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open Ponyville roommates [RP topic]


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"Oh, no no no! Keep your money. We wouldn't ask for such thing." Star soon realized that she hadn't paid the rent of the house at all. She was a pony in need, and that's probably why Ice brought her here. Star's heart melted after hearing those soft and poor words. "Well, you can stay here with us as long as you want. We don't have any spare rooms though, but you could share one with somepony else. I hope this isn't a bother for you." Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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Nimbus walked up to Cloud Whisper and patted her on the head. "I forgot to introduce myself before, I'm Nimbus Starstream." He looked around the room as he remembered something. "This place doesn't have a clock, does it?" He looked out of the window. "Does anypony know what time it is?"

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"thank you so much! and i dont have the right or the need to complain, why would sharing a room will bother me? ill live in a room"

she smiled, and then looked at quillusion after she understood what she asked "well.... im a bit confused.... what trick?"

after she asked this nimbus came in the room and introduce himself and asked about the time

"its pleasant to meat you Nimbus"




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"Yeah, Cloudy!" Shooting Star called the pegasus mare the nickname he had came up with just then. "Most of us have already two ponies sharing a room, but me and Quillusion are still by ourselves. Your choice. You can go upstairs after you're done eating and take a peek at the rooms if you want." Star stood up and put the dirty plates into the sink.


"Um, not sure Nimbus..." Star took a peek outside the window, trying to make an average of the time by looking at the sun. "Uh... Close to twelve, I think... Why so?"

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Nimbus looked at the position of the sun. "Twelve huh, that sound about right. I'm sorry Star, I'd help you wash up, but there's something I need to make notes on while I still can." Nimbus looked around the room before jokingly adding: "I suppose nopony is interested enough in boring science to tag along with me?"

Edited by Zhinzo
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Marisa heard a new ponies voice, this is going too far... she got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen, she noticed the new pony and ANOTHER new pony, "You guys know how i said i don't care how many ponies are here as long as i can live here? I don't really know about that anymore, this is getting a bit too crowded" she looked over at the newest pony, she tried not to sound rude, but it was getting way out of hand.

Edited by Magneus

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Star went over to Marisa, whispering to her. "I'm so sorry about that... I'm as annoyed as you are, believe me. But we have no choice! We all paid for the house, even if we didn't knew about Galore's trick. I think It's simply fair to let everypony make use of it." Star looked back at Cloud Whisper. "Well... Except for her... She's just some random homeless that Ice found when he was out in the street. Talk to him about it if you want." Star went back to the kitchen, where he finished gathering up all the dirty plates.


Shooting Star turned over to Nimbus. "Sorry, buddy. As you can see, I'll be getting a little busy right now." He pointed at both the new member, and the dirty dishes.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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Sky just sat on the counter there sipping his 5th cup of coffee. "We are bringing a pony from the streets in to our house... No one was this kind when I was living on the clouds. This is a bad idea. We are not a charity house. And now we have to sort out more sleeping arrangements. How troublesome" Sky mumbled to himself.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Cloud Whisper took a small step backward, looked at the pony that came downstare, and then at the coffee adicted pony nervously and said quietly

"i am really sorry, i really need that place. i promise ill do whatever i can to make it up! i can sleep on the couch or whatever..."




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"Welp, if anypony needs me, I'll be out in the garden." Nimbus turned to Cloud Whisper. "If you don't mind, could you please make some tea for me? I might need something to drink while I'm busy." walked out of the room.


Outside he took a seat between the plants and he took his notebook out. He started to make notes about the Clouds, writing a number of calculations down for every cloud he observed.

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"No it would be wrong if you slept on the couch. I think you should have to share rooms with who ever brought you here. Its not your fault somepony brung you here. You just accepted an offer. But I guess thats not.possible " Sky replied firmly to Cloud whisper as he washed up his cup and put it on the side.

Edited by Sky

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"C'mon, guys. I can assure that she won't be of any bother to us." Star went over to Cloud Whisper, placing his hoof on her shoulder. "You can stay in my room, if you don't mind. It's the last one in the corridor upstairs, and one of the few that still has some space." Star looked around in the room, gently grinning at the other ponies. Back to Cloud Whisper. "...Well, go ahead! Go check out your new home. I'll talk to everypony and I'll be there in a second." Shooting Star smiled warmly and turned around to hear the others' complaints, expecting the pink pegasus to move upstairs.
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Ice Opal scratched is mane as he said, "Well, uh, I'll be going to Sweet Apple Acres again, so I'll be gone until the afternoon." He left the door, this time heading straight to the apple farm, not twisting his head in any direction. He wasn't sure if his earlier action was a mistake or not, but he wasn't going to do it again.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Cloud Whisper said quietly "thank you", she smiled "i promise ill be as good as i can". she went out of the room, went to check out quickly every hall, living room and of course her new room thinking to herself 'wow, this place is huge, some of the ponys are really nice too... im lucky for once'




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Marisa only sighed and nodded, "His intentions were good, but the situation wasn't" she looked over at Star and then back over at the pink Pegasus before she left to go exploring, "If we get all the rooms doubled we won't have any room left, no pun intended" she laughed on the inside at her unintentional pun.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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The few clouds that were left in the sky from this morning started to dissipate. Nimbus made his final notes and closed his books. 'I'd better go and see if Star still needs some help.' Nimbus went back into the kitchen. "Hey Star, my offer to help still stands if you need it."

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Star nodded. "You're right, Marisa. If we get more unexpected guests, we'll soon run out of space. But thankfully, we can still stack ourselves up in order to please everypony." Shooting Star lowered his head. "I know she didn't pay the rent... But, for now, we're still in conditions to do this good deed at least once. If the situation gets worse, I promise I'll explain it to her, and then she'll go away. Alright?" He looked around the kitchen, hoping for everypony to agree.


"Oh, hey Nimbus. Yeah, everypony just finished eating. I was going to clean everything just now. If you're up to some dirty house work, I'll appreciate your help." Star laughed, as he began to wash the dishes.

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Nimbus gathered the dirty plates and cups from the table and put them next to star. He grabbed a towel and started to dry and pack away the dishes. He looked at his working partner and chuckled. "Your name is not just for show it seems. You're just like a shooting star, when I came here you were burning fiercely, but now, just a moment later, you've changed directions, and you're actually pretty cool." Nimbus bumped Shooting Star on his shoulder at those last words.

Edited by Zhinzo
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"Well... lets just go along with it and see where it takes us. But honestly, if we do get overcrowded, she should be the last and absolute last choice, she was homeless and it would be wrong to put her out on the streets again"

She would have volunteered to help them with the dishes, but they had it fine by themselves.

"Hey, i'm going to go upstairs in my room and do some free-writing, okay? Just knock if you need anything"

She walked up to her room and sat down in a chair and pulled over a small table, she searched around her bags for some blank paper and a quill and started to write some useless short story.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Alright! Thanks, Marisa!" Star smiled and got back to work.


Star blushed after hearing Nimbus' words. "Heh... Thanks." He remembered about how he acted during the day before, trying to keep focus at the dishes. "Well, I guess I was just tired from the moving out yesterday, and Galore's letter also angered me a bit..." He paused for a second, quietly sighing. "And I'll be honest with ya... From the very beggining, I was hoping to live by myself, you know. To grow some maturity and responsability. That's why my parents agreed in first place and helped me with the money for the house." Star smiled at the white pegasus. "But hey! It turns out that it's quite fun to have roommates!" He laughed, forgetting about the dishes for an instant.

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Cloud Whisper was amezed by the size of the house, it was much more then she could expect.

she started to walk back to the kitchen when she passed by some window and saw her own reflaction she got how she looks "oh my... it probably disturb some ponys" and went to shower




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After Nimbus packed away the last few dishes he turned to Star once more. "Hey, don't sweat it! I wasn't exactly warm for the idea either. My whole life, everywhere I went, I had to share rooms. I finally thought I'd be able to get my own place and that I wouldn't have to deal with anypony else on a daily base anymore, but... That will just have to wait I guess." Nimbus sighed. "How about we get a few desk lights, go to the basement, sit in a circle, and start telling our "life stories"?"

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Ice Opal thanked Granny Smith for the Apple Jam before heading back to the home. He lugged the jam along, the amount of it almost dragging him to the ground, but he eventually reached the door and barreled inside, carefully throwing the jam onto the table. It doesn't sound possible, but yes, he carefully threw it. His shoulders sagging, he looked at a clock he had seen on the wall earlier, which read 5:00 PM. He looked to Nimbus, who had suggested they all get some lights and head downstairs to tell each other about their lives. "I brought a flashlight along, I'll head upstairs to get it."

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"We have a basement?!" Shooting Star's eyes widely opened. "Heh... I definately hadn't enough time to explore everything in this huge house yet." He laughed, as he dried his hooves with a towel. "Well, any time's good to me. We'd have to gather up everypony first though, and also get a few snacks and table games... What do you think?" Star put away the towel and greeted Ice as he walked upstairs. "I'll go see how Cloud Whisper's doing up there. I'll come back in a minute." He went back to his room.
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