot of Pokemon, because lets face it; Who doesn't want Gold?

Now lets fast forward roughly 200 hundred years to present day; The settlements have since developed into towns, crime has grown incredibly due to the island containing a large amount of gold, as well as fertile soil and rare berries, ancestors of the natives have grown annoyed with all the immigrants causing crime on their island, but also taking their resources, as well as a variety of other reasons, and the discovery of ruins left by the Ancients (What Pokemon in this universe refer to Humans as) has attracted all sorts of Pokemon. And naturally, all this chaos and tension has caused a group of Pokemon to become interested in creating a Law of the Land on the island.

So that's the basic setting, I'll get more into details like specific cities and places later.

Moving on, there are 4 factions that would be in the RP that an RPer could join as. Of course, they could always go Neutral/Missionary if they wanted, or they could even abandon a faction in the middle of the roleplay. A warning though that some factions might not tolerate deserters too well.

Each faction ultimately wants complete control of the island, to use for their own purposes. There are also certain Pokemon types that tend to gravitate to certain groups. Though by no means do you have to follow them, as they're simply suggestions on where your Pokemon might fit in, it is possible to have a Pokemon of a different type then the one recommended. Here they are, in no particular order;

The Divisa Mafia

The Divisa Mafia is a crime syndicate that was founded when the island had started building cities. It was originally called 'The Ghost Gang', but grew to the point where there were many Pokemon in the gang who were not the Ghost type. Out of respect, they changed their name to The Divisa Mafia.

The Divisa Mafia is a very wealthy group that is lead by many of the wealthiest Pokemon on the island, most remaining anonymous. Their main activities consist of extorting money from individuals, keeping various business monopolies, and maintaining the Mago Fields, where Mago berries are grown, and their leaves are used to make Cigars, Cigarettes, and various Tobacco substitutes because Tobacco doesn't exist in the Pokemon World and I thought this could work as a decent substitute.

They mainly want to remove all opposition on the island so that they may continue to profit from their many lucrative and devious actions without trouble. They also wouldn't mind having complete control over all the Gold still in the Island...

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Ghost, Dark, Poison, or Grass types.

The Rebuilders

This group, which many consider to be a cult, was actually founded waaaay before the discovery of Divisa, but have only gained power once they established themselves on the island. This group is fascinated with the Ancients; Their artwork, their inventions, their architecture, they regard the Ancients as the greatest beings to ever grace the planet, even better then Arceus Itself.

Due to this, they quickly went to the ruins on the island and began rebuilding them, as tribute to the Ancients so that their memory would never be forgotten. Since the group consisted mostly of psychic, electric, and in general smart Pokemon, the ruins were soon rebuilt to as best of a replica as possible. The ruins were soon renamed as 'Crimson City' and were open for Pokemon all around to visit and marvel at the might of the Ancients.

The Rebuilders hold the Ancients in high regard. However, they do not hold the same respect for their fellow Pokemon. They believe that architecture that differs from what the Ancients created is a Sin, and those who do so are disrespecting the Ancient's wisdom. As such, they wish to turn all of the island, and ultimately the world, into what they expect the Ancients would want; A sprawling Metropolitan technological wonderland.

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Electric, Steel, Psychic, or Normal types.

The TNI (True Native Islanders)

The TNI is a group that has actually recently been founded, roughly 50 years ago. The TNI consist of Pokemon whose ancestors were natives of the island, and they have one very simple goal; They want every single Pokemon who immigrated to their island to get the hell out.

They are disgusted with how the island has changed due to all these Pokemon coming in from nowhere and making monuments to their false gods, and altering their once perfect island. They don't really care where the immigrant Pokemon go, they just want them gone so they can have the peace and quiet their ancestors had years ago. They're also not afraid to get their hands dirty if it means even one less Pokemon on their island.

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Rock, Ground, Fire, or Bug types.

The Terrae Lex Guild

This guild was founded roughly 135 years ago, in an effort to curb the crime on the island. The Pokemon Exploration Federation, what is ultimately the closest thing the world has to an government, has it's HQ on the mainland, and due to it being so far away, they're practically useless to depend on should a disaster happen on the island. Due to the, the Guild was founded.

The guild is a very strict group that has very high standards when it comes to their members; Each recruit must be in top physical condition, and be the top of their class. Even the smallest flaw could result in a rejection from the guild. Due to their high standards, there aren't that many members in the guild, making it hard to patrol all the island, and harder to handle confrontations with the Mafia.

The guild's ultimate goal is to bring law, order, and justice to the island. They believe that if they control the island, then harmony will finally exist on the chaotic island. As such, they are always planning ways to eliminate the other groups that threaten theirs, and to have full control of the island and enforce their laws, and bring the criminals to justice.

Pokemon that tend to make this group are usually the Water, Fighting, Dragon or Flying types.

So those would be the factions, each with their own goals and such. As stated, it wouldn't be required to be in a faction, and your character could go neutral. However, it would be ideal for their to be a balance of characters between the factions.

And here are also some of the locations on the island, I won't go into a lot of detail on them since most are self explanatory, so here they are. Oh yeah, and each faction does have their own territory and such, and they'll tend to have their own naming scheme for the places. It was a little touch that I thought was pretty nifty.


>Crimson City
Ruins that have since been revived into an electronic playground.

>Dunsparce Caverns
A subterranian mining colony that few are welcome to visit, and only those born in the city may stay.

>Port Regal
This city draws in Pokemon from across the world, though is mainly used to export Mago Leaves. This once old port that was once a great place for explorers to join up and meet with one another has since become a hub for crime.

>Lucerne Heights
A rather small town, it is heavily guarded to prevent crime and chaos.

Points of Interest

>Spirit Manor

>Occa Beach

>Mago Feilds

>Pokemon Catacombs

>Mintweed Plains

>Sowthistle Forest

>Teal Tower

>Lazuli Labyrinth

>Chrome Casino

>Mt. Rhydon

>Goldeen Lake

>Stunfisk Marsh

>Mt. Exodus

>Revalation Path

>Genesis Point

And those would be the locations on the island. Those last three parts were just a bit of an idea I had for some sort of climax point or something, a holy place that no Pokemon dared enter, something like that.

So anyway, I will go ahead and say that no, I haven't really thought up of much of a plot at all, so feel free to shoot ideas out there. Feel free to criticize me and tell me if this idea is too much, too little, etc. Heck, one person I talked to earlier about this thought it would be more suited for a Deviant Art RP Group. I don't really have much of an idea how those work, so eh.

But yeah, all this basically is is a basic idea that still needs a lot more to be done with it. And all ideas are appreciated, so go ahead and tell me if you have some.

Edited by Trixie The Trixie
  • Brohoof 7


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I'm very interested in this, it seems promising.

But for ideas.... I don't know. :blush: Maybe each of the 4 factions is a specific type of Pokemon? The island could have some very important resource that is important for each faction.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I can see this working, but it would take a LOT of work.


I'm gonna be joining The TNI (True Native Islanders)

Edited by Crona The Critic


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I'm quite interested in joining, if you'll have me.

I've always wanted to try being a pokemon... 0w0.


(Buff as buck Hitmonchan in the Terrae Lex Guild available?)

Side note: I'll be gone for a week starting Monday -- do you accept latecomers?

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No need to start claiming spots just yet guys, this is just in the planning stage, it's no where near to being a finished product! Though it is great to see interest in this though! And remember, if you have ideas, toss em out there!


I'm very interested in this, it seems promising.

But for ideas.... I don't know. :blush: Maybe each of the 4 factions is a specific type of Pokemon? The island could have some very important resource that is important for each faction.


I wanted to avoid making them type specific factions, since that just causes restrictions, would cause some unnecessary limits, and would overall be unenjoyable. The types listed in there are simply recommendations on which faction your Pokemon might want to join, and is by no means a strict requirement.


And the island itself is kinda the resource all the Factions are sorta fighting over, though each for a different reason.


X should obviously be Divisa. And as for factions. Rebuilders.


I dunno, 'Explorers of Divisa' just doesn't have much of a ring to it, at least to me... I'm not too sure about it...

Edited by Tom The Diamond


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I'm a bit confused because I read the thread from bottom to top, and not top to bottom, but this seems like an interesting thing. I wanna be a Munchlax, since Munchlax suits me so well.

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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I'm a bit confused because I read the thread from bottom to top, and not top to bottom, but this seems like an interesting thing. I wanna be a Munchlax, since Munchlax suits me so well.


grrr, I wanted that :/ You can have Munchlax though :)


For me, I'd like to be a Shiftry in the Divisia Mafia.


I really have no ideas plot-wise except maybe the Divisia Mafia is up to something much more sinister like maybe awakening a legendary for their use or resurrecting humans or something.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I really have no ideas plot-wise except maybe the Divisia Mafia is up to something much more sinister like maybe awakening a legendary for their use or resurrecting humans or something.


I think you're on to something

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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well this sounds fun and the X should be Mysteries it sound good in my ears, You should have ranks to earn in the guild and stuff like for the Guild Runt, Grunt, Explorer, Guard, Guide, Guild Master.

Edited by rolle

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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I, Dusk the Munchlax, would like to form the Lazy Explorers! *off key fanfare*

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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I tried a Pokemon Dungeon RP once. Needless to say it died. Yours seems very interesting so I shall join as Cyndaquil. Oh and one question, how will evolution work in this RP?



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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I wanna be in the Terrae Lex faction and btw you missed Ice types.

Eh, the type bits are mostly just recommendations, and are by no means requirements. So eh, it's not really necessary to give every type it's own recommendation. And besides, a good chunk of Ice Types are Duel Type anyways.


I'd be interested joining. Perhaps the name could be something along the lines of "The Fight for Divisa"?

I guess that could work, I'll add it up for now, thanks!


grrr, I wanted that :/ You can have Munchlax though :) For me, I'd like to be a Shiftry in the Divisia Mafia. I really have no ideas plot-wise except maybe the Divisia Mafia is up to something much more sinister like maybe awakening a legendary for their use or resurrecting humans or something.

Well there's no real rule saying that you can't play as the same species as someone else. Now granted, I'll put my foot down if we suddenly find 10 Pikachu running around, but I doubt that'll be a problem, cause there should be some diversity.


But anyways, I was sorta thinking of incorporating an 'Awaken Legendary' style plot, but I became a bit worried during it that it might end up being cliche, so I ditched it early in concept. We can always try to bring it back, but I dunno, to me it would seem to basic and predictable.


well this sounds fun and the X should be Mysteries it sound good in my ears, You should have ranks to earn in the guild and stuff like for the Guild Runt, Grunt, Explorer, Guard, Guide, Guild Master.

I'm not sure about adding ranks to guilds in all, it would seem like over complicating things, and I don't really see why...


On that note though I would imagine each faction would have their own leader, but I still haven't decided whether or not those should be player controlled or what.


I tried a Pokemon Dungeon RP once. Needless to say it died. Yours seems very interesting so I shall join as Cyndaquil. Oh and one question, how will evolution work in this RP?

Eh, if everything is in order for you Pokemon (Right level and whatnot), they can go ahead and evolve, but it would be easier for everyone if you just joined as your evolved Pokemon instead of evolving in the game. Not saying it's prohibited, but if your joining as a Wartortle, and your planning n evolving him later in the RP into a Blastoise, it'll be easier for all of us to just go ahead and join as a Blastoise instead.


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Eh, if everything is in order for you Pokemon (Right level and whatnot), they can go ahead and evolve, but it would be easier for everyone if you just joined as your evolved Pokemon instead of evolving in the game. Not saying it's prohibited, but if your joining as a Wartortle, and your planning n evolving him later in the RP into a Blastoise, it'll be easier for all of us to just go ahead and join as a Blastoise instead.


So I could just join as Typhlostion?



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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So I could just join as Typhlostion?

Well, sure. I don't see Wynaut. The only Pokemon that are prohibited are simply legendary Pokemon, pretty much all normal Pokemon are allowed.

  • Brohoof 1


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I tried a Pokemon Dungeon RP once. Needless to say it died.


I was in that one :(



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I was in that one :(


I know. I had so much planned for it too. I tried the same plot on another form I go to and it to is starting to die. :(



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Well, sure. I don't see Wynaut.

Icy (Wind) what you did there.


Oh, and I have a quick question about being neutral. If you start off as a neutral entity, could you join into a faction later on?

Seeing as how you can do vice versa, I assume you would be able to do so, but I just want to be sure.


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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Oh, and I have a quick question about being neutral. If you start off as a neutral entity, could you join into a faction later on?

Seeing as how you can do vice versa, I assume you would be able to do so, but I just want to be sure.

Yes, if you do start out neutral, you might be able to join in the faction, it mainly depends on which faction it is as well as who your character is.


However, like I said, it's still a bit too early to start picking out spots and all, there still are a few things to work out with the RP, like do you want the leaders of each of the factions to be NPCs, or would you rather them to be actual players, and mainly some sort of real plot is still needed, or else this'll just end up being an open ended RP, which I just can't see this lasting long as...

Edited by Tom The Diamond


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If people are leaders, instead of NPC's, you could have people going "Well why aren't I a leader?!". Keep things fair.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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