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Lord Theoretical

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@@COBLoneWolf, my younger brother has gone far enough to nickname McDonalds "Cancer". Have it Big Pharma's way.



Politics is a lost cause.

Democracy is a cruel joke.

(this is unpopular, right...?)

Given the state of technology today, business as usual is a retarded way to economize with our planetary resources.

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  • Nintendo is a better console maker than Microsoft and Sony.

Windows 8.1 is an excellent OS.

Mac OS X, meanwhile, is not.

LittleBIGPlanet, The Last of Us, GTA V, Halo, Call of Duty, Resistance, Gears of War, Final Fantasy VII, Gone Home, Dota 2 and League of Legends are equally overrated.

Fluttershy has a bad character.

Twilight Sparkle has an excellent character.

Disney is stupid

Alex Jones is a blithering, lying retard

Alex Jones' followers are just as insane as he is.

Apple is stupider than Disney

Apple is also horrendously overpriced (my laptop is more powerful than - and less expensive than by $1200 - a 2013 15.4" Retina MacBook Pro)

Nobody should give Activision or EA money. Ever.

If you regularly reinforce PC gamer stereotypes by taking the whole "PC master race" thing too seriously, you are not a real PC gamer.

If you regularly participate in the childish Sony/Microsoft console war and reinforce console gamer stereotypes, then you are not a real console gamer.

PC gaming is not dying.

Console gaming is dying.

Massachusetts is a better state than your state.

Edited by Champion Daring
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Drawn Together was easily 10x funnier than Family Guy. 


Oh Lord...I hated Drawn Together with a passion. I hate, hate, hated it. One of the worst shows ever made.

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Despite what everyone says, New York really isn't all that grand. Just a bunch of swindling shopkeeps, stupid pickpockets, and overpriced everything.


I don't care what console or Pc you have or play. As long as you enjoy being on it, that's fine.

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  • Ocarina of Time wasn't that good. Twilight Princess in my opinion is way better.

Matt Smith was a better Doctor than Tennant.

Homestuck should have ended 2years ago.

Lord of the Rings is massively better than Star Wars, and The Hobbit is better than both.

Fuck MOBA games.

I love being a Casual.

Love and Tolerate is not always a good motto to go by.

Sleep is a luxurious past-time.

College is still very beneficial.

And lastly... I LOVE BEING A CASUAL.

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While I can appreciate what David Cage was going for, I still extremely dislike Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain, and especially Beyond: Two Souls. David Cage's writing is a failure of the game designer.

My favorite song at the moment is "Timber" by Pitbull feat. Kesha

Kesha's pretty alright

Dr. Mario is my favorite Mario game

Mega Man 4 is my favorite Mega Man game, aside from X

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a failure of the game designer.

I love you Super Best Friends Play.



-Modern pop artists get too much hate.  I don't like them at all but when I discovered a song I had heard several times before thanks to radio was One Direction, I had a reaction of, 'really?  That's what people are so up in arms about?'.


-JonTron's better on his own than on Game Grumps.

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- Rarity Suri is underrated

- Engineer stock pistol should be nerfed to 60 ammo

- I hate 2fort, okay?

- Suri is best antagonist

- Suri is better than Coco

- Coco is overrated because I'm a million times better than a backstabber

- People hate Bieber without actually listening to one of his music tracks



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Let's see:


This fandom has gotten way too out of hand.


This forum has gotten way to0 big for it's own good.


There is almost no one I can relate to on here, as they're busy with some other user.


I feel a lot of the new users are ignored on this forum, unless they go to the RP section, which is just one giant cesspool of one bad story after another.

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I don't think minimum wage should be raised. I have talked about this with people who have a much better understanding of the economy then most people do. The fact is, companies are not going to lower their profit margin (which isn't as big as people assume it is), so the result would be a higher cost of living and layoffs.


I also don't really like the tumblr community. I mean the fandoms are fun, but the overall culter that has evolved there bothers me.

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  • Princess Cadence is a better Princess then Twilight.

Shining Armor has a personality.

I like Tiarawhy / Pokehidden

Discord is overrated.

Luna isn't overrated.

Moonstuck is underrated.

Disney movies are stupid minus Wreck it Ralph and Frozen

Sonic 06 is a GOOD GAME.

Edited by Champion Shift
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Prncess Celestia is extremely underrated, unjustly mock, looked negetively on.


Also just because your favorite is Princess Luna does not mean you try to justifty her actions and make her older sister the enemy.


Luna is my favorite but I am a defender of Celestia.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Free! and SNK are hella overrated.

8 was best Doctor.

Tumblr is full of butts, but because of the whole :D :D :D love everyone minus white cis males  :D :D :D attitude within fandoms, no one bothers to call anyone out.

Edited by BravelyDefault
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  • Nintendo is a better console maker than Microsoft and Sony.
  • Windows 8.1 is an excellent OS.
  • If you regularly participate in the childish Sony/Microsoft console war and reinforce console gamer stereotypes, then you are not a real console gamer.
  • Massachusetts is a better state than your state.

These I somewhat agree with.

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Cena isn't that bad of a wrestler.


DSP isn't a real gamer and beats CWC in terms of dislikability.


Pop art isn't a art form.


Derpy didn't have to come back. At all.


Illinois sucks at 90% of everything. And this is coming from someone who lives in Illinois.


The Hunger Games is a crappy book series.

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Not sure exactly how unpopular these are, but a lot of people I know disagree with me on them

- Dio > Ozzy

- I think violas sound better than violins because of their deeper tone

- I actually liked Sonic 06 because of how buggy it was. I found it hilarious

- Minish Cap is my favorite Legend of Zelda game

- I liked Sombra more than Chrysalis

- I think drugs should be decriminalized and that drug addicts should get medical help instead of jail time

- I'm an American that hates football and baseball

- My favorite picks are Guitar Center picks because they're free

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