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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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I only half-agree with a majority of the posts on here.


1. (Something I agree with)

Me: Yes!


2. (Something I agree with)

Me: YES!! Finally somebody understands me.


3. (Something I don't agree with)

Me: Err... You lost me. Brohoof anyway.

  • Brohoof 1

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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To the people that say "Activision sucks for releasing a Call of Duty game each year!"


Tell me, why in the world would you not release a game each year if each time a game is released, you make $1billion? Activision has even added a third developer to the cycle to give more time for each game to develop and people are STILL complaining...

Edited by Rivendare
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Here's a coupI

  • I find car talk annoying and I see ever car as the same
  • I hate guns and I only like them in my video games
  • I dont like sushi
  • I hate absolutely hate hip-hop,rap, and country music
  • I hoping that EA can turn their asses around with the star wars franchise
Edited by COBLoneWolf
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I don't like Brony Analysis videos or articles. A lot of analyzers tend to take the show way too seriously and they suck the fun out of the show IMO.

So yes. Man, it's a show about hypercolor horses going on 21-minute adventures with a heartfelt lesson at the end. And that's not a bad thing.

...or at least at *some* point it was that.


I made a debate thread about this, but I feel that Gamers are sadly more toxic in general than other media fangroups; even to the people who create their idols.

  • Brohoof 1
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- I love G1. I grew up on it, still collect it, still draw the ponies from it. G1 is tied with G4 for my favorite ponies.


- The whole waifu thing is just really really creepy. I get having a favorite character and collecting merch of your favorite character, but so much of the writings on waifus and the things people do with representations of their waifus creep me out so much. Setting up a candlelit dinner with wine with a pony plushie just seems really... odd.

  • Brohoof 1


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I watch a show for little girls called my little pony. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME

XD. Man, there's no denying it. MLP is meant for little girls. It's the target audience.

  • Brohoof 1

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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Cyberbullying in and of itself is not a problem or a crime. If you don't understand how to close a browser or sign out of Facebook or turn the whole computer off and do something else, you deserve whatever bile you get and consequences, up to and including suicide, are entirely on your own head.

Of course, driving someone to suicide is still awful and should be punished by mandatory life in prison (if unintentional) or mandatory death penalty (if it was intentional, like straight-up egging them on to end it)...But that "victim" is a victim only of their own dense inability to close the window.

Edited by Koelath
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Cyberbullying in and of itself is not a problem or a crime. If you don't understand how to close a browser or sign out of Facebook or turn the whole computer off and do something else, you deserve whatever bile you get and consequences, up to and including suicide, are entirely on your own head.



Of course, driving someone to suicide is still awful and should be punished by mandatory life in prison (if unintentional) or mandatory death penalty (if it was intentional, like straight-up egging them on to end it)...But that "victim" is a victim only of their own dense inability to close the window.


Gospel. Fucking. Truth. This right here is called maturity.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Seriously. What's with these people who rage at you when you want to watch an anime in english? I don't want to have to read a show, I want to be able to listen to it in my own language.

It depends. Some dubs are really good, some are just off. I do think that as time has passed, English anime voice acting has improved significantly (excluding 4kids).


Here's an unpopular opinion: ABBA is better than The Beatles. Yeah, I said it.


the Beatlemania era was just forgettable knockoffs of 50s rockabilly (although "Please Please Me" is quite good). Their "artistic/deep" later period wasn't much better. John Lennon was a pompous, obnoxious, impressionable druggie. George Harrison was the only member of that group I liked. The songs he wrote for them were much better, although the greatness of "All Things Must Pass", his solo album, was mainly because of Phil Spector's production.


ABBA, on the other hand, made music that was always catchy, likeable and well-composed. They're better than guilty pleasure status. They have alot of fans in places you wouldn't expect too, as a testament to their awesomeness(Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth, for example). Plus they're Scandinavian like me. It's easy to see which is the better band.

  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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I guess it's time to repost this for the 9042nd time. (Double pop-culture reference. I'm on fire.)

Just for an idiot to start a pointless argument and support the side of my own opinions.

@Redneck, I was referring to larger scale agriculture. I should've mentioned that.


The AK-47 was once revolutionary but is... Completely obselete now, and has been for 40 years.


The M1897 "Trench Gun" will always be best shotgun. I don't see how one could be made with more genius.


LoZ is not a great series. It's just placed on quite the pedestal. I admit, Ocarina of Time was good. Majora's Mask was also pretty good. A Link to the Past is also great. But... Don't even get me started with the godly praise these games receive.


MW3 was the real turning point in COD history. The only good things were the extra mode (better than zombies, I could rant how bad zombies is), and use of decent, but cliche and predictable, plot elements. The end I could've predicted, even before MW3's campaign even started. Kill Confirmed was decent. Otherwise... This game was worthless.


Team Fortress 2 will always be better than any other online FPS. Hear me out, COD and Halo fanboys. This game has everything you should be looking for, except storyline. But to that, I say this:


The gameplay is extremely well balanced except one class that shall not be named... The characters are hilarious,...

COD has bland characterization, and Halo has only two decent characters, one if them is admittably one of my all time favorites (Master Chief) But TF2... Has 9!


2013 was a terrible year for gaming. I didn't like any title this year other than Battlefield 4, and GTA V. The Last of Us was meh, and Metro Last Light was a little better. No other game was even worth noting.


Gex will always be one of the best when it comes to platforming. I don't give a fuck about what you say, because most of it is uninformed jargon. Great main character, and gameplay was pure platforming genius.

  • Brohoof 3


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"Unpopular opinions."

*Pulls out list* Ahem...

1. Minecraft is boring and overrated. 

2. MLP Internet conquest is not a good thing.

3. EG was not that amazing.

4. World at War Zombies was better than Black Ops Zombies. By a lot.

5. K Pop is not generally that amazing.

6. Communism is unrealistic.

7. Ghosts are a ridiculous idea.

8. Money is not the source of all evil.

9. Bacon is... okay.

10. In my opinion, climate change is actually a serious issue.

  • Brohoof 4


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I don't like Fluttershy or Derpy. (Shit storm is a comin')
I don't like Pokemon all that much :P
I don't really like retro games.
The death penalty is necessary
I actually like RWJ.
I don't really enjoy anime.

Valve is overrated.

That's all I can think of right now.

Team Fortress 2 will always be better than any other online FPS.

The only problem I have with TF2 is that you can't aim down the sights.

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A couple weapon related ones to start off the list

>Shotguns are useless as all hell, PDW's now corner the CQB market, a slow and cumbersome shot gun, that takes ammunition that is larger than a 5.56 round is just useless to carry into combat. 

> the ak line in general needs a huge update, and more than just the ak-12

And a few others

>Half life > Team fortress, valve wouldn't have even made tf1 if they didn't have the success of half life, and the greatness of that game still stands today. 

>Zombies are boring as all hell, we have seen them killed in almost every imaginable way, seen almost every type of "survivor" story out there, we need something new.

>The walking dead is a horrible show. The plot elements are incredibly cliche, can be seen miles off, and entire episodes can be predicted almost down to a T via the episodes title. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I like Blueblood, but that's debatable because I find his jerkiness funny.

I think that Derpygate is overrated.

Games don't have to be good to be fun.

Good graphics does not a good game make.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by JellyBean.

I'm derping your computer as we speak...

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Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie.


I'm a pacifist who hates violence in any form.


I think Derpy and all background ponies for that matter are not real characters. I don't feel particularly strongly about a backgroudn character just because they have a certain color scheme, that's all they are.


I don't support marriage. As a whole. Give us unions with the same rights, and make mariage a purely religious title. Makes everyone happy.


I dislike pretty much every show on television, except for The Daily Show/Colbert and MLP. Other than that I just watch youtube exclusives.


I enjoy history and history classes.are honestly fun for me.


I'm a sex positive person, and believe everyone should be free to express their sexuality without judgement of others. (So long as everyone involved is willing and legal, of course.)

  • Brohoof 3



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Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie.


I'm a pacifist who hates violence in any form.


I think Derpy and all background ponies for that matter are not real characters. I don't feel particularly strongly about a backgroudn character just because they have a certain color scheme, that's all they are.


I don't support marriage. As a whole. Give us unions with the same rights, and make mariage a purely religious title. Makes everyone happy.


I dislike pretty much every show on television, except for The Daily Show/Colbert and MLP. Other than that I just watch youtube exclusives.


I enjoy history and history classes.are honestly fun for me.


I'm a sex positive person, and believe everyone should be free to express their sexuality without judgement of others. (So long as everyone involved is willing and legal, of course.)

Agreed with most of these, somewhat. Except, that first one reminds me of another unpopular opinion I have.


Disney is overrated. Stereotypical characters, and really REALLY bad plot structure. Reminds me of Final Fantasy... But that's another bone to pick...


Now. Final Fantasy is mostly composed of overrated games. Also, with not too great gameplay mechanics... Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts. Particularly Final Fantasy VII.


Heavy is an overrated TF2 class. Heavy is the slowest of all classes, and because he's the biggest and slowest, he gets the bulk of the damage. Be prepared to be stormed with bullets. May I suggest the overpowered overheal mechanic?


Halo 2 is overrated. The plotline was confusing and made no sense, and little innovation was made. I'm saying this wearing a shirt with a Master Chief helmet on it and with online multiplayer. Nintendo did it first, Microsoft. Don't be... Oh you already proved you are... With the purchase of RARE!


Derpy is technically not a background character. One episode explains it. The episode where the ponies had to rebuild town hall? That was Derpy's fault. Therefore she created the events of that episode. Therefore, she cannot be a background character.


Disgaea is underrated by society. It is a masterpiece. I only played the original, and I know this. The music is the best ever inserted into a video game, stellar plot, and great GREAT gameplay. Beats Final Fantasy Tactics any day, ever.


America is by far the most nationalist country to ever grace the planet. TF2 soldier is a great example. So is... Call of Duty. Need I say more? I think the signs are obviously obvious. Like the signs that America's free market economy is what is killing us. Like the fact that Westboro Baptist Church is actually full of homophobic cowards.

  • Brohoof 1


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Agreed with most of these, somewhat. Except, that first one reminds me of another unpopular opinion I have.


Now. Final Fantasy is mostly composed of overrated games. Also, with not too great gameplay mechanics... Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts. Particularly Final Fantasy VII.


Heavy is an overrated TF2 class. Heavy is the slowest of all classes, and because he's the biggest and slowest, he gets the bulk of the damage. Be prepared to be stormed with bullets. May I suggest the overpowered overheal mechanic?


America is by far the most nationalist country to ever grace the planet.


. Like the fact that Westboro Baptist Church is actually full of homophobic cowards.

These in particular. I don't like any of the Final Fantasies after 6. but 6 is one of my favorite games of all time. All of the characters actually had compelling storylines back then! (Except Gogo/Umaro, who were bonus characters.)


Heavy is supposed to soak up bullets, that's part of his job. someone's gotta take the hits, he's supposed to be the anchor of the team. He holds your line.


Not sure I'd agree with the America thing. There's a loud minority who are like that, maybe.


Westboro Baptist is one such loud minority. There aren't many people who think like that, they just yell enough that they seem like there's more.



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For some anime I prefer the dubbing a lot better than the Japanese voices used in the non-dub.


I believe that the EU will become like the USSR and will start the New World Order.


Russia's law against the proper gander movement of homosexuality is the right thing to do; as we the west should not force our beliefs onto them.


COD is fun to some degree but it lacks substance as it is a lacklustre shooter compared to others.


The death penalty has to come back as well as public executions but only for the extreme cases who are a danger to society. 


Disney is very overrated as despite making good films (Beauty and the Beast is my favourite) they are currently neglecting Walt's original visions and are nothing more than a corrupted capitalist company.


Lillo and Stich is one of Disney's best films they have made.


Any form of Fandom wars (especially the console wars) are completely uncalled for; as they are used to only ignite flame wars on the internet.


Despite being religious I hate followers of any religion who believe they are the next Jesus (I'm looking at you Beiber :okiedokielokie:) or any form of a Messiah; as they only want attention and use people to their own advantage.

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