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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie.


I'm a pacifist who hates violence in any form.


I think Derpy and all background ponies for that matter are not real characters. I don't feel particularly strongly about a backgroudn character just because they have a certain color scheme, that's all they are.


I don't support marriage. As a whole. Give us unions with the same rights, and make mariage a purely religious title. Makes everyone happy.


I dislike pretty much every show on television, except for The Daily Show/Colbert and MLP. Other than that I just watch youtube exclusives.


I enjoy history and history classes.are honestly fun for me.


I'm a sex positive person, and believe everyone should be free to express their sexuality without judgement of others. (So long as everyone involved is willing and legal, of course.)

Agreed with most of these, somewhat. Except, that first one reminds me of another unpopular opinion I have.


Disney is overrated. Stereotypical characters, and really REALLY bad plot structure. Reminds me of Final Fantasy... But that's another bone to pick...


Now. Final Fantasy is mostly composed of overrated games. Also, with not too great gameplay mechanics... Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts. Particularly Final Fantasy VII.


Heavy is an overrated TF2 class. Heavy is the slowest of all classes, and because he's the biggest and slowest, he gets the bulk of the damage. Be prepared to be stormed with bullets. May I suggest the overpowered overheal mechanic?


Halo 2 is overrated. The plotline was confusing and made no sense, and little innovation was made. I'm saying this wearing a shirt with a Master Chief helmet on it and with online multiplayer. Nintendo did it first, Microsoft. Don't be... Oh you already proved you are... With the purchase of RARE!


Derpy is technically not a background character. One episode explains it. The episode where the ponies had to rebuild town hall? That was Derpy's fault. Therefore she created the events of that episode. Therefore, she cannot be a background character.


Disgaea is underrated by society. It is a masterpiece. I only played the original, and I know this. The music is the best ever inserted into a video game, stellar plot, and great GREAT gameplay. Beats Final Fantasy Tactics any day, ever.


America is by far the most nationalist country to ever grace the planet. TF2 soldier is a great example. So is... Call of Duty. Need I say more? I think the signs are obviously obvious. Like the signs that America's free market economy is what is killing us. Like the fact that Westboro Baptist Church is actually full of homophobic cowards.

  • Brohoof 1


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Agreed with most of these, somewhat. Except, that first one reminds me of another unpopular opinion I have.


Now. Final Fantasy is mostly composed of overrated games. Also, with not too great gameplay mechanics... Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts. Particularly Final Fantasy VII.


Heavy is an overrated TF2 class. Heavy is the slowest of all classes, and because he's the biggest and slowest, he gets the bulk of the damage. Be prepared to be stormed with bullets. May I suggest the overpowered overheal mechanic?


America is by far the most nationalist country to ever grace the planet.


. Like the fact that Westboro Baptist Church is actually full of homophobic cowards.

These in particular. I don't like any of the Final Fantasies after 6. but 6 is one of my favorite games of all time. All of the characters actually had compelling storylines back then! (Except Gogo/Umaro, who were bonus characters.)


Heavy is supposed to soak up bullets, that's part of his job. someone's gotta take the hits, he's supposed to be the anchor of the team. He holds your line.


Not sure I'd agree with the America thing. There's a loud minority who are like that, maybe.


Westboro Baptist is one such loud minority. There aren't many people who think like that, they just yell enough that they seem like there's more.



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For some anime I prefer the dubbing a lot better than the Japanese voices used in the non-dub.


I believe that the EU will become like the USSR and will start the New World Order.


Russia's law against the proper gander movement of homosexuality is the right thing to do; as we the west should not force our beliefs onto them.


COD is fun to some degree but it lacks substance as it is a lacklustre shooter compared to others.


The death penalty has to come back as well as public executions but only for the extreme cases who are a danger to society. 


Disney is very overrated as despite making good films (Beauty and the Beast is my favourite) they are currently neglecting Walt's original visions and are nothing more than a corrupted capitalist company.


Lillo and Stich is one of Disney's best films they have made.


Any form of Fandom wars (especially the console wars) are completely uncalled for; as they are used to only ignite flame wars on the internet.


Despite being religious I hate followers of any religion who believe they are the next Jesus (I'm looking at you Beiber :okiedokielokie:) or any form of a Messiah; as they only want attention and use people to their own advantage.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not all knives need to be functional. Some are decorative, and some are just fun. I may have bought an impractical knife, but that doesn't make me an idiot because I wasn't looking for a practical knife. Also, don't expect a decorative piece to be functional.


The technical quality of something does not represent how enjoyable it is. There is no such thing as "over-rated".

Keep flyin'


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Posting something I posted in another thread, as it fits here to.


People who complain about paparazzi are idiots.


It's their job. And guess who they're working for? YOU, the viewer. You the viewer are watching the stuff they photograph, video tape, etc. You demand it, they provide it.


And if you're a rich athlete or celebrity or whatever, if you're going to cry and complain about people taking pictures of you, then seriously, get a damn clue. That's what you signed up for when you decided to live the high life. Cry me a river.

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Classic Who is slightly better than New Who.

Steven Moffat is slightly better at show-running than RTD.

The Fifth Doctor was the best Doctor, and Nyssa was one of the best companions. Ever.

I love the JNT era.

Generation I of Pokemon was passable.

MLP is slightly overrated. It's good, but it's not the centre of the universe. I would give it a 8.5/10 or something to that effect.

Dave Polsky is one of the best writers of the show.

Life in Equestria was the best song of Magical Mystery Cure.

Fangirls are terribly misunderstood creatures. Trust me.

  • Brohoof 1

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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Generation 3 of pokemon is my favorite. Simply, innovation. I also liked the map, well, without all the water, but nevertheless.


Mario is the best Super Smash Bros. Character, in every game thus far. I like the balanced statistics, plus, Mario's move set is pretty freaking awesome.


I despise the Final Smash mechanic in Brawl. It's cheaper than the Hammer or Baseball Bat any day.


Shadow the Hedgehog is one of the best games of all time, undoubtedly. My second favorite Sonic game as well.


Generation 2 of pokemon was terrible. CRY ME A RIVER, GODDAMIT! :3

  • Brohoof 1


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People should be required to learn to competently operate a vehicle with a manual transmission to get a drivers license.


As far as U.S politics is concerned: is it just me, or does it seem like most of the die-hard "conservatives" have very little knowledge of basic economics, science and/or history in general? They seem to just decide their position on an issue based upon their very first reaction upon learning of it (or what someone tells them about it, no matter the persons experience on the matter), and absolutely refuse to consider any viewpoint or evidence against their position. I realize not all of them are like this, but based upon my own experiences, I really can't say I've met too many of them who don't fall into this description.


A smartphone can never be a true replacement for a dedicated music player.

  • Brohoof 2


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Team Fortress 2 will always be better than any other online FPS. Hear me out, COD and Halo fanboys. This game has everything you should be looking for, except storyline. But to that, I say this:


TF2 does have a story line actually

but not a story game mode.

Edited by Jorgeson
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I'm sorry about saying this one, I know I will be. Conservatives know little about politics. If they really did know anything, then why would they be fools politically? I mean seriously. I mean, Conservative politicians in general. Some where okay presidents. (Not George Bush...)


Libertarianism is the absolute closest any ideal could ever be to completely effective.


Gun banning absolutely does not solve any problems.

TF2 does have a story line actually

but not a story game mode.

Quite true, but very little about it is revealed in the game. Most is revealed through "Meet The..." Videos and comics.


What little I know is hilarious. Stairs... Invented after Jet packs? That was pretty funny.



Applejack is overrated. Let me explain. Fan polls don't do shit to the fact that Applejack is actually one of the more popular ponies. I don't see why, all she is is her character archetype, of a country girl like pony. And her stubbornness.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have a little bit of hate in my heart for every person. 


Even you.


And yes, even you.


And you, too.


I have a hatred of the human race in general.


I can't help what I am, but I sure as hell don't like it. Humans are vile destroyers of good things.

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The music industry is dead.


Disney Channel is a rotten fest of live-action bulls**t!


2013 sucked.


I hate Lil Wayne.


3-D is not needed.

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Anime is not the cliched pornographic cartoons some think of.


Each of the mane 6 are great, despite the flaws, they have their own reason to be best pony, mainly rarity for me.


Dubstep is somewhat passable, but quickly gets annoying..

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-I absolutely hate James Cameron's Avatar. It's 3 hours of hypocritical, misanthropy!


-I'm an Anarcho-Capitalist. I'm the guy other anarchists don't like! :P 


-I'm Catholic.


-I do not like Flutterbat in the least. For me, it was horrifying that she was undergoing such a physical and mental transformation at no will or fault of her own.  

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Call of Duty is by far the greatest shooter franchise in history.


One of the reasons being I hate when you shoot someone in a game like Halo and they just soak up bullet after bullet. It's like I'm shooting BB's or something. People should drop in 2-6 shots, depending on distance and area of the body that's affected.

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Call of Duty is by far the greatest shooter franchise in history.


One of the reasons being I hate when you shoot someone in a game like Halo and they just soak up bullet after bullet. It's like I'm shooting BB's or something. People should drop in 2-6 shots, depending on distance and area of the body that's affected.


Yes, but let's not also forget the infamous foot stab that kills anyone instantly. Honestly, those damn knives need to be toned down a bit, considering you're wearing full combat armor and the you suddenly die from one slash or stab. The knife should at least have to take a few hits before dropping someone.

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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The knife should at least have to take a few hits before dropping someone.

That being said, that could be quite annoying, when up close.

OT: WWE is now horrible, to the point it is sickening. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I am glad to see the corrupt government of Ukraine go, but am angry over U.S and western intervention as well as western media on the topic.

I am also pissed that Berkut (Ukrainian riot police) were disbanded, they kept the far-right Neo-Nazis and fascists in check.

Russia's intervention into the Crimea is to protect the many Russians/Russian speakers there (about 58% of the pop).






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I'm sorry about saying this one, I know I will be. Conservatives know little about politics. If they really did know anything, then why would they be fools politically? I mean seriously. I mean, Conservative politicians in general. Some where okay presidents. (Not George Bush...)


Libertarianism is the absolute closest any ideal could ever be to completely effective.


Gun banning absolutely does not solve any problems.


Quite true, but very little about it is revealed in the game. Most is revealed through "Meet The..." Videos and comics.


What little I know is hilarious. Stairs... Invented after Jet packs? That was pretty funny.



Applejack is overrated. Let me explain. Fan polls don't do shit to the fact that Applejack is actually one of the more popular ponies. I don't see why, all she is is her character archetype, of a country girl like pony. And her stubbornness.

That is because many of those conservatives are just RINOs that suck up to the democrat party. Libertarians actually know what they are talking about.

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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I feel I know what true justice is. I do not support gay\lesbians, but I will not be mean and or judge them. Superman is best super hero. Love is not black and white. World peace seems easier then what people think, but we refuse out arrogance and sheer stupidity over pointless things. I feel that The Big bang and theory of evolution are outrageous and stupid beyond comparison. Negativity shouldn't be allowed on websites like these. The U.S still has meaning to the world and in no way the worst country out there. Love and tolerance has meaning that could be applied to everyone. Games DO teach things and not the other way around. I find a lot of overrated things distasteful especially in games, music and Shows (anime, cartoons, and etc.) I have a distaste in popularity, and feel that all normally famous things should not have as much attention, and or should have attention spread amongst at least SOME of the unpopular. In short, I do not like favoritism. I feel that most people make the world negative for themselves. I can't take vampires seriously anymore. Love is not a play thing, its not all about sex, and should be treated with with much care. Profanity is stupid and just an excuse to be vulgar. Games are taken to seriously. You shouldn't judge on what kind of game company\games people like. The world isn't black and white, but in fact many colors. Dragon ball Z is not the best anime in the world. Places like Sin city shouldn't exist. We should actually have a different election\voting process then the one we have now. Elections shouldn't be based on popularity, but more of ethics, truthfulness, academic ability, or just plain common sense. Justin Bieber is not the villain of the world and neither is Miley Cyrus. Music or more precise, rap, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Communist Regime is still bad no matter what, but so far Democracy is no better at the moment. Anarchy is not the way to go. Happiness is true power. Marijuana should stay Illegal. 

Edited by Mr.Green
  • Brohoof 1


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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