Akemi Homura 7,681 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 1) Is it okay/normal to be a brony. 2) Does being a brony make me gay. 3) is it okay/normal to be in love with a character out of MLP 1) Is it normal for you to be a brony? Of course it is. So you like cuddly cute ponies that go on adventures and learn how to be friends with each other, so what? If that is what you enjoy doing, then no one is to tell you otherwise. The only thing you'd really need to look out for is the possibility of taking over your life completely and warping your sense of reality, as that is a shitty situation, believe me. I'm sure you wouldn't fall prey to that, though. 2) Does being a brony make me gay? Uh... no. Absolutely not. Your sexual orientation is for you and only you to find out for yourself. If you do happen to be gay, then it's the result of wanting to be with people of your own sex, not from wanting to watch colourful ponies interact with each other. I can tell you for sure that I enjoy the company of girls, as taboo as that may sound to some people. 3) is it okay/normal to be in love with a character out of MLP? Rainbow Dash is gorgeous, isn't she? She's got a brash yet caring personality, a sleek, shiny figure that radiates with youth, and gorgeous magenta eyes that can penetrate your own ones and into your very soul. Bottom line is that she's beautiful and if you think so, then that's what you believe. That leads to attraction and hey, the heart wants what it wants. There's no shame in having a crush like that. It's how you decide to handle this crush that will affect your behaviour. Will you be frustrated with the fact that you can never get to see her for yourself, as she's not a living, breathing lifeform like the rest of us - or will you own up to reality and like your feelings for what they are? In time, your questions will be answered on their own soon enough, but I can assure you, the issues that you've highlighted are not that serious and you'll find a way out of it. ^^ 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Hi im 14 and i became a brony about a month ago. First i heard about brony's and thought "LOL Thats gay". Then i looked up "Brony" on Google and my interest grew for brony's. I thought I'd watch a eposode online and after that i found my self to like this program and would watch it every day. I watched all 3 seasons in a week. The character Rainbow dash i found very interesting and nice, as time went on i found that im strangely in love with rainbow dash. I do not think of her as sexy but nice. Is this normal? Also, i found out that 1/10 guys are brony's this helped me because i was scared that i might get bullied at school and it maid me wonder- 1) Is it okay/normal to be a brony. 2) Does being a brony make me gay. 3) is it okay/normal to be in love with a character out of MLP Thanks- Ollie6125 1) Yes it is okay to be a brony, although it can get people a lot of crap from society, it isn't odd, especially not to us. 2) No it doesn't change your orientation 3) NO because she is MY Waifu! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazardus_Havard. 480 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Hi im 14 and i became a brony about a month ago. First i heard about brony's and thought "LOL Thats gay". Then i looked up "Brony" on Google and my interest grew for brony's. I thought I'd watch a eposode online and after that i found my self to like this program and would watch it every day. I watched all 3 seasons in a week. The character Rainbow dash i found very interesting and nice, as time went on i found that im strangely in love with rainbow dash. I do not think of her as sexy but nice. Is this normal? Also, i found out that 1/10 guys are brony's this helped me because i was scared that i might get bullied at school and it maid me wonder- 1) Is it okay/normal to be a brony. 2) Does being a brony make me gay. 3) is it okay/normal to be in love with a character out of MLP Thanks- Ollie6125 You're not likely 'in love', or crushing as I'd call it, with the character herself. Really, you're crushing on the persona of the character. The way she acts and goes about everything is what you most likely find attractive. Now, if you clearly stated you were in fact attracted to her, that can be explained through the fact that the faces of all the ponies are made to resemble human characteristics. The previous generations didn't have that, they truly looked like ponies more often than not. But this generation got a complete makeover with both how they act, and how they look. So I don't find it weird you'd see some attractive things from the characters themselves, perfectly reasonable in fact. Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice? http://hazardus-havard.deviantart.com/ Art http://www.fimfiction.net/story/70801/an-alien-walks-amongst-us Story Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinhead B 482 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 1. It's not normal to be a brony, but it is okay to be a brony. Be proud dude, Bronies are making history right now! The brony phenomenon will go down in pop-culture history, because of the impact we've made on society. At the very least we'll be a segment on "I Love the 2010's" or similar TV Shows later down the road. 2. No, your not gay. If being gay directly correlated to someone's interests (especially interests as insignificant as a TV Show), there'd be alot more homosexual people in the world. Being a brony doesn't affect sexual preferences. Homosexual bronies would've been homosexual anyway, even if there weren't any ponies in our lives. 3. Platonic love is completely different from regular love. I love my car platonically, but I'm not going to stick my [REDACTED] in it's exhaust pipe anytime soon. The simple fact that you described it as being in a nonsexual way means you have nothing to worry about. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/ Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch PSN: Booossh Steam: twinheadb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Hi im 14 and i became a brony about a month ago. First i heard about brony's and thought "LOL Thats gay". Then i looked up "Brony" on Google and my interest grew for brony's. I thought I'd watch a eposode online and after that i found my self to like this program and would watch it every day. I watched all 3 seasons in a week. The character Rainbow dash i found very interesting and nice, as time went on i found that im strangely in love with rainbow dash. I do not think of her as sexy but nice. Is this normal? Also, i found out that 1/10 guys are brony's this helped me because i was scared that i might get bullied at school and it maid me wonder- 1) Is it okay/normal to be a brony. 2) Does being a brony make me gay. 3) is it okay/normal to be in love with a character out of MLP Thanks- Ollie6125 Yes it is completely ok to fall for a fictional character, the reason for this being that those fictional characters have real personalities, are voiced by real people, and can embody things we really, truly want in people in our lives. I too love Dashie and everything she embodies as a person. You picked the best of the mane six to fall for Enjoy bronydom and our community. Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you! Welcome welcome welcome I say how do you do! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Jewel of Rarity 207 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 me too bro me to rainbow dash is 20%percent cooler than anypony else but just dont clop and have a nice bucking day brony powa Do you like butts, Because I do My Forum: http://community.cloudsdalegathering.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 me too bro me to rainbow dash is 20%percent cooler than anypony else but just dont clop and have a nice bucking day brony powa Now gonna turn this into another clopping thread, but what is your issue with clopping? ;P I would argue that it comes natural as part of the affection and attraction to the individual. Also are you saying that Dashie is only 20% cooler than Rarity? psh. Also don't use the word "Bucking" to replace a swear word, doing that makes Applejack's job seem a bit odd ;D 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
An Old Head 4,816 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 (edited) Rainbow Dash is one super attractive pony so I see where you're coming from. I think I'm in love with Pinkie Pie, so it wouldn't make sense for me to put others down because of their own crushes. Least of all when they come from a show where all the characters are quite literally lovable Though I don't think that "1/10 guys are bronies" is correct. Bronies are certainly out and about, but that statistic would equate to 350 million bronies... somehow that doesn't work out They're definitely numerous though, I know three Bronies from school on the complete fly, there may be many more. A tip that one user posted to find yourself some Bronies is to use references. Say things like "20% cooler" or "What the hay", fans of the show will hear them and give you a brohoof, and people who don't... well, you might get a few strange looks, but nothing too impending :3The key point is that we are a super accepting community. Bronies from everywhere are welcomed, whether they're casual fans of the show, giant fans, or fans to the point that their life is ponies. Don't be afraid to speak whatever opinions you have about personal interests in characters, because we'll understand. Anypony who isn't accepting... isn't a Brony, quite frankly. Our ethic is to love and tolerate (sorry for that cliché, there was no other word for it). Edited October 8, 2013 by Flipturn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Jewel of Rarity 207 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Now gonna turn this into another clopping thread, but what is your issue with clopping? ;P I would argue that it comes natural as part of the affection and attraction to the individual. Also are you saying that Dashie is only 20% cooler than Rarity? psh. Also don't use the word "Bucking" to replace a swear word, doing that makes Applejack's job seem a bit odd ;D its really creepy unles they are huminized but imagine mlp ponies were real would you commit beastiality just to buck a poor defencless fluttershy Now gonna turn this into another clopping thread, but what is your issue with clopping? ;P I would argue that it comes natural as part of the affection and attraction to the individual. Also are you saying that Dashie is only 20% cooler than Rarity? psh. Also don't use the word "Bucking" to replace a swear word, doing that makes Applejack's job seem a bit odd ;D its really creepy unles they are huminized but imagine mlp ponies were real would you commit beastiality just to buck a poor defencless fluttershy Now gonna turn this into another clopping thread, but what is your issue with clopping? ;P I would argue that it comes natural as part of the affection and attraction to the individual. Also are you saying that Dashie is only 20% cooler than Rarity? psh. Also don't use the word "Bucking" to replace a swear word, doing that makes Applejack's job seem a bit odd ;D its really creepy unles they are huminized but imagine mlp ponies were real would you commit beastiality just to buck a poor defencless fluttershy now think before you spread white ink Do you like butts, Because I do My Forum: http://community.cloudsdalegathering.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 its really creepy unles they are huminized but imagine mlp ponies were real would you commit beastiality just to buck a poor defencless fluttershy Umm... Yes, absolutely. But I hardly think it would be bestiality -_- They are sentient, intelligent beings capable of making conscious decision. So I don't think it counts 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Jewel of Rarity 207 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Umm... Yes, absolutely. But I hardly think it would be bestiality -_- They are sentient, intelligent beings capable of making conscious decision. So I don't think it counts whatever i dont wana go any further into this clop story its an opinion its what breeds haters and thats why i want an anti-hate shield over my house Do you like butts, Because I do My Forum: http://community.cloudsdalegathering.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gabby_Gumz 80 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Thanks every one for you support but i think this post is going off topic and going on to clopping -_- I feel much better about being a brony now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Thanks every one for you support but i think this post is going off topic and going on to clopping -_- I feel much better about being a brony now! Good for you then! May I ask what episodes have you seen so far? Have you watched the first two seasons or are you just on the third one? What is your favorite episode? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gabby_Gumz 80 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Good for you then! May I ask what episodes have you seen so far? Have you watched the first two seasons or are you just on the third one? What is your favorite episode? Good for you then! May I ask what episodes have you seen so far? Have you watched the first two seasons or are you just on the third one? What is your favorite episode? Well i watched full season 1 and full season 2 but i could only find 6 eposode's in season 3 so i dont know if they havent made more. My favorite eposode is Winter Wrap Up i also love the winter wrap up song. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Sturdy Wing~ 522 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Well i watched full season 1 and full season 2 but i could only find 6 eposode's in season 3 so i dont know if they havent made more. My favorite eposode is Winter Wrap Up i also love the winter wrap up song. Ahh I remember the first time I heard that song... /tear. Yeah season 3 has more than 6 episodes, there are 8 with the 9th coming out in ten days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Jewel of Rarity 207 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 Ahh I remember the first time I heard that song... /tear. Yeah season 3 has more than 6 episodes, there are 8 with the 9th coming out in ten days. the 9th is out apple family reunion you know the one that has apple jack er own song in which is a spiffing good one ole chap Do you like butts, Because I do My Forum: http://community.cloudsdalegathering.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Jordo~ 2,066 January 10, 2013 Share January 10, 2013 (edited) its really creepy unles they are huminized but imagine mlp ponies were real would you commit beastiality just to buck a poor defencless fluttershy Ah yes, the whole 'Clop is beastiality' thing. To quote from my blog entry: The most common complaint I've personally heard on the issue is when people compare 'Clop' porn to bestiality. Can we really claim that they are the same thing? Characters from MLP quite obviously resemble earthly equines, but is it really all that similar? Personally, I don't think so. Unlike real world horses, the ponies of Equestria are sapient beings. They are capable of reason and problem solving, as well as having morality. They have personalities, are capable of communication through language, and even have a full society capable of sustaining itself. Bestiality by it's definition is sexual interaction with an animal, but can something capable of human level intelligence truly be called an animal? I don't think so, and I think it is quite arrogant of us as humans to think otherwise. Calling anything capable of real intelligence an animal is basically dismissing them as inferior, and that is ignorant. Yes, I realize I am talking about cartoon characters, but my argument still holds up in that respect. My point is, Clopping is not the same as Bestiality. I have yet to meet a Clopper who wants to run out into a field and screw a horse. Sorry about changing the subject, I just wanted to address that particular post. Edited January 10, 2013 by Eljordo 3 Signature by Klopp Wonka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dad george 105 January 12, 2013 Share January 12, 2013 (edited) 1. NO! BRONIES ARE BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD! jkjk, sure. 2. Yes. Watching certain television shows makes you switch sexual orientation. No not really. 3. My mind screams "NO!!!!!!!!!!!" but.... Yes. That is completely fucking normal. I've watched way too much hentai/r34 to be a hypocritical bastard and say that I can't relate to you. Heck, I'm totally in love with GLaDOS, and you can't even make porn of that. Edited January 12, 2013 by Kahr Kunne Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrimsonPony 18 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 (edited) I'm attracted to Fluttershy. I don't know why, my mind knows she's a fictional character, but my heart says otherwise. I'm torn between the two. I often imagine while I'm lying on my bed about to go to sleep, that there is a knock on my bedroom door. It opens and there stands Fluttershy in all her perfection. I read a fan-fiction story about Fluttershy and Big Macintosh getting married. I actually felt... jealous. I need to know if this is normal or not. PLEASE HELP. EDIT: I would like to thank EVERYONE who replied and Brohoof'd this. This has helped me a LOT. Thank you. I wub you all Edited January 19, 2013 by CrimsonPony 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadDoggyca 710 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 (edited) Im attracted to my right hand, left hand and the mirror ever time I look in it. ok bad jokes aside and I needed a fill for 100, realistic no, Reality is another story. how ever don't take my advice on the matter. I wanted RD so bad I bought a fursuit of her. *Suit there own* all i need is some one else to get in it for me... if ya know what i mean.lol Edited January 15, 2013 by MadDoggyca Photo Finish,that's her name. Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game. She do what she do, to make you more than you. No-pony gonna care if what we share is true. Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not. Come on little mare, you better shake that plot. You know that's what they really all came to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Rat 4,772 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 In all honesty, I say it is PERFECTLY normal. I have a crush on Princess Luna which is TOTALLY NOT obvious AT ALL :V I also have a minor crush on Octvia a bit though To be quite honest, I find those two to be really quite beautiful 5 Thank you Nas for the sig :3 #HugWoona Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nohbdy 4,108 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 I'm attracted to Fluttershy. I don't know why, my mind knows she's a fictional character, but my heart says otherwise. I'm torn between the two. I often imagine while I'm lying on my bed about to go to sleep, that there is a knock on my bedroom door. It opens and there stands Fluttershy in all her perfection. I read a fan-fiction story about Fluttershy and Big Macintosh getting married. I actually felt... jealous. I need to know if this is normal or not. PLEASE HELP. Sure, if you like it, then I don't see how it's not okay. If it doesn't hurt you or anyone else, or otherwise interfere with real life, it's perfectly fine. The question is whether you think it's okay. Honestly, I think that finding a pony attractive a testament to how lifelike and well-written the characters in MLP can be. They're complex enough to be real and believable. Fluttershy, to use your case, has traits that I'm sure many guys would love in a girl. Each of the ponies do, really. Heck, the only thing keeping me from crushing on Twilight Sparkle is the fact that I also like Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash (harem option, please!). On a side note, we had a thread like this the other day (involving Rainbow Dash). There's also an older Fluttershy thread for your reading convenience. Both of them have a lot of great advice. I think it's perfectly okay, fellow brony, and nothing to be ashamed about. Haters can hate, but you can love. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fender 1,284 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 Well, you give a fictional character a loveable personality, and sometimes human-like features (assuming said character is not human, i.e. an MLP character), then it's normal. I find good in all of the Mane 6, and really, every other pony that is given character. I find it difficult to feel attracted to any (in any way), or pick favorites, because I really have no dislikes towards ANY character, not-a-one. :| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 433 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 And THIS is the reason the haters have so much ammo. Yes, MLP ponies are awesome.. but its called 'beastiality' here in the Real World.. and its illegal in most states of the US.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Rat 4,772 January 15, 2013 Share January 15, 2013 And THIS is the reason the haters have so much ammo. Yes, MLP ponies are awesome.. but its called 'beastiality' here in the Real World.. and its illegal in most states of the US.... Dude, seriosly? It's not like we're going to go out. Finding actual ponies to go screw around with... in all honesty, it's not much of the look that people are attracted to anyways but moreso the personality This whole argument about bestiality is really starting to get old... Seriously, there is a difference between candy colored cartoon ponies and real life ones and to be honest, I find it quite ridiculous that people blend the two together somehow :/ 7 Thank you Nas for the sig :3 #HugWoona Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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