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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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Guys, a number of posts in here have gone off-topic. Please keep your posts related to the OP otherwise you end up derailing the thread.

Thanks :)

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Skyrim is overrated

I think vegan people are dumb

Origin is not that bad

Battlefield is a prettier Call of Duty

Mario Strikers is better than FIFA

Death Note is overrated

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Most forms of age discrimination are entirely justified.



Marriage isn't a human right mate.


Even though I disagree with what you said in this comment, I must apologize. I insulted you, and I'm sorry.


I'm going to stay away from this thread.

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lmao~ this seems like a funny idea for a thread~ good way for people to vent things though if they get bottled up. 


Unpopular opinions of mine... hmmm...


"gaudy" is an acceptable art form and should not be knocked, is not bad taste, and should not be shunned.


Rainbow is in fact my favorite color.  


Me having 2 life partners and letting my spouse explore his bisexuality.


Um... mushrooms taste good!


And brusell sprouts. 


Any pony toy can be customized whether it's rare or not *gets shot*


Obama is merely cleaning up after Bush, he has a lot on his plate to have to fix.


High heel boots are good for running across town in.


I'm loaded with unpopular things, I must stop there for now~ :P

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I've played Legend of Zelda original, Zelda II, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker.  I can't stand them any of 'em and it's the same reason for each game: very long, very tedious dungeons.  It's the same three puzzles done again and again for about 150 rooms.  The only difference is Link's Awakening - where the puzzles are varied and dungeons puzzles distinct but having to pause and switch toggle between items assigned to only two buttons every freaking screen is about as fun as getting a root canal and cavity search simultaneously.

Edited by Breakfast
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- Taylor Swift is a super-talented musical artist and songwriter.

- I'll never buy an xbox - ever.

- Soy milk > dairy milk.

- Grammar policing is rude and exclusionary.

- I don't really believe in "respecting everyone's opinion." If you're a homophobe, a racist, or a misogynist, I do not respect you. Sorry not sorryyyy.

- People should wear whatever the hell they want; it shouldn't matter if the outfit is "flattering" to their body or not.

- Miley Cyrus is hot and she has a wonderful voice.

- Fishing/hunting for sport is mean.

- Vanilla cake is better than chocolate cake.

- Games where all you do is shoot things are stupid.

- Quiet people are easier to get along with than spotlight-seeking, extroverted people.

- I love, love, LOVE the G3 pony toys - more than the G4s.

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Anyone who is not extroverted, yet complains about not being in control needs to either nut up or shut up. You are not going to control anything by sitting back and complaining about others that are more outgoing than you.

Katy Perry is wayyyyyyyyy hotter than most modern pop stars, and despite a couple bad songs, is a fairly good singer.

People need to stop relying so much on modern technology for a safety net. You can have all the multicultural, all the integration you want, but without a larger authority with modern technology making sure the process goes smooth shit is going to erupt. So please, appreciate the modern government in protecting you from what you want.

People need to stop getting so angry about people resisting change. Progress is not always in a forward motion, and resisting change is not only human nature, but a safety feature built into societies. Change is needed for survival, but people are always going to resist it. Stop expecting your social justice to go unopposed.

Supporters of social justice need to thank the people more often. Without public supported police forces, and the technological break throughs of the last 50 years, they would not exist in the slightest.

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Wedding ceremonies are expensive and pointless. Why spend all that money and effort? Why not just forgo the ceremony, have a quick thing at the courthouse or whatever, and invest that money for the future.


You know, why? WHY!? Why go through the worry and hurt feelings that precedes weddings? It just does NOT make sense to me.

Edited by PathfinderCS
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Just because you want something doesn't mean you should freakin' get it! You have a job in an industry that is already hard to keep a job in and you BUY A FREAKIN' ATV OR SIDE BY SIDE WHILE ALSO HAVING A MORTGAGE AND TRUCK WHILE HAVING A FAMILY!!!!





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- I don't really believe in "respecting everyone's opinion." If you're a homophobe, a racist, or a misogynist, I do not respect you. Sorry not sorryyyy.

This post was a breath of fresh air.

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I have some additional ones, stone me if you wish.


  • Internet culture in general is alien too me. It's too loud and mostly pointless overreaction
  • Being forced into subcultures because I like a show it's simply idiotic, I find it stupid.
  • Most fandom stuff online is really annoying. I can't even google anypony anymore without seeing ugh "fanart" with porn or gore.
  • I miss S1 and S2 of MLP. THe princess stuff and discord mania the show gotten lately makes me sad. I can't even watch the show anymore.
  • Even if I don't like that stuff I don't hate people who do like it or make it. I seperate the art and the artist and the fan any given day.
  • Being intolerant about entertraiment is silly
  • Lauren is best faust, Sorry Goethe
  • Poltically hijacking fandoms and ponies is totally not cool
  • I think pewdie pie is a clever entertrainer, even if I don't watch any of those people on youtube
  • Being elitistic over PCs and Consoles is silly.
  • I think many succesful and big fanartists have a talent for business! It's way more than drawing pretty thing and be discovered they do their content making accordingly to the fads and trends. Pretty f. clever!
  • I respect opinions and don't wish to change other's unless it is a means for a goal
  • I'm generally consider myself annoying and inferior to most of the people here.
  • I'm tolerant of people but that doesn't mean I have to love everypony no matter what.
  • I consider gaming a legit hobby, no need to be shy about it
  • I hate steam sale memes a lot. It's annoying when you don't have any money.
  • I greatly dislike tech and gaming journalism, it's mostly hype machine and fanboyism at work.

Well. Sorry if I offended anypony.


Edited by KoGy
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I don't think all profanity is inherently bad. If the word has an offensive meaning (like "damn", for instance), it's better not to say it, but if it's only "offensive" because people don't like hearing it (like "shit"), then it's fine as long as it's not being directed at anyone ("You shit-head").


- I don't really believe in "respecting everyone's opinion." If you're a homophobe, a racist, or a misogynist, I do not respect you. Sorry not sorryyyy.


True, true. Although (not sure if this is an unpopular opinion) I also think people sling those words around way too freely. Personally, I think homosexual intercourse is immoral, but that doesn't make me a homophobe. I think women and men are generally better suited to different jobs, but that doesn't make me a misogynist. Racism tends to be a bit more cut and dried, though, perhaps.


Not that you were accusing anyone of being homophobic, racist, or misogynistic. Just thought I'd point that out. So I did. And now I'm done. So I should stop typing now. Okay.

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