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So basically.

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*ahem* My apologies, could not resist. But seriously. NONE of what you're talking about is specific to MLP. Heck, none of it is even new to fandom in general. I could think of several of my past fandoms that fit all three of your "problems", and none of them have been condemned to fail. These are things that generate friction, certainly, but they don't make fandoms bad.


I dunno, it sounds like you've spent so much time railing on MLP, you can only see the negative, vocal majority. And I say this as somebody who was apprehensive about getting into it myself. Deal with those people on a case-to-case basis. Making blanket statements never helped solve anything.


EDIT: Damn, late to the party.


...I'm keeping the gif because it amuses me. :I Good on ya for being open to changing your opinion, though, I'm very impressed!

Edited by Castoro Chiaro
  • Brohoof 2



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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People are going to express their fandom in their own way,

I have actually seen some absolutely amazing fan art...some of the best artworks i've seen have been pony fan art and i have personally done my own human versions of the cast and enjoy seeing other peoples.

However everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My suggestion would be if you don't like it...don't look at it and let the people that enjoy it...enjoy it.




Just saw your last post. Good on you for being open minded :)

Edited by Kittybelle
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I agree with what everyone is saying here

1. Youtube bronies are quite annoying.

2. Cloppers. to be honest I dont really care if that is what they enjoy then let them do it.

3. I dont really like the human version of the characters but I have seen some very good pictures.



MASSIVE thunderstorm going on right now XD


Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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> the Final Fantasy video game franchise


You mustn't be a part of any Internet communities outside of this then. There's a literally unavoidable tidal wave of smut, both hetero and homo in nature, pertaining to the Final Fantasy franchise. Tifa, in particular, is a contrived object of sexual perversion for much of the fandom. If you're not aware of this, then damn. I envy you quite a bit.


The fandom is a host of plenty of explicit fanfiction. Many of it is slash fiction. Even more of it is unnecessarily risqué and about as far off from canon interpretation as possible. Cloud might as well be the gayest and most promiscuous character in all of Final Fantasy if the fans are anything to go by.


The art also, beyond often being pornographic, is prone to themes including obscure crossovers, tentacles, genderswapping, occasional male pregnancy, rape, overt sexualization, total misinterpretation of the characters and general unforgiving shittiness.


That's just the beginning. I can go further on. No fandom is without error, all fandoms suck when you really look deep.

  • Brohoof 4

keep it real .

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All state my case in the most simplest (and lazyness on my part) forms


example one: Every fandom has these kinds of people, the kinds of people that just want everyone to be the same as them

example two: Whatever floats your boat, I honestly don't think clopping is that big of a deal

example three: So what? Some people like humanized ponies, I find it kinda cool

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:| So I see someone played the whole "cloppers are bad" card.


Shiggidy diggidy.

Going by that logic, then you should hate everyone else for every fetish they have, even if they keep to themselves. =/ Oh well.

Oh, and protip: there are actually a lot of cloppers here. Like, people who donate their time and money to this site people. Calling them sickos, for something that is actually pretty "natural", will not go down well. Clopping is a touchy subjective in itself around these parts. I just prefer to not bring it up at all, and keep to myself about how I feel on it.

But hey, nothing's stopping you from doing what you want.

Example 3: Fan art. Now don't get ahead of me, the casual fan art is cool, but the ones that make human versions of the mane 6. And again, this example was something someone else I've spoken to brought up.

Some humanization can be really casual. Wait... I don't understand the term casual in a sense of art. There are different styles of art, but how can art be fit into a category such as "casual"? Art's art, no matter what it portrays.

EDIT: Just saw what you said :blush: Nice to see that your opinions changed on the subjects a bit.

Edited by Djenty's Ghost


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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1: they are gust a small # of idiots. Ignore them

2: Rule 34 for final fantasy exists. I've seen it. (and I wish I hadn't) so don't act like Ponies are the only thing that get's pr0nified.

3: How is i a bad thing that there are people who find a creative outlet in drawing pony art? this one actually makes me angry because the comunity made art is one of the BEST things about this Fandom, right next to the music and animation.


edit: oh, nevermind <hides>

Edited by Page Turner

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Others have already made good points.


Example 2: Cloppers. The sickos that get off to animated ponies. Nuff said



Getting off to sapient beings (or getting in relationship with them through a portal into their universe) who are just as smart can think like Humans is fine and is not bestiality it's Xenophilia which is OK. Just not underage, then that's wrong.


Also see my post I made about this issue in another thread.


Edit: AppleJackle's awesome post check it out.


Allow me to share my controversial views on this, even if you are attracted (I personally am not attracted to them.) to adult MLP Ponies, it wouldn't be bestiality (it be Xenophily, which is OK.), since they aren't the same as animal Ponies of our world. For I believe as long as both species are sapient minded (Like MLP Ponies who have a society, culture, laws and infrastructure and whatever just like us Humans), doesn't matter how different they look and if they can give consent and consciously know what they are doing, it's OK to have romantic feelings.


Also in a Futurama fan fiction I addressed the issues between a Human and a fully sapient alien relationship: Green Love.


And I'd also like to point out if we ever met sapient aliens from another world and some of us start having romantic relationships with them. Those of us who have the nerve to call them mere animals, would be racist to aliens. Since, who is really the animals, since let's say these aliens have had an intergalactic civilization far longer than us.


Sure in the Mass Effect game I dated an alien.


Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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1 - I agree on this, but they're most likely trolls.


2 - I partly agree. While I don't agree with cloppers' interests, I'll still respect them.


3 - Same as number two, I don' really like crossover art, but I'm not going to hate on them.


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Example 1... Youtube bronies are just terrible, in my opinion they shouldn't be counted as bronies... (not saying we should think any less of them) But they aren't ruining the fandom...

Example 2... NO! Why do people see of it as a big deal to clop, honestly it's what they want to do and no one should tell them different. It's a little thing called tolerating the person for what he/she does.

Example 3... People draw humanized ponies... So what? It's not ruining the fandom, I honestly don't think anyone is ruining the fandom from within the fandom. (Like I said Youtube bronies...) It makes more sense to say that an outside source such as the media or trolls are ruining the fandom.


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Alright one last time, I've put my ignorance aside and really come to appreciate the fan art because of the creativity, and the cloppers, well it's their business to do that not mine and who am I to judge them?

  • Brohoof 1
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Alright one last time, I've put my ignorance aside and really come to appreciate the fan art because of the creativity, and the cloppers, well it's their business to do that not mine and who am I to judge them?


I think you should edit your first post, as I think a lot of folks will read that and just reply.


For the record, I respect that you admitted your mistake. Takes guts tae do that.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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Whenever I see something like this, it always gets me annoyed, because it is the things like these that destroy the fandom. The way that some bronies cling on every good thing to try and hide the so called 'bad parts of the fandom' like Cupcakes and clop. I hate it, because when people act like that, and get pissed at someone within their fanbase (which was founded on love and tolerance, may I remind you) just because of a choice they make, it gives our fandom a bad name, and I've spoken to some cloppers who actually have got really upset about it.

Okay, FUCKING stop right there.


Everybody on the forums knows me well 'nough to know that I'm pretty much one of the nicest people here, and I am a clopper, some bronies may not know that, but look 'bud, the close minded fans like you are also ruining the fandom, like it or not. I know many many cloppers here, that doesn't make them fucking sickos, they just have different interests....


You know what? Fuck it, I clop too. I don't so much anymore but hey, I have, and do you know what OP, they're just normal people, like me and you. What makes us so different? Nothing. We are just normal people. I'm pretty sure everyone has some weird fetish (I would name mine, but that would be too far, even for me) that they have, so what makes people who clop so different? Nothing. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? If someone wants to do something, they can. Why does it have to get people to get so butthurt over it?



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There is no point in whining about porn. Using existence of porn of fandom as a proof of the fandom being evil would lead us to assume that :

People who like Shrek are evil.

People who like Harry Potter are evil.

People who like Mowgli are evil.

People who like Simpsons are evil...

and the list goes on.


If someone knows enough about the Net, they won't consider porn a mark of bad fandom.

And if they want to find an excuse to laugh at the fandom, they will use the porn.

A wise proverb says ,,He who wants to beat a dog always finds a staff."


Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!
Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !
Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.
-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<--

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Laughing myself out of my chair at how defensive the self proclaimed "cloppers" are getting in this thread. Seriously people, you preach tolerance and then yell at the guy for calling them sick


Do whatever convinces you that you're in the right though, who am I to stop anyone


Anyway, I agree with you. The support of this fanbase is built on rather shaky ground. I imagine it to fade like any other fad soon enough, although I think it could have made a better impact if the average fan wasn't rooted in political correctness and left wing propaganda

  • Brohoof 2
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no its not doomed and the youtube bronies who actually post content are good and don't judge cloppers theyre just lonely and need something to do its an addiction i heard that once you get into the stuff you cant get out unfortunately for them

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Why are there so many of these threads? People keep saying "oh its gonna die the fandom is doomed" something is only doomed if everyone stops liking it, and just because something falls from popularity doesn't mean everyone will drop it like a stone

even if they all did and you were the only one, why would that ruin a TV show for you?

  • Brohoof 1

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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I'm not going to lie. There are Bronies that do this. But let me explain something to you.


Every fandom does all three of these. Every one of them. Final Fantasy is no exception.


Now let me put this in perspective, I am a die hard fan of the Final Fantasy video game franchise and I will buy anything on this earth that has that name on it. Now in all my time being a fan, I've never seen any of the 3 examples I just put. I am aware that I'm making this thread to long and I'll end it here, because even though this is more of a defense of my fellow bronies than an attack on them, I just need to get this out there.


Where Example 1 happens in the FF fandom: All you have to do is watch Spoony's review of FFVIII, and look at the comments to see people that do this very thing, trying to convert people that hate FFVIII into people that love it. And whenever he makes a good point (like his argument about the Gunblade being a lame weapon; and it is), the fans immediately start attacking him without even attempting to rebut his argument. First off, what did they expect? It's Spoony. Of course he doesn't like FFVIII or FFX. Everybody that has the Internet knows this. Secondly, if they're complaining about what he says on multiple videos, then it's clearly because they're lurking youtube or the net to look for them.


And it's not just Spoony. I've seen this happen alot of times, like whenever people make a top 10 saddest video game moments, and Aeris' death isn't on it. Fanboys always whine about that.



Where Example 2 happens in the FF Fandom: And I can't believe I even have to bring this up. Once again, just go to youtube and watch some of the reviews that talk about the hottest video game characters. You'll see Tifa and Yuna on most of them. If I go any further into what they say about the characters, I'll get into NSFW territory. But trust me, it happens all the time.



Where Example 3 happens in the FF Fandom: If you honestly think human versions of ponies are bad, you should take a whiff of some of the FF fanart that's out there. Do I really have to explain how bad some of the NSFW Tifa and Yuna pics I've seen are? And you don't even wanna KNOW what some of the Selphie and Quistis pics are like. And I'm not even attempting to find those pics. Usually I'm looking up walkthroughs or reviews of the games just for fun to see what people say about them. But I almost ALWAYS see at least one of those kinds of pics in the process. It's not only disturbing, but it's borderline annoying.



FiM on the other hand does have things like that. But in all honesty, I've never seen it get too out of hand, and usually they don't come up unless you're specifically looking for it. I mean, I've never typed this site's name in the search engine and been taken to porn.


And in all honesty, if the FF fanbase is still going pretty strong even with all their NSFW content, then I really doubt it would do anything to the Bronies to have people that pull that.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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