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Lord Theoretical

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I don't like LGBT, I don't mind the people, and I'll be their friends, just feel uncomfortable if they're kissing or other stuff like that around me...sorry if you hate me for that, but it's true for me, but I'll definitely tolerate. I like orchestral music and dubstep at the same time, and I personally think that we should all have freedom of speech, no matter((threats are the exception)) what that speech is

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The PS4 is extremely overrated. With little to no innovation, it's just a PS3.5. The only game it has going for it currently is inFamous Second Son. Until a new Tales, Uncharted, and more JRPG's come out for it, it's library will continue to be dull.


The Xbox One on the other hand is killing it on all fronts, whether it be innovation, games, online subscription services, and software like apps. Save for the actual hardware itself of course. But you can't even tell the differences in graphics regardless.

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Main or important characters in children's movies being assumed dead and then miraculously surviving is getting old. Can we get a few permanent tragedies? For example (potential spoilers ahead), Ray's death in The Princess and the Frog made the ending so much deeper and more enjoyable (honestly, his last words almost brought me to tears). Tinkerbell's wing should've stayed broken at the end of Secret of the Wings (yeah, I'm a 15 year old guy and I sat down and watched a movie about fairies. Y'all watch ponies, dont judge me).

now, I'm not saying it should always be like that. Some characters survive miraculously and that's how i would've preferred it.

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Sexuality be damned, love is still love and marriage should be between two people that love each other.


This is an unpopular opinion around here?  :P

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>I believe that via technical advancements, Humanity can be rid of the need for gods, by becoming them

>all drugs should be legalized, and just sold with warning labels on them.

>America's public schools are going to take a lot more than throwing money at them to fix them.

>While the upcoming generation, and the ones that are currently children may not have more violent crime, or drug use than others, they have nearly triple the mass shootings. Guns are not the issue, letting your child's mental illness go untreated is.

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I don't like Dr. Who, I hate Atheists who make fun of God (it's okay if you're just Atheist but no need to make fun of Him), I hate vegetables (that makes me sound like a kid but meh),  I hate rock bands, don't like any single sport unless it's swimming, I hate basketball, I don't like the Olympics, and many more but I guess I can't think of any FOR NOW and mostly these are all hate opinions xD

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Here's one. I don't vote and I think voting is a pointless waste of time since everypony on the ticket serves the same masters and have the same opinions on all the really important matters.

  • Brohoof 3
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I wish people born in the 80s or 90s would stop with this 'stuff used to be better back then, now it's shit' mentality. I hate it when I go around on YouTube or anywhere on the web and I stumble upon a comment that says, "I'm [insert age here] and I watch/listen to [insert old game/music/movie/TV show here]. Sorry for what my generation did to blah blah blah".


And this is coming from someone who was born in the 90s.

YES YES YES YES YEEEESSSSS!!!! You are my savior! This mentality bothers the BUCK out of me. :angry: I would know, because my dad is an "oldie" guy. He complains that "his generation is gone and the new one is doomed." Pfft, I call bull****. The generation today is no better or worse than the last. Every generation has it's flaws big and small. These "oldie" people need to get their head out of their "time warp" and join the real world. >_> Edited by TheLatiosMan381
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Fluttershy is not great, Gays and etc often use their own thing a crutch and a way to get attention, America is not all that great, I really don't like clop or shipping stuff.... Math is the worst thing ever, Cartoon network and Disney blow, I don't like regular white milk, weed is overrated , U.S foreign policy is retarded,  

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I dislike nostalgia when it gets to the point of holding everyone back.


and (get the pitchforks and torches) I dislike Christianity in a sense of the stories, and what it has caused the world to do, crusades, the regression of the dark ages and the fact that there were conflicts within the religion, splitting it into two versions.

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Here's another one I thought of.


I think that both Christians and Atheists have some bigot and hypocrisy in them. 


Christians: Try not to force your religion or beliefs on Atheists who clearly don't want to and have a reason to not believe in God.


Atheists: Don't hark on Christians just for believing in God (calling them stupid or idiots just for their beliefs) It comes off as elitist and hypocritical since I've seen some Atheists hate Christians for forcing their beliefs down there throat when they then go and do the same thing.

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Space Jam is a terrible movie. It's extremely slow paced, the humor is no where near as funny as the original Looney Tunes cartoons and don't get me started on Lola's design.


Ugh.. Bunny Boobies! D:


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