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Lord Theoretical

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Not unpopular, but I feel a need for cathartic release. 


I hate the current job market in the US.  It's polluted, stupid, and, above all else, needs a cleansing.  Best Buy is one of the top offenders.  That test on the site for their so-called "jobs" is nothing more than a pathetic, run down personality test that should be scuttled.  People are given the impression to answer honestly, yet you really need to answer the questions "strongly" this or "strongly" that with no-inbetween without being fired.  Another problem is the ridiculousness that "no-prior job experience" is needed when, clearly, that's what they want. 


The biggest mistake I made in my life was going to college, or rather going to college full time.  Now I feel like that little kid who's trying to play catch-up on the track, facing the faster/better kids that excel in gym class. 


To me, there needs to be a law in big bold print for these corprate idiots that stipulates any entry-level job can only have the requirement of a HS diploma or GED and that's it.  You can't require previous work experience.  You can't list "prefered" abilities for said job.  You can't have anything but base requirements.  Prime example of a job that PO's me to no end was in the paper where they needed a janitor. It was an entry level position, but they wanted 1yr+ experience in janitorial experience.  Before people lambast my anger, saying it's misplaced, yes, I know that being a janitor is more than just sweeping floor just as much as being a pharmacist is more than just counting out pills, putting them in bottles, and sending customers on their merry little way. 


Seems that you need to be born with skills implanted into your brain, giving you x+ years of experience.  I need a job for experience yet I need experience for the job, even if its just to clean garbage off of the street. 

  • Brohoof 4
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I think that everyone who hates Rarity (or any other of the Mane Chars) doesn't even deserve to call her/himself a Fan of the Series, since she is an important Member of the Group with actual Depth. But disliking her (compared to the Others) is okay.


Also a true Fan doesn't blindly workships everything their Favorite does and instead acknowledges their weaknesses

  • Brohoof 1
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I am one of those homosexuals who believes that marriage is between one man and one woman, and I believe this enough to boycott Firefox the moment I found out that they fired their JavaScript-inventing CEO, Brandon Eich, earlier this year when they found out he made a $1000 donation to Proposition 8. Not that I myself believe in "voting to ban" genderless legal union thingies that people try to pass off as "marriage". I don't believe in "banning", just completely disregarding when people try to usurp key words in the English language.


I think that everyone who hates Rarity (or any other of the Mane Chars) doesn't even deserve to call her/himself a Fan of the Series, since she is an important Member of the Group with actual Depth. But disliking her (compared to the Others) is okay.


Also a true Fan doesn't blindly workships everything their Favorite does and instead acknowledges their weaknesses

This is an unpopular opinion??? I was actually hoping that this would be common sense among MLP:FiM fans. I thought that we were less of fair-weather fans than most fandoms.
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I think that bronies stereotyping feminists in general because of the actions of the vitriolic few is just as bad as feminists who stereotype bronies because of that tiny minority of loud jerks who pop up from time to time.

  • Brohoof 1
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Skyrim is TOTALLY overrated.


If you dislike bronies, you are a bad person.

Likewise, if you dislike cloppers, you are a bad person.


If you dislike Homestuck....(ers?), you are a bad person.


Discrimination of fandoms and subsets.


It needs to stop.



And no matter how you slice it, abortion is murder.


It's worse than murder.


Because he/she didn't get a chance to do anything with their life.


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I have an...unfavorable opinion of the Mother/Earthbound series. (pls dont hate me)


Equestria Girls is just the worst. (PLS DONT HATE ME)


I recognize that Pet Sounds is the best Beach Boys album, but it's not my favorite.


Likewise, I recognize that Sgt. Pepper is the best Beatles album, but the White Album is my favorite.


Wolf was one of my favorite characters in Smash Bros. Brawl, and I'm pretty upset that he was taken ouf of SSB4. And no, he wasn't a Fox clone, they were barely even similiar.


I like both 2D and 3D Zelda, but I definitely prefer 2D.


Link Between Worlds is my favorite Zelda game.


I really love a lot of modern music. You're not gonna find a lot of good stuff listening to the radio; if you dig a bit deeper, you'll find a ton of great, great stuff.

Edited by Callisto
  • Brohoof 1

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I recognize that Pet Sounds is the best Beach Boys album, but it's not my favorite.

Likewise, I recognize that Sgt. Pepper is the best Beatles album, but the White Album is my favorite.

Pet Sounds and Sgt. Pepper are my favorites from those bands. However, I still need to check out the Beach Boys' other stuff. >.< And the White Album isn't my favorite, I still think it's a great album. :) I actually own it own vinyl.

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It's very important to be polite and social while in public.


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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Here's another unpopular opinion that I have. Most people don't like it when I say country music is way better than rap and hip-hop.

GOOD country music is better than Rap and Hip Hop.


Personally, I like the older country music like "I Love a Rainy Night" by Eddie Rabbitt.

And yes, this is classified as country.

  • Brohoof 3
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GOOD country music is better than Rap and Hip Hop.


Personally, I like the older country music like "I Love a Rainy Night" by Eddie Rabbitt.

And yes, this is classified as country.

That was certainly the best song on GTA San Andreas. Ohh the nostalgia.

  • Brohoof 2


Country and Rock fan | Car fan (especially police cars) | Weather Pony | YouTube | Twitter | DeviantART






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  • Subway>Fast Food Hamburger Places

I like Nickelback

I think Halo 2 was the best FPS ever made

TotalBiscut (a game reviewer of sorts) is an idoit, in my opinion

American Football is overrated


I find most people in Whovian fandom, complete idiots. I find them knowing nothing on Doctor Who lore and bashing Moffat for no apparent reason, I also think Moffat is a waaaay better writer then RTD.

 I find Legend of Zelda overrated

Civ series>Assassin Creed. I still do like Creed though

I dislike the following music types: Country, hip-hop, rap, pop, and dubstep(somewhat)

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Hello all, 


In the past we have locked this thread for clean up whenever Staff have received reports due to disagreements and potentially abusive comments. In general we have not allowed contrarian discussion in the thread as this is not the Debate Pit.


That said, after careful discussion, we will allow reasonable and civil discourse. Please remember that the point of the thread is to post unpopular opinions which may elicit some questions about said opinion. Also remember that just because the opinion itself may seem contrary to your point of view, we still maintain that you need to conduct yourself appropriately. 


Thanks Everyone. 




I personally feel that Andrew Jackson should be removed from all US Currency and posthumously labeled a traitor (same goes with James Buchanan). One for failing to acknowledge the juidiciary and elected representation of the people, and the other for failing at any attempt to preserve the Union. Jackson is the 3rd worst US President. 

  • Brohoof 1



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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is overrated, although I never finished it.


I find traveling, a lot of time pointless.


I can't think of anything else at the moment.

It is.


And Jeric, what are your 1st and 2nd? (just curious, we can PM if need be)




I really like Skyward Sword.


Not as much as Wind Waker butykno


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