Motion Spark 7,807 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 (edited) So I always wondered, who of the mane6 has more money, or a stable money income to live confortable with. There are many "evidences" in the show that portraits how good or how bad they do monetarelly. Twilight Sparkle: She doesn't seem to have a job, she's just look like a "college" student to me. However, her family seems to have a lot of money. She's from Canterlot, so that's a heavy factor from scratch. She is enlisted in one (if not the most) important schools in all Equestria, where the teacher is her majesty Princess Celestia. I bet that school is pretty expensive, and her brother Shining armor, married an Alicorn Princess (that's something, I bet Cadence wouldn't be allowed to marry Dr. Whooves right? ) and he has a really important job at the Canterlot Castle. Rarity: At first she looks like she could be the richest of the 6, because she has a lot of sparkly items and shiny jewelry, but she's those for free when she goes for gems hunting. She runs a boutique, but her clientelle doesn't seem to be too big, perhaps her prices are above the average for the citizens of Ponyville? ...but she had pretty important clients, like Shappire Shoes, or Hoity Toity. I think she should sell the gems instead, she would make more money that way XD Applejack: She and her familly runs an Apple Farm, she should be stinky rich, because no one in all Ponyville owns an apple farm (I'm pretty sure the other ponies who sell apples had an agreement with Applejack and her family to be apple to sell their apples). However in most episodes you'll see her with economical problems, specially in "The last roundup" when she didn't had any money to fix the town, when she runs a huge Apple farm. Also, she sells her apples in cheap stands, I'm sure she has enough money to put a store or something and hire people. Rainbow Dash: I know so little about her, she's a weather controller, OK. But I wouldn't know about how good she is financially if I haven't seen her awesome room. I think she has the best room of the mane6 and she also looks like she did it without any help (financially of course). She also looks like she is well known in Cloudsdale so, that's a plus too. Pinkie Pie: She has a job as a baker, I bet that's not much profitable, but something that gets my attention is how much she spent on cider in "The super speedy cider squeezy 6000", she had a lot of bits and she didn't regret spending them on cider. She also had an incredible amount of party themed items, that looks expensive as well, and I doubt she made them herself, like her party canon, her party wheel and such. Fluttershy: In my opinion, I think she has the lowest income, I think she takes care of other ponies pets, for some bits, and I highly think that she gets financial help by the town hall. She didn't even had enough bits to buy a cherry for 15 bits, haha!! well that's too expensive, I wouldn't buy that cherry either. well, these are my thoughts on the matter, how are yours? let's discuss this Edited September 9, 2012 by Motion Spark 3 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 Obviously Rarity. She sells dresses all over. Close second is Rainbow, she is the weather manager of ALL OF PONYVILLE. She is in charge of the weather in a major town. You think that pays little? Rarity has tons of gems that she uses on dresses to earn bucks, made dresses for Sapphire Shores, Hoity Troty, etc. And she sold a lot in Canterlot. She easily is the richest. 7 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyEcho 1,610 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 well i think the most wealthy one would be Twilight because she was raised in canterlot and had a Alicorn as a folesitter (note this was before her meeting with Celestial because in her flash back she didn't have her cutie mark, but that all family money maybe. i think Rarity has earned the most income on her own by starting a business from nothing and now fills in orders for some of the most famous ponies i.e. Saphire shore and is now even more well know thanks to Fancy Pants however she does spend a alful lot of money on pedicures. i would have said applejack but i think what money they earn is family money and quickly goes else were Raimbowdash, well she could have easily made her house out of clouds and sculpted it that way. Fluttershy i'm not sure about she live in a cottage out side of ponyville and i not sure what her job rely is and part form her bird orchestra. and Pinkie Pie blow all her money on parties my DA check my stuff out the Anime Club plz join us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 (edited) Rarity may make a large sum off her dresses, but not only do her sales sometimes seem far and in-between considering she's working out of an area that doesn't usually care about her wares, but she just seems to me like the kind to randomly splurge on expensive and frivolous purchases. Not to mention that gemstones seem to be pretty much worthless in Equestria considering how common they so she can't use those to make a profit unless incorporated into her design.Twilight and Rainbow are a big unknown there so nothing more I can say on them, though I will agree that Fluttershy seems like the one to make the lowest income considering she seems to run a free animal care facility out of her house, while Ponyville does in fact still have a vet. All AJ's money goes to the farm and even then they sometimes seem to just get by. Which just leaves Pinkie, who to me seems like the pony with the most control of her finances. First off, she works for room and board at Sugarcube Corner so there's one expense taken care of. Second, while Pinkie went out and spent a huge wad of money come cider season, she more than likely spent weeks saving up in preparation. Third, Pinkie may not be a persuasive as Rarity sometimes, but she still has a firm handle on how to barter. Add in the fact that she is close friends with just about everyone in Ponyville and I wouldn't be surprised if she manages to get her party supplies at a discount. Lastly, Pinkie throws parties so often that she simply would need to buy her supplies in bulk, which in the long run is often cheaper and saves money. This is all just wild speculation mind you, but this is how I see it. Pinkie Pie: Possibly the most financially savvy and efficient of the Mane 6. Edited September 8, 2012 by PoisonClaw 2 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 Rarity, obviously. Dash is an unknown since yes, she is a major weather pony leader, but we don't have anything to compare her to say, Rarity, since Dash isn't materialistic in the least. We never ever see her buying things asides from that little set of prank supplies with Pinkie in 'Griffon the Brush Off'. So even if she is wealthier than most of the others, she certainly doesn't show it. Applejack always seems half-broke for money it seems like, always talking about this that and the other thing that needs replacing on the farm. Though it might just be that all the major funds for the farm are spent on other things, and it's these leftover extras that simply never get tended to. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 8, 2012 Author Share September 8, 2012 Obviously Rarity. She sells dresses all over. Close second is Rainbow, she is the weather manager of ALL OF PONYVILLE. She is in charge of the weather in a major town. You think that pays little? Rarity has tons of gems that she uses on dresses to earn bucks, made dresses for Sapphire Shores, Hoity Troty, etc. And she sold a lot in Canterlot. She easily is the richest. Rainbow Dash controls all the weather in Ponyville, and Applejack owns all the apples in Ponyville, then why would you think that Rainbow Dash could have more money than Applejack and not the other way around? 1 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
мσℓт 40 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 I think Rainbow Dash is because remember the episode with Gilda? Rainbow Dash had like the biggest house I have ever seen before. I wouldn't even call it a house. More like a mansion. So her parents must be like so rich. And if her parents are rich she'll be rich too. 2 The peaceful side that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna creates and the fun side of disorder caused by Discord. Have some fun in your life and be like Discord or you'll just be bored all the time. ~Molt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Proctra Music 335 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 Rarity. She makes loads off of her botique undeniably and does out of them all has the most lavish of lifestyles. Jewel coated dresses aren't free... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 8, 2012 Author Share September 8, 2012 everyone says Rarity, and I would think the same if her store wasn't empty most of the time, I rarelly see clients in Carrousel Boutique 1 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 (edited) Why don't you make this a poll? Motion, the reason Rarity has no customers is mainly because if customers came in in the episodes it would be boring. In-between episodes is when she has her customers. And if her store is empty most of the time, then she must of sold clothing or else clothing would already be there. And i'm not even sure Twilight is THAT rich. She's the student of Princess Celestia, sure, but that's her paying job? She's a librarian but she doesn't get bits off of that. Edited September 8, 2012 by Desktop Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 8, 2012 Author Share September 8, 2012 I think Rainbow Dash is because remember the episode with Gilda? Rainbow Dash had like the biggest house I have ever seen before. I wouldn't even call it a house. More like a mansion. So her parents must be like so rich. And if her parents are rich she'll be rich too. ummmm Rainbow Dash house looks pretty cool, but is not as big as a mansion, I'm pretty sure Carousell Boutique and the library are bigger than Raibow Dash house My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
мσℓт 40 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 ummmm Rainbow Dash house looks pretty cool, but is not as big as a mansion, I'm pretty sure Carousell Boutique and the library are bigger than Raibow Dash house Kinda looks like a mansion to me. Just might be me though. I'd like to see the stuff in her house though. There might be some awesome stuff in there. 1 The peaceful side that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna creates and the fun side of disorder caused by Discord. Have some fun in your life and be like Discord or you'll just be bored all the time. ~Molt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 8, 2012 Author Share September 8, 2012 Why don't you make this a poll? Motion, the reason Rarity has no customers is mainly because if customers came in in the episodes it would be boring. In-between episodes is when she has her customers. And if her store is empty most of the time, then she must of sold clothing or else clothing would already be there. And i'm not even sure Twilight is THAT rich. She's the student of Princess Celestia, sure, but that's her paying job? She's a librarian but she doesn't get bits off of that. the poll idea is awesome, but I'm dumb so I don't have any idea how to edit this to add a poll...and if we talk about Twilight alone, yes! she wouldn't a any bit, but we are talking about Twilight's family, they pay for her education, and they live in Canterlot, so Twilight family should have a lot of money 1 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nah 3,182 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 I'd say Rarity, not from a Canterlot wealthy equivalent in Ponyville, but more of upper middle class, after all, we don't see her parents working, probably retired? My second choice would be Twilight, it seems the Unicorns have a slightly larger chance of being wealthy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethan Pow 332 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 Make it a poll, I think this will be solved in number counting... myself anyway, would believe rarity is the 3rd richest, rainbow dash the 2nd and Twilight the 1st... Twilight has royal connections and is in a way considered a royal herself. I believe her bank account would be loaded... in my opinion anyway. 2 I Run and Operate Alicornradio Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 8, 2012 Author Share September 8, 2012 Rarity may make a large sum off her dresses, but not only do her sales sometimes seem far and in-between considering she's working out of an area that doesn't usually care about her wares, but she just seems to me like the kind to randomly splurge on expensive and frivolous purchases. Not to mention that gemstones seem to be pretty much worthless in Equestria considering how common they so she can't use those to make a profit unless incorporated into her design.Twilight and Rainbow are a big unknown there so nothing more I can say on them, though I will agree that Fluttershy seems like the one to make the lowest income considering she seems to run a free animal care facility out of her house, while Ponyville does in fact still have a vet. All AJ's money goes to the farm and even then they sometimes seem to just get by. Which just leaves Pinkie, who to me seems like the pony with the most control of her finances. First off, she works for room and board at Sugarcube Corner so there's one expense taken care of. Second, while Pinkie went out and spent a huge wad of money come cider season, she more than likely spent weeks saving up in preparation. Third, Pinkie may not be a persuasive as Rarity sometimes, but she still has a firm handle on how to barter. Add in the fact that she is close friends with just about everyone in Ponyville and I wouldn't be surprised if she manages to get her party supplies at a discount. Lastly, Pinkie throws parties so often that she simply would need to buy her supplies in bulk, which in the long run is often cheaper and saves money. This is all just wild speculation mind you, but this is how I see it. Pinkie Pie: Possibly the most financially savvy and efficient of the Mane 6. The way you analized everything blew my mind away!! it's so detailed and realistic that it's easy to believe, so that may be true! wow My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marceline 187 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 I too, must say Rarity. I understand that, on the show, we don't see many customers - but that doesn't mean that she doesn't get very many. We don't see Twilight read all the books that we know that she's read; just because we didn't see her read them, are we going to dismiss her claims? Of course not. We don't constantly see Applejack bucking apples, but we know she's done quite a bit, and that she's very strong. Not only that, but it seems she struggles just a bit for money, but only when it comes to needing extra money for repairs. Rainbow Dash's home is made of clouds, so she probably put it all together herself, and runs it on her own, being a weather-controlling pony and all. I'm assuming she gets paid for her job - helping to control the weather. Fluttershy probably gets the majority of her resources from the nature around her, which probably isn't too difficult with her animal friends to help; and then she gets extra bits from people who come to see her when they need a vet. Twilight's probably being provided for by the princess, since she's the one who sent Twilight there. And we all know that the apple family are farmers, and that they sell their crops. So, that's pretty well sorted out there. Now, Rarity does find all her own gems, and mainly uses them to decorate her wares; but who's to say she doesn't take up a hoof-full and sell them when she needs to? For extra fabric, perhaps. I'm certain the gems on clothes would sell for even more than the gems alone, anyhow. So, I'm guessing that for the mostpart, the ponies are all rather equal financially, but I would assume that Rarity makes a bit more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 I am also going with Rarity on this one. To what it looks like, Rarity most of her clients are from Canterlot and probably pay a lot of money to get some of her dresses. Twilight probably makes no money and is just paid by the Princess. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 Rarity or Applejack... They both have profitable jobs, that should bring in the moneys. So I'll go with both Rarity and Applejack. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 9, 2012 Author Share September 9, 2012 oh >_< too many good answers, I really wanted to do a poll about this, is there a way I can edit this thread to convert into a poll? who can help me with this? My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MVC NVMXD JVRXD 2,406 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 Rarity or Applejack... They both have profitable jobs, that should bring in the moneys. So I'll go with both Rarity and Applejack.Well guys, it's kind of a misconception that farming = money Unless you have a big monopoly on the business, and you control a lot of the distrubition, it really isn't that money bringing. (Oh no, I'm bringing real life stuff into MLP. D=) Plus, the Apples have a pretty big family to provide for. Meh.I always like to think of Rarity to be a big socialite rich girl. She sells dresses to well known ponies, and her dresses are pretty "sough after", in some senses. Just seems like it would fit. 1 I HAD TO FALL TO LOSE IT ALL BUT IN THE END IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER /WRISTS On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said: you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 Well guys, it's kind of a misconception that farming = money Unless you have a big monopoly on the business, and you control a lot of the distrubition, it really isn't that money bringing. (Oh no, I'm bringing real life stuff into MLP. D=) Plus, the Apples have a pretty big family to provide for. Meh. Well the thing is the Apple family we saw in the season 1 opening was everyone in the whole Apple family, as Applejack said "family reunion", so in reality they only have to provide for 4 people... Which I guess would be counted as a lot in Equestria. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 oh >_< too many good answers, I really wanted to do a poll about this, is there a way I can edit this thread to convert into a poll? who can help me with this? All you have to do is go to full editor and then just click on the poll part to the right and then you should be able to make it into a poll. Also just put names down to make it easy. 1 Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 September 9, 2012 Author Share September 9, 2012 All you have to do is go to full editor and then just click on the poll part to the right and then you should be able to make it into a poll. Also just put names down to make it easy. oh!! thank you so much!!! ...I have a bit of time on this forums and I don't know how to do some simple things XD now guys....THE POLL IS OPEN! choose your richest pony of the mane6!!! My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SBaby 660 September 9, 2012 Share September 9, 2012 (edited) For awhile, I was going to go with Rarity or Applejack. But then I realized that Rarity probably spends alot of her income buying materials for her shop and she probably sends some money to her parents regularly. Applejack likely has a similar situation, minus sending money to her folks (or maybe she does). But upkeep of an entire farm is expensive. So I really had to think about this one for awhile. Pinkie Pie doesn't technically own the shop she works at, so she probably gets paid minimum wage, or close to it (she's probably gotten a raise or two over the course of the series). I imagine Rainbow Dash probably gets money working at Cloudsdale, but I couldn't see her making alot of money per hour. Not to mention the fact that she would probably need to pay mortgage on her house. So it probably comes down to Twilight Sparkle or Fluttershy. There's no real way to tell what Fluttershy does, or if Twilight Sparkle has a job outside of what Princess Celestia commissioned her to do. But Twilight's parents are probably loaded, being able to send their daughter to a prestigious school in Canterlot (Canterlot ain't exactly Skid Row). Granted, she likely woudn't have gotten accepted if Princess Celestia hadn't intervened. But thinking logically, I don't foresee the issue being money there. Not to mention the fact that she lives in the library, which Princess Celestia is letting her 'borrow' while she's in Ponyville. And she probably doesn't pay any kind of rent or mortgage, since it's technically a public building. So in the end, I'd surmise that Twilight is probably the most well off, financially. Edited September 11, 2012 by SBaby A Winner Is You!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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