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Lord Theoretical

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If i hadn't been bullied i probably would have been unemployed, not have a girlfriend still living with my parents.

Iv'e been well... fat. And of course you should get bullied for that, bullying fat people is the nicest thing you can do, maybe not too nice for the kids who gets bullied but think it's parents, do you think they want a fat kid? or  the kid's girlfriend? 


I don't know where you are from, but getting stabbed and getting bullied is not the same thing, and wth is "North Baton Rouge Parish" should i know that?


Radical racist? Iv'e never picked on anyone because of there skin color, But since there are not to many White Muslims, that's something iv'e been called.


And speaking of misogynists, they are sexists. not racists. witch i am not. 


And you have no rights to be happy, you have rights to live, love whomever, choose god and such. but i never herd about "the happy rule"

Happy is for winners, some are born with happiness, some are not. And for me happiness equals money and health. two things that does not come easy. 


But let's just leave it. 


People do not have the right to be happy, but they deserve to be. No one deserves living life in horrible environments, being pushed around by other people stronger than themselves, and being abused constantly. 


I realize that you are not sexist or racist in any way. I also realize that misogynists are more sexist that racist, but I feel like they take their hatred against women one step further than your typical sexist. 


No one deserves to be bullied, No one. It may make you strong, but I can also scar you mentally or physically for the rest of your life. I still have a cut about the side of a quarter on my right hand caused by a kid twice my size who had a box cutter. Do you realize how scary that can be? There will always be better ways to get stronger mentally without being pushed around by an insecure brat. 


Also, North Baton Rouge Parish is a very dangerous area in Louisiana. A lot of gang violence runs wild there. I had to go to a public school there when my family faced financial issues that I will not get into.

Edited by The Seventh Octave
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Didn't mean that in a rude way, I've just never seen people get that close to each other, unless they were intimate with each other. My bad.

It's fine. I've just seen that sort of comment before and the person meaning it to be that way and it's just gotten to that point where I end up thinking others mean it that way without thinking hey maybe that's not what they mean by that.

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It's fine. I've just seen that sort of comment before and the person meaning it to be that way and it's just gotten to that point where I end up thinking others mean it that way without thinking hey maybe that's not what they mean by that.

I see what you mean. I just get upset when I suspect that they're allowing fan service to affect the characters. Not that I would mind if they were more than just friends, but the beauty of background ponies has always been that they fit our head canons so well, because they never spoke or were given a canon personality. People just have too differing head canons to please everypony, which is why things like Derpy not speaking fits so well. As much as I disagree with them, the soccer moms hated the voice she had, so this way, they end up not stepping on any toes, and people can imagine any voice they want for Derpy, instead of some people liking a voice, and other people hating it. I personally liked the new voice they were gonna go with, but I know that I am in the minority.

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I see what you mean. I just get upset when I suspect that they're allowing fan service to affect the characters. Not that I would mind if they were more than just friends, but the beauty of background ponies has always been that they fit our head canons so well, because they never spoke or were given a canon personality. People just have too differing head canons to please everypony, which is why things like Derpy not speaking fits so well. As much as I disagree with them, the soccer moms hated the voice she had, so this way, they end up not stepping on any toes, and people can imagine any voice they want for Derpy, instead of some people liking a voice, and other people hating it. I personally liked the new voice they were gonna go with, but I know that I am in the minority.

Yeah I see what you mean. And agree to it. It's like when they do things like that you know it's going to tick people off because it interferes with their Headcanon or goes by it and they cling to that little moment as if it was 100% it was canon which would of course just further piss off the ones who disagree with it. It's nice to see by ponies do things other than be bg ponies n all but sometimes it's just....ugh. I don't know how to word it properly. And I liked Derpy's replaced voice. I didn't hate the orignal it just sounded too stereotypical. Like I had heard that sort of tone for her too often and it just didn't fit to me. :/
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This will never be true. This is blatant sexulization in a kid show and it does not belong here. Do not get me wrong, I am all for the legalization of homosexual marriage, but this is an upbeat, family friendly show that is about the benefits of friendship with one's neighbor. It is not about consensual relationships among characters.


Absurd. Why is homosexuality "blatant sexualization" but the Cadance/Shining Armor wedding scene somehow was not? I don't care what your position on gay marriage is, but the fact that you even brought it up only suggests that you were trying to excuse your post, for some reason. Could it be that your post was mildly homophobic?


I never once suggested that anything in the show was sexualized. That is an image that you projected onto my posts. Such an act certainly says a lot about your psychology.


My post wasn't even entirely serious. I know that none of the characters were intended to be lesbians. But even if I were to seriously paint the image of a relationship between the aforementioned characters, it would be completely platonic and PG.

Edited by Arctic Night
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I think being labeled "phobic" (e,g,. homophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.) is more of a hinderance than a step toward progress. Basically you're bullying people into either accepting something they disagree with, or bullying them into silence. 


Its okay to believe in God, and believe in Science. You don't have to choose one or the other. I personally believe that science is the explanation of how God created everything. 


If you sag your pants, you look like an idiot, pull your pants up! Do you know what that means? It came from prisons as a signal that your behind was available, literally! Its not cool, so don't embarrass yourself or your momma, and pull your pants up.


If you think you're gangster, you're not! (unless you're like old school gangster (think Capone, Bugsy Siegel types) Then you just might be, or at least have my respect)


Reality television is overrated ( and I mean all of it), and is faker than the WWE!


SWAG is not a real word, and has nothing to do with style or being classy. You sound stupid when you say it.


ISJW (Internet Social Justice Warriors) are nothing more than attention grabbers, looking out for their own interests, and possible fame.


#GamerGate was stupid, and had nothing to do with integrity in gaming journalism. Doxing anyone that disagreed with the "movement" was proof alone of this. 


Modern Warfare, and Call of Duty are overrated.


Destiny is nothing more than a Halo remake.

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof
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If you sag your pants, you look like an idiot, pull your pants up! Do you know what that means? It came from prisons as a signal that your behind was available, literally! Its not cool, so don't embarrass yourself or your momma, and pull your pants up.


If you think you're gangster, you're not! (unless you're like old school gangster (think Capone, Bugsy Siegel types) Then you just might be, or at least have my respect)

These two! I could not agree more!  :)  

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Gaming this time:

  • I belive Xbox Live was good. Was I mean in 2005-09 becuase the avatars I had point to them. You could use them in Netlfix and use them in 1 vs 100 the game .
  • Watch Netflix with your friends (a.k.a Netflix party mode) over the net(Xbox Live) was one of the single best ideas; removing it was one of Microsoft's greatest miskates with the Xbox 360
  • 1 vs 100 was one of the best F2P games of all time 
  • Indies>Tripe AAA Games
  • The Far Cry games  are boring games to me  
Edited by COBLoneWolf
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The WiiU looks like the best of the current gen consoles and the one I'll get first(tons of exclusives and the graphical power the Wii lacked)


Indie Games don't suck and I've played quite a few freeware titles that were really good.


Newgrounds isn't that bad if you know where to find the good stuff(Toss the Turtle is one of my favorite games on there)


The XboxOne is a trainwreck(it's being beat out by upper-entry level GPUs that came out six months after it launched and pretty lite budget PC builds can outdo it already)

Edited by Shoboni
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I'm not really a fan of Gravity Falls. Honestly, I usually just get bored about halfway through each episode.


Nintendo making a new console and discontinuing the Wii U would be a terrible idea. Remember what happened when Sega did this?


DeviantART can be absolutely horrifying.

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DeviantART can be absolutely horrifying.


Agreed on this - it's nice for pretty pictures, but I have no idea how anyone has proper conversations/friendships on there, tbh. also, I hate the new layout because it insists on showing me ALL the weird cartoon porn my friends have favourited :blink: (not judging anyone, I don't care what you're into, I'd just rather not have to see it unless I choose to...)


I'd also add Tumblr to this...I used to be obsessed with it, but over time I've grown to really hate the fandom culture there. I consider myself a feminist and care about social justice issues IRL, of course, but so much of what I see on there is basically just an excuse to bully people for liking ~problematic~ shows/characters/whatever. I feel like some people have totally forgotten there's a difference between reality and fiction, so obviously if you like a bad fictional character you must 100% approve of their actions IRL -_-

and then of course there's the whole anti-brony thing - I fully admit that this may just be me being oversensitive, but I hate how it seems the only "acceptable" way to be an MLP fan on Tumblr is to constantly talk about how you're not a brony because bronies are The Worst (and anyone who does call themselves a brony is a terrible person and "stealing" MLP from little girls), etc. I know that the pony fandom is far from perfect and there are problems and unpleasant individuals within the community, but every fandom has those people. Some days it feels like it's hard to find a place where I can just enjoy the show (that I love in part because of its strong feminist messages) without either Tumblr "social justice"/anti-brony sentiment (and I do mean in the "ALL BRONIES ARE SCUM" rather than just "don't like/care about FiM or the fandom" sense) or guys people saying feminism is stupid because men and women are obviously totally equal now. It's hard out here for a bitch feminist pony fan who hates Tumblr, you guys :(


(that got unexpectedly personal, so another, unrelated point...)


While I don't think it will ever actually happen (sadly), the inclusion of a same-sex couple in MLP (or any kids' show) would in no way be "sexualising" the show any more than the existing straight couples. It's kinda ridiculous that people can claim not to be homophobic and yet be convinced that seeing any kind of same-sex romance would be incredibly damaging and traumatising for children, rather than helping to teach them that *gasp* non-straight people exist and are no different to anyone else.


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Not sure if I mentioned this before but I actually find stereotypical depictions much more humourous than offensive. This includes stereotypes of my ethnicity. Though I'm not sure if this is considered unpopular or is more guilty pleasure for many people.


I don't understand the concept of gay pride (or if there's a term for LGBTs in general). If it's about countering the hatred towards the group then I understand, but I don't understand why anyone would be proud of their sexuality by itself. I think there has been numerous occasions where people said they were proud to be gay (Tim Cook as one example) to which I would respond "why would people cares?" Don't be confused; have nothing against LGBT groups, more that I have no strong feelings either way and am not understanding the concept.

Edited by Krovavaya Luna
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Agreed on this - it's nice for pretty pictures, but I have no idea how anyone has proper conversations/friendships on there, tbh. also, I hate the new layout because it insists on showing me ALL the weird cartoon porn my friends have favourited :blink: (not judging anyone, I don't care what you're into, I'd just rather not have to see it unless I choose to...)


I'd also add Tumblr to this...I used to be obsessed with it, but over time I've grown to really hate the fandom culture there. I consider myself a feminist and care about social justice issues IRL, of course, but so much of what I see on there is basically just an excuse to bully people for liking ~problematic~ shows/characters/whatever. I feel like some people have totally forgotten there's a difference between reality and fiction, so obviously if you like a bad fictional character you must 100% approve of their actions IRL -_-

and then of course there's the whole anti-brony thing - I fully admit that this may just be me being oversensitive, but I hate how it seems the only "acceptable" way to be an MLP fan on Tumblr is to constantly talk about how you're not a brony because bronies are The Worst (and anyone who does call themselves a brony is a terrible person and "stealing" MLP from little girls), etc. I know that the pony fandom is far from perfect and there are problems and unpleasant individuals within the community, but every fandom has those people. Some days it feels like it's hard to find a place where I can just enjoy the show (that I love in part because of its strong feminist messages) without either Tumblr "social justice"/anti-brony sentiment (and I do mean in the "ALL BRONIES ARE SCUM" rather than just "don't like/care about FiM or the fandom" sense) or guys people saying feminism is stupid because men and women are obviously totally equal now. It's hard out here for a bitch feminist pony fan who hates Tumblr, you guys :(


(that got unexpectedly personal, so another, unrelated point...)


While I don't think it will ever actually happen (sadly), the inclusion of a same-sex couple in MLP (or any kids' show) would in no way be "sexualising" the show any more than the existing straight couples. It's kinda ridiculous that people can claim not to be homophobic and yet be convinced that seeing any kind of same-sex romance would be incredibly damaging and traumatising for children, rather than helping to teach them that *gasp* non-straight people exist and are no different to anyone else.


I gave up on tumblr. I just couldn't get back into it. I ran into a ton of issues with people I no longer wish to associate with.

I also hated the bull they'd throw at straights, acting like they're the scum of the earth and the only people that matter are gays, lesbian, asexuals, aromantics, everyone but bis and straights. Bis which is my sexuality not like that matters were rarely included in pride posts and it frustrated me. Yes it would be nice if asexuals, aromantics, pansexuals and all of them like that were recognized but for s---s sake they needed to stop being a---es towards heteroes. They're not all horrible people. Same goes for cisgenders being treated like s---t. It was disgusting. Along with men being even lower scum then straights especially hetero cis gendered white males. I don't see why it automatically makes them s----y people. They could do something really inspiring but if they are every one of those things it still won't matter. They're still scum on those peoples eyes. Ugh.

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To the guy who said that bullying makes you stronger:


You know what bullying got me? Crippling social anxiety that makes it near impossible to interact with other people without being afraid of them. It made it a struggle to get emotionally close to anyone. That shit didn't make me stronger.






-I don't really care what happens after we die. That's not to say that I'm not a little curious, but I figure I'll find out eventually.

-Superman is really boring

-it's hard to take anything that happens in comic books seriously, because nobody ever stays dead. Who cares if Captain America gets sniped, he'll be back next month.

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Wait, someone said bullying makes you stronger? 


Now what about all the bully victims who got so emotionally hurt, they committed suicide over it? Huh, is bullying making them stronger there? And what about all the bullying victims who resorted to irrational violence due to bullying? That's not mentally stronger.

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Not sure if I mentioned this before but I actually find stereotypical depictions much more humourous than offensive. This includes stereotypes of my ethnicity. Though I'm not sure if this is considered unpopular or is more guilty pleasure for many people.

Personally there's nothing wrong with stereotypes as long as their done without malintent and are just being poked at for good fun. Being Mexican, I love the stereotype that Mexicans love Telenovelas(Hispanic Soap Operas) especially considering I grew up in a household where my mom or sister would always have that on, or her friends would always have one on the TV in their houses.

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Apple Family Reunion isn't underrated. I've only seen about 3 other people dislike it and it feels that most other people think it's Applejack's best episode (which I highly disagree with.) My problems with that episode was that it felt like Baby Cakes, and there wasn't really much of a plot in it, at least in my views.

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All those galaxy things with either The Simpsons or other stuff in it.

>>even though i have a galaxy background, it doesn't have anything in it its bjoetiefoel<<

I like troll songs.

I like The Sims 4.

I didn't give a crap if the toddlers or pools were gone.

I still don't get the Harlem Shake, like, defuq do you do, random things, wow, good for yew.

I actually hate horses in real life, everybody likes them in my class.

I'm scared of clowns.

I hate Taylor Swift, not her songs.

I hate dark chocolate.

The Olympics are stupid.

I hate my mother language.

I want to be the opposite gender sometimes.


that's not even everything, this is just what i came up with.

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Nintendo making a new console and discontinuing the Wii U would be a terrible idea. Remember what happened when Sega did this?



You know why Sega died?


Scrapping consoles.

The elder scrolls universe is superior to the jrr tolkien universe

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