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Lord Theoretical

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I see nothing wrong with pedophilia, necrophilia or incest, as long as no one is hurt.

Legalization of all drugs, though in controlled environments.

I have nothing against death penalty.


I hate bronies who, despite being hated for being a brony, still hates on others, like cloppers.

  • Brohoof 1



(Drawing by Digiral)

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I hate the brony fandom for what it's become, it's not the insane bronies, it's the sane ones that keep dismissing the insane ones as a minority.


I'm glad Molestia is down, oh and rape jokes aren't funny.


I don't like Dr. Who


I despise Fluttershy


Fedoras ain't cool

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't care what people fap to

Gender identity is getting really stupid

Hunger Games is overrated

Paper Mario should be in SSB4

I don't really like anime (I like a few but it doesn't really draw me in like it does with all my friends)

Pokemon X and Y were disappointing

I like Smosh

I don't care about politics

The Fox wasn't that bad of a song

I'm very indifferent about Twilicorn

StarFox > Luigi

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got reminded of this tonight by something in a status update, so I'll just start with the fact that Ron Weasley is one of my favorite Harry Potter characters, and I think I like him even more than Harry or Hermione. He always felt more human to me somehow, and definitely much more relatable.


S4 is an up and down rollercoaster of a season that can alternate some of the best episodes the show's ever had with some of the shittiest. I don't understand how people can call it their favorite.


I'd enjoy MLP more if it focused on Twilight less, namely during things like the premiere/finale episodes and EQG. The show is about friendship and the characters growing closer together and growing up, and it breaks the atmosphere to me whenever it sets her apart as more special than the others. Still don't really like seeing her as an alicorn either. I feel bad, since I really did like her as a character but I can't help but let all this stuff get in the way.


I like Anna from Frozen way more than Elsa. Not that I don't like Elsa, she's a gorgeous and interesting character to be sure, but her sister is just way more fun.


Sayaka is best magical girl.


Tennis is the most exciting and enjoyable sport for me, both to play and to watch.

  • Brohoof 3
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Princess Twilight is not as bad as people make her out to be.

A video game hero does not need to speak to be cool.

A game does not need blood, gore and guns to be good.

Windows 8 is better than Windows 7.

You do not need a powerful desktop to be a PC gamer.

Although I was born there, Rhode Island sucks and I wouldn't want to actually live there.

Firefox is overrated.

The PS4 is overrated.

The Xbox One is overrated.

Ryse: Son of Rome, although it got bad reviews, is still overrated.

Only a handful of console exclusives are actually good.

Sonic the Hedgehog isn't cool.

The Triforce quest in The Wind Waker was actually a bit fun.

Anime is pretty overrated. And this is coming from someone who used to watch it all the time.

Edited by Daring
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I don't like Harry Potter.

Magic is overrated.

Frozen doesn't look like a good movie.

Magical girls, on the whole, can be annoying.

However, Rikka from DokiDoki! Precure is best magical girl.


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I am a sucker for romance. Seriously. Anna and bates. Cheese pie. Arthur and sue Ellen. I ship so much.......


I dislike cloppers.


I think the mane six should have colt friends.


I like flash ( okay not the human flash I hate human flash but if done well I could love pony flash a lot lot lot)


I hate rarity.



That's all I have at the moment.

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I like Windows 8 over Windows 7.


I dislike Latino culture in general.


I'm happy Spiny beat Rex in JP3.


I don't believe in cultural, ethnic, or familiar pride.


I think Miley Cyrus is worse than Justin Beiber.



I don't think the guy that paid to shoot that black rhino in Africa was wrong to do so and I think anyone that jumps to conclusions and hates him for it knows nothing about conservation.



Please, elaborate.



I see nothing wrong with pedophilia


Please, elaborate.

I hate bronies who, despite being hated for being a brony, still hates on others, like cloppers.


What's the problem with disliking someone else? Also, aren't you doing the same thing by hating on other bronies for hating on cloppers?

Edited by Static Electricity
  • Brohoof 1
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I like Windows 8 over Windows 7.


I dislike Latino culture in general.


I'm happy Spiny beat Rex in JP3.


I don't believe in cultural, ethnic, or familiar pride.


I think Miley Cyrus is worse than Justin Beiber.



Please, elaborate.


What's the problem with disliking someone else? Also, aren't you doing the same thing by hating on other bronies for hating on cloppers?


First off I must say that I am not actually for trophy hunting in most cases. The rhino that was shot was an older male who was less fertile than the younger rhinos and also because this rhino was very aggressive with younger males. Black Rhinos are known to go out of their way to find and potentially kill younger males who they find to be competition. All animals on game reserves such as the one this rhino was killed in are individually picked to be hunted by paying customers because they are sick of a disease that cannot be treated, too old to mate, infertile, aggressive with others, etc. No healthy animal that can reproduce and not harm others outside of food needs are killed. The money that was given to hunt the rhino goes to the reserve and to conservationists to try and get endangered species back on their feet. Game reserves are good for this because they can produce more than enough animals they need (so they can send these animals to projects to be released into the wild and to breed more of their species) if successful if run properly. In terms of conservation, conservation was only ever started because rich white men wanted to be able to hunt animals such as these for years to come (Not that I'm saying it was right for them to hunt them to near extinction in the first place!).

  • Brohoof 1


"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."

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I hate Michael Bachman, she is an ignorant fuckwit.

I can't stand those who call Stalin's & Mao's purges communism, such is utter bullshit.

I can't stand over-religious people and religious bigots.

I am communist, but not anti-religious.

Key and Peele aren't really that funny  

I can't stand "Western Hardware" fanboys.

I am and always was supportive of the current Syrian Regime

I hate almost any news relating to celebrities

I do not support Zionism or Israel, free Palestine.

(As a communist) To hell with North Korea's regime.

End the Embargo on Cuba

Edited by Sergei






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i listen to Paramore and No Doubt and like them

i am a hipster

i smoke weed

WWE is still fun to watch sometimes

i have mixed opinions on evolution


 these next two will make you scream

Celestia > Luna

Fluttershy is overrated


(Awesome Sig done by WarriorShy)

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I think Napoleon Bonaparte was a dick.

I think polish poetry sucks ass for most part.

There's nothing wrong in killing someone who's trying to kill you or anyone else.

I don't like people who watch MLP but refuse to learn anything from it cause it's "idealistic" to them.

I don't like bronies who are callet "faggets" and yet they are against spreading L&T.

Girls who dress up like whores really are whores and shouldn't be surprised that it sends wrong message to everyone.

Girls who like Twilight or 50 Shades of Gray are sluts at least on subconcious level.

I can't stand how deaf most people are when it comes to music.

Edited by Burning Question
  • Brohoof 1

Adventure and danger, love from a stranger,

Let me be surprised!



Johari Window for lulz: http://kevan.org/johari?name=burningquestion

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-Weird al isnt very funny imho

-All sports bore me and I think they are semi homo erotic.

-Never really liked dr who(my dad used to watch it)

-Bush is best prez..................jk

-Pots not legal

-Nicholas cage is best actor

Edited by PONY SPIKE

Rainbow dash is cool

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@@Static Electricity


Sure I can explain =)


Pedophilia is a sexual preference, just like being gay or a furry. It is not something you can decide, and therefore I don't judge them for being who they are.

However, as I also stated, if they act on their urges and do something illegal, that's wrong. They have a choice to do or not to do.


So I could be friends with a pedophile person, and it wouldn't bother me. Unless they actually had sex with underage kids, who aren't grown up enough to say no, and might be damaged for it. Then it would be criminal, and I would strongly dislike this person. But if they enjoy watching animated pedophilia content, where no one is hurt, I don't mind.




Concerning the clopper thing, it's somewhat the same moral I have towards them.

But you state it's odd for me to hate someone for hating, yes when you put it like that it sounds stupid.


The difference is why I hate them. Those who hate cloppers, hate them because they don't understand them. So instead of thinking about how the cloppers feel, and being reflected around the topic, they just generate pure hatred.


My hatred on the other hand is based around reflection, I were an anti-clopper the first time I heard about it. However after a quick reasoning with my own believes, I realized my stupidity. 

And my hatred goes towards those who are ignorant enough to don't question themselves. Because it leads to generalization and stereotyping.


And it is all amplified by the fact that those people feel the exact same hatred from others, because of MLP, yet still they refuse to understand.



Hope this explains a bit more  :)



(Drawing by Digiral)

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I think the death penalty achieves absolutely nothing, particularly without old sparky.

The regime of the Republican Party is what ruined America.

Legend of Zelda is terrible, as a whole. OoT was OKAY at best, frustratingly miserable at worst.

The Mario series is not being milked. Some of it's best came even in the days of the GameCube.

I liked Justin Beiber, before Selena came into the picture (I believe she ruined him.)

I'm not anti-religious, but I see religion as having not much of a point. I am obviously atheist.

WWE is extremely overrated. It is worse than *hmm* AMERICAN football.

Applejack is overrated.

I am a little feminist, but believe in equal rights for everyone.

Capitalism sucks.

FDR was best president, but because of the socialism in the New Deal.

Guns should be legal, unless explosive, fully automatic, or have a magazine of over 30 rounds.

Call of Duty has been milked since Black Ops. We need to burn ALL copies of Modern Warfare 3. It sucks, and encourages nationalism.

Russia is not America's enemy. I had respect for the country, until the slaughter of suspected LGBT. (Well, before that. Republicans should be quite at home there... Except their nationalism...)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the worst in it's series thus far, but because IMO

Young Link >>> Toon Link.

  • Brohoof 2


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- Star Trek: The Motion Picture is the best Star Trek flick

- The JJ Abrams Star Trek films are good

- Disney movies are pure shit

- Season 3 was okay

- Windows 8 is miles better than Windows 7

- Windows Vista was good at the time

- Nintendo is for babies and mankids

- Nucleur weapons are what PREVENT full-scale war

- Religions suck

- I don't like it when something is ponified

- Doctor Who is overrated

- Pinkie Pie NEEDS to be put in the asylum!

- The AK-47 needs to be the standard rifle for the Russian Army again

- The FN SCAR needs to replace dem shitty M4s in the US Army

Edited by UberAntics
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In my opinion dubstep doesn't require NEARLY as much talent as rock bands and metal. Same goes for pop.


Dubstep is more tech skills than anything.




And everything doesn't need to be ponified.

- Nintendo is for babies and mankids

Yeah, but we like ponies, so.

  • Brohoof 2


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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Well let's see what's on my list, hmm?


  1. I'm not too keen on lesbian/gay pairings. I think it's overrated and I personally don't support those types of marriages.
  2. My OTP is Ten/Martha from DW.
  3. I'm not into boybands and other popstars like other girls of my generation are. 

And that's all I can think of for now.  ^-^

Edited by IHasTwi
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Star Trek is MILES BETTER than Star Wars.

The only good Disney movies ever released were Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Monsters Inc. (They are all Disney Pixar...)

AK47s suck. (Come at me, BRO!)

Revolvers are better than semi-auto pistols.

StG44's are great weapons.

HK416 should be the service rifle of the US, not these *crummy* M4's.

Flamethrowers are only obsolete because of weight. They can perform, quite well.

Spetznaz is better than the Delta Force.

Portal was only good for the plot. The gameplay is some of the worst ever.

Gears of War is overrated.

The Elder Scrolls series is absolutely horrendous.

Fallout New Vegas was MILES better than Fallout 3.

Generation 3 is my favorite Pokemon generation.

Mario Party is awesome.

  • Brohoof 2


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Star Trek is MILES BETTER than Star Wars.

Revolvers are better than semi-auto pistols.

StG44's are great weapons.

HK416 should be the service rifle of the US, not these *crummy* M4's.

Spetznaz is better than the Delta Force.


How are these unpopular opinions? You speak the truth!
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Call of duty sucks


Russians isn't evil


USSR wasn't empire of evil


Applejack is so sexy


Third season wasn't so bad


Romantic shouldn't exist in mlp


Modern Disney's cartoons totally sucks


Channel Disney... (See above)


Skyrim is too boring, Oblivion and Morrowind was much more fun


I'm a good person

  • Brohoof 1


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