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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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I can say with 100% confidence that the vast majority of Bronies follow a Brony stereotype one way or another.


I know I do. I collect Funko figurines, so that's one aspect I guess.

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I'm not a fan of South Park. I simply don't find any of the humor funny, the animation looks crude to me (it was probably intended to be that way, but it makes no difference to me) and the characters are annoying.


I prefer Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed over nearly every Mario Kart except for Double Dash.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh trust me, I get at Athiests to when they start spewing their stuff at other people. However Ahtiests aren't going to crash a plane into a building because science said they should...nor would they group up and scream about how LGBTQ people are bad and they shouldn't be allowed the same rights as everyone else.

I believe there are also atheists who are against LGBT saying that it's unnatural though it has been observed that such thing is not unique to humans. Also it was an atheist that eliminated approximately 11 million people because he believed these people were scientifically inferior to the point of being abomination that must be cleansed from the world.

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I believe there are also atheists who are against LGBT saying that it's unnatural though it has been observed that such thing is not unique to humans. Also it was an atheist that eliminated approximately 11 million people because he believed these people were scientifically inferior to the point of being abomination that must be cleansed from the world.


Alright lemme rephrase that. There are probably athiests that are homophobic however its got little to do with atheism itself (And comparing that to the amount of religious people who are homophobic due to their beliefs...well its like a tiny drop of water in an ocean).

And atheism would tie very little into that. Atheism essentially means "I don't believe there's a god. I trust scientific fact." And science doesn't have a book that says "Kill people who are inferior"...where as many other religions do. I'm afraid certain things fall down to who's a psychopath and who's not when it comes to Atheism. Now with religion on the other hand, people are (in extreme cases) brainwashed into believing things (I am NOT implying that any religious person would murder someone for not believing what they believe. I know many very friendly religious people I'm just talking about extremists). Look at the Westburo baptist church for example. From the day those kids are born they're told that the US is evil, that God hates gays, yada yada. If you go to an atheist extremists household, sure...the parents are probably very "I don't want my kids hanging out with those christian kids" which is wrong...however the majority of the time they're not going to be screaming about hating groups of people for the way they live their lives. Again...I'm sure there exceptions, but like I said before...tiny drop in an ocean of religious extremists who believe that their god/gods have told them to do these things because its 'right'.


Also...for those who may be unsure...I'm not an atheist. I guess one could consider me agnostic but it gets rather complicated.

  • Brohoof 1
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I HATE sports with a passion, I love creepypastas but HATE jeff the killer and sonic.exe(they're just really badly written and take away from way more deserving pastas) I find terraria better then minecraft(execpt that the worlds are smaller) I perpher being single(most of the time). I kinda like new roblox(exept the follower/friend update).

  • Brohoof 3
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Right, because this

img-3596283-1-Jerusalem_Light_Rail_07.jpis more interesting than this.


I thought this thread was called "Post your unpopular opinions"? I guess I was wrong.


Oh, um, OT: The minimum wage should not be raised, it's simply a means to start off and work your way up, it's not supposed to be something you live off. If you can't work hard and earn the wages to support yourself, you shouldn't be working at all.

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  • Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants isn't funny.

Twilight Sparkle can be pretty bland

Soul Eater is the best anime ever made.

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  • Soul Eater is the best anime ever made.


  • Soul Eater is the best anime ever made.
  • Soul Eater is the best anime ever made.
  • Soul Eater is the best anime ever made.


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-I love most modern pop music but I'm an Oldies fan too.

-That being said, Sgt Pepper's is far from the best Beatles album.

-Aurora from Sleeping Beauty has a personality.

-A lot of Bronies suck as people. This site does have a lot of good members, but outside of sites like this one, expect most Bronies to be pretty mean...

-Equestria Daily isn't a very good site. I only go on it to get updated.

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Oh trust me, I get at Athiests to when they start spewing their stuff at other people. However Ahtiests aren't going to crash a plane into a building because science said they should...nor would they group up and scream about how LGBTQ people are bad and they shouldn't be allowed the same rights as everyone else.

They'll grow up and scream about how religious people are bad and they shouldn't be allowed to have the same right as everyone else because they are "unintelligent", "unreasonable", and "hold back society."


Screw every atheist who says this about religion, ever.

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They'll grow up and scream about how religious people are bad and they shouldn't be allowed to have the same right as everyone else because they are "unintelligent", "unreasonable", and "hold back society."


Screw every atheist who says this about religion, ever.

Few actually do. Like I said, there are extremists but even they annoy me. Though they get that opinion because of what I listened before. The amount of religious groups hating on large groups of people and causing quite a bit of negative stuff to go down...many people who feel they are an atheist will stand up against it because they feel that bashing someone for their life choices is ridiculous. You may say that its doing the same thing but...its not. LGBTQ people for example (Again I know) its taken years for gay people to be accepted because of the fact that people feel its wrong because of the bible and many other religions. They say its the doom of the world and yada yada. Know what'll happen when gay people get married? Gay people will get married. *GASP*

And its not just that. The amount of religious people speaking out against certain scientific studies. And not just today. Galileo or Copernicus for example. So basically...Atheists are doing the same thing religious people do. Its a never ending battle that I find a little ridiculous. And also...I've never read anything about an atheist saying religious people shouldn't have the same rights. Don't get me wrong...some atheists can be real dicks, however I think the most of what they get at would be that they want religious people to see what they believe...which isn't cool. However every other religion does the same thing. And that was what I was getting at in my first post.


People forcing their lifestyle onto other people is wrong no matter how you put it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I HATE sports with a passion, I love creepypastas but HATE jeff the killer and sonic.exe(they're just really badly written and take away from way more deserving pastas) I find terraria better then minecraft(execpt that the worlds are smaller) I perpher being single(most of the time). I kinda like new roblox(exept the follower/friend update).

HAY YEAH, it's amusing that I found about that game because of the blatant Pinkie Pie NPC in version 1.2, and I got hooked in it. Problem with Minecraft, is that I don't find enough content in it, in contrast to Terraria, which is has tons of it.


I'm not too fond of cats, frogs and toads are cute and adorable  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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HAY YEAH, it's amusing that I found about that game because of the blatant Pinkie Pie NPC in version 1.2, and I got hooked in it. Problem with Minecraft, is that I don't find enough content in it, in contrast to Terraria, which is has tons of it.


I'm not too fond of cats, frogs and toads are cute and adorable  :wub:

I like terraria better for the same reason, but I have nine cats so....I like cats, a lot :lol:

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The Last Of Us is an alright game, but I don't see how it's so "innovative" or anything too special. 


The Legend of Zelda is a bit too slow paced for my taste. (lol I made a rhyme.) Not saying it's a bad game franchise, because I can see why someone would enjoy it, but it's not much of my kind.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • Kirito is the most attractive anime character.

Muffins are better than cupcakes.

Yellow is an ugly color.

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I think the Nazis were damn good (at making weapons) and that Hitler was a genius. Note that Genius =/= good guy.

I disagree; if what I know about Hitler overriding his generals' advice is true, his incompetence would seem to be a significant factor in the fall of Nazi Germany.


Germany being innovative I can't argue against. If the war prolonged a bit longer, perhaps Nazi Germany would have simply nuked USSR, USA, etc.

Edited by Tsaritsa Luna
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I disagree; if what I know about Hitler overriding his generals' advice is true, his incompetence would seem to be a significant factor in the fall of Nazi Germany.


Germany being innovative I can't argue against. If the war prolonged a bit longer, perhaps Nazi Germany would have simply nuked USSR, USA, etc.

Hitler was a political genius, but not much of a military strategist. 

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