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ok i dont rly mean intercourse with irl ponies, the only reason I think I'm attracted to fluttershy is because she has the perfect atributes! I mean cute, shy, friendly and nice, along with alot more, I think im attracted to that and not the pony herself.

It came out wrong ;/

Have you ever try to lucid dreams? if you master lucid dreams you can create a dimention while you are sleeping and create a full character of  Fluttershy, which you can interact with her (see, touch smell everything), personally i mastered some techniques and every time i go to sleep i'll go to Equestria and fully interact with the mane 6, let me share my story if you like:


"i always been interested in human mind when i was a little kid, i've always asking myself why the people think like they did, one day i have the most beautiful dream i ever have, i wanted to repeat that every night, so, one day, i began to research all related of lucid dreams and try different techniques until one night i was fully aware that i was dreaming, there's no word to describe how beautiful and powerful the dream was and more because you fully control that dream, i've practice night after night and when i discovered MLP my life give a total twist, personally i felt exactly the same thing with Rarity: i felt incredibly mad for her even if she was with Spike and i want to think that she could be mine in one realm or another, i try the counting technique, one of the most powerful (i imagine a digital watch counting the seconds, and every space between seconds i imagine the same image of what i want to be) when i reach 600 seconds i was there, close on a lake and she was there, Rarity, waiting for me, i quickly became a pony form and spent all night with her, interacting laughting and talk about so wonderful things, until that part of me was satisfied and see her like every pony in Equestria (i'ts different with each one of us) now i began to feel atracted to my OC", try lucid dreams, i'ts the best medicine i can recommend to you 


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Its not that bad. I mean, there are people who just get fictional crushes. They pass, its not a huge deal. Hehe, unless of course Flash Sentry steals your 'waifu'....



*Incoming Scottish Slang* C'mon then mate, I'm Gone Fecking Stab Ye you wee Twat! if you steal fae me again and ill put ye doon ya coon! (il translate for anyone who doesny understand wit im sayin, ya ken wit a mean pal?


http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page.


Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats!
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Not to worry, I have a crush on Celestia it's not strange at all as Zegen said the characters have very distinct personalities so no wonder some of us get attracted to them :)


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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Crushes on fictional characters are completely normal (at least for us people on the internet) I don't think it's much to worry about. Just a harmless crush, and it's not like you think the fictional character you crush on is actually real. And cute. And besides, I think my crush on Discord is a lot weirder, if that makes you feel better. I don't know if this is the kind of response you're searching for but this is the best I could do.

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I'll be honest and say under most circumstances this would be weird. However your reasons for liking applejack debunk the weirdness because of how you relate her to an actual person. To you her traits are so relatable that they can be projected into characteristics of an actual person (hair, eyes, laugh) those are all things that a girl might have however it doesn't mean they're gonna be that character. I personally would like a girl with red hair and with a particular nose however find myself surprised when I like someone who doesn't match that description.

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

With the power of Turkish Kung-Fu!

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  • 1 month later...

So whats up guys?

So I recently have "fallen in love" with, well no use hiding it, I have basically fallen in love with Rainbow Dash... I don't know what caused it but, it's not a sexual attraction or anything... It's more of a "just want to love you and be with you" kinda thing... If you see what I'm trying to say... :/

But is it bad that I'm attracted to her? 0.o

  • Brohoof 2
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No, it's not bad...I'll fully admit that I am also in love with Rainbow Dash. She's super cute and awesome, and I would want nothing more than to have her as a girlfriend and be with her all the time. I see nothing wrong with being attracted to her. She's awesome.

  • Brohoof 8



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Hey, you're not the only one to feel like this. I've seen many bronies around these forums are have developed a crush on some fictional pony especially if it involves the love interest of Rainbow Dash. And to answer your question, no it isn't but.... don't get a little ahead of yourself that's she real.

Edited by ~Glimmer Lily~
  • Brohoof 2


A True Friend sees the first tear, catches the second and stops the third

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Nah, it's not bad at all. Everyone has a cartoon crush. And it should be a new rule of the Internet: Everyone has a cartoon crush.

One thing, though. Why is this in the welcoming plaza? Shouldn't it be in life advice?

  • Brohoof 1
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Not at all. Rainbow Dash is quite attractive, and it is perfectly understandable for you to hold such feelings for her.


To be honest, I would also date her if given the chance.


(Avatar and signature image courtesy of Rainblow Hash)

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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It's not bad in the slightest. A majority of people tend to develop crushes on fictional characters, even ponies, and why wouldn't they? Fictional characters are just really awesome and really interesting. So, yeah, it's not bad, and Dashie is a nice choice, in my opinion. She's loyal, cute, funny, and just plain awesome. 

  • Brohoof 1


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It's not that bad... I mean, at least it's better than having a crush on an OC that you create yourself...


I may or may not have a crush on my new OC, Sand Veil... But that's beside the point

Anyway... The point is that like everyone else has said, there's nothing wrong with it at all


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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As far as I know... there's nothing bad with that... hell, I'd date any of the mane 6 if I had the opportunity xD aaaaanyway, you could try finding a girl like RD (don't say anything anybody, lots of girls with RD's personality must exist) .. but yeah, I've been in love with Dashie too xD nothing bad or to be ashamed from my perspective :)


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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I'm already guessing I would be in the minority here and no offense intended but I think it is bad. Not bad as in "not normal" but bad as in "disturbing". That's only my personal take on it. I'm not trying to be mean or harsh or rude or trying to make anypony feel distant. But that's the question you asked and I've answered it. But....um....she's a fictional character. laugh.png

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Hormones man, they don't know the difference between reality and fantasy :P

So its literally not uncommon for such to happen. Just remember that reality will bite you if you let fantasy get to carried away, and you'll do fine :P


But def not bad

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As I've said to people before about this, not only is it normal, it is very logical. True love cannot exist between two humans. Only lust can exist. Love is an abstract construct and can only be experienced in its purist form with another abstract construct. The love between a person and a perfect, fictional character is the only true love there is.

This is my new signature.

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Nah, it's not bad at all. Everyone has a cartoon crush. And it should be a new rule of the Internet: Everyone has a cartoon crush.

One thing, though. Why is this in the welcoming plaza? Shouldn't it be in life advice?

Rule 72: Everyone has a crush on a character who is from a cartoon.


But yeah, everyone has a cartoon crush. I'm still trying to find mine though. :'( I'll find her sometime or another.

Half insane! Half jokester! All brony!

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I guess it is only bad for you, since she's not real and therefore unattainable.  I, too, am madly in love with a fictional character.   He's not a pony, but I do know what you are going through.  Hang in there, and know that you are not alone.  brohoof

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Rainbow Dash is a member of a sapient species, therefor it only makes it xenophilia to be in love with her.


Same as Commander Shepard from Mass Effect and his alien lovers.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Nope. Not at all. I'm deeply in love with Fluttershy....I go as far as calling her my waifu online. She's just so freaking adorable and innocent,...If ever given the chance, I would definitely date her.....She'd be "that one"  I'd go straight for. Just because I love her so much. I know she's fictional...but still. I love her no matter what. <3 I've had a crush on her ever since I seen her for the first time in the show. 


I actually made a topic on here claiming her as my wife/waifu on here awhile ago....


I love you Fluttershy <3


(She can be quite sexy too, see my sig below)

Edited by Flutter Dash
  • Brohoof 3

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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No at all, and you get the prize for being the millionth person on here to say you have a crush on one of the ponies by the way. Seriously though Rainbow Dash is a pretty good choice, she has a lot of admirable traits and is pretty hot. The pony I have the strongest and most lasting crush on though is Applejack.

  • Brohoof 1
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