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Lord Theoretical

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Ok Well Here's Mine:


1. I Support the United States of America and it's Armed Forces in anyway I can and believe our military campaign is necessary and  important to protect freedom and democracy around the world.


2. People who hate my cause and my countries cause infuriate me  when they angrily protest or voice their opinions in an obnoxious way


3. I sometime dislike my SNCO, NCO, and Officers because they can be unfair or jerks.


4. Princess Luna is best pony and Celestia should learn her lesson form Nightmare Moon and give her power and authority to Luna.


5. Finally,  I hate being blamed for something I didn't do and I don't mind Hentai or R34/ Clopific.

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Zombies are ok, but not something to obsess over. Can we move on to something else now? Like Aliens?


People who are really ignorant about what they argue about shouldn't try to argue <..<


You shouldn't argue with an idiot. You'll never win.


Stargate > Star Trek (I SAID IT)


People should surround themselves with more people who respectfully don't agree with them.


Attractive girls are SCARY since they can mess with my mind XD


For God's sake, religion was made so we'd be good people. Things were often put in that helped a society at that time, but shouldn't be taken literally anymore.


People who blindly listen to what they're told aren't very smart.


Grammar is there to make it easier for people to understand each other. If the grammar error is trivial and the message is still conveyed, then it isn't important. That said, I don't take people seriously when they butcher the English language.


I find it interesting that many of the people I meet who hate socialized ANYTHING don't actually know the actual pros and cons. They just hate it because they were told that Socialism was bad, and socialized anything sounds close enough to protest.


Jesus wasn't white. If anything, he had my complexion.


People don't understand the "wars" that the US is involved with in the Middle East (and the Greater Middle East).


Israel pushed all the Palestinians off their land in a unfair way. Anyone who thinks the Israelis had a divine right to that land is crazy.


That said, the Palestinian response with terrorism is wrong, but anyone who says "what would drive these people to do this" should refer to the last opinion


Americans who support everything Israelis did should start to worry about the Native Americans we shoved on reservations. Don't they have a divine right to the land their people had before? Besides, using the Zionist logic of "Land that God gave us and we left a little over a thousand years ago still belongs to us." Native Americans that were shoved off their land only over a HUNDRED years ago deserve it more, right?


Well, those last few opinions were opinionated.


Anyway, with Israel (and America), We have to realize what's done is done. Israelis are in Israel and the two sides need to work something out, keeping in mind what each side has been though.


Going off that last opinion, the UN suggestion of a separate Israel, separate Palestine, and a UN controlled Jerusalem is still the best solution, even though no one's going to agree to that <..<.


The UN should have more power.


Despite what many people think, Islamic Fundamentalism isn't a norm. If you fancy a Christian analogy, then Islamic Fundamentalists = KKK.


Everypony should learn geography. 


A country is just another country on planet covered with countries. Goes for The United States, China, Liberia, Turkmenistan....


That said, we have a moral obligation to help each other out. This is especially true for countries like the US which have the resources to do so.


A "War On Terror" isn't going to be won.


If we could do it, we should probably send police officers to do much of the stuff military personnel do nowadays.


Drones killing suspected terrorists to "save" Americans really kill a lot of civilians in the process. It makes the enemy stronger.


Ideally, The US should have Universal Health Care.


Americans think too "American centric".


Celestia is awesome


Sharia Law is absolutely stupid.


People who think Sharia Law is part of the Islamic religion are pretty dumb. Sharia is just tribal nonsense masquerading as religion.


While marriage was created as a way that men could own their women, monogamy is still a good route to go since it's good for the brain.


Linux is awesome, yet sorta hard as well... which is often what I like about it.


It's not fair that Flanders is richer than Wallonia.


Stop whining about the NSA spying on you. You should have known it was going on.


Snowden probably would be better off coming to the US than hiding out in Russia.


You don't "Believe" in Evolution. You accept it.


Science's job is to ask questions and find answers. "Scientific Orthodox" is a bit of an oxymoron. 


Those last two opinions seem contradictory, but they aren't. When you accept Evolution, you also realize it's a theory that's still evolving as more and more evidence is found.


Correlation != Causation


Our fandom freaks out too much.


Pony Music > Normal Music.


In my experience, The Walloons make better frites than The Flemish.


There's bound to be life somewhere out there.




I'm not a clopper or anything like that, but here's a thought: If both species are sapient, is it still beastility?


The US is sorta a hypocrite when it gave India help with nuclear stuff. Pakistan had every right to be pissed.


Going on that, sanctions against Iran for trying to make a nuclear weapon are hypocritical as well. Iran's way more stable than India.


While China is trying to become the next United States, it lacks one always overlooked trait: natural stability.


People shouldn't blame the US President for things he/she actually doesn't control, no matter who the President is or how much you don't like him/her.


People who are eligible to vote but don't shouldn't complain about the state of affairs or politics.


Prisons are a pretty bad idea when you really start to think about it.


People who get arrested still have their rights, no matter how much you don't want them to.


Know what rights you ACTUALLY have.


When people complain about politicians "playing politics", all I can think is "what did you expect?"



As much as you might hate the opposite side of your political stance, just be glad you live somewhere where there are multiple sides.








The right to free speech is a treasure. Be informed, be passionate, and be thoughtful. The fact we have opinions is part what makes us human.

Edited by AnonyPoni
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Here are my unpopular opinions.


-"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is the literary equivalent of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen."  Harry turned into a whiny little bitch, Hermione turned into a sadistic bitch (jinxing Marietta and demonizing Cho for defending her come to mind), the Harry/Cho love story was unnecessary, Umbridge made Team Rocket look like Darth Vader, and only 100 of the 800 pages had anything relevant to the plot while everything else was filler.


-People who complain about political correctness are just bigots who don't want to get harassed for saying derogatory terms.


-If gay people can't have children, then neither can widows.  Kids need both a mother and father, right?


-"The Dark Knight Rises" sucked.  Bruce was only Batman for 20 minutes, Bane turned into a joke, and it had more plot holes than Swiss cheese.


-"The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" is a terrible series.  The plot twists were made up as the writer went along, the episode order was a cheap way for the company to sell DVDs, and the characters are unlikable.  Haruhi is a spoiled, extorting, manipulative, rapist, Kyon is a snarky douche bag, Mikuru is a submissive crybaby, Yuki is a carbon copy of Rei Ayanami, and Itsuki stopped Kyon from hitting Haruhi, which is enough reason to hate anybody.


-I like both "Battle Royale" and "The Hunger Games."


-I didn't think "Mockingjay" was that bad.


-Dub haters piss me off.


-"Samurai Sentai Shinkenger" is an overrated Sentai season.  The characters have no personality, except for Green and Red.  Green is tolerable, but Red is a self-righteous douchebag.  The "Power Rangers" adaptation was better.


-I like both Sentai and PR.


-Furries do not engage in beastiality.


-AB/DLs are not pedophiles.  There's a difference between wanting to screw babies and wanting to screw adults dressed like babies.


-"One Piece" went downhill after the time-skip.


-Emperor Mateus is a better FF villain than Kefka.  Everyone praises Kefka for changing the color of the sky, but everyone ignores the Emperor killing both God and Satan and bringing hell on earth.


-Father is a better FMA villain than Dante.  At least he actually put up a fight.


-G1 "Transformers" is overrated.  "Beast Wars" and "Transformers: Animated" are infinitely better TF shows.


-The 80s TMNT cartoon sucked, the '03 show was good for the first few seasons but went downhill, and the current series manages to combine elements of both and make it good.


-Scarecrow is an underrated Batman villain.  I think he's even better than the Joker.


-I don't think Mako is a horrible character.  While he did kiss Korra while dating Asami, he broke up with her knowing he'll just hurt her even more.  Compared to Makoto Itou, he's a saint.


-I actually look forward to the "Carrie" remake.  For one, they actually got somebody who was a teenager to play her.  That, and just by the trailers, they're making it closer to the book.

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- Hamsteak - whoops, Homestuck - and it's fans are annoying, and it's getting really old.



*Cough cough* 

Let's talk about what you just said,

Homestuck the actual comic is in my opinion an amazing piece of work although the fandom is damned the comic it's self is wonderful and I see no reason to bash Homestuck and it's fanbase all at the same time. I would understand if you dont like Homestuck and it's fandom as two separate things so I'am going to take it as you one. Although the fandom gets generalized as annoying little weeaboo   kids running around in paint that's just a rather small portion of the fandom. If you reflect  the behaviors of the fans at this moment it's not good. Since Homestuck is coming to an end the fans are in uproar. I dont know where I'm

going    with this so yeah....

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A stable home life can exist perfectly well without the inanities of marriage.


"Immoral pleasure seeking"...Are you a Protestant or something? There's nothing immoral in the seeking of pleasure.



Where is your proof of the first? You can find mine quite easily in child depression/education/ future lifestyles, among many more, with research and studies done on the subject. 


For starters, Immoral Pleasure Seeking does not equal the seeking of pleasure in general is evil. It means pleasures such as prostitution or over drinking; plus furthermore meaning you pursue those actions more than your responsibilities. Seeking non-self corrupting pleasure isn't evil unless it involves you being terrible to other people. For example to get the last cookie on table you punch out the two people ahead of you. Also I am Catholic; and have Protestant friends. One would think someone who makes a huge deal about how gay rights is a matter of being a good person, such as yourself, would not immediately go after a Religion in the same way you yell at non-supporters of gay rights who do similar. A bit hypocritical. 

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- Emo kids are stupid

- Goth is stupid


Emo and Goth are probably the two most misused words that are commonly used. Emos and Goths (Who doesn't share anything in common I might add) are quite misunderstood people and they often get bashed because of peoples ignorance


Scene kids on the other hand....

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*Cough cough* 

Let's talk about what you just said,

Homestuck the actual comic is in my opinion an amazing piece of work although the fandom is damned the comic it's self is wonderful and I see no reason to bash Homestuck and it's fanbase all at the same time. I would understand if you dont like Homestuck and it's fandom as two separate things so I'am going to take it as you one. Although the fandom gets generalized as annoying little weeaboo   kids running around in paint that's just a rather small portion of the fandom. If you reflect  the behaviors of the fans at this moment it's not good. Since Homestuck is coming to an end the fans are in uproar. I dont know where I'm

going    with this so yeah....

I'm not bashing the series, just the way it pops up everywhere. I read a good deal of it and didn't see the appeal; it wasn't awful, but it wasn't for me. Normally when I read something and don't like it, then that's that and it's over, but it's hard to just let something go when it pops up everywhere. (A lot of my dislike comes from anime conventions, because anyone that wants a cheap cosplay wears all black, buys some horns and paints their skin grey and runs around screaming about how awesome Homestuck is.)


Some other stuff:


- Romantic comedies are awful.

- Snakes are gorgeous (and not slimy).

- Rats make good pets when taken care of correctly.

- Rarity is best pony.

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Where is your proof of the first? You can find mine quite easily in child depression/education/ future lifestyles, among many more, with research and studies done on the subject. 


For starters, Immoral Pleasure Seeking does not equal the seeking of pleasure in general is evil. It means pleasures such as prostitution or over drinking; plus furthermore meaning you pursue those actions more than your responsibilities. Seeking non-self corrupting pleasure isn't evil unless it involves you being terrible to other people. For example to get the last cookie on table you punch out the two people ahead of you. Also I am Catholic; and have Protestant friends. One would think someone who makes a huge deal about how gay rights is a matter of being a good person, such as yourself, would not immediately go after a Religion in the same way you yell at non-supporters of gay rights who do similar. A bit hypocritical. 


There is no reason parents who are unmarried but still live together can't bring up perfectly fine offspring. Marriage is just a ceremony full of legal garbage and unnecessary for stability.


What exactly is immoral about sex or drinking? Prostitution is just sex and sex is not intrinsically evil in any way. Drinking in excess, while not the smartest thing to do, is also not inherently immoral.


I didn't "go after" anything. I asked a question.

Emo and Goth are probably the two most misused words that are commonly used. Emos and Goths (Who doesn't share anything in common I might add) are quite misunderstood people and they often get bashed because of peoples ignorance


Tomato is the most overused word. Tomatoes are quite misunderstood and often get bashed because of peoples' ignorance.


I can make vague claims with zero elaboration or explanation at all too. :P

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Tomato is the most overused word. Tomatoes are quite misunderstood and often get bashed because of peoples' ignorance."


I can make vague claims with zero elaboration or explanation at all too.


"Misused" and "Overused" are two different things...


Anyways, people are always assuming that all Emo's are just manically depressed people who spend all their time cutting themselves, which is far from true


Same goes for Goths, though the stereotypical Goth is viewed a bit differently, but you get the point

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"Misused" and "Overused" are two different things...


Anyways, people are always assuming that all Emo's are just manically depressed people who spend all their time cutting themselves, which is far from true


Same goes for Goths, though the stereotypical Goth is viewed a bit differently, but you get the point


Far from true? What are they then?


The general use of "goth" seems to be just "they wear too much black"...And from what I've seen, that use is kinda dead-on.

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"Misused" and "Overused" are two different things...


Anyways, people are always assuming that all Emo's are just manically depressed people who spend all their time cutting themselves, which is far from true


Same goes for Goths, though the stereotypical Goth is viewed a bit differently, but you get the point


It's a fashion statement, a dumb one to me at-least. 


All the emos I've met in my life are like, "No-one understands me" but clearly I can see why. They are wearing all this ridiculous stuff same goes for goth.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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For starters, Immoral Pleasure Seeking does not equal the seeking of pleasure in general is evil. It means pleasures such as prostitution or over drinking; 


I don't understand what is immoral about prostitution.  The only people that get hurt by it are the prostitutes - and the only reason people get away with harming them is because prostitution is illegal.  The laws against prostitution do not make any sense to me.  Who or what are they meant to protect? 

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Far from true? What are they then?


The term "Emo" derives from the word "Emotional" and that is pretty much the word that sums them up. There's no way I can easily explain it, but they are people who through music and such want to get emotional experiences


As said, there's no way I can explain it easily, so I'll just leave this song here



And I'm aware that not only emos seek emotional experiences through music, but they are specifically "devoted" to a specific genre

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Emo and Goth are both very misused terms, most people don't know what they mean and that they're both genres of music. I always cringe when someone uses the word emo incorrectly.

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The term "Emo" derives from the word "Emotional" and that is pretty much the word that sums them up. There's no way I can easily explain it, but they are people who through music and such want to get emotional experiences


And I'm aware that not only emos seek emotional experiences through music, but they are specifically "devoted" to a specific genre


So "emo" just describes emotional people...


Hey, I have a word for that too. "Human". Honestly, who doesn't get some form of emotional experience from their music and such? And they wouldn't logically be devoted to a specific genre because emotional music is not limited to a specific genre.


And wouldn't "manically depressed people who spend all their time cutting themselves" be emo then, if "emo" means "emotional"? Depression is an emotion. Hardly a misuse.


Seems to me it's less a misused word and more a completely unnecessary word.



I don't understand what is immoral about prostitution.  The only people that get hurt by it are the prostitutes - and the only reason people get away with harming them is because prostitution is illegal.  The laws against prostitution do not make any sense to me.  Who or what are they meant to protect? 

Not even the prostitutes get hurt by it. Getting hurt by a client is not getting hurt by the job itself. And it's pretty much meant to protect this inane idea that sex is dirty and evil. Honestly, it was legal once and there was no great apocalypse. Imagine the money it'd bring too...

Edited by Xanatos
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I don't understand what is immoral about prostitution.  The only people that get hurt by it are the prostitutes



Do STDs mean anything to anyone? I think that having sex with someone while knowing that you have an STD is a pretty shitty thing to do.


What about infidelity? What if the man having sex with the prostitute is cheating on his wife, lying to her and breaking their commitment to one another? What if the prostitute is forced into being a prostitute?


Sex also is a very powerful, physical thing. Having sex releases a hormone called oxytocin, which has a bonding effect - it makes you feel attached to the person you are having sex with. Could you imagine physically binding yourself to dozens of people? Could you imagine how a wife feels about her unfaithful husband when he binds himself to other women?


Pretty sure that, generally speaking, prostitution isn't exactly considered an ideal career choice, and for all those reasons.




And it's pretty much meant to protect this inane idea that sex is dirty and evil.



Nobody in this thread said that sex is dirty and evil. Sex is an extremely good thing - it binds 2 people together in love, therefore unifying them, and it can help with the growth of the human population so that we don't become extinct.


But it can be used in bad ways. Like rape. I think that we can all agree that rape is bad, right? I think that someone could post "I think rape is good" in this thread and have the right idea of what an unpopular opinion is.

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Do STDs mean anything to anyone? I think that having sex with someone while knowing that you have an STD is a pretty shitty thing to do.


What about infidelity? What if the man having sex with the prostitute is cheating on his wife, lying to her and breaking their commitment to one another? What if the prostitute is forced into being a prostitute?


Nobody in this thread said that sex is dirty and evil. Sex is an extremely good thing - it binds 2 people together in love, therefore unifying them, and it can help with the growth of the human population so that we don't become extinct.


But it can be used in bad ways. Like rape. I think that we can all agree that rape is bad, right? I think that someone could post "I think rape is good" in this thread and have the right idea of what an unpopular opinion is.


STDs are bad. And? That is irrelevant to the act of prostitution in itself.


Deliberately spreading STDs is also bad. And? That is irrelevant to the act of prostitution in itself.


Infidelity is bad. And? That is irrelevant to the act of prostitution in itself.


Sexual slavery is bad. And? That is irrelevant to the act of prostitution in itself.


Rape is bad. And? That is irrelevant to the act of prostitution in itself.


STDs, infidelity, slavery, and rape can all exist in the context of ordinary non-hooker-related sexual intercourse. By your logic, intercourse is therefore all bad by association.


I am absent of all STDs. I have no commitments to anyone and thus cannot commit infidelity. If I go and get paid to screw somebody, with the full consent and willingness of both parties, that is prostitution...And yet, that's also completely unattached from all the things you claim make it bad.


Interesting, that...


Your entire argument here is basically "Bad things can happen, sometimes, maybe, if the particular people involved are bad!"


At the risk of voicing an opinion unpopular to you: That argument is really dumb.


Furthermore, were the practice less stigmatized (and thus less illegal), it could be regulated to minimize all of these risks if not avoid them entirely.

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By your logic, intercourse is therefore all bad by association.


No, that is not what I am saying.


You are right that all of those things can happen outside of prostitution. But the risk of those things happening increases in the act of prostitution. When people only have one or a few sexual partners, it is still possible for any of those things to happen, but the chances are decreased significantly.


The women who are prostitutes are treated as sexual objects and not as real people. They are treated as things for men to pleasure themselves with and not as people with dignity who need to be loved - who need to be loved like everyone else. While regulating prostitution may decrease the chances of contracting STDs, regulating prostitution also says that our government views certain women as property that needs to be regulated so that men don't catch diseases. I don't see how that helps women in the long run.

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What if the man having sex with the prostitute is cheating on his wife, lying to her and breaking their commitment to one another? 


I think that cheating on your wife is immoral, but that doesn't make prostitution immoral.  If the only thing preventing a man from cheating is a lack of available prostitutes, that is probably not a great marriage.

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1) No, that is not what I am saying.


2) regulating prostitution also says that our government views certain women as property that needs to be regulated so that men don't catch diseases



1) That is exactly what you were saying. Now you're saying that it's only bad if the chances are higher? I always thought bad things were bad regardless. Must've missed the memo that morality is dependent on probability.



2) ...No. No it doesn't. A store sells booze, the government regulates that. Guess what a hooker sells? The product, not the seller, is what's being regulated. Regulating prostitution is no different than regulating anything else.


And who ever said women need to be regulated so men don't catch diseases? You did. That was you and only you who specifically stated that in some bizarre attempt to turn this into a sexism thing. Sounds like a Freudian slip to me, honestly.


Some jobs require routine drug tests or mental evaluations because drugs or severe stress are a potential risk in the course of the job. Prostitution, thus, would require routine testing for STDs as they present a potential risk in that job. And it would reasonably require it both ways: Just as a 12-year-old can't waltz into a liquor store and buy a bottle of vodka, not any random disease-ridden hobo would be permitted to waltz up to a brothel and buy a warm hole for his cock.


And on the risk of STDs: The average guy isn't exactly riddled with them. So these guys are out buying hookers, and not spreading anything. That gives the hookers nothing to spread to future clients. And for those with such disease, many will have visible symptoms that said hooker will notice and thus turn them away. Overall, the risk is higher for them as opposed to non-hookers...But not by any great amount.


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So "emo" just describes emotional people...


Hey, I have a word for that too. "Human". Honestly, who doesn't get some form of emotional experience from their music and such? And they wouldn't logically be devoted to a specific genre because emotional music is not limited to a specific genre.


And wouldn't "manically depressed people who spend all their time cutting themselves" be emo then, if "emo" means "emotional"? Depression is an emotion. Hardly a misuse.


Seems to me it's less a misused word and more a completely unnecessary word.


The point I'm trying to get at is that emos are people who are devoted to emo music, and if you understand the emotional nature of the genre, then there's no need for further explenations

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Ok I got a second list:

Jesus was either of arabic or african origin.

Jesus was a cool dude, it's his fan club that screwed it up. (I'm not a xtian)

Xtians shouldn't get their panties in a bunch if someone would rather shorten it to "xtian" it's not offensive considering the things some of them call non-xtians.

Correlation doesn't = cause.

Darwin robbed Wallace of his due glory.

If you want to smoke that is fine.

Alot of Americans are xenophobic.

Alot of British are too complacent.

I don't mind other parents having a different parenting stye to me but:

Parents that would rather disown their kids and have no kids rather than accept they are gay or their lifestyle choices are nuts! ANY kid is better than no kid.

VHEMT is for insane people.

Evolution is a FACT, but that doesn't mean science can explain literally everything.

There is no such thing as Hate Speech, there is only free speech and assholes who abuse their right to it.

You can dislike or disagree with something and not be a c*ck about it.

Arguing with strangers on the internet is retarded.

When people use the word retard/ retarded they don't always mean some one autistic. To retard is to delay or halt progress.

Using the word Autistic to mean retarded is NOT cool "that's so autistic" No really it's not! (I AM AUTISTIC, I am not retarded.)

Autistic people can learn to cope very well and assimilate into mainstream society with patience, and the right learning techniques, they are not dumb, they do not need their hand held through life, they can be competent, they can have relationships, they are not a hazard to anybody, and as kids they certainly don't need medication.

LGBTQ people are a-ok in my book.

Sexual liberation for women in the 60's and 70's included access to pornography, anti-porn feminists are idiots. Porn doesn't need banning, it needs regulating. There IS a difference.

Edited by Scrumpy
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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"The Lone Ranger" was a good movie. It wasn't bad by any stretch of my imagination, and I am known to go into things with bias, so after I saw the low rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I was already primed to not like the film. I was very surprised to have enjoyed it so much and subsequently pissed off at all the critics who all seemed to jump on the hate bandwagon.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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I don't support gay marriage. personally. :/ sorry.

Neither do I.



Democracy is overrated.

Democracy is overrated, a vote of a person for the mental institution is worth the same as a professors vote. It's the same shit like communist socialism.True monarchy is the best shape of democracy, the king represents the people, and what they want. Unless it's a dictator like a self-proclaimed monarch like Napoleon. 




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